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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 84 KB, 500x746, The-Dark-Tower-Novel-Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4833041 No.4833041[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT comfort reads

>> No.4833044

susahnna's song seriously sucked so substantially

>> No.4833048
File: 46 KB, 277x416, name of the wind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4834113

Count of Monte Cristo?

>> No.4834155

John Fowles' short story The Enigma.

>> No.4835807
File: 64 KB, 413x684, The_Black_Company[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't write for shit but like most passable fantasy writers he has a good imagination (aka Martin).

I heard he wrote the first book on an oil drum during his lunches at work.

>> No.4835817
File: 72 KB, 269x475, 47212[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The covers suck but it's great pulpy fan service at it's best.

Where else are you going to read about a modern day wizard punching an 8ft werewolf through 3 brick walls?

>> No.4835828
File: 62 KB, 289x462, Less-Than-Zero_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less Than Zero

>> No.4835841
File: 46 KB, 438x648, 9780060841690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of the most disturbing novels I've ever read
Wow, that guy sure is a pussy

>> No.4835845

to be fair, the review actually says "One of the most disturbing novels I've read in a long time"

>> No.4835855

>dat lack of reading comprehension
This is what happens to me when I only skim through stuff instead of reading things thoroughly. I blame 4chan for this

>> No.4835990

I'm gonna elaborate on this. Putting it in spoilers because it's Fowles so structure is important. I'll say that I only really read the second half though. That's the part that's comfort

So the story goes that someone disappears. The first three quarters of the story concerns a somewhat hopeless investigation into the disappearance of this person. There are no good leads and no good motive for disappearing and no body is found and basically what have you got to work with?
The investigator interviews some people and one of these is the missing man's daughter. They talk once. They talk again one one hand just in case there's something more to learn but also because they get on and the guy's gotta do something but there's no good leads.The story ends with her making him dinner and him buying her a bottle of wine. This is my "I'm feeling lonely and hopeless" comfort story and it reminds me that you meet a bunch of people just being yourself and doing what you do and that it's totally possible that you just gel with one of them. Keep doing what you're doing and at the worst you'll end meeting some ok people.

>> No.4835996

wizard and glass man.... shit is amazing
le spider babies after that is all shit

>> No.4836367
File: 52 KB, 331x500, 51X1c2YF4ZL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping a good thread.
Why is /lit/ filled with emo poetry writers that a absolutely awful and try-hard philosophy threads that look like a bunch of morons read a "for dummies" book on the subject and proclaimed themselves lords of philosophy?

>> No.4836378
File: 101 KB, 277x418, Wolvescalla[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading the entire series
>Loving every second
>Makes half of a book a recap of one of his other books
>Places a guy from another book of his into this series
>Deadly dish plates... alright, alright, I can deal
>Harry Potter flying snitches
>Doctor Doom
>He put himself in the book

I literally threw the book across the room and threw it away during spring cleaning. Evidently thats when King was hurt from getting hit by a car but that isn't an excuse to fuck up an epic story so badly.

I was literally in shock at how fucking stupid it got. I still can't bring myself to finish the book after that stupidity.

>> No.4836448


>> No.4838382

it was fucking amazing
loved every second of it
and then... yeah

>> No.4841192

I got up to book 4 when I was 13, then I gave up because I only really like the first one and the third one was too much.
Or which one had the part where he's already in a modern world and he shots some crabs, he's already missing some limbs or one of his fingers?

>> No.4843546

In the 90s King lost his muse. I attribute this to him getting over his addictions. I don't want any ill fate to befall the man, but man his writing was better when he was suffering.