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/lit/ - Literature

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4855546 No.4855546 [Reply] [Original]

Political books

What are the essential readings for politics /lit/

I've only read stuff from Marx ,the French revolution and skimmed the ideas of Machiavelli

Ive yet to get to Hobbes but id like more submissions

And is Das Kapital worth reading?

>> No.4855589


here you fucking pleb

>> No.4855590


The Origins of Political Order, Fukuyama
Revolt Against The Modern World, Evola
The Republic, Plato
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, Engels
The Conditions of the Working Class in England, Engels
Reflections on the Revolution in France, Burke
The Decline of the West, Spengler
One-Dimensional Man, Marcuse
The Open Society and Its Enemies, Popper

>> No.4855637

your list is fucking awful and i say this as literally a nazi

>> No.4855641

Plato, Republic

>> No.4855654
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I am currently reading this. Someone shoot me.

>> No.4855679

I had to read Leviathan for my ethics class this quarter. Fuck Hobbes man.

>> No.4855690

>implying he wasn't based apart from his views on religion
Those Kingdom of Darkness chapters were lunatic.

>> No.4855696


I just can't fucking stand how he wrote or talked. The entire 1400-1600 era of English writing makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.4855701

state of nature degenerate detected

>> No.4855702

>no Augustine
I do hope this is a short version since it's the open one.

For polsci in the 22century maybe.

>> No.4855709


The entire idea of a social contract is retarded to me. Do I have certain obligations to civilization, family, etc? Yes. But it's not that black and white.

>> No.4855716

Damn you really blew the lid off that one.

>> No.4855721


Nigga it's 4:30 AM. Do you want an essay on why I think the social contract, Hobbes, and Rosseau are all retarded?

And fuck Kant too.

>> No.4855725


My basic political book list:

The Prince
The Wealth of Nations
The Republic
The Social Contract
Aristotle's Politics
Two Treatises of Government
Anarchy, State, and Utopia

>> No.4855731
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>> No.4855737

This list is bad

>> No.4855743

As a non-anglo I beg to differ. Old English is hillarious.

>> No.4855772

>1400-1600 era
>old english


>> No.4856293
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Marx is not essential
try this list

>> No.4858771
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hey OP i teach political theory at an ivy league, and the order/nature of our the two intro courses goes roughly as follows:

Thucydides--peloponnesian war
Plato--the republic, the statesman, phaedrus, apology, crito, protogoras
Xenophon--the education of cyrus
Aristotle--Nicomachean ethics, the politics, the constitution of athens
Aquinas--political writings
Augustine--confessions, political writings, selections from city of God
Guicciardini--dialogue on the government of florence
Machiavelli--the prince, the discourses, florentine histories, letters
Hobbes--leviathan, man and citizen, behemoth
Locke--second treatise of government, an essay concerning human understanding, a letter concerning toleration
Montesquieu--selections from the spirit of the laws, the Persian letters, the greatness of the romans and their decline
Rousseau--discourse on inequality, the social contract, selections from confessions, selections from emile, the government of poland
Burke--reflections on the revolution in france, selections from letters on a regicide peace
de Maistre--considerations on france
Sieyès--political writings
Paine--rights of man, common sense
Wollstonecraft--vindication of the rights of women
Mill--on liberty, utilitarianism
Tocqueville--selections from democracy in america
Marx--on the jewish question, selections from the german ideology, selections from the 18th brumaire, selections from the economic/philosophical manuscripts of 1844, the communist manifesto, selections from capital, preface to a critique
Nietzsche--selections from untimely meditations (against david strauss), selections from the genealogy of morals, selections from beyond good and evil, selections from the gay science, selections from the will to power

and we end the intro courses with Nietzsche--i would be happy to provide a reading list from Nietzsche-on if you are also interested, but here is a fairly stable, more or less chronologically accurate guide.

let me know if you ever actually want to talk about this stuff--i've always wondered what it would be like to officiate over a /lit political theory lecture...

>> No.4858783


and, my god, this is horribly incorrect: marx is absolutely essential. to pretend otherwise is to invite a massive a gaping hole into your understanding of politics/philosophy viz. the 19th century and beyond

>> No.4859021


Hello, can you recommend me books along the lines of Joseph de Maistre and Traditionalism:

Also what is your personal political ideology?

>> No.4859024

>confessions of a mask

>> No.4859052

>classifying Demons, The Secret Agent, The Bostonians, or The Magic Mountain as right-wing

just because they were criticizing a particular system that was either ascendant or in vogue at the time doesn't mean they want to join your stupid little club

>> No.4859071


>Marx is not essential

We know you're right wing, but that doesn't give you an excuse to be retarded.

>> No.4859104

Essential right-wing authors:

>Walter Williams
>Adam Smith
>Milton Friedman
>Thomas Sowell
>John Locke