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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.14 MB, 3264x2448, 2014-04-28 18.22.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4826027 No.4826027 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my pleb level.

Books ive read from child hood to books ive read a few month ago. Theres a pretty big gap from my high school days from when I stopped reading for a few years. Trying to move on from shitty teen fiction.

>> No.4826031
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Lets do the damn thing OP

>> No.4826033

at least you've tried to scan words with your eyes.

>> No.4826040
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top shelf.

i am a "haven't obtained a new book for years" person.

>> No.4826043

Inherent Vice just arrived in the mail today. My first Pynchon. What did you think of it?

>> No.4826044

It's a good starting point but not nearly as complex as his earlier books.

>> No.4826051

Complexity is what sets him apart right? I know next to nothing about the man, or his works.

>> No.4826053

anon where are "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" and "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"?

>> No.4826058

Eh. He is funny and quote talented is the point. You will almost certainly enjoy the book.

>> No.4826062

I'll take you for your word

>> No.4826077

If you don't like it please make a thread exaggerating Pynchon's lack of talent and status as a hack afterwards. I really like watching people fall for bait.

>> No.4826099

Ive read the series but lost many books. that pic isnt at least half if not more of what ive read.

>> No.4826136

Bumping with backlog. The hobbit is ourside of view. currently read Crime n Punishment.

>> No.4826146
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Forgot pic

>> No.4826169

My library is huge but so scatteref that this is the largest single row of books.

>> No.4826171
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Forgot pic.

>> No.4826200

>Anthony Horowitz
>those middle school "Stormbreaker" feels
Thank you, anon.

>> No.4826239

Read that as "middle school 'stormfront' feels" like you went through a fascism phase in middle school

>> No.4826244

Those krystalnacht feels...

>> No.4826448

> books of blood

10/10 would browse again

>> No.4826570

How do you get them to stick to the ceiling?

>> No.4826579

Haha, no; that was back in elementary school. Late middle school to early highschool was all communism. Now I don't even know...

>> No.4826650

pleb level off the charts, but at least you're reading

plus points on those penguins

>> No.4826691
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This doesnt include my weird childhood and teen fiction years (other than eragon which i deem worthy)

>> No.4826697


>> No.4826708

very cool library.

is rise of the ogre good? imma get that some day, love the gorillaz

>> No.4826764

I don't have a camera right now but my shelfs are packed. But I am older than most of you from what I have gathered.

It is not orderly. The DaVinci Code stands next to Kafka's The Process. The Woodcutters by Bernhard are next to And then there were none. High and low. They grow like flowers out of horse shit. They are all together.

>> No.4826794

Is there a distinction between comic and graphic novel? If not then i guess they are comics ahah. I always call these ones graphic novels

>> No.4826810

OP, I'm a little disturbed- your bottom shelf matches exactly my childhood reading phase. I'm curious how just how much reading choice is related to geography. Which continent is your bookshelf at? (I'm from Aus)

>> No.4826813

Im in Aus aswell, i agree with you! Cherub, artimus ect. Its only missing Darren shan!

>> No.4826822
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I normally have mine organized, but right now mine are doing that too, as I just moved and threw them on the shelves to get them off the floor.

Picture is no good, but I've got such gems as Michael Crichton right next to Natsume Soseki and Yotsuba& next to Mario Vargas Llosa.

>> No.4826844

You're so old you have goddamn dinosaurs on your shelves.

>> No.4826872

op here

Yes im Aus too. I think every reader in the country at our age experienced Deltoraquest.

>> No.4826881

USfag here, I too experienced Deltoraquest as a kid.

>> No.4826882

Does everyone have that Bradbury collection? I swear I see it in every thread

>> No.4826891


Holy fuck. Why do you even come here? That has to be the worst selection of books I've ever seen in a thread on /lit/. Even worse that you're apparently excluding teen and childhood books. Jesus. I'm so depressed right now. I almost want to kill myself.

>> No.4826894

Doesn't seem to be the case any more, but when I got it there were tons of copies for $.01 + shipping on Amazon. Cheap and huge book of good content, so I'd understand a lot having it.

>> No.4827238
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How pleb am I?

>> No.4827300

0.00% pleb detected

>> No.4828358
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rate mine plox

>> No.4828383
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Even your cooking book is more impressive than my whole collection.
I´d like to have dinner with Mr. McGee.

>> No.4828390

Garth Nix is god-tier though. Although you have questionable covers of his stuff.

>> No.4828411

why are so many of your books holographic?

>> No.4828416

wow i got really suspicious of how you managed for the read book at the left to stay in place without falling

>> No.4828442

lol this nigga got some deltora. righteous

>> No.4829308
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here's my bookshelf on analytic philosophy/logic

tell me and i'll post other collections i have.

>> No.4829309
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>> No.4829312
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>> No.4829317
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>> No.4829321
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