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/lit/ - Literature

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482126 No.482126 [Reply] [Original]

Ever since I switched from a /lit/ major to economics I feel like what I'm learning is not only practical and interesting, but also helps me understand the world I live in and how things work.

ITT: we talk about letting go of childish hobbies and learning useful and relevant things.

>> No.482133

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Although I disagree with OP's point.

>> No.482134
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>> No.482140

Go read some political economy; you need to challenge the core categories of your discipline before you can be satisfied with them. I'd suggest you start with /Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy/ by Marx, and then read Volume 1.

>> No.482145

im probably going to just get a minor in english and major in a science,
it's not the job prospects that worry me about english degrees, it's just the type of bullshit analysis graduates have to do, it's so trivial, empty, and dull...

it's just a matter of how far and how well you can weave a tale of bullshit, and hope the profs don't really care

>> No.482153
File: 89 KB, 370x500, Dontknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who the fuck gets english degress nowadays lol. get a library card, it'll save you 20k.
self-education > school education

but ya if you want to go to school get a serious degree, math, science, engineering, medicine, things you can't just pick up and self-learn easily

econ is fine too

>> No.482323


>> No.482332

katey perry's hot

>> No.482351

Since when has Katy Perry been so delicious? I would write a short story about her any day. Hell, I'd give her a novella.

>> No.482355

6/10 getting there but still have a lot to learn.

>> No.482360

hey OP you just made the same mistake that all bankers and investors made. Economics is a humanity (a human science) not a natural science - it does not exist outside of society. So in that respect it is as meaningless as lit.

Poor troll, btw.

>> No.482374

Read Hayek, OP

>> No.482376

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.
- C.S. Lewis

Also, you're a moron OP. Life isn't all about the $$$s

>> No.482377

i'd give it a 6 as well.

>> No.482378

I wonder if OP would of been a better or worse troll if he picked something like engineering?

>> No.482380

When someone usually says life isn't about $$$, they usually have plenty themselves or they are 16 year old. What are you?

>> No.482381


>I feel like what I'm learning is not only practical and interesting, but also helps me understand the world I live in and how things work.

how does that imply OP just cars about the money?

>> No.482382

W.S. Merwin is one of America's best poets. He lives on a budget of about $20-30 thousand a year. When he needs money, he schedules a series of poetry readings. He makes enough money to last him for the next year or so. He isn't interested in money. He's interested in poetry. He does what he must to survive when he must. When it's not down to survival, he writes. That is his life. And he is a good man.

>> No.482383


>> No.482384

a better troll. Seeing how he used the word "practical" and all, so engineering, medicine, science would all be fine. But he fundamentally misunderstands his chosen topic if he describes economics as a practical subject.

>> No.482388

Go one step further, accounting. Fuck yeah.

>> No.482389

oh no. that misunderstanding is a trolling point as well. it's the only interesting thing about this troll. i spent a few seconds wondering if the op's srs research into economic methodology led him to confidently declare that the intro stuff taught to undergrads explain how the world works, as though it is an empirical study of human behavior.

>> No.482391

ITT stage two of childish reasoning that you will find answers to the world's "mysteries" in the second thing you choose to explore.

>> No.482392

1. He is "America's best poet", would his lifestyle of holding poetry readings work for anyone? Think anyone will show up for just anyone?

2. He probably lives like a bum. You can still do what you love and not have it as your job; I do and I make good money still.


>> No.482396

you remind me of the spoiled self righteous hipsters on /mu/ rambling on about how they're entitled to free music er... how artists shouldn't care about the evil things everyone else does.

>> No.482399

>oh no. that misunderstanding is a trolling point as well.

no. just, no.

>> No.482401

protip - most countries including america are shitholes because they don't understand economics. economics is extremely practical, the problem is most people follow bullshit schools and are bound to perpetuate the same errors for eternity.

>> No.482405

I'm someone who has a fulfilled life that doesn't revolve around what I earn. If you can't enjoy yourself without a lot of money then you are a shallow, boring fuck.
Literature will help you understand and empathize with human beings more than any economics course will. "Lol people don't buy expensive shit as much as cheap shit, except when they die without it. then they have no choice". Yeah, great use of a degree.

>> No.482406


why would you be against more economic freedom?

>> No.482407

He lives as simply as he wishes to live. He has a big enough name that he could write a children's book, have it made into a movie, and live a fancy life until he died. Merwin doesn't care about the number of zeroes after his paycheck; he'd rather write poetry all day, selling his best stuff when he needs money, than work as a peon at a brand-name company.

>> No.482408

>>implying he himself understands economics more than those shitty schools he tries to criticize


>> No.482409

I'm just glad that we can all enjoy literature without having to dedicate our working lives to it.

>> No.482412

You can't read very well and spend too much time in /mu/. Merwin writes poetry and sells it when he needs cash. Nothing in my post would suggest anything about my music-purchasing habits.

>> No.482413


Protip #2 - economics is among other things applied psychology. good economists are to be well versed in the ways of human behavior.

also, on a somewhat unrelated note, your logic implies that most writers aren't self important antisocial dicks.

>> No.482416

Depends how deeply you want to enjoy literature.

>> No.482418

>>stupid uneducated fuck that doesnt understand the concept of (paper/any) money and believes that staying ignorant and avoiding the benefits of that ingenious invention will give him bonus points in someone's eyes (you dawg hoping for better afterlife or what?)

>> No.482419

it seems you can't read very well either. i simply stated that you remind me of those rubes. i implied nothing more and nothing less.

most schools are god awful, look at the outrageous economic conditions around the world and tell me most economists suck dicks.

>> No.482422

>You don't want to learn economics, that's for greedy people!

>Damn, why are my taxes so high?

>> No.482425

What about studying taxation?

I study accounting, with a professional accounting extension, and a business regulations minor (in tax).


>> No.482429

what are your thoughts on the IRS?

>> No.482430

First thing: There are no "outrageous economic conditions around the world". You ignorant americunts/westerners need to take heads out of your assess and look at _WORLD_ (yea it takes more than some newly colonized continent in northern hemisphere) from another perspective than a spoiled rich kid's one.

Second: are you saying "outrageous economic conditions around the world" are the result of the existence of those economic schools? How did you make that connection?

>> No.482433

if you are the same poster, then your second post utterly undermined your first to the point where I don't even have to dispute it any longer.

>protip - most countries including america are shitholes because they don't understand economics. economics is extremely practical

>economics is among other things applied psychology. good economists are to be well versed in the ways of human behavior.


>> No.482442

Economists & Accountants are the base of society. Without them, you couldn't spend your time ready faggy books and thinking about physics.

>> No.482446

Seems more like ITT: we do what makes us happy, and for you that's economics apparently

>> No.482447

What exactly causes you to think of the /mu/tards? You'll have to explain this one, because I don't get it.

>> No.482450

>Economists & Accountants are the base of society.

I don't think you really know what either of those jobs actually entails, do you?

>> No.482452

If this is irony, then it is poorly executed.

>> No.482453

You've confused 'Economists and Accountants' with 'People who actually make a differencde in the world.' That is a bad mistake to make, friend, especially if you're an account or economist.

>> No.482454

Jesus I'm so turned on by Katy Perry in this picture. Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.482455

real economics, the kind that doesn't pull shit out of its ass, is extremely useful. I happen to carry a higher standard of what constitutes a good economy (sound currency, no deficit spending, etc. i know CRAZY stuff, right?). We have more than enough ingenuity and knowledge to easily provide accessible resources and goods to citizens without the need for the state to interfere. but deep down, it would probably take decades if ever should this actually happen. Until then, we can expect ever rampant inflation, people working harder for less money, increase in welfare and intervention, and of course an ever growing deficit. don't let shitty pseudo economics scare you away. it's much like philosophy, there's a lot of bullshit but a good chunk of it is worth learning in the end.

>> No.482458

>Second: are you saying "outrageous economic conditions around the world" are the result of the existence of those economic schools? How did you make that connection?

who do you think is responsible for all these disasters? the majority are modern economists.

>> No.482461

>sound currency, no deficit spending, etc. i know CRAZY stuff, right?

Yes, you are fucking insane and stuck in the 19th century.

>> No.482463


You dont get what science is.
You seem not to realize that all "human sciences" are placeholders for natural ones, humanity is just not ready yet (from a computational, complexity point of view) to explore them the way they should be. Thats why physics and mathematics were called and treated as philosophy in the ancient Greecec

>> No.482464


>> No.482466


this is the exact arrogance that is holding economics back.

>> No.482469


So you received an undergraduate economics degree and think you're qualified to comment on the United States' and world economic situation? For serious?

Yes, you read some very convincing papers. Good for you. There were lots of numbers, logical arguments, and cool-looking graphs. How could they possibly be wrong?!?! Except, for the last 100 years, the economics you have been studying have not been the economics that play out in government or the world economy. The kind of dealings that alter international exchange rates and export/import quotas are beyond you, because you are an economic pissant. You are a twenty-something that read lots of journal articles assigned by old professors. The people running the world economies are millionaries, only slightly older than you, who haven't touched an economic journal for years. No one gives a shit how equations works out. They only care how much of a certain commodity they have to buy (given BILLIONS in liquidity) to alter the market in their favor. It's all about arbitrage. You are just a rube who has been convinced by a certain school of thought to blindly ignore all other evidence (libertarian, perhaps?). Keep your mind open, keep trying to educate yourself, read philosophy and economics you disagree with. Maybe then you will be someon worth an argument. Perhaps then you will have an opinion worth listening to.

>> No.482471


your self righteous preaching, /mu/ eats that shit up which i find humorous seeing as though 90% of them have never held down a job let alone tried to make it as a musician.

>> No.482472

>the economics you have been studying have not been the economics that play out in government or the world economy.

seeing as though the american economic system is quite unsustainable and the state of the ever plummeting dollar, among many other things i would say no thanks to your "keepin it real" patch job quackery. but thanks for all the flattering remarks, you gave me a chubby ^^

>> No.482481


I don't think you have actually read very much at all on the subject and that is why you are attempting to paint with such a broad brush to hide your limited understanding.

>> No.482484

cool thoughts, bro.

>> No.482485

I'll be honest, your post read more like a child's ramblings than an actual response. Do your parents know you're on 4chan? Do they not know how to spell-check and fact-check your posts?

You think the dollar is "unsustainable" and "ever-plumetting?" Ok, good luck betting on that one. Bet all your money. Maybe you'll luck out. China owns less US debt than Japan did in the 80s. If you study economics, I shouldn't have to point out to you what happened to correct that imbalance. China is headed the same way. Or do you really think China can continue 12% growth every year with no correction in the value of their currency?

Everything else you posted was a confusing mess of idiocy. Enjoy our chubby. It's rare that /lit/ gives anyone a reason for an erection. You're a lucky man.

>> No.482489


This is cool story bro and all but you really should deeply analize how economic schools' theories(?) are adapted IRL, ie in government, central banking, private sector policies. This process is not so stright forward as you seem to think.

I think it might be a good opportunity to share something with you guise and it was really gamebreaking for me:

Once upon a time I found Hayek's 1000 page interview in PDF. He remarks there that not so long before Keynes death (they were friends) they had a conversation where the latter one assured he is ready to refute every element of the economic doctrine he and his co-workers created to help USA recover from Great Depression. I shit you not, it's there. Theres a slight possibility of Hayek lying.. but still..

It just makes you wonder about the real impact of "schools" and "theories" on RL. IT shows that when the problem arises no sound policy maker (in market economy) will rely on and stick to some "school". He will simply work on anything that seems the best solution.

>> No.482494

This, gentlemen, is what a schizophrenic autodidact looks like. You can tell from their appeals to supposedly personally experienced concrete and esoteric knowledge and from their deep hostility towards any kind of disciplinary practice. Timecube is another classic example.

They are not to be mistaken for the disciplinary renegade, who believes in the object of study but disagrees over data sets, interpretation, theorisation or methodology (one example would be heterodox economics); or, for followers of alternative disciplinary practices (one example would be political economy).

>> No.482496

>Theres a slight possibility of Hayek lying.

understatement of the day.

>> No.482499

>I'll be honest, your post read more like a child's ramblings than an actual response.

Funny, seeing as though most of your statements are ad hominem filler and baseless claims. I also enjoyed the fact that you think this is even about China (which was a great strawman btw) and completely ignored the serious internal problems of our policies as well as the current system itself. Do you have any other digressions or insults to throw my way? I'm not gonna be on much longer :(

>> No.482500


>It just makes you wonder about the real impact of "schools" and "theories" on RL. IT shows that when the problem arises no sound policy maker (in market economy) will rely on and stick to some "school". He will simply work on anything that seems the best solution.

Errr- you're saying that discovering "by any means" Machiavellian ideology was mindblowing?

OK, High Schooler.

>> No.482501


When I was a child, I would fap to an image like OP's.

Now, as a man, I require full nudity or motion picture footage.

>> No.482505


Looks like the austrian school is the new shit for college cool kids

>> No.482506

It's a shame, isn't it? My masturbation practices used to be so pure...

>> No.482507


Prussia will always trump Austria, even in the 21st century.

>> No.482510

Make an actual statement, besides your declaration of a semi-boner, and I'll refute it. All you did was state your undergraduate idiot's opinion of where you think the US currency is headed. And saying "our" might not be the best idea in your discussion. Protip: 4chan isn't limited to USians.

>> No.482511

when did i ever imply that i belonged to a certain school? the fanboyism associated with so many economists now days is what i strongly advocate against. economics is not restricted to one school of thought any more so that music theory is limited to western music.

>> No.482515

yet another butthurt strawman, boy am i getting bored :/

>> No.482516

this thread fails
Economics is a humanity; it was a poor choice made by OP.

Now we have some armchair investors squabbling about who is the most Gordon Gecko amongst them.

>> No.482518

>implying economics isn't practical and crucial to understanding how the world works

>> No.482520

Actually the thread was pretty much closed off here >>482140 and then the autodidacts, undergraduates and high schoolers descended to pick gristle off the bones.

>> No.482522


>implying you actually have any understanding of economics in a functional role

>> No.482524

boohoohoo go cry baby.

>> No.482525

When I watched Wall Street in my economics class, I had no idea what the fuck was going on through half of it.

>> No.482528


maybe you should refute what i have already stated instead of grace my presence with even more filler and ad hominem. Deficit spending fails hard, a sound currency is imperative, and government intervention is detrimental in the long run. Is that easy enough for you to comprehend??

>> No.482531
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>I watched Wall Street in my economics class

Holy fuck, I lol'd so hard I had to jpeg that.

>> No.482532


>butthurt because he fails at economics
>everyone else is aspie but me

>> No.482535

Wow I'm amazed how you managed to insert Machiavellian "ideology" here.
4/10 bro, keep it up!

If i understood your ramble well you seem to grant recovering from a crisis by means of following political economy output a pejorative meaning. The fuck, whats Machiavellan (=evil? hahah) in this?
I'm not in High School yet but you just made me feel adult, thanks bro.

>> No.482536

It is impossible to refute unevidenced assertions. Go witness Christ elsewhere.

>> No.482541


>Wow I'm amazed how you managed to insert Machiavellian "ideology" here.
4/10 bro, keep it up!

reading comprehension fail.

>> No.482545

can't refute my claims? tough break! ;)

>> No.482548



>> No.482555

Oh, look, libertarian talking points! The force of truth falls down hard in your favor! If only, somewhere, there people who actually evaluated your assertions and found them to be false...

Oh, it's called...every capitalist government in the world? They are all lobbied constantly by asshat think-tank employees spewing the same bullshit you do, and they decide you are wrong? Hmm...what could this mean? A conspiracy against libertarians? The Illuminati?!?!

Maybe you shits are just wrong.

Deficit spending is the name of the game. That's the privelege of a rich nation who can expect real growth in the future. What's to say the US currency isn't stable? Yes, the dollar's value has dipped in the last few years. But most nations and big investors would prefer a US treasury bill above any other form of currency. There is nothing *more* stable than the dollar. If you want to make money quick on a gamble, the dollar isn't for you. If you want to spend all your money on bonds for your grandchildren, the dollar is where you should be.

Government intervention? Were you someone slinging teabags at the Whitehouse this summer? The government regulates the financial market. They set interest rates. They regulate money flow. This has been the case since George Washington was president, with Alexander Hamilton as his Treasury Secretary. Things seem to have worked pretty well since then.

>> No.482557
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>your post

>> No.482567
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your post

>> No.482572

Its a hysteric anti-libertarian timecube now.

All we need is for the timecube and the anti- timecube to come into contact and disappear in a puff of useless energy. Possibly giving off the elemental wave-particles rage and troll.

>> No.482578

>implying I'm a libertarian
>proves he doesn't even know what a libertarian is
>stale filler and buzzwords
>Maybe you shits are just wrong.
such eloquence, you clearly know what you're talking about.

>Deficit spending is the name of the game.
facepalm'd hard
>That's the privelege of a rich nation who can expect real growth in the future.
I wouldn't define "growth" as the emergence of another bubble in a fake economy. I bet you think the stimulus bill "solved" all america's problems too huh? You are quite foolish in underestimating the urgency of the situation. Jobs in the private sector are in free fall not just recently but historically. And from the looks of future policies, things couldn't look worse for businessmen. you can't continue this arrogance that nothing can happen to america, continue to defy the laws of mathematics and common sense and america will experience the same pain every other cocky empire has faced.

>What's to say the US currency isn't stable?
Could it be that your money is worth fractions of a cent on the dollar? I bet you think higher wages will solve that too lolol.

>Yes, the dollar's value has dipped in the last few years.
Nope, try decades buddy.

>But most nations and big investors would prefer a US treasury bill above any other form of currency.
>implying that's saying much

>There is nothing *more* stable than the dollar.
lol what the fuck am i reading?

>If you want to make money quick on a gamble, the dollar isn't for you. If you want to spend all your money on bonds for your grandchildren, the dollar is where you should be.
actually, bonds are a big part of the problem.

>Government intervention
>implying i was talking about minimal regulatory duties and not mass bailouts and the propping up of failed corporations
perhaps i was too ambiguous? i'm sorry, i guess in the future i should try to spell things out a but
"simpler" for you :)

>> No.482585

You argue well and refute others like a pro debater. How did you learn these skills? Will you teach them to the rest of /lit/? You turn multiple paragraphs of actual arguments into a few words of greentext. You beat that greentext down with the power of uncapitalized sentences. You facepalm and lol to prove the foolishness of your opponent. You are a hero. Or maybe an hero.

Are you a wizard?

>> No.482590

no, I just browse /lit/ on one tab and have wiki open on another tab. That way I can pretend to be expert on ANY TOPIC!!

(shhh - don't tell the others though).

>> No.482592


nope, just a guy who tries to get his point across as efficiently as possible while doing his best to multitask other things at the same time.

>> No.482596
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oh u

>> No.482597

I gave up a course in literature to study astrophysics, of which...


...are not aspects, but...


...my mind blows every day.

>> No.482600

wut? You just admitted it yourself:
>I just browse /lit/ on one tab and have wiki open on another tab.

>> No.482601


I would like to hear more about your work, good sir.

>> No.482603
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okay, i guess i can keep this a secret from you sherlocks no longer. you exposed me :o

>> No.482605

bro - we always knew

(I bet you hear that phrase a lot).

>> No.482607
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come to think of it, i guess i have! how could i have even considered masquerading the way i have ITT. clearly /lit/ is too quick for that! ;)

>> No.482616


I'm afraid it's just a University course, physics and astrophysics, i'm in my last year.

I had always intended to study English literature, because of a flare for writing and critique, yet I have always held a strong passion for science, what I considered a curse I now welcome as a blessing, as the intricity and metaphorical thinking inherent in literature study transcends well into theoretical physics.

>> No.482618 [DELETED] 
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my face when i read this thread

>> No.482619
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followed by this

>> No.482621
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and finally, this.

>> No.482624

fuck yes, Pat Butcher would sort 'em all out

>> No.482625

I dont think you have a face.
Enjoy your non-face.

>> No.482630 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 191x217, miley durr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my face on reading that

>> No.482632
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1269229165256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have now waited a good 30 minutes with no replies, i'd say it's fair for me to finally hit the hay now that i've hopefully taught /lit/ something valuable about economics. remember what we talked about! :D

>> No.482633
File: 105 KB, 600x533, ryan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's only one face we like around here

>> No.482634
File: 14 KB, 385x261, nerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have now waited a good 30 minutes with no replies, i'd say it's fair for me to finally hit the hay now that i've hopefully taught /lit/ something valuable about economics. remember what we talked about! :D

>> No.482635
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>> No.482639
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>> No.482640
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You believe this?

>> No.482641
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>> No.482643
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>> No.482645
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>> No.482649
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>> No.482651
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>> No.482655
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>> No.482659
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this is, perhaps, "too deep" for /lit/.

>> No.482661

I gave up a /lit/ major to drop out and get a job working for the FBI making $120,000 a year. Now I play video games and fuck my wife in my spare time, my car and house are both paid off, and I don't owe one fucking cent toward any kind of college loan.

Enjoy your degrees in useless (but, admittedly, interesting) academia.

>> No.482665

That's weird. I'm also a college dropout, and I also fuck your wife in my spare time.

>> No.482667
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>he thinks we think it's too deep and not a big pile of stinking arse

>> No.482673


Sounds like you are enraged.

>> No.482680

ive clearly been refuted! xD

but srsly /new/, i'm off to catch up on my beauty sleep. see ya soon! <3

>> No.482683

where do you find your reaction faces? they are impressively bad

>> No.482719

if there had been no bailout, we;d be in a far worse mess than now.

That's the problem with the right-wing attack on the world's governments' response to the crisis. Their proposals were just to do nothing. But it was quite clear that we were facing a systemic collapse.

No-one says that deficit spending is either good or solved all the economics problems. Far from it. So you are knocking down a straw-man there. (As if the economy can ever be stabilized, but that it a different story ...).

>> No.482724

>SHE thinks she is a woman when she is in fact an unattractive whale

>> No.482736
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>> No.482744


If there had been no bailout the only performing shitty would have been the stock market.

The bailout did not create new jobs, it didn't get the common man back to work, it didn't accomplish shit except for making the god damn stock market look fatter than it actually is.

It didn't stop the auto unions from gauging their employers. It didn't help alleviate the housing market crisis. It literally just postponed this shit from fucking everything up for a little bit longer. If it isn't gonna fix a god damned thing, then let those fuckers fail. That is part of being in a free economy, you get smacked when your business practices start getting fucked.

Of course, Clinton and Carter teaming up for that shit that let everyone and their brother take out a $200,000 loan for a home when they only make $20,000 a year really is what fucked up the economy. People bought shit they couldn't afford and they KNEW it, but the banks couldn't tell these fuckers 'No.' anymore.

>> No.482746

Obviously we had little choice because of this ridiculous system some reasonable people urge against. Branding everyone who doesn't agree as indifferent is quite petty on your part as these situations shouldn't have existed in the first place. I would argue that, instead of continuing these motions with repeating failures, we try to look at the big picture and actually learn from our mistakes so that they may never occur in the future. But the politics of economics are infinitely more obtuse than the economics itself which is unfortunate.

>> No.482767

>Branding everyone who doesn't agree as indifferent is quite petty on your part as these situations shouldn't have existed in the first place.

what an arrogant attitude: So you're basically saying, I told you so.

The problem of course is that the do nothing attitude doesn't work. The economy does not get itself back on its feet of its own accord. Markets do not clear and can go into persistent depression.

>> No.482769

They always say, "We'll bail them out now and worry about the rest later." This is dangerous thinking because modern economists have been taught to be rather shortsighted which is why many policies are inconsistent and not sustainable in the long run. You will quickly see that "later" has turned into decades later which by then pretty much means "never." You will have to confront your policies at some point. Feeding the bubble only makes the sobering period that much more fierce.

>> No.482775


bad policies don't either. you assume your way is the only way which is real arrogance.

>> No.482777
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>implying we can have a capitalism free of boom and bust

>> No.482778

way to not answer any points

>> No.482781
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>> No.482784

oh noes! It's gold standard man!

>> No.482793



>> No.482792 [DELETED] 
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>my face when this thread was still on page one

>> No.482797

>implying you know anything about ron paul other than what chris fucking matthews spoonfeeds you

>> No.482800

who is "chris fucking matthews"?

also, i listened to his audiobook, Revolution: A Manifesto and read his End the Fed

>> No.482808

I actually agree with a lot of Peter Schiff in his analysis of what went wrong (ie too much debt) but I disagree with his solution: leave it to the market to sort itself out.

See also Steve Keen, whose analysis is similar to Schiff's, but whose policy prescription is imo more sensible

>> No.482811
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of course, i believe you, bro

>> No.482817


clearly, huge government isn't the problem here...

>> No.482824


>> No.482825

unrestrained financial markets are the problem

they had far too much "light touch" regulation (ie next to nothing)

>> No.482830

>anyone who says they disagree with our Lord Ron Paul must never have read him

>> No.482832


inb4 libertarian shitheel claiming it was over-regulation that caused the financial meltdown because government forced banks to give loans to filthy blacks

>> No.482836


economic freedom is never the problem. a biased corporatist system rooted in credit inflation and deficit spending? that's your problem, chubbs.

>> No.482842

>anyone who posts baseless claims and propaganda must be a ron paul fanboy

>> No.482845


it's the logic of capital to expand as much as it can, only it continually encounters its own limits and causes crises ...

>> No.482849


>marxism is my religion

>> No.482852

oh right, yes. Blame the central banks ... so there were, like, no recessions or depressions before 1913 amirite?

>> No.482855

ad hominem

>> No.482857

The current problem is "A"
"A" has existed prior to cause "B"
Therefore "B" can never cause "A" to occur.

>> No.482861

but then you also admit that the unrestrained market can descend into crises?

>> No.482867

>economic freedom is never the problem

truth. if you socialists would just leave the honest free men alone, they would behave nicely. why don't you come closer, i have a model here i would like to sell you.

>> No.482879

and what would you do about the dishonest free men?

>> No.482882

call them trolls and move on.

>> No.482895

economics major here, economics is interesting and practical, but it's very easy to either a) fall into ideological pitfalls (RAH RAH FREE MARKET!) which are partly refuted by empirical economic analysis or b) become overly sceptical and/or critical of just about everything, because your entire "science" is based on assumptions that are more or less likely to be true.

It's funny how on one side economics encourages a great degree of scepticism, precise definition and careful footing, but on the other hand, so many of it's practitioners have a very very strong ideological bias. It is especially depressing when you then find all your hard work, careful analysis and attempts of taking everything into consideration are useless because your results don't match with the politicians' ideological goals.

>> No.482900

fuck yah

>> No.482916

Related "Desert Island" joke:

A can of beans

Three guys are alone on a desert island: an engineer, a biologist and an economist. They are starving and don't have a thing to eat, but somehow they find a can of beans on the shore.
The engineer says: "Let's hit the can with a rock until it opens."
The biologist has another idea: "No. We should wait for a while. Erosion will do the job."
Finally, the economist says: "Let's assume that we have a can opener".

>> No.482920

that biologist sounds like a geologist or something.

>> No.482925

yeah i just copy pasted it, in another one i found he's a chemist, but w/e

>> No.482928

wasnt the latter one by any chance a priest?

>> No.482940

naw, but i heard it once in a more advanced version. Like the engineer goes "we have rocks, we can use those to open the cans!" but then the biologist goes "nono, if we do that then you'll spill the beans, if we give it enough time the can should start to erode, so we can get the beans" and the engineer goes "but we'll be starved before then!" they both go quiet thinking about what to do, but after a while the economist looks up and says "Assume we have a can opener..."

or something along those lines, it's a couple of years ago.

>> No.482946

>>Implying a major in litreture is usefull for anything but a litreture professor or MAYBE a writer/journalist.

>> No.482952

If you use rock can is open and you have some bean that didn't spill.Why is bioligist talking about the erosion of metal, that would be a chemists field of study.Arguement is null and void.Plus engineer would just kill the bioligist and econimist and eat them.

>> No.482959

strawman, but that was expected

>> No.482962


in your corporatist fake economy perhaps where massive intervention is necessary just to function. but not in a coherent system that isn't deeply rooted in debt and credit.

>> No.482972

what you call a crisis is actually balance, real capitalism may fluctuate a bit but its anything from the boom and bust lifestyle you americunts are used to. enjoy living in your corporate bubble.

>> No.482976

>not in a coherent system that isn't deeply rooted in debt and credit.

capitalism is based on credit

>> No.482977

>what you call a crisis is actually balance

it's alright folks! a high level of unemployment is good for you!

>> No.482979

nice strawman

>> No.482982

so in your "cisis" or "balance" unemployment never manifests itself?

>> No.482984


capitalism, despite what you've been told, is actually based on something called actual capital. even though credit exists, it is not meant to be some kind of replacement. credit means nothing without actual capital to back it up. would you pay your credit card bills with more credit? why would you think the economy was any different? misconceptions like this are what concern me the most.

>> No.482992

i swear to god if i have to read the incessant "derp fallacy derp" that samefag keeps posting i'm going to go insane

>> No.482993

yes yes yes, and how is capital expanded? through the advancement of credit. As capitalism grows so does the credit system, becoming ever more and more sophisticated.

Of course real new value in the economy has to be created, but the push for profits sees the credit system expanded more and more.

In fact, we now live in an almost pure credit economy. It is absurd to think you can have free market capitalism but no free credit market.

>> No.482994


instead of assuming unemployment is some type of perpetual fixture ask yourself how do things like unemployment happen in the first place?

>> No.482997


speculation markets, along with this rampant creditalism, are also a big part of the problem.

>> No.483008

funny because ever since I switched from an economics major to literature I feel like what I'm learning is not only practical and interesting, but also helps me understand the world I live in and how things work.

ITT: we talk about how OP is delusional

>> No.483010

one reason unemployment can never be a feature of capitalism is that when there is full employment workers become more militant.

the structural function of unemployment is to ensure discipline in the workplace and to keep wages as low as possible

>> No.483016

ITT: wikipedia economists.

>> No.483019


>> No.483022
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>> No.483025



>> No.483026
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Why the fuck would you major litterature in the first place you stupid fucking shit. And reading philosophy and good books in your free time is beneficial to everyone. Just because you made a mistake doesn't mean that reading is a childish hobby, get your shit together and stop humiliating yourself

>> No.483027

>Same troll thread as the last 15 times

>180 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view

Stay classy, /lit/

>> No.483047


What a bunch of bullshit coldwar propaganda.

>> No.483050

u mad?