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/lit/ - Literature

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4840151 No.4840151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

And another day I spent on /lit/ instead of actually reading. What about you?

>> No.4840159

I skipped my classes, read most of a book, got a haircut and bought some drugs.

>> No.4840163

Classes on the first of may? No holiday for you?

>> No.4840172

Maybe there weren't any classes, I have no idea.

>> No.4840191

Oh well, enjoy those drugs.

>> No.4840203

what kind of haircut And what kind of drugs?

>> No.4840221

Working stiff, 9-5 m-f

>> No.4840242

I only slept for a few hours and my lady is sick so yeah I shitposted the anti-natalist thread and then I pretended to be a marxist and false-flagged /pol/ for a little while while I laid in bed being useless with her. I might finish reading Slow Learner before I got to work though idk

>> No.4840281

I read like 5 pages... In the past three days. I also didn't do my workouts because it was raining and I prefer jogging to weight training for now. Why am I such an untermensch? ;_;

>> No.4840295

aw you should take her to the vet. might be tics

>> No.4840306

>work out that if I do 4 pages worth of my engineering bachelors thesis each day for about 7/8 days then I should easily have something to hand in
>I decided on that yesterday and did 2 pages yesterday, so I decided to count yesterday's pages for today
>8 am: wake up
>8-9: stay in bed, browse 4chan on phone
>9-10.30: shower, shave, cut toe-nails
>10.30 - 3 pm: go on 4chan
>3 - 4: slightly adapt a rough page of work I did over 2 months ago, one page left for today
>4-4.20: get annoyed about how much I hate engineering and my uni and everything
>4.20 - 5:50 (now): 4chan

>> No.4840311

instead of writing.

>> No.4840319

>Woke up at about ten
>Read the news and part of a book
>Browsed the internet
>Did laundry
>Worked on LSAT prep
>Filled out bank forms

I was supposed to get drinks with my friend tonight, but he flaked. I guess I'll just read or take a walk if it ever stops raining.

>> No.4840325

>Hey guys I'm mad so don't say that stuffs xD

>> No.4840332

Went on /m/ today for the first time in my life. What a peculiar buch of nerds.

>> No.4840351

>false-flagged /pol/
I know everyone does it, but ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.4840360


>> No.4840375

I've been on /lit/ for most of the day.
Did read some few pages today though.
I have training in an hour, which may jolt me a bit, perhaps enough to read a few hundred pages tonight. I haven't read anything in ages.
I also thought about emigrating.

>> No.4840385

>I also thought about emigrating
where to?

>> No.4840391

Sweden. I am from Somalia.

>> No.4840401

Why not? It's a nice country.

>> No.4840418


Fuck off, you.


Thinking about a city in central Europe - Vienna, Budapest, Prague. Vienna is about as expensive to live in my home country, but Budapest and Bratislava are damn cheap compared to here.

>> No.4840422

Kek. I'm not that original poster and the somali sweden immigration thing is an epic maymay


>> No.4840427

OH NOES!!!!!!11 How could I fall for that, I'm sooo stupid...

>> No.4840440

Prague for the city itself, Budapest for the girls. Your choice.

>> No.4840441


>> No.4840457
File: 87 KB, 576x576, template penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's me right now XD

>> No.4840460

Its my 23rd birthday and I hAve a pretty wicked hangover that I can't justify. need to finish about 10 pages on one of my papers that's due tomorrow.

>> No.4840467

Happy Birthday!

>> No.4840489


I thought it'd be the other way around. I've met some amazing looking Czech women. Have you been to both cities?

>> No.4840506

No but Budapest is known as europes capital of pornography. All those eastern euro girls you see in porn? The work with agencies from Budapest. Btw. if you are looking for girls: Ukraine anr Russia are top.

>> No.4840508

thanks dude.

I lived in Prague for half a year and there were dime pieces as far as the eye could see. I fell in love twice everytime I left the apartment. Theyre freaks I'm bed, too. I only went to Budapest for a weekend but it seemed like a lot of fun too. What would you do for money?

>> No.4840531


Thanks for the info. However, I am just looking for somewhere new and different to live.

>> No.4840545

I visited Prague for two weeks in 1996, and ohhh....Svetlana....I miss you, kind of...picked her up in that great bookshop there after beating some guy at chess. It was like some sort of dream, how did I not appreciate it for what it was at the time?

>> No.4840549

I just got done writing and reading a chapter and fucking around on the internet is my reward.

>> No.4840550


Fuckin' nice one man! I'm currently training in journalism with some radio presentation and production.
I've worked in hotels and bars too, hopefully I can land a job and find my feet quickly.

>> No.4840577


but i am reading

im reading /lit/

>> No.4840596

Cool you shouldnt find it too hard to find a bartending job I don't think. Prague is a great city man and in such a great location for travel. Budapest is much cheaper, though.

>> No.4841351
File: 68 KB, 194x300, BELLAMY_Looking_Backward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, my day isn't done yet, it's only 2:20PM where I live. But I will retrace my day so far...

>Been taking Morphine since 5 this morning when I woke up to go to work.
>Really high now, was nodding off a lot, luckily I only had to work 4 hours to day and the work I did wasn't too draining (I'm a Network Security Administrator).
>Came home, watched some Baseball.
>Read a little bit of pic related but was nodding out too much that it took me almost an hour to finish 12 pages.
>Decided to come to /lit/ instead.

....don't know what I'll do next.

>> No.4841749

>wake up around 10 o'clock
>go downstairs, turn the internet and TV on
>watch 5 minutes of the Wright Stuff, they're talking about e-cigs
>one celebrity asks "well why don't we just ban cigarettes" to which another replies "its difficult to enforce"
>shed a tier for the fascistic future Britain is spiraling towards
>make a rolly
>drink some tea
>play minecraft until 7pm
>come on /lit/
>will be going to bed in half an hour

>> No.4841841
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>9-10.30: shower, shave, cut toe-nails

Do you cut your nails every day? I do, but I trim both my hands and feet, I cannot stand the feel of long nails. I also brush my teeth 5 times a day and use a tongue scraper upon waking and before going to bed. I wouldn't say I have OCD, I think too many people say they do when they don't, but I definitely have some unnecessary hang-ups that I can't break from at the present.

>> No.4841867

Today I learned why /lit/ has a love for prose
Thanks Dante

>> No.4841884


of course I don't cut them everyday. But I use a tongue scraper. My big thing is that I regularly crack my fingers, toes, elbows, and occasionally wrists, knees and ankles.