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481924 No.481924 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good novel that uses extensive worldbuilding without being too in-love-with-itself? Specifically of the fantasy genre--something where there is a lot of thought and care put into the artificial world, but it is only present as a setting for the plot.

>> No.481926

I enjoyed the Island in the Sea of Time series.

>> No.481927

>extensive worldbuilding
>without being too in-love-with-itself

Pick one

>> No.481930



>> No.481934

Discworld, at least the later books.


Also you should read Robert E. Howard's Conan books.

>> No.481967
File: 54 KB, 614x475, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.481973
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The Many-Colored Land series by Julian May.

Sci-fi in name only. One of the most fun series I've read.

WAY the fuck over the top.

>> No.481974

Jack Vance, Jack Vance, Jack Vance

His world building is much more society building, especially in his Gaean Reach books, and it's very playful. I think you would like it, check it out.

>> No.481979

>without being too in-love-with-itself
>implying that's a bad thing
A self-deprecating book doesn't sound fun to read.

>> No.482251

Gene Wolfe, The Book of the Long Sun.

>> No.482333
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Finnegans Wake

>> No.482341

First off, glad to finally see someone who has heard of the series.

Second, "Sci-fi in name only?" Are you high?

It had time travel, space travel, teleportation, psychic powers, psychic amplifiers, aliens, space craft, and a plethora of futuristic weapons smuggled to the past by paranoid time travelers.

There is very little that is NOT sci-fi in this series.

>> No.482576

Ada or Ardor?

>> No.482593
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Moby Dick

>> No.483716


>"psychic powers, psychic amplifiers"

That's magic painted in sci-fi colors.

But see, that's part of why I enjoyed the books so much - as soon I realized it was full-tilt nutso I turned off my logic function and went with her flow.

The second series (Magnificat) was not as much fun, but I would recommend it as well. It got a little fussy with all the Remillard family nonsense.

>> No.483721
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Do you really want this book to be /lit/'s new Atlas Shrugged, with the uncontextualized name-dropping and all?