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4850987 No.4850987[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> look through bookshelf thread on /lit/
> people with lots of great books
> spines and covers 100% untouched looking, even the huge tomes

So you guys just buy the books and read the wiki synopsis eh?

>> No.4850990

you can pic out the penguin editions by the shitty spines. have you switched to oxford?

>> No.4850992

Maybe some people just take better care of their books?

>> No.4850993

no, I just take care of my books. I remove the dustjacket when reading, and I try to prevent creasing the spine if possible

>> No.4851000

penguin includes better notes and introductions

>> No.4851009


I don't pull my books open wider than they need to go and sometimes I even put them in plastic bags when traveling so they won't get frayed. I'm not a materialistic person, but when I buy a book, I'm gonna take care of it.

>> No.4851011

>all those penguins
it's like you don't even like reading

>> No.4851017

What's wrong with penguins?

>> No.4851021

not sold. i've a lot of penguins because they're cheap for classics, but if it's between the equivalent oxford and penguin editions like those i want to spend that ten quid on text that'll survive multiple readings. for the two quid editions, i couldn't care if it's wordsworth, but i don't expect them to last. the cheaper penguin editions tend to last longer also, which is just a double deterrent to buying their more expensive ones.

>> No.4851302


> if possible

A book will look a little read after a full reading if it's over say... three hundred pages. Something like Les Miserables or War and Peace can not be kept perfect and read comfortably.


Penguins are great though.

>> No.4851309

>/lit/-fags fuckin pnwd


>> No.4851343

Dude, why do you think these people post pictures of the book collections? It's not about what they read, it's about what they want you to think they read.

>> No.4851357

Yes people spend hundreds of dollars in a failed attempt to impress you specifically on an imageboard, you've cracked the case.

>> No.4851372
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>> No.4851454

Not OP, but, Penguin classics are easy to find second hand in the UK (so, *very* cheap). As such they outnumber my Oxfords maybe 5:1. Oxford generally less common, except for the very old editions (tiny hardback ones).

I'm not even sure they are worse quality. It's just the black shows creases far easier, so you notice.

>> No.4851715

Buy book, pirate ebook edition.

>> No.4851816

I have a fully read paperback edition of the Stand that looks near-untouched. The spine is a bit concave but absolutely no creasing

>> No.4851830

>So you guys just buy the books and read the wiki synopsis eh?

where did you think you are?

>> No.4851833

or just omit the first step

you're welcome

>> No.4851957

they look like shit on a shelf

>> No.4851977


just /lit/ being /lit/

>> No.4851978

I'm autistic when it comes to taking care of books. I read Lolita without once fully opening it, I think. Read the whole thing at a 90 degree angle because I didn't want to break its back.

>> No.4852007

>penguin history of the world

>> No.4852062

>Something like Les Miserables or War and Peace can not be kept perfect and read comfortably.

I call bullshit on that. I've read my copy of Moby-Dick 3 times and it looks about as good as a copy from the store that a few customers have fondled.

>> No.4852083

>I've read my copy of Moby-Dick 3 times and it looks about as good as a copy from the store that a few customers have fondled.

Speaking of bullshit.

>> No.4852084


It does. It looks fine. It's paperback and lays open fine without creasing. I never took it out with me or read next to the pool or whatever dumb kid shit you do with your books.

>> No.4852089

>It does.

Whelp, I'm convinced.

>> No.4852096


Why is it so hard to believe my book doesn't look like shit? I even read with a hand towel sometimes so I don't get natural oils from my fingers on it. I'm maybe more careful than most, but it's not impossible to read a book and not fuck it up.

>> No.4852100

not that guy but probably because you offer no evidence except "oh, yes it does"

it's dumb as fuck

>> No.4852129


I don't really need evidence cause I'm not making an argument. He says these people don't read books cause their books don't look like garbage. I'm saying that I believe they read at least some of them because my books tend not to look like garbage after I've read them. Even the big ones.

>> No.4852139

I used to be pretty careless. I was reading a book I'd read numerous times and it just fell to pieces in my hands. I try to get hardbacks whenever possible.

>> No.4852199

they can't even fucking fly. waste of a bird

>> No.4852953
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>> No.4852967

oxford spines are only marginally better. you still have to be really careful with them. norton critical is the gold standard (though owc gets the best translations on average imo)

and horrible translations usually. penguins have the most inconsistent translations

inb4 >reading translations

>> No.4852976

>caring about aesthetics when it comes to books

do u even read?

>> No.4852980

Penguins are always the giveaway. The black spines make it impossible not to show even the slightest wear.

>> No.4853038
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The worst looking are far and away Wordsworth Editions. http://www.wordsworth-editions.com/collection/classics

Makes sense they're so cheap.

>> No.4853060

I made a goodreads and track my progress through books. If anyone thinks I'm a poser I just direct them to my goodreads.

But your observation is correct OP. There's a surprisingly large number of people here who simply claim to oh-so-badly want to keep their books in perfect condition so they do their utmost not to break the spine -- this is code for, "lel i just don't read them pls dont call me out on it."

(Granted, some spines don't crack easily: Vintage books, for example. But a row of Penguin classics, whose spines crack easily as shit even on tiny books? Suck a dick dude; you're not fooling anyone.)

>> No.4853063

Oh my God.

>> No.4853076

Or we don't treate books like shit.

>> No.4853084

tfw all my paperbacks have their spines broken and their papers turning yello

>> No.4853086

I read an ebook version and then i buy the book.

>> No.4853121


I was a massive fan of them when they were using paintings from some catalog.

Luckily the only things I want from them now haven't changed covers other than from when they went from blue to black.

>> No.4853830


Half of those books still look untouched though. Penguin books don't crease much if you don't spread that shit wide, but they fray at the bottoms. My shelf is like 50/50. I've read most of them, but only really half look all creased and frayed. I take better care of some or they just happen to have worn well.

>> No.4853855

Oh I think you just exposed that part of yourself you hoped nobody would see. My heart goes out to you.

>> No.4853863

I fold the covers rather than the spines, not for aesthetics, but cause the spine is what holds the pages in. My books look better than most even read.

>> No.4853864

those look read to me op u just sound like a nasty nignog who likes to trash his books, not every destroys the fucking spine

>> No.4853865

Same here

All those poor Redwall and Narnia library books I utterly destroyed from dog-earring and spine bending as a child

>> No.4853881

True literary connoisseurs use e-readers. Those who buy books as a shelf accessory are pretenders.

>> No.4853888

What is the fun in an E-reader. Amazon or where ever you get your books, sort of guides you to what you read. Don't you like going to a used book store and walking around and find something that calls to you?

>> No.4853913

>believing that a patrician would eschew the grand tradition of books to read on his digital tablet

By patrician, did you mean millennial?

>> No.4853922

So what about people who buy books, use ereaders and also use the library?

>> No.4853940

true literary connoisseurs use a good library

>norton critical editions of everything
>if those don't exist, then everyman's
>absolutely completely free
>can get things on ereaders
>can request books and just pick them up at the desk
>no limit on how many books you can have checked out at once
>obscure shit you could never find IRL (i have women and men checked out right now)

>> No.4853950

I just don't treat my books like dogshit. the only ones with spine creases are ones that came that way from buying used.

>> No.4853955
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rape culture, mostly

>> No.4854143

ereaders are pleb as fuck

>> No.4854222

Not everyone treats books roughly I mean I hate fraying edges on my penguins so I put clear contact on them which prevents this.

>> No.4854327

are you people 40 year old men?
why the fuck do you have neatly presented book collections?

im cringing

>> No.4854337


they like it though so its ok.

>> No.4854422

Penguins are true libertines. Have you read the full Adélie penguin reports? Small groups of outsider "hooligan groups" were found beating male and female chicks (or whatever baby penguins are called) to death and having sex with the bodies, incest, just going around raping when bored, etc.

>> No.4854448

>you are now imagining Judge Holden as a penguin

>> No.4854453

edgy post bro u must b a tru carefree spirit

>> No.4856260

>organising by publisher
fucking abominable

>> No.4856635


>OP thinking his collection, with creased spines, is special
>OP not recognizing the idea of a reference library
>OP is clearly not an academic

you do realize that the collections your referring to belong to academics who read 150-200 books a year? you think "reading wiki synopsis" is equivalent to an ivy league degree that demands constant and diverse reading?

not from just another poster on /lit, but from a human being who has to share the public sphere with you: stop. we all know what you are trying to do, but it's ignorant, try-hard and unsubstantiated. you quite literally judge collections by the nature of the books' spines--failing to ask or mine the knowledge of their owner entirely. this is superficial at best, slavishly insensible at worst.

the very fact that you organize your books by publisher seems to indicate your own aesthetic, rather than merely intellectual, preference--you can't respect an equal motive in others? too embarrassed that your collection just isn't as big--that you simply aren't as well read?

>> No.4856672

/lit/ has a lot more teenagers these days. It's hard for them to understand that there are professors on here, or people in graduate programs.

The level of reading that needs to be done as an academic or PhD candidate is not the same level as what is done for most literature survey courses in undergrad. And people like OP, with only experience in the later, can't seem to imagine what it's like for the former.

>> No.4856681
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>> No.4856744

investigation time

>> No.4856793

What the buck people - do you srysly have problems with used books?
At least when we talk about novels no one should be concernded about a paperbacks condition. And to academic literature - which of course is quite expensive.
These are not read anywhere but at a Desk, furthermore they are mostly hardbacks. So of course the DO look unused

>> No.4856811
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This one's my favourite.

>> No.4856947

What I find amazing is apparently half of /lit/ can't manage to read a book without damaging it. I have some large Penguin Classics books which I have read multiple times (Including Brothers Karamazov, 1000+ pages) and none of the spines are cracked or damaged.

The only damaged books I have are second hand or have been leant to careless friends

>> No.4856986

Sometimes they go cheap on editions and you get an edition that has less glue. So when you just hold it open for long enough, the spine breaks.

>> No.4856990

Holy shit, what the fuck.

>> No.4857036
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This one is funnier

>> No.4857039

>le try-hard high-brow language
>you do realize that the collections your referring to
>collections your referring to
Nigga you just automatically invalidated your opinion. l2proofread pls

Seriously though your style is cringeworthy as fuck, like, yuforik skawlar xDDDDDD

>> No.4857040
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>> No.4857057
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>> No.4858740

That looks like gay porn. I should know since I work in an adult shop.

>> No.4858750

no way that is fucking real

wordsworth must be rolling in his grave

>> No.4860014
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Funny thing is, while their covers with people on them are atrocious, i actually find some of the covers featuring art to be really neat.
>pic related, two versions of "The Idiot", thankfully i have the one on the left

>> No.4860036

They used to have tons of books with paintings on the cover, which was at least decent looking, but there's probably some kind of expense or royalties to pay so they had to drop it

I have a Pickwick Papers and it looks better than the Penguin classics version tbh.

>> No.4860038

I honestly have never seen the covers with photos on them.

I own several copies of ancient greek stuff though.

>> No.4860051

>look at my shelf
>a third of it is garbage
does /lit/ hide their shitty books behind their respectable ones?

>> No.4860059


>does /lit/ hide their shitty books behind their respectable ones?

they grow up and get rid of the shitty books. and we all know you only have those shitty books there still to buff up the overall size of your collection. they're just numbers to now.

>> No.4860114

Another one of these. Anyone want to see the new shoes I got too?

>> No.4860234
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A lot of shitty mangos from when I was 10, I'm probably going to donate them.

>> No.4860255


> those look read to me op

Well it is my bookshelf.


I read about ninety books a year working full time, now that I'm starting school I expect to read at least 150 and improve that anuum by focusing on getting my speed up.


Yeh I wouldn't do that if I had my full collection or anything... I might change it now, that's just how I threw it all on the shelf. I don't really own enough books to organize by content and eeeeeeh I'm too lazy to go alphabetic.


I'm pretty well read for my age and I own about 400 more books at my parents house. I think if I only count serious works of non fiction or literature I have probably read about five hundred. It isn't shit, I know, but it's better than buying books and never reading them.

>> No.4860262
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Also updated with Jesus. Go ahead, debate me ;)

>> No.4860269
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Still here, faggot?

>> No.4860274
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Hey what's everybodies problem with the Penguins? I like the translators (though oddly all of the Oxford translations I have seem to be my absolute favourite) and I think the black spine and covers look great. Vintage is sturdier, but a hell of a lot more expensive.

>> No.4860281

I have absolutely no idea. I also think the covers look great.

>> No.4860292

So why do you think you're all that different from other people who own about 700 books and have read about 500?

Also, alphabetic isn't that useful a way to organize either. You should base your organizational methods on the key areas of interest for you. Since you seem to be mostly concerned with reading the Western canon and established classics, organizing chronologically would probably be interesting and useful for you. You get to see the development of literature across the canon as you look over your bookshelves.

>> No.4860300


Yeh that's not a bad plan, when I get more books I'll give more thought to organization. Anyway 500/700 is not a horrible ratio I suppose; I personally prefer to never have more than forty books unread at any given time. I was mainly referring to people with shelves and shelves of books which show absolutely no sign of wear and seriously if The Count of Monte Cristo looks completely untouched then it is completely untouched.

>> No.4860312

I didn't post mine in the thread that spawned this one, but I've been told how "untouched" mine look weirdly often on /lit/, for having bought nearly all of them used and falling apart. And having written in the margins and keeping sticky notes and papers in half of them.

As has already been mentioned, it's not as good a practice for an academic or a professor to have that few books on the shelf unread. I read that many in a few months - I need to have more on hand to know if I'll be teaching them, more that I'll probably only use a few chapters of for papers and excerpting from. When getting read for a single class, you can go through forty books easily without finding everything you wanted to include.

>> No.4860322


How many people on lit do you think are professors? As I recall from a fairly recent and heavily participated survey, the average /lit/ poster (or at least the average of all lit posters) reads something like twenty one books a year. So really assuming they own two hundred unread books that is an entire decade of reading.

That also means the average litizen reads like 19 pages a day. If you are actually a professor and you read two hundred books in one year you are in a very small minority here - 4chan is largely made up of teenagers and twenty somethings.

>> No.4860337

I don't think it matters that we're a minority, when we're obviously the ones with the larger book collections on /lit/. And so, we're the ones targeted with "you don't really read any of those."

No one questions whether the posters with <100 books have read them or not.

>> No.4860612


I arranged my books chronologically, some fun facts I discovered...

> in this set I only have two living authors shelved, alice munro and gunter grass
>5 unique authors from BCE (counting the bible as the old testament)
>8 from pre 1500's
>5 from pre 1800's
>17 from the 1800's
>26 from the 1900's

Kinda neat, also 61 unique authors and about 110 fiction books, most of the authors I read a number of books by are in the 1800's.

>> No.4860629

>implying I don't just collect books because it makes me feel good
It's like animu figures to me, like seeing them on the shelf
Occasionally I might read it but most of the stuff I want is online

>> No.4860645


Though this is going to be annoying whenever I buy books as I'll have to shift everything down to make room.

>> No.4860686

Nice discoveries! I was also surprised at the number of living authors on mine, especially since one focus of mine is contemporary world literature. I didn't even know a few folks were dead.

Yeah, it would be more work to have a strict system in place like that than to organize aesthetically. I think it's worth it though.

>> No.4860836
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>> No.4860856

>tell me a bit about its structure, themes and character development

We're not meant to be writing stilted undergrad papers on here.

>> No.4860916

>murdering trees so you can show off your silly collections
>not owning an ereader

fucking embarrassing

>> No.4860982
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>Buying books as decoration instead of reading material

the most embarrassing thing imaginable.

>> No.4860991

>Being this guy

Fucking autismal

>> No.4861019

I own a lot of Penguins from when I first really started buying books because I thought they looked the best.