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/lit/ - Literature

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4835545 No.4835545[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Recent purchases thread?

Just got these babies from amazon.

Charles Stross - Accelerando
Peter Hopkirk - The Great Game: On Secret Service in High Asia
Robert Hughes - Rome: A Cultural History
John Jeremiah Sullivan - Pulphead: Notes from the Other Side of America
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg - The Waste Books
E. M. Cioran - A Short History of Decay
Joseph Mcbride - Orson Welles
Karen Blixen - Out of Africa
Jorge Luis Borges - Professor Borges: A Course on English Literature
Bruce Chatwin: In Patagonia
Neal Stephenson - Swow Crash

>> No.4835571
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dece haul

would definitely cop that lichtenberg

>> No.4835579

I enjoyed Pulphead

>> No.4835587

Check the catalog, faggot

>> No.4835600

from the charity shops this weekend:

The Book of the New Sun (Gollancz 50 edition, truly horrendous cover, an abomination on yellow and purple … but it cheap …)
some Tolstoy short stories
The City of Ladies

>> No.4835603


You're in for a ride, that book is really something...

Have you read anything else from Bolano?

>> No.4835605

About half way through. It's pretty funny so far, but I'm worried it's going to run out of steam.

>> No.4835607

>Have you read anything else from Bolano?

>> No.4835609
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Forgot pic.

>> No.4835622

*of yellow, *it was cheap

No, first Bolaño for me.

>> No.4835624


i've been interested in that myself but I think it would get old very fast after a couple chapters. How does it hold up?

Anyway my recent purchases:
Kosovo: A Short History
Nansen-Roland Huntford
The Road-Cormacy Mccarthy(actually reading this now)
Seven Pillars of Wisdom-T.E Lawrence
Sons and Lovers-DH Lawrence
The Birth of the Modern World Society
Meditations and Other Metaphysical Writings
The White People and Other Weird Stories-Arthur Machen


Charity shops are pretty great, you seem to get a lot of good stuff in yours while at mine it's just the odd classic like To Kill a Mockingbird or something by Shakespeare, etc. That seems like quite a good haul from yours.

>> No.4835631

>T.E Lawrence
>DH Lawrence

I always confuse those two.

>> No.4835668

The Great Game's very good, both entertaining as a piece of writing and helpful for beginning to understand the failure of the Soviet and NATO invasions of Afghanistan

>> No.4835696
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>> No.4835851
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>> No.4835858
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>> No.4835860

Some patrician must keep donating things to my local charity shop, I recently got:

The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
Lolita by Nabakov
Death in Venice, Tristan and Tonio Kroger by Mann
The Magic Mountain by Man
Tragedies by Lorca
Granta anthology of Brazilian novelists
The Lost steps by Alejo Carpentier
Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco
Consider the Lobster by DFW
No one belongs here more than you by Miranda July
A Chapter of Hats by Machado de Assis

All at the same charity shop over a couple of months, £1-2 each.

>> No.4835861
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Poor library fag reporting...

>> No.4835864

You Indian or are you just interested in these?

>> No.4835870
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Artaud Anthology- Artaud
Anti-Oedipus- Deleuze and Guattari
Selections from Science and Sanity eBook- Korzybski
Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist Jack Parsons eBook- Pendle

>> No.4835871

Fucking nice. I wish there were a charity shop like that in my town, I'd have a gargantuan library at this point.

>> No.4835875

Artaud Anthology- Artaud
Literally the only good book you purchased.

>Anti-Oedipus- Deleuze and Guattari
Stop wasting your money on bourgeois philosophy

>> No.4835905


It's okay, i'm sure everyone does at some point and I also got Charter House of Parma by Stendhal too. I forgot about that.


That is a nice haul, I can never find anything like DFW or Franzen at my charity shop since I usually get trashy romance novels by the thousands or whatever read is popular among young people(Twilight or some shit) I did find two Don Delilio books along with a couple Kafka novels.

>> No.4835909

Artaud is crap bourgeois theatre.

>> No.4835915

>doesn't know anything about Artaud
>calls him crap because his favorite bourgeois philosopher was insulted

>> No.4835932

The Federalist Papers - Hamilton, Madison and Jay.
The British Constitution: A Very Short Introduction - Martin Loughlin.

I'll probably have to buy a more extensive work on the British Constitution at a later point, but the introduction is enough for my current needs.

>> No.4835979
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>Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist Jack Parsons


>> No.4836044
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>implying the "is" of identity

>> No.4836057

seamus heaney beowulf
as i lay dying
sound and the fury

all on clearance so 6$ total i was p happy

>> No.4836073


Im half bengali but only recently got into indian culture

>> No.4836085

>thinks his shit writer is some secret
>thinks I give a shit about charlatans in general

>> No.4836092
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Bought Raj Quartett part 1 last month, couldn't afford part 2 at the time so I waited a month.

>> No.4836104

James Joyce - The Dubliners
Herman Hesse - Steppenwolf
Marcel Proust - Remembrance of things past
Ernest Hemmingway - For Whom the Bell Tolls

Go easy on me fellas.

>> No.4836176
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The Border Trilogy
Robert Browning poetry(Norton edition)
Book of Disquiet
Magic Mountain
Battle Cry of Freedom
And Rilke in translation along with parallel text, calm down

>> No.4836224

Very nice.

>> No.4836228

Welcome to the literary world

>> No.4836375

That's all right, I didn't even start part 1 yet, was still stuck on Foundation and Earth. Or if you mean the choice of books, 3 of those are "upgrades" from paperbacks I already own.

>> No.4836991

cared enough to post didn't ya lil cunt?

>> No.4837343

Buys this week

The Wind Up Chroncile- Murakami
Every Love Story is a Ghost Story- D.T. Max
The Collected Poems- Sylvia Plath
And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Cages- Kerouac Burroughs

>> No.4837346

>Out of Africa
Be wary of her other novels though

>> No.4838735

Les Fleurs Du Mal Dual Language book - Charles Baudelaire

keen for it to fucking arrive already...

>> No.4838762

HL Mencken's The American Language
Anthology of Black poetry
JG Ballard - The Atrocity Exhibition

>> No.4838780
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wow such /lit/
very fame
much enjoy

>> No.4838784

le ebin doge maymay xd

>> No.4838803

You'll love The Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri.

>> No.4838880

>tfw you realize you care more about scientists' personalities than actual science

>> No.4841278

I binge bought a lot a few months ago.
Of those I recently forgot Stoner back home, maybe I gave it to my ex or something, can't remember.

>> No.4841285

i just got and read memories of my melancholy whores
it was ok

>> No.4841293

Gee, how long do you spend reading?

>> No.4843615

Time's Arrow.

>> No.4843646

What kind of question is that?

>> No.4843654

thinking, fast and slow - kahnemann
the foundation trilogy - asimov
childhood's end - clarke

>> No.4843722
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Why would you go to Amazon and purchase these things when you can get cheaper or even free stuff on Craigslist?
Like these pieces of hair

>> No.4843725

>not being neet and reading a book a day


>> No.4843727
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or these small to medium sticks

>> No.4843732
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or these random trophies inscribed to someone else

>> No.4843734

Just bought "Blood Meridian" by Cormac McCarthy on Kindle and got a copy of "The Apartment" by Ryan McGill

>> No.4843744

Bought Nick Pizza's novel on sale, a few cyberpunk novels and All The Pretty Horses

>> No.4843750

Honestly read that as


>> No.4844279
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Gon b gud.

>> No.4844294

>free wood
>just come cut and haul it yourself
the guy's advertising a forest