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/lit/ - Literature

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4854571 No.4854571 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you want to die /lit/?
for me it's the inscrutable. Not ideas that can't be known: whether or not god exists; but things so outside my experience that i will never understand them. An example being how people can do something as meaningless as to paint, when i don't believe i've ever been moved by a painting or a drawing.
>Why do they get to feel things i can't. I'm moved by music but why not paintings and drawings and sculptures?
>How can they do something as time burning and masturbatory as producing art that not so much arouses thoughts as it does feelings.
>why are ideas more important to me than emotions, but they are equal to others.

pic related, that scene's the only time i've seen a visual depiction of the feeling of despair.

as the title says:
Post what spurs suicidal despair for you and recommend reads to others based on their post.

>> No.4854631

didn't expect /lit/ to be this pleased with life

>> No.4854632

Read "An Island Among Islands" by Cormorant.

>> No.4854640

i can't find it anywhere googling

sure you got the name right Anon?

>> No.4854644
File: 32 KB, 627x558, occhiali-da-sole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing makes me feel as bad as seeing others living and enjoying life.

Especially friends and especially if it's something sexual. Seeing any pretty girls makes me want to go to sleep in the ocean

>> No.4854646

Love can be a potent poison under certain circumstances.

>> No.4854680

And most people are liars, anon; but clinging on to a desire to belong. That's where the whole ecstacy culture comes from after all: a need for something in the minds that does not currently reside there. Ecstacy is the drug of love, they say; but it's just another chemical, something new rejoiced over for a time.

>> No.4854699

Love will always be something superficial: one might fall in love with a face, a voice, mannerisms; but it takes some work, too, and so is born the need for taboo; and worse, hate most and it will spread to those closest to you.

>> No.4854709

Knowing I'm stuck with the desire to do something, and the knowledge that no matter what I do it'll be all the same...that's what makes me want to kill myself.

Knowing that nobody will know me, truly, and if they do-they'll have to kill me or imprison me.

Knowing that love is ephemeral, like sunlight. Even though they say they love you, they'll forget it all by the time they're in their car, going to the mall, going home with their tv and iphone.

Knowing I'll have to live some more. Doing things I don't want to the majority of the time. Smiling when I don't want to the majority of the time. Because it's easier to go and smile with the flow.

>> No.4854710

And so some suicides are beautiful in spirit --or, they appeal to that selfish need to belong, give some hope to the miserable.

>> No.4854712

I don't have a child

>> No.4854720

you just sound incredibly dull and middle class

>ugh why aren't i moved by the same things as others i want to diiiiiiieeeeee

chin up you pathetic piece of shit.

>> No.4854731

Embarrassment, shame, regret.

>> No.4854741

So, do you want book recs for making you feel better, or for inducing the feeling of misery?

Also, dude, talk to a therapist. Or a family member or friend or something- 4chan isn't always the best place to go for counseling.

>> No.4854752

>middle class
Go back to tumblr social justice butterfly

>> No.4854759

Belonging can become more than living --that's the most beautiful thing I know.

>> No.4854773
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>>Why do they get to feel things i can't

Different brain wiring.

>Post what spurs suicidal despair for you

Working 9-5

>> No.4854783

what's your job?
What does that mean?

>> No.4854787

There's a love that lasts a lifetime

>> No.4854788
File: 13 KB, 385x380, 1393379868890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>brain wiring

>> No.4854789

>what's your job?

The job doesn't matter. The job is fine.
Working needs to be overcome.

>> No.4854791

It means this:

>> No.4854794

Sometimes it's great to just be a part of the flock!

baah. baaah.

>> No.4854798
File: 236 KB, 708x1024, ljZdzislawBeksinski031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>ghost wiring

>> No.4854812

Not really --or not as separate from the incredibly superficial anyway. And so the bible is almost justified in feeding its sweet lies of eternal love, in rewriting superficiality; but it might take from something greater: belonging, home.

>> No.4854814

Man, I'm a faggot, lol

>> No.4854818
File: 152 KB, 385x520, Eduard_von_Grützner_Falstaff_mit_Handschuhen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Knowing I'm stuck with the desire to do something.. Doing things I don't want to the majority of the time

go read the short story The Freeloader, by Nescio.

>> No.4854821
File: 52 KB, 500x359, tumblr_mzwc6p6eqo1syf2f2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


painting reminds me of this photo of ww2 remains today

>> No.4854822

Let's listen to some Royal Concept, because they make me happy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkYgQBuXhes

>> No.4854836

What about those who say they have loved something or someone all their life? Are they lying to themselves, or to others, or are they using a different definition of love?

>> No.4854849

>What about those who say they have loved something or someone all their life?

That person will change over time, will leave them eventually and die.

Real love is transient by necessity

>> No.4854857

It's little more than drug addiction, and very liable to corrosion ---but it's possible, of course, that that addiction will last a lifetime; but it takes a tremendous amount of work. I mean, what you're doing on a chemical level is programming in an injection of dopamine or whatever to go with the realisation of another's face, voice, mannerisms, etc. --again, this is where the whole taboo thing came from. A boy does the same in his growing up to fancy girls, but the structuring which he programs in that are that fancy will apply to relatives too; there's pretty much no barring against that; and then it takes a lot of work to keep negatives from applying across the board too.

>> No.4854868

It's madness, really, and we have pretty lies built around it, appealing to little children with their eyes tightly shut.

>> No.4854870

Love, initially, is but self-pity, a want to belong in this world.

>> No.4854873


You still care about truth?

>> No.4854880

want to know something? art is about ideas. if i were you i would propose wanting to die a little harder because of the regret of making such a ignorant post.

>> No.4854881

All I have in my life now is moral imperative, to be honest; and a love the same as everyone else, only with a far greater reach. I have my brief relationships and fleeting happinesses, I guess; though they could be greater. Someday maybe I'll cut myself a break.

>> No.4854884

I'm not afraid to die anymore at least. Nor bothered too greatly by pain. I think I have more peace than most in those respects.

>> No.4854890

lol. You musn't truly believe this.

>> No.4854895

you're thinking about passionate love, but there's another kind underneath it. It's dimmer, but it's much stronger. That love can last a lifetime.

Nebulous as that may sound, that second type of love has been scientifically confirmed and has been mentioned in many places since antiquity.

What do you mean again? Also, incest taboo isn't learned. It's culturally constant.

>> No.4854898


most mediocre posts I have read on /lit/ today

0/10 I would actually prefer if you shitposted intentionally

>> No.4854904

I wont argue with you :P

>> No.4854908

I've lost an inordinate amount of loved ones in my lifetime and I'm keenly aware of what goes on inside me; I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.4854914

How's that petty selfishness bro

>> No.4854928

when I cannot feel pleasure or remember pleasure or imagine the future as pleasurable

just trapped in the present where I always was, feeling bad man

>> No.4855062

>most mediocre posts I have read on /lit/ today

Then you must not read your own posts.

>> No.4855067

Good looking out bro, less posing though lol

>> No.4855778

>makes a no true scotsman
>tells anon he should kill himself for being ignorant

>> No.4855885
File: 37 KB, 400x430, 9780007299263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this you'll probably understand the movie a lot better too.

>> No.4855894

what the fuck are you talking about. To love something is to have it in your interest thus resonating with the very core of who you are. That isn't superficial at all-- unless you aren't really talking about love but shallow admiration.