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4828515 No.4828515 [Reply] [Original]

What did you read during your gradeschool days?

>> No.4828519

Harry Potter.

>> No.4828521

Cute loli. I read Ulysses

>> No.4828525
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I checked out cookbooks when I was in elementary school.

I didn't even read them, I don't know why I did it.
Just any kind of cookbook was miine.

>> No.4828531 [DELETED] 

i read you're moms dick

>Am i real?
Yes, you are.
But are we real?
I am, but you not.
Then neither of us are truly real.
I'm going to washroom

>> No.4828539
File: 48 KB, 344x500, goosebumps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God this book was weird.

>> No.4828551
File: 19 KB, 128x187, lost in the devil's desert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you read this shit as a little kid, too.

I bet you forgot about it until just now.

>> No.4828552

Tales and mythological stories.

>> No.4828560

Never read it.
What was it about?

>> No.4828565

Harry Potter, Goosebumps, a lot of books about presidents and World Wonders and the ancient world

>> No.4828582

I think I got my first erection to a Goosebumps book.

>> No.4828584
File: 35 KB, 316x500, Clash_of_the_Sky_Galleons[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things are the GOAT early teen/young adult books.

>> No.4828604
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Actually re-read these not too long ago. Pretty good, I must say.

>> No.4828646

what. what.

>> No.4828699
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>> No.4828722

I would just check out cooking books.

>> No.4828934

When I was really young, Magic Tree House. I read The Hobbit at some point. I also skimmed the first four Harry Potter books so fast I didn't even understand anything. I just wanted to brag I read those "really long books". Odd because I didn't do that with The Hobbit or Series of Unfortunate Events.

>> No.4828941

i had a pretty sizable collection of scooby doo books

>> No.4828942
File: 20 KB, 236x400, Hatchet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin this.

Also, Series of Unfortunate Events and Artemis Fowl.

>> No.4828948

I remember reading those Deltora Quest books on the floor of the bookstore whenever a new one would come out. I'd just go in and finish the flimsy things in one sitting. Im surprised the clerks didn't kick my ass.

>> No.4828953
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I read for fun. so i pic related and captain under pants and stupid shit.

>> No.4828962

What books do your loli read?

>> No.4828967

The lord of the rings
over and over
and over
I may have tried to learn one of the elvish languages..

I also really liked the Lord of the Flies

>> No.4828968

No shame in Captain Underpants. That crap was funny.

>> No.4828979


>> No.4828986
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>> No.4828990
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>> No.4829071

i had/have autism so in grade school i mostly read non-fic. trivia books (guinness word records; 1001 awesome facts, animal world-facts), info on diff civilizations (went through phases, like vikings, then egyptians, then medieval europe, then greeks, then dinosaurs), encyclopedias, my grandparent's back-catalogue of national geo magazines. literally the only fiction books i read were goosebumps, the hobbit, and harry potter.

i gave up on reading all together when i was 10 and found video games. didn't come back to it until my second year of uni.

>> No.4829096

Yo! I read this whole series!

I look back and worried if it was kind of furryish, but he just does such a good fucking job so I don't even care

>> No.4829099

What book?

>> No.4829106

No one liked Dahl? He was magic in elementary school. Also Snicket, he was fucking incredible.

>> No.4829116

Damn, forgot about Dahl. You know they're making a live action film of The Big Friendly Giant? Should be interesting.

>> No.4829117

Huh, didn't think that'd ever get a response.
One of the choose your own adventure books where you could shrink down and hang around your younger, girl cousin.
Shit gave me a macrophilia fetish.

>> No.4829138

Wrinkle in Time series

>> No.4829141

Silverwing trilogy. I really liked it for some reason. Cried when Shade died.

>> No.4829171

First book i read was the Hobbit. I tried reading lord of the rings over and over, but i didnt fully understand it until i was a teenager.

Other than that i read a bunch of dragonlance, and star wars novels.

>> No.4829182

NLD here, same

I had virtually the complete collection of those eyewitness books

>> No.4829186


I imagined most of my stories.

>> No.4829192

Tom Sawyer.

>> No.4829208
File: 208 KB, 470x300, tell the president.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my classmates brought this in, and my fate was sealed, pleb forever

>> No.4829217
File: 21 KB, 260x326, 51QH8KX2YWL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Dilbert comics obsessively even though I didn't understand the jokes, I would ask my dad what they meant every 15 seconds

I even read a couple of Scott Adams' books when I was 11

>> No.4829257

My favourite book of elementary was Ender's Game.
My favourite book of middle school was The Forever War.
My favourite book of highschool was 1984.

I don't really have a favourite book now.

>> No.4829306

I was big into the Redwall series, Hatchet and some other "boys surviving in the wild" type books. I think I read The Hobbit in grade five. I loved the Narnia series. And I remember reading Harry Potter before any of the other kids in my class knew about it.

>> No.4829313

fantastic series. my family was too poor to buy them, but i loved the few we had in my school library. (i think egypt, castle dissection, vikings, marine animals, and one dinosaur one).

>> No.4829337

>tfw my nephew asks me to read that to him

In gradeschool, I got really into Clive Cussler novels. I still hold a soft spot for them. It kindled my love of adventure novels.

>> No.4829582

>So, there we were. The five of us - Marco, Tobias, Rachel, Cassie, and me. Five normal mallrats heading home.
Sometimes I think about that one, last moment when we were still just normal kids. It's like it was a million years ago, like it was some totally different group of kids. You know what I was afraid of right then? I was afraid of admitting to Tom that I hadn't made the team. That was as scary as life got back then. Five minutes later, life got a lot scarier.

This and a lot of other things already mentioned in this thread. Read them all, plus the side stories.