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File: 39 KB, 328x500, The_God_Delusion_UK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4848212 No.4848212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books that put you to sleep.

>> No.4848214

What did you even expect?

>> No.4848225

I thought Dawkins was a good.

>> No.4848227

You're so cool.

>> No.4848255

Why cause I feel asleep during a book?

>> No.4848272

Not OP, but I'm an atheist. This book is horrible. It's very self-congratulatory, and very full of itself, much like Dawkins. I was really excited to read it after reading Cosmos, since Reddit swore up and down about it (Note: Never take Reddit's recommendation on anything. Ever, It's all popularity and face-value based).

It was boring, contrived, and after reading 70+ pages of it, was STILL struggling to establish just what the point he was GOING TO MAKE was going to be. It should've been called "Beating Around the Bush: How to Make People Thinking You're Going Somewhere While Standing Still."

>> No.4848276


lurk more faggit.

>> No.4848283

Didn't like the book. Dawkin constructs a strawman in order to state the obvious and make money on it.

>> No.4848316


>> No.4848460

What is the strawman?

>> No.4848476
File: 23 KB, 199x300, The-Lord-Of-The-Rings-9780007149247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than nyquil and ambien combined

>> No.4848487

The Bible.

>> No.4848488


u forgot to post as butterfly, newfriend.

>> No.4848491

the dark night of the soul by st john of the cross

he wasnt kidding about the night part. i fell right to sleep.

>> No.4848505


fucking hell that book is dull

>> No.4848533

Anything by James Joyce.

Pretty much anything that labels itself as "literary fiction" really.

Oh, the plains of middle America are a symbol of your fading looks and your relationship with your husband, that's fascinating, can you please stop talking until this hits 800 pages please, thanks.

>> No.4848554
File: 131 KB, 333x509, House_on_the_Borderland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this on a plane ride after an all nighter and quite literally fell asleep 10-15 times
Still finished it before landing

>> No.4848560

>thinking anything labeled itself as literary fiction before the past ten years

>> No.4848675

>muh green text

Your favorite genre is mind numbingly boring schlock. Deal with it.

>> No.4848710

The Selfish Gene was Dawkins only actual good book and even his writing style in it is quite boring. I will admit I already read about 50% but it at least made sense. Somehow, I read all the way through the God Delusion and still came away agnostic. I remember some mathematical section pulled out of his ass adding to about a .00000001% chance of god existing. And did Dawkins ever get any degree in theology? Just curious.

>> No.4849568

all of them

>> No.4849591

No no no no

Beating around the BURNING bush: subtitle

bah dum tish

>> No.4849599


Wiki says he doesn't have a degree in theology, and apparently he doesn't feel the need to study it because he doesn't need to study "leprechaunology" either.

Fellow agnostic here.

>> No.4849603

>implying you have to study theology academically to talk about theology.

It's not rocket science. You're studying hypothetical beings, hypothesized in humanity's infancy for the sake of cultural bonding and comfort in the face of death.

These beings have varying attributes. Some are corporeal, others incorporeal. Some of the beings differ based on tradition. Some of the beings that are separate in one religion are merged in others. Some are personifications of nature, others are coidentified with the universe itself.

Some are given attribute-less attributes, such as being outside of spacetime, and immateriality.

Some are manifest in humanity, some are reincarnated.

Woooh, all without a theology degree.

>> No.4849605


God is a man in the sky with a beard who watches you masturbate.

>> No.4849617


Well he needs to study logic because he lacks it.

>fellow agnostic
Is this like a muslim brother thing?

>> No.4849622


Not really, I just place ethics and language first in my philosophy and don't like metaphysical baggage. Went to a Catholic school, it never grabbed me. Read the New Atheists, didn't like them either. (although Hitchens had a lot of style).

>> No.4849941

>Woooh, all without a theology degree.
But all you posted can be summed up as "Religions exist."

Don't pat yourself on the back.

>> No.4849945

As an atheist he's an expert at logic.

>> No.4849980

Was it just because you were extremely tired or because the book was also boring?

>> No.4849994

Okay, I giggled.

>> No.4850015
File: 1.55 MB, 1594x2506, moby-dick[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is prescription strength.