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/lit/ - Literature

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4815381 No.4815381[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

5.) Night Shift
6.) The Stand
7.) The Long Walk
8.) The Dead Zone
9.) Firestarter
10.) Roadwork

Dean Koontz

1.) Land of Enchantment
2.) The Door to December
3.) Strangers
4.) Watchers
5.) Shadow Fires
6.) Lightning
7.) Midnight
8.) The Bad Place
9.) Cold Fire
10.) Hideaway

Michael Crichton

1.) The Andromeda Strain
2.) The Terminal Man
3.) Eaters of the Dead
4.) Congo
5.) Sphere
6.) Airframe
7.) Timeline
8.) Prey
9.) State of Fear
10.) Next

Ian Fleming

1.) Casino Royale
2.) Live and Let Die
3.) Moonraker
4.) Diamonds Are Forever
5.) From Russia, with Love
6.) Dr. No
7.) Goldfinger
8.) For Your Eyes Only
9.) Thunderball
10.) The Spy Who Loved Me

>> No.4815383


Arthur Hailey

1.) Runway Zero-Eight
2.) The Final Diagnosis
3.) In High Places
4.) Hotel
5.) Airport
6.) Wheels
7.) The Moneychangers
8.) Overload
9.) Strong Medicine
10.) Detective

Kurt Vonnegut

1.) Player Piano
2.) Mother Night
3.) Cat’s Cradle
4.) Slaughterhouse-Five
5.) Jailbird
6.) Breakfast of Champions
7.) Hocus Pocus
8.) Timequake
9.) God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater
10.) Slapstick

Aldous Huxley

1.) Chrome Yellow
2.) Antic Hay
3.) Those Barren Leaves
4.) Point Counter Point
5.) Brave New World
6.) Eyeless in Gaza
7.) After Many a Summer
8.) Time Must Have a Stop
9.) Ape and Essence
10.) The Genius and the Goddess

Isaac Asimov

1.) I, Robot
2.) The Caves of Steel
3.) Robots and Empire
4.) The Naked Sun
5.) Foundation and Empire
6.) The Stars, Like Dust
7.) The End of Eternity
8.) The Robots of Dawn
9.) Nightfall
10.) Nemesis

Arthur C. Clarke

1.) Childhood’s End
2.) 2001: A Space Odyssey
3.) 3001: The Final Odyssey
4.) 2010: Odyssey Two
5.) The City and the Stars
6.) The Songs of Distant Earth
7.) The Sentinel
8.) The Fountains of Paradise
9.) Against The Fall of Night
10.) The Songs of Distant Earth

H.G. Wells

1.) The Time Machine
2.) The Wonderful Visit
3.) The Island of Doctor Moreau
4.) The Wheels of Chance
5.) The Invisible Man
6.) The War of The Worlds
7.) When the Sleeper Wakes
8.) Love and Mr Lewisham
9.) The First Men in the Moon
10.) The Sea Lady

>> No.4815386

Whoops, the first part is:

Stephen King

1.) Carrie
2.) Salem’s Lot
3.) The Shining
4.) Rage

>> No.4815387

Man, you fucked up that King list. Post the first 5.

Otherwise, I've never read Koontz. Pretty good choices for Fleming. AS for Crichton is interesting, but I'd personally go Eaters of the Dead, Airframe, or Next. Also surprised that you didn't include Jurassic Park.

>> No.4815388

i don't read any of these authors

>> No.4815389

are you going to talk about your thoughts on the books or just spit out a thread akin to PINK FLOYD ALBUMS POWER RANKINGS

>> No.4815397

I don't really give a shit about your list, but I'd like to see Rage discussed on /lit/, especially since it inspired twice as much edginess as CITR

>> No.4815398

why haven't you included "Island" in your Huxley list?

>> No.4815411

i just drank like 600mg worth of caffeine and wrote a really good poem in a minute just saying re: picture.

>> No.4815417


Good post

Good double