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4834185 No.4834185 [Reply] [Original]

So would you consider yourself a "hipster" /lit/ and even if you do or you do not, do you think people in wider society consider you a hipster?

Is reading novels in public considered a "hipster" thing to do these days, have you ever been called a Hipster for your literary taste or reading in public?

>> No.4834456
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>> No.4834468

No, I dress too plainly and am too agreeable. I've never been called hipster.

>> No.4834491

I was once reading Red Dragon at my local hip hangout/bar and people looked at me strange. Keep in mind I am 6' 9 have many tattoos and dress only in All Saints clothing

>> No.4834518

Anyone who is a 20 something who doesn't spend their entire day circlejerking over sport and other pleb nomalfag shit and instead likes intellectual things is a "hipster" according to the mainstream public.

Hipster is just a term used by the media to handwave away all the critique and knowledge of anybody who doesn't fall into vapid mainstream culture.

That being said, there are "Hipsters" that aren't intellectual at all, but are upper middle class people who just want to consume "hipster identity" to fit in, one only needs to look at Williamsburg which is filled with "Hipsters" earning hundreds of thousands and consuming shit.

>> No.4834527



>> No.4834529

Youre using that word again

>> No.4834535


My friends joke I'm a hipster because I wear plaid shirts, listen to a wide range of music and watch obscure films. I don't think I've ever been accused of being a hipster for my taste in literature, though. A pretentious faggot yes, but not a hipster.

>> No.4834574


Really good blog post on what Hipster is, I found it a really enjoyable read

> We can also now see what the term “Hipster” actually means: a mirrored chamber used to deflect radical criticism away from capitalism and consumer culture. It is a more sophisticated, successful version of the transformation of the “Beat” into the “Beatnik”. Recall that Beatnik changed the Beat into everything their critics were themselves— shallow, comical, and focused on unimportant trifles. “Hipster” works the same way. The agglomeration of two opposites, the radical and the consumerist yuppie, into one acceptable slur simultaneously de-claws the radical by making him complicit in the system he is trying to destroy while allowing those who are actually complicit in that system (the working middle class) to freely hate the radical and whatever they don’t like about themselves. This is why we cannot blame poor Hefner Hipster. He is equally deceived. To middle class consumers the hipster is the obscene strange “other” middle class consumer— everything they dislike about their own behavior and self-image shed into a mythical “other person” which represents their own capitulated dissatisfaction with society and the shallow materialism from which none of us can escape even the most radical. He is a Juju man, or if one wants a more modern comparison and is ST:TNG fan, an Armus.

I also cracked a smile at this

>This causes different groups of people to hate us for different reasons.To those who lived in the impoverished neighborhoods before we arrived, we are harbingers of this race of locusts. Or perhaps a better metaphor: It’s like hating the sight of rabbits because you know they will soon attract wolves and foxes so rapacious they will make the land uninhabitable. Except in our case, after the wolves kill the rabbits they wear their skin in a grotesque masquerade.

>> No.4834601

Haha, that's exactly the same as inner north Melbourne.

>> No.4834657

i'm more highbrow than most of my friends and i'm /fa/ and i did live in williamsburg for a year and a half
i'm sincere and like pleb shit too

i think ppl would describe me as odd and nice rather than hipster

>> No.4834676
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I think my clothes are too frumpy and suburban to mark me as a hipster. The only place I read in public often is at uni and everyone just assumes its for a course. I remember once tho I saw a guy reading dune outside I was like hell yeah motherfuck. Ironically my family thinks I'm a hipster because I don't wear fucking golf clothes and workout gear like the rest of the family/neighborhood/suburb, yet all the "cool" people on campus and downtown can easily see that I'm a suburban pleb, so I get screwed both ways.

>> No.4834884

Pretty much the same for me.

All my clothes are like cargo and tracksuit pants and hand me down t shirts. Yet I'm considered as a massive hipster in my area because i'm not a fucking white trash piece of shit, while I look like complete suburban bum when I go downtown.

I'm socially outcast both ways.

>> No.4834892

I'm afraid if you do stuff for fun other than watch TV and buy things and wear brand labels, you're a hipster. For shame

>> No.4834899


So get a new fuckin' outfit. Buy a pair of fitted jeans and surf through your dad's old clothes for plaid shirts. Try to find the ones from when he was in his twenties and thirties. The 80's and 90's were the golden era of casual button-down shirts. Buy some good leather slip-ons. Wear this outfit every day. Congratulations, you now look good in the suburbs and the city. You can be casual and comfortable without looking like a pauper, it turns out.

>> No.4834906


PS, you can probably find a pair of loafers around your dad's old stuff that fit you well and look great, especially with a little polishing. Or, if you're looking for something a little bit more fashion-forward, buy some driver shoes.

>> No.4834965
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ty based anon

>> No.4834971

I'll have to agree with the circlejerking over sport and other pleb normalfag shit part, though not being one of those two doesn't necessarily mean it's intellectual.

Or it's just that I live in a country where things people from the first world countries consider pleb/normalfag shit is seen hipster/odd as fuck.

>> No.4834973
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>So would you consider yourself a"hipster"/lit/ and even if you do or do not, do you think people in wider society consider you a hipster?
I don't consider myself one, but I do often get called a "hipster."

>Is reading novels in public considered a "hipster" thing to do these days, have you ever been called a hipster for your literary taste or reading public?
I don't think that's the reason I get called a hipster, my friend calls me a "tryhard" because I read in the library after breakfast and before my first class. I don't know why it's weird to read in the library...

>> No.4834990

I don't know what people would call me. I guess I have hipster qualities in that I only shop for clothes in a thrift store and have extensive craft beer knowledge but am not a snob about it.

I'm a bouncer in a redneck bar and enjoy reading political theory and history but that's considered "queer shit " to most the people I work around

>> No.4835006

I have an ironic/surreal sense of humour like hipsters do
I watch arthouse films
However, I hate liberal views and hate the shitty minimalist indie rock that hipsters usually listen to

but OP post kind of implies that reading in general is for hipsters, is it now out of the bag that hipster is a synonym for intelligence, and that America is a little backwards in using it as an insult?

>> No.4835017

Not really. Never been called a hipster. My music taste and fashion doesn't fit the label, and i don't really talk about literature or film with others.

>> No.4835019

I get called a hipster all the time. I am severely mentally ill and an ardent socialist. I enjoy art, I know lots about cinema and literature. If these things make me a hipster, then call me a hipster. I don't give a shit. Maybe that makes me more of a hipster. It's a vicious fucking cycle.

>> No.4835059

Yeah,its an acceptable slur, unlike nigger. Basically contemporary hippies

>> No.4835120
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>> No.4835254
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I do get called hipster, but I don't mind.

hipsters drown in prime tumblr pussy

>> No.4835340

I'm too cynical and hostile to be a hipster I think. I like my cultural gatherings like I like my women.

On a screen and easily abandoned when I've had my fix.

>> No.4835430

I'm too red, hippy, nerdy and anti-consumerist to be a hipster since I don't give a single fuck about /fa/.

Wider society probably thinks I'm a hipster though. I have glasses, I have a beard and I'm 25 and very well read especially when it comes to politics. I just think of myself as a Socialist bum though.

>> No.4835436
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>very well read especially when it comes to politics

>> No.4835440

Nope. Hipsters wear whatever their interest is on their sleeve and are usually ready to bond with someone who also likes their niche interest.

I like rap music, so does this other guy I know and it's painful to be near him. Wears his headphones around his neck with Aesop Rock playing just loud enough to hear. and raps along despite sounding like a toothless faggot. I love Aesop Rock. I know what it means to other people to love Aesop Rock and I know that talking to him will confirm that and I'll be branded a faggot.

>> No.4835452



is there anything more absurd than a society branding you with a particular subculture because you have bad eyesight?


this though

>> No.4835463

I have been called a hipster, probably because I wear slim clothes (I am skinny/lanky) and I like music and books.

I don't know how you could really define hipster though. There are people like me, just average people who are interested in non-mainstream things, there are tumblr kind of people who wear American Apparel and Urban Outfitters, like anything promoted by Pitchfork, wear dumb ironic clothes with cats and mustaches on them, then there are what I think of as real hipsters, the kids in my city who go to art school, wear ripped up denim, smoke all the time, live in studio apartments, seemingly do nothing for a living, go to shows, and are generally very unfriendly. These kinds of people scoff at what most of societ deems hipster, the tumblr sort of hipster. Which one of these types are hipsters? Does it really matter? People are just people.

>> No.4835464

If you have a beard and the glasses have thick frames then society will look at you as a hipster

>> No.4835469

I live in williamsburg and I go clubbing in bushwick. What do you think?

>> No.4835472

Well it's kinda your fault for living in hicksville though. In any major city you gotta put a little bit of effort to be branded as hipster.

>> No.4835512
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My friends call me a hipster cunt and make fun of the fact that I read books & listen to "weird" music. Multiple people have called me a hipster for not having Facebook too.

It's like being a socially crippled nerd makes you a hipster now.

>> No.4835535

I got mistaken by a hipster for one of his own once while reading a novel in public. It was Grey Eminence and I explained the religious political background of France up to Richelieu's ministry to him. Hipsters are not very interested in the capture of New France, which I found ironic.

>> No.4835608

I always imagine people from lit as being tall, handsome, and skinny as fuck hipsters that have lots of hot female friends who are also maybe fuckbuddies. You'd sometimes reference literature IRL, and your pleb fuckbuddies would get them, since they do arts subjects at uni, although they don't read for pleasure. I am ugly and would feel out of place if I was talking to your group in the coffeeshop or wherever it is you hang out. I have read many patrician books but I am STEM, so I can't analyse for shit. All of my witticisms would be sub-par compared to yours, and, although I'd probably still be better read than your girl friends, I'm a male so I don't get a free pass for having a vagina.

You would be friendly but I would eventually be overcome by social awkwardness and massive insecurity at my ugliness. I would return home and my mentality towards /lit/ would be irreparably damaged. I would feel a mixture of revulsion at myself and betrayal by /lit/izens, many of whom pretend to be no-friends losers or outcasts like a lot of 4chan, but who are actually chameleon-like normalfaggots.

>> No.4835632

yea i bought PBR a few times cause it's really cheap and i'm povo.

>> No.4835644

>hey guys check the new merzbow album

>> No.4835648

What's wrong with loving sports?

>> No.4835688

>I always imagine people from lit as being tall, handsome, and skinny as fuck hipsters that have lots of hot female friends who are also maybe fuckbuddies.

Pretty much this.

Always pictured /v/ as long haired skinny nerds who listen to metal.

Always pictured /pol/ as that weird anti-social nerd in high school that you were scared was going to bring a school in one day and shoot everyone.

/a/ and /jp/ as a bunch of semi overweight neckbeards.

/k/ as a bunch of white trash.

In fact, now that I think about it, I read all the posts from different boards in different voices as well.

>> No.4835697

>was going to bring a school in one day and shoot everyone.

>> No.4835699
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>Read far right books on the train

>> No.4835701

I always imagine people from /lit/ as people from /mu/ that pretend to be like this because they're on the literature board now

>> No.4835702
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Happy to hear that you think of me.us like this; feels good man.jpg.

>> No.4835704
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>Always pictured /pol/ as that weird anti-social nerd in high school that you were scared was going to bring a school in one day and shoot everyone.

Pol is migration board like /b/ generally a lot of people on 4chan use it and come from other boards. I started in /b/ when I was like 14 in the early 2000's and than moved to new, lit, mu, pol, and soc (fucking soc stage i went through)

I do see a lot of attractive women though, and am tall and fit.

>mfw people think because I browse pol, lit, etc I am a certain way.
Dem stereotypes.

>> No.4835717


Being a hipster is being opposed to mainstream forms of consumerism. It originally was an anti-consumerist movement, but since about the 90s has been defined more by alternatively consumerist -- you are still defined by the things you buy, but they are different things and have mustaches on them.

This is a pretty generalizable definition. It isn't really hand-waving away a countercultural movement.

>> No.4835730
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I don't care about Facebook, sports or drinking culture because they just don't appeal to me one bit. Am I a filthy hipster? No! I just value my own privacy and individuality. I also dislike how people who don't like mainstream things have been labeled "Hipster" when that's not what the word originally meant. Modern Hipsters don't even listen to Jazz and it's all Nue-Folk shit or whatever it's called.

>> No.4835777

talking about hipsters on the internet is the shittiest thing, and something I've never done, only seen. So I'm going to dip my toe in the water.

Hipsters got over being 'edgy' counterculture rebels because they realized boycotting or dressing like hippies doesn't help anyone. They enjoy consumerism very carefully and for the enjoyment it can give and nothing more. It makes them less pretentious than a lot of hippies and leftists. It made groups like Adbusters hate them, but no hipsters cared cause buying stuff can be fun.

the hipsters would be happy if the unions took control of everything and corporations are struck down, hipsters won't stop the working class from doing their thing so hipsters are harmless.

>> No.4835792

Hipster got over being edgy because now they are competing for the trend consultant positions and marketing jobs in nyc and sf. Being harmless is the best way to get a job.

>> No.4835842

you're trying to make hipsters out to be more than a way for 20 somethings to hate on other people for the way they dress. Or to be inclusive. There is not 'they'.

I've only ever heard someone reference themselevs as a hipster in an ironic way. but maybe that's the only way to do it?

anyway most people who aren't absolutely retarded just don't care about labels or what others think of them. there's no movement. it's just a loosely defined style of dress and a way to make fun of poeple for being intellectual since the term "nerd" is now a good thing.

>> No.4835850
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lost my fucking shit at "lemme guess are you guys graphic designers?"

>> No.4835879






>> No.4835974

I don't even know what a hipster is.
I like my coffee black
I wear what I can afford
I do like vinyls
I don't own a mac, I have an hp
I read books
I have an iphone5s
I play blues, jazz, and general rock n roll (guitar)
I like college football
I don't ever really go to a coffee shop because there aren't any around here except for 30 minutes away and that's not really worth it...to go drink expensive coffee somewhere else when I can make it in my pot at home
I don't have any friends...

Do I qualify as a hipster?
I don't wear skinny jeans.....

>> No.4835981

I don't understand why people care to impress random people on the street or give a shit about what they think...

>> No.4836108

self confidence and shit.

some people just like being flamboyant for ghits and shiggles. think oscar wilde, strutting his stuff round London just to annoy more conservative people

>> No.4836230

more like dadcore faget :3

>> No.4836701
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Nothing, it's just cooler to pretend that you don't like them because it's just appeasement broooo, "panem et circenses", etc. When in reality they simply don't like it because they were pushed around by the kids who played sports in high school and fear physical competition.

>> No.4836760

I was always very good at sports, yet I consider other people playing them no more interesting than watching them practice other hobbies. Just because I don't watch the dog whisperer doesn't mean I was bitten by a dog/mexican in the past.

>> No.4837069

I prefer more complicated distractions, sports are too "easy" to watch, basically.

>> No.4837368

>Not reading a thousand plateaux

>> No.4837381

Hipsters have been comandeared.

That is the problem. It used to be alternatives to the mainstream, but those who were hipsters became mainstream. There are not only ruptures in their own culture by companies looking to capitalize on their life style, but much of their culture has be imitated in the mainstream market.

>The mainstream market picked up on their trend and took over it, rendering it ineffective.

On the other hand the hipster culture in NYC was based around moving into poor neighborhoods for cheap prices and then when these spots became populated with a good amount of innovators and cool ideas, the mainstream market flocked.

It has now become an overpriced hub of "new and cool and different"

Living and consuming their is in high demand rendering the idea useless. Everything is twice the price and half the product, similar to Manhattan. The location of the item jacks the price of it.

I've gone to restaurants in Williamsburg and frankly the food they serve is sparse and the price of it is almost double.

>> No.4837408

I was reading Junky at a cafe the other day when the thought struck me how hipsterish I must look, so the idea that reading in public is a hipster activity probably has an appearance of truth if not much merit. I think the distinction lies in *why* you're reading in public. If it's just because you want to read then whatever but if it's just to appear intellectual in front of others then yeah, that's pretty hipster. That's what they're all about really; appearance without substance.

>> No.4837410

anon what the fuck

>> No.4837414

Guys hipster in modern times just means 'liking things for their obscurity'

Apart from that its just used as a pejorative without a precise definition

>> No.4837447
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I meant commandeered. Thier culture was picked up by the mainstream, thus being controlled by market capitalism. When something is commandeered, say Disney buying star wars. They often since these ideas have played out already try to use them, but also reinvent them to appeal to the masses or a the greater opinion or consensus. This is how you sell by reaching the dominating audience.

For example they have cast a white woman and black male as the main characters. This isn't "bad" but what it is, is market control. This is controversy, progressive, different, inclusive, diverse, etc.

They use the system of thought that is dominating because not only does it appeal to both the larger and dominant audience, but also the opposition audience whom will not only talk about it as well, but consume it in their own curiosity.

This is what happened to hipster culture when stores like Buffalo exchange blew up and other companies that are much larger adopted the styles and concepts, but put a mass market twist on them in order to draw in consumers.

Tl;dr A capital and commodity based society take control of everything that can be made a profit from in order to maintain or gain control. This is the way of the world and until that ends, consider culture beyond the few moments of its birth, dead.

It is what makes our culture so disposable. Ideas are created, cultivated, perfect and loved, but when the capitalist see an opportunity they corrupt it, thus forcing out the smaller and honest creators and cultivators.

>> No.4837455

I see
I have two nice jackets from Buffalo

>> No.4837465


>Guys hipster in modern times just means 'liking things for their obscurity'

Eh, I'd somewhat disagree.
Though it is an element.

I think it has more to do with fashion than obscurity. The obscurity just helps you further cultivate your fashionable image.

For example I know quite a lot about cinema and I like a huge amount of obscure work, but I am a deeply unfashionable guy. I just happen to be someone who enjoys a specific medium and puts a lot of genuine effort into exploring and understanding it.

The same can be said of the other mediums.

You can usually pick out people who have an earnest interest and those who have "hipster" tendencies by the amount of fad and fashion they have proclivities toward.

>> No.4837467

I don't know what that is either.

>> No.4837475

Fashionable people are not hipsters, they're just people who care about fashion and are good at it(read:wealthy/slightly aesthetically minded).

Just because you like obscure stuff doesn't make you hipster, its liking the obscure stuff *because* its obscure

Thats how I understand it anyway

>> No.4837480

evola looks pleb as fuck in that pic

>> No.4837505

What's the difference between Hipters, Avant-teens, and Bohemians?

>> No.4837516

>Caring way to much about outward appearance to appear above other
>someone how not a hipster

Hipsters have and always will be people who are obscure for some righteous cause that what they consume negates

>Be moderately stable income
>buy clothes from stores who sell to the homeless
>make capital market out of it
>point of thrift stores for less wealthy dissipates.
>economic downturn due to lack of consumption demand
Basically "let the free market fix itself"

And by that I mean lets all lower the standards until people are suffering even more,

>> No.4837527

>Bohemians are a cultural group from a region of Europe.
>Hipsters are pre and post modern innovators who don't understand that the market will always beat them to the punch and steal their glory
>Avant Teens are kids whom are able to follow the trend of the hipsters with parental allowance or by pissing away their paychecks and having no money to move to New York on their own

>> No.4837530

>e to appear above other
I don't think you understand fashion

>> No.4837560

I believe hipsters like things just for the image it projects to others. For example, when I hipster hears a new concept or hears about a new movie or book, they'll make an opinion on it based on how that opinion will affect other's perceptions of them. They don't care about whether they'll actually like it, only how others will think of them after knowing what they 'think' of it

I wouldn't say hipsters are solely people who care about being fashionable. I'm from /fa/ and I would hardly consider the people who lurk that board to be hipsters, only people with a mind for aesthetics and fashion.

It's all about perception

by the way OP, no actual hipster will ever self-identify as a hipster

>> No.4837562

>not vandalizing public and private property with graffiti art, one of the last arts untouched by the greedy hands of capitalists


>> No.4837568


>the market will always beat them to the punch

The market will capitalize on their trends, but it will most assuredly not beat them to the punch.

Way to be absolutely wrong.

>> No.4837589


>I don't understand why people try to cultivate a decent appearance

Because it leads to all kinds of good things, you depressed bastard. Prospective lovers, jobs, friends... A person dressed like a slob and a person dressed decently will be perceived in distinctly different ways.

>> No.4837595


All vanity.

>> No.4837623


>There is need for you to learn all things -
>both the unshaken heart of persuasive Truth
>and the opinions of mortals, in which there is no true reliance.

-Parmenides, The Way of Truth

That's to say, you don't have to isolate yourself in order to live a meaningful life- you don't have to choose between holding philosophical principles and playing social games. You can do both.

>> No.4837634

Its about liking how you look mostly. Its like liking how you talk, or think, or what you do. Just another part of yourself. Do you work out at all?

You can call it vanity if you want but I don't see it as being that different than designing something, only the the thing you're designing is yourself.

>> No.4837636

What does this word even mean?

The only people I've heard use this word irl have been exceptionally ignorant.

>> No.4837663
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I don't think you understand materialism.
>Go ahead and try to create meaning out of fashion.

Uhm yeah it does. Small entrepreneurs don't have the means to make a punch. They can make waves, but not a punch. The dominating groups in a capital market not only control the rising of ideas and culture, but they have the means to disseminate it beyond the will or capability of small groups or individuals

I'm glad someone sees that. Why the fuck would anyone want to acheieve anything on the basis of vanity and popularity other than to fit in. Pic related

>> No.4837675

It means you listen to classic rock.

Despite grunge now qualifying as classic rock.

Just ignore it.

>> No.4837705

I prefer playing to watching. Sports are boring to watch to me (unless I'm doing it with friends and family, but then again watching paint dry is fun with friends), because I get restless and just want to play, myself.

Sports are fun, man.

>> No.4837709

I prefer the unconventional so I guess that makes me a hipster

>> No.4837725

Idk. I dont like to think of myself as one but others probably do. I'm 6'1 and 140 on a heavy day, I wear black skinny jeans and torn up vans eras every day with either a black/grey/white t shirt or a button up or sweater, usually thrifted. I have medium long hair and a shitty beard and am very into art, music and literature. i collect records and books and know french and live in an artsy neighborhood in a sketchy area of the city. I drink pbr and cheap whiskey and do drugs and hook up with edgy tumblr girls.
But i do all these things because I like them, I definitely dont try to portray an image or anything. I'm very introverted and don't like to go out much. I struggle with depression and terrible anxiety most of the time. Those girls I hook up with on occasion are only because I got lucky with the friends I've made in college, haha.
But I don't read in public. I never ride the bus for long enough to get into anything and don't spend enough time in any other public area. I work in a call center and do all of my reading either there in between calls or at home.

>> No.4837746

lol you're a walking stereotype. i mean more power to you..

>> No.4837749

>all saints

Fucking. pleb.

>> No.4837809

Maybe so
But save for the depression and anxiety, I have fun. I mean I have good friends that I actually like, in college and back home, good parents, have a job (that I can spend half my time at reading) that provides me with enough money to live comfortably, and I'm getting decent enough grades in school, where I'm studying something I love. So i'm ok if some nerd lumps me into a stereotype

>> No.4837810

dude calm down im not judging its just funny how closely you fit the picture

>> No.4837827

That isn't me haha some weirdo pretending for whatever reason

I make fun of myself all the time in my head because I generally hate the "hipsters" that I frequently meet

>> No.4837842

oh weird. and yeah its not like theres anything innately wrong with those things, thats just the narrative
you should start a micro-brewery to really complete it

>> No.4837846

I'm a rancher, STEM student, and amateur mycologist. I don't really think I'm "hipster" at all. I read the same literature as anyone else here in public and no one has ever mentioned it. Some people that knew me back home thought I was "hip" and would poke fun at me for my musical choices or hobbies or other things, though I was just someone with diverse hobbies, not a tumblr hipster or something.Then again I don't go out much, and I don't live in an area where the average beoveralled Oregonian would recognize good literature if they saw it anyways.

>> No.4837851

this warmed my heart

>> No.4837854

Stop pretending to be me faggot

>> No.4837866

i have thick-rimmed glasses, wear flannel shirts, and am interested in a lot of "artsy" stuff, but i've never been called a hipster before.

>> No.4837928

You are either

>A:subconsciously absorbing culture around you to either fit in or feel adequate
>B: you are clueless and fit a stereotype that you don't pay attention to or that arose post adoption

Only you can know the truth. Be honest with yourself, I know it hurts to do that.

>> No.4837946

I wear thick rimmed glasses but just because they have a wider FOV without looking like shit. I otherwise dress like a modern festival hippie mostly -- cargo shorts, gaudy snapbacks or fitteds for jam bands with "lapel pins" on 'em, bar-band T-shirts. I like pomo books, cosmic horror and conservative stuff like Barry Goldwater or Thomas Sowell.

>> No.4837951

"i like cock" - you

>> No.4838246


eurgh the simpsons used to use every opportunity for jokes, especially maths jokes. now why would you need a whole book on f=ma and eulers identity

>> No.4838304

This bubble has already burst. Anyone (white) living in a post-industrial nation with disposable income is a hipster. You cannot avoid it. If your interests stray from the mainstream, even a little, even if you can articulate a defense of why what you like has merit, you're still a special snowflake. I fought it for a long time, but it felt good to finally embrace my status as a hipster.

And btw I've never been called a hipster because I'm so far ahead of the curve I only hang out with people living in trailer parks.

>> No.4838342

Yeah the Simpsons were always spot on.

>> No.4839291

Video of the year

>> No.4839313

>tfw you match alot of these descriptions but no one has ever called you a hipster

So what makes me different?

>> No.4839323
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You're probably fat and/or ugly.

>> No.4839338


>> No.4839344

Hmm, do you have friends? Or maybe it's because you're not pretentious enough. Also, how do you dress? A lot of times, dressing well warrants being called "hipster."

>> No.4839447

My assumption has always been this.

>1: Poor, artsy 20 somethings move to poor areas where they can buy big lofts for studios and stuff to do work for cheap.

>2: Poor, artsy types sell their goods to Yuppies for money they need to live.

>3: Yuppies recognize poor district where Artsy types are is as now "cool" and "creative" district that will probably boom in few years

>4: Yuppies start to move in and open businesses

>5: Area becomes "hipster area"

>6: Poor artsy times priced out of the area, have to move to next ghetto suburb

>7: process starts again.

The reason I think this is the case is because I've seen it happen first hand in two cities I've lived in.
Back when I was a kid, Melbourne used to be a fucking boring shithole with nothing to ever do, everyone used to fly to Sydney for all the cool clubs and bars and art stuff, then all those Sydney 20 somethings started showing up in the poor innercity immigrant filled neighbourhoods of Melbourne like Brunswick and Fitzroy and now they are Williamsburg 2.0

Living in Canberra Australia right now, there is a shitty run down suburb full of ex public housing and warehouses and lofts called Braddon, again, lots of young people moved there because it was close to the city and it was cheap.
Now it's filled with bars, it's filled with organic grocers and organic cafes along the streets, organic resteraunts and fixies fucking EVERYWHERE.
Land prices in the area have skyrocketed as well.

Lots of the art students that I'm friends with are now moving out of the area because they are priced out due to rent going up.

I think there is a difference between actual artistic people who live paycheck to paycheck, and Yuppies trying to fill their lives by wearing "hipster" costumes and consuming the latest and coolest art shit.

>> No.4839451

I think this series may be pretty spot on, that's why Detroit is such a hub for new artists and hipsters.

>> No.4839457

That is how gentrification often works. It also means the poor, non-artsy people who lived there before have to move out too as they can no longer afford to live there.

>> No.4839489

See it's all about moving around within the city, not moving cities entirely. If the whole city is a shithole and can't take care of it's gorgeous fucking central train station then there's really few people who are well off enough to devote their time to art but not well off enough to live in a nice area and those who are piss off to cities with train stations that been left to waste away.

>> No.4839508

Good hopefully one day we can reclaim our cities from the nigger hoards.

>> No.4839617

In the us the process used to be this.
Now it's rich artsy 20 something, moving out of home faking it to be poor and selling their goods to daddy's friends while interning at some prestigious gallery/magazine/designer.

In the US rich kids with artsy tendencies are hipsters, poor kids become that tacky hot topic goth that you see at steam punk conventions.

>> No.4839619
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>> No.4839633
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>> No.4839682

Urban gentrification

>> No.4839704

I look okay but I don't do flannels and ties or anything stupid

>> No.4839900
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Join me in ending material based society!

>> No.4839905

I'm still waiting for a blockbuster film that features a white guy and a black woman falling in love

>> No.4841451

Anybody who is a bit left wing, likes to read and wears glasses gets called hipster at least once per week, it happens to me a lot

>> No.4841476


White guy And black girl is statistically the most stable relationahip. Absolutely disgusting though

>> No.4841480

I am a bit of a contrarian and I tend to dislike things that are mainstream, so most people would probably identify me as a hipster even though I don't think I am.

>> No.4841490

I'm not a hipster, I'd say I'm druid-tier, 3 classes above hipster. To normal people, my ideals and principles certainly seem like wizardry, but to a patrician, they're pleb-tier. I've got a long way to go yet.

>> No.4841556


Did you see this guy crash a TEDx talk last year?


"his name was Albert Einstein."

>> No.4841564


Yeah I died