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File: 265 KB, 768x1000, Steinbeck Tortilla Flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4838817 No.4838817[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT books that we find deeply charming

>> No.4839697
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>> No.4839706

I, Claudius

To be honest I haven't finished it though.

>> No.4839718

The Fall
A Clockwork Orange
American Psycho

I have bad taste in people

>> No.4839734

Calvino's Our Ancestors.

>> No.4839764
File: 26 KB, 334x331, wilde_earnest_21[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me realize that stuff written before 1950 might actually be good and well written, and that I was missing out on a shitload of good books outside of my fantasy comfort zone.
Still a pleb, but I'm on my way.

>> No.4839983

On Chesil Beach

>> No.4840017

How old were you when you read "The Importance of Being Earnest"?

>> No.4840068

Ian McEwan a shit

He's everything wrong with British literature

>> No.4840137

How so?
OCB is all I've read from him.

>> No.4840207

19. I know.

>> No.4840326 [SPOILER] 
File: 36 KB, 510x680, 1398963307860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I'm a pleb

>> No.4840334

This is my favorite short Steinbeck novel, as good as Cannery Row is.

>> No.4840705
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>tfw your hot gf who liked you but was up-front about just using you for sex gave you a copy because your living situation reminded her of the guys in the book
>tfw nothing even close to that will happen to you ever again.

great book, OP

>> No.4840728

I'm 20. What's wrong with having read it at 19?

>> No.4840730
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>> No.4840741

Great taste, OP. Cannery Row is also one of my favorites.

>> No.4840744
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>> No.4840789
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That part where Starbuck tries to reason with Ahab gave me all the feels

>> No.4840828
File: 249 KB, 404x640, Moll Flanders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The adventures of a mildly terrible but always amusing person. What's not to be charmed by?

>> No.4840834

I was just curious.

>> No.4840836

>Made me realize that stuff written before 1950 might actually be good and well written, and that I was missing out on a shitload of good books outside of my fantasy comfort zone.

That's a great moment in any reader's life. For me it was Frankenstein, but Wilde is a great place to start.

>> No.4840838
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>> No.4840840

Admitting you are a pleb is the first step towards becoming a patrician.
Sorry to use memays.

>> No.4840845
File: 72 KB, 260x403, penguin dracula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

charming as fuck

>mina the ultimate fictional qt
>jonathan, seward, quincey, arthur and van helsing the ultimate fictional cool dudes
>the count the ultimate fictional host

>> No.4840860

Favorite novel of all time. You are one hundred percent correct in your character assessments.

>> No.4840863




Not charming.

The chronicles of Narnia is my pick.

>> No.4840872

thank you good friend

i just finished rereading it and it's just such a blast the whole way through

>> No.4840877

Not OP, but Cannery Row was so good it kind of spoiled other Steinbeck for me. Boy, was I in for a surprising tonal shift when I tried The Grapes of Wrath...

>> No.4840878

how can you not think moby dick is charming

my pick is great expectations btw

>> No.4840898


Every time anon calls himself a pleb for mentioning something he likes, it turns out to be actually good shit.

Shut the fuck up about the self-pity.

>> No.4840904
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>> No.4840913


>Great Expectations

Not sure I'd call it charming, more like IT RAPED MY SOUL OVER AND OVER.

>dat Mrs Havisham

Holy shit nigga... Bitch got raped and time stopped forever for her.

That novel was the shizzle my drizzle.

>> No.4840936

I thought she just got abandoned? (Though I guess in that era it amounted to social ruin either way.)

>> No.4840950

such a wonderful book, OP.

thumbs up for good taste.

Cannery Row is better though.

>> No.4840955
File: 693 KB, 339x279, Oh boy!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You need to read between the lines my friend.

Why do you think she only has one shoe on? Why do you think everything stopped for her? Dude didn't just abandon her, he forcefully penetrated her and dumped her.

Not being married isn't social ruin, but getting raped is mental ruin.

Why do you think she raised the fruit of that rape to get back at men?

>> No.4840960

Good point! What a douche.

>> No.4840970
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>> No.4841010 [SPOILER] 
File: 327 KB, 1600x743, 1398973692352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really captures the emotional situation of being twenty-something these days. Makes me nostalgic for when my friends weren't distributed to universities all over the state.

I liked it too.

>> No.4841018

pretty much all Jeeves and Wooster books

>> No.4841067
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>> No.4841076

Well, I agree that Cannery Row was great, but honestly I'm not sure why you would expect all an author's books to have a similar tone? Steinbeck is basically broken up in to more "serious" books and less "serious" books. Grapes of Wrath isn't really like Cannery Row but it's still great.

Cannery Row and Tortilla Flat are my favorites, though. Few other books really have those sorts of feelings.

>> No.4841104


this too

>> No.4841107
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Brideshead Revisited

>> No.4841127
File: 279 KB, 960x1280, 1393048466910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read all the original Conan the Barbarian stories last summer. The plots are all pretty much the same, and the characters are one dimensional as all, but they managed to be entertaining. Howard certainly had a decent enough imagination, and occasionally showed flashes of actually good writing

>> No.4841138
File: 122 KB, 502x720, WrinkleInTime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to say A Wrinkle In Time, even though it's adolescent, but two days ago some self-pub pleb who wrote a patently shite fantasy magic whatever was shilling himself in a thread and listed it as one of his favorites. How dare he like something I like. Meg is love. Meg is life.

>> No.4842173

Really fun stories, I think REH liked to believe he actually was Conan

Same with Milius 50 years later

>> No.4842211

Whenever I see that gif all I can think of is a really angry shitposter

>> No.4842280
File: 408 KB, 647x750, 510d1899-17ab-4acc-9a4e-29595011d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]