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/lit/ - Literature

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483577 No.483577 [Reply] [Original]

What was /lit/'s favorite part in American Psycho?

I like the part where he's getting ready to have sex with Courtney, but he can't find the GODDAMN WATER-SOLUABLE SPERMICIDAL LUBRICANT!!!!

>> No.483583
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/b/ is somewhere that way

>> No.483590
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>> No.483600
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I like the part where he talks about what he's wearing.

>> No.483607

/b/ can't read

>> No.483610

Yeah, because you can't say that about EVERY single thread on this board.
How about instead of complaining about a thread you've seen a thousand times you take some action and start something original?

>> No.483616


I have.

>> No.483621

Good. Then keep up the good work, and get off of my thread if you're going to contribute absolutely nothing.

>> No.483629

I love the description of the suits.

This book is the bible of mens wear, and I abide by it.

>> No.483635
File: 24 KB, 186x240, nononsense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But your thread sucks

>> No.483639

The Genesis and Whitney Houston chapters were a nice touch. Lol.

>> No.483667

Well you have bad taste in hats!

>> No.483688

the rat eating the vagina

>> No.483689
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not as bad as this man

>> No.483695
File: 27 KB, 540x405, Shocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.483740


Still commuting?

>> No.485362

I have never wanted to stop reading a book more than this one. I slogged through it just to see if there was anything to it.

There wasn't.

>> No.487526

This was book was no fun to read. It went absolutely nowhere.

>> No.489416

I'm in the middle of it.

Even the murder scenes are getting kind of tedious. Okay, I get it, he's a shallow yuppie and hangs out with douchebags. And yeah, I get it, he's a murderous rapist.
Is there any point to all this?

>> No.489436

It is a satire on the shallowness of modern society, DAMN IT READ DEEPER!

>> No.489439

I thought it was genuinely creepy how flat the narration was, how describing a Whitney Houston album, bad food, and graphic sexual murders (the rat scene, anybody) were tackled in the same amount of detail with the same passion.

Favorite part was definitely Bono.

>> No.489445

I know it is a satire of the shallowness of modern society.

But he could have made that point in under 400 fucking pages. At the point I'm up to it's just getting to be overkill.

>> No.489447

The part when he freaks out about the business cards.
I don't remember much else to be honest.

>> No.489450

Did you read the part where he stuffed a rat up a girl's vagina!?!? If that doesn't get you interested then I don't know what will.

>> No.489456


actually the rat scene didn't bother me that much. I was much more disturbed by what he did to the dogs.

>> No.489459

Killing children and pretending to be a doctor in order to be sure that they are dead is pro-level.

>> No.489465

The last quarter is the most emotionally affecting.

Also when Timothy Price disappears down the long, black corridor after experiencing a problem with his nagging conscience about his lifestyle.

>> No.489466


Because shock value=literary merit, right?

>> No.489477


Stick with it. The breakdown in the last quarter of the book is luminously written.

>> No.489481

"Sad" part? Bret Easton Ellis taught me how to shave.

>> No.489479

My favorite part of the book is where he uses his Glock 18 to blow up a Police Car, that was awesome.

>> No.489485

Excellent point, the part about moisturizing before you shave, and saving the mustache and chin hairs for last to allow them more time to soften is pure genius!

>> No.489487

I have a vague memory of a cab driver recognizing him as a killer suspect and then just demanding his watch to buy his silence.

>> No.489495

Don't forget about the money in his wallet as well.

>> No.489583

The part where he goes back to Paul Owens house, and the real estate lady seems to know everything. What with the "Ad in Times magazine" and all. That was pretty eerie.

>> No.489599

Does anyone know what the point of that one part right after he kills those two prostitutes and wrote 'I'M BACK' in blood and then said that he "drew something on the wall that sorta looked liked this" followed by a blank space?

>> No.489607

Yes, I thought it quite obvious.

>> No.489744

Care to elaborate?

I figured it was to be left to
the reader's imagination, but that didn't seem right.

>> No.489766


At a meta-textual level, it's refers to blankness, emptiness, i.e., essential themes in the novel. Cf. The first line, the last line. Diagetically, it's intended to tell you something about Bateman's state of mind.