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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 70 KB, 480x640, 1371392340634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4812306 No.4812306 [Reply] [Original]

what is your opinion on american literature?

>> No.4812322

that books is spot on

>> No.4812329

inb4 le stupid americans, we europeans are so much smarter xD

>> No.4812343

I've seen this multiple times and it always cracks me up.

>> No.4812345
File: 33 KB, 616x421, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it would be a good idea.

>> No.4812350

fuckin #rekt

>> No.4812355

it's the best literature, followed by German.

>> No.4812357

omshidi pls

>> No.4812359

Confirmation bias pulp fiction =/= literature, and it shouldn't be representative of a completely different body.

>> No.4812360

i've come to the conclusion that right wing ideas are part of the spectrum of paranoia

>> No.4812366

And you don't think the liberals' persecution complex is a symptom of paranoia?

>> No.4812371

>Thinks insane drivel is spot on
>Appreciates Evola

What a coincidence.

>> No.4812375

>>Thinks insane drivel is spot on
Better than most leftist dribble people read

>> No.4812379

>What is your opinion on American music?
>What is your opinion on television shows?
>What is your opinion on European philosophy?

Do you see now what a stupid question that is, OP?

>> No.4812384

no, things like fearing the fall of western civilization is much more grandiose form of paranoia

>> No.4812385

Jake Lantz was a simple God fearing man who simply wanted to be left to enjoy his freedoms and liberties in the peace of his own home, until one day president blackmadinejad came to his door and slapped the bible from his hand whilst performing fellatio on a transnormist african retard

"not today freedom hater!!" screamed Jake as he stepped into his f-16.....etc.

>> No.4812387

oh thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot to filter you after that tremendous display of idiocy in that other thread.

>> No.4812388

>/pol/ gets published.jpg
>freedums intensifies.webm

>> No.4812398
File: 72 KB, 924x579, 2427493-2693563985-23951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot to filter you after that tremendous display of idiocy in that other thread.

>> No.4812403

one of the worst Western nations for pre-WWII lit, and one of the best for post-WWII lit.

>> No.4812417
File: 174 KB, 480x480, 1372616288137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4812452

God, even as a reactionary you're total shit. A coherent Traditionalist should feel nothing but contempt for America and American values. The country is virtually founded on Protestantism, rationalism, individualistic economism and the Enlightenment.

>> No.4813375

I think he is talking about you using "dribble" when the word is drivel.

That is not being butthurt.

>> No.4813455

As a American that picture made me laugh at it's dumbassitude, but at the same time replace jake with big boss and call it outer heaven and I'd read it in a second. Dam

>> No.4813461


I want to read this book, it sounds fucking amazing.

>> No.4813508
File: 170 KB, 1112x1450, Yurope TAI middle class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i've read that book already

>> No.4813606

I read a book like that recently.
I was in the library, see, and I picked up a book called "Patriots" by some James Wesley, Rawles motherfucker. He puts that comma in his name himself, by the way.

Anyway, it promised to be a novel about people surviving after the collapse of society and said that it was full of "authentic survival tactics" or whateverthefuck. I decided, huh, mite b cool, and took it home. It went into some crazy fucking new world order bullshit and ended up with TRUE 'MURRICANS liberating the world or someshit. Jesus Christ, I just wanted a novel about motherfuckers struggling to survive after the collapse of society.

>> No.4813614

this reads like every John Clancy novel ever

>> No.4813622

Guys, if the social rejects that lurk in pol can get their books published, what is stopping you?

You have ZERO excuses, if that shit can be published; you can too.

>> No.4813726

do you wanna be published or read?

>> No.4814067

I thought everyone here was a "struggling author" or "working on their novel"?

I want to read but the vibe I get off you pretentious wine sippers is that you want to publish a book.

You always posting poetry or "critique me" threads and every now and again I see some poor sob asking how to get published.

Hell there was that TAR fag, that used to "publish" yall faggets works... what happen to the TAR fag?

>> No.4814092
File: 123 KB, 700x519, tea party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an American, I'd just like to let you know that (typically) when this image is posted (and often times by Americans), it's more of a jab at the rural parts of the United States (often colloquially referred to simply as "the South") and is not really making fun of all Americans (though OP obviously is). I still find the whole thing funny as well (and, geographically, I reside in the "South"). I want to believe that the whole thing is really satirical, but I can't get myself to believe that.

>yfw there is a movie trailer too (comments disabled, of course)
I just searched far too long for it, I'm supposed to be working on homework for uni. But it's out there (though it may not be for this particular book), if any kind anon could find it, that would be awesome.

>> No.4814096

Not him but both? I don't even need to get published, I just want to see one of my plays produced on a meaningful level...

>> No.4814150
File: 2.11 MB, 1535x1057, most inaccessbile work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have ZERO excuses, if that shit can be published; you can too.
Just a suggestion here, but you should not be using a semicolon there. Semicolons are for the linking of two independent clauses, not dependent + independent. A comma would have been a much better choice.

>You have ZERO excuses, if that shit can be published, you can too.
Now see how much better that flows?

Feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken, it's just that I've been trying to incorporate semicolons into my writing more and I've been trying to get a firm grasp on their usage - don't mean to be rude.

>> No.4814158

anyone else notice that there is a gigantic bias against american culture outside of america? it's like people refuse to believe that there are actual american traditions. it is this bias that is at the heart of why certain people don't take american literature as seriously as other nations' literarture.

>> No.4814165


lmao, both of you are wrong. The second guy at least had the right idea.

You have ZERO excuses; if that shit can be published, you can too

>> No.4814184

they think americans are vulgar and stupid. it is hard to argue against this.

>> No.4814189

>You have ZERO excuses; if that shit can be published, you can too
Well no, I know that you 'could' use a semicolon there, but there's nothing saying you have to. I'm not saying he couldn't put a semicolon where you put it (I did actually think about it, but decided not to) because I was talking about his misuse of the semicolon, not about where he could have put it. But yes, I do think that way sounds better.

You'd have to know my intent before knowing if I'm "wrong," m8.

Oh yea, I'm this fuccboi (>>4814150)

>> No.4814193

Humans are vulgar and stupid. It's hard to argue against this.

>> No.4814224

You like it in the pooper?

>> No.4814235


Your way is wrong too. You can't connect two independent clauses with a comma

clause 1: You have ZERO excuses
clause 2: if that shit can be published, you can too

if you want to connect the two clauses you need a comma or a coordinating conjunction

>> No.4814238


I meant to type "if you want to connect the two clauses you need a SEMICOLON or a coordinating conjunction"

>> No.4814372
File: 29 KB, 544x433, 1380763135529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You like it in the pooper?
No, just trying to find a word other than "faggot" to make me sound like I'm not too full of myself.

Oh wow, you're right. Thank you. Like I said, I'm still learning when/how to use them, but obviously I was incorrect. I'll keep that in mind for future reference, anon.

>> No.4814383

Prescriptivist, pls take your Strunk and White and go.

>> No.4814730

lel evolakid got served, now he's too ashamed to post in this thread

>> No.4814732


>> No.4814735
File: 27 KB, 222x222, 55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First time in print!


>> No.4814765
File: 493 KB, 500x281, speedwagon intensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I downloaded and read this book

Oh God it's fucking hilarious /lit/.
>Ohshmidi withdraws all US troops from foreign soil
>to fix the environment he decides to order a halt to all oil-drilling activities, to force scientists to come up with an alternative before the country falls apart
>he's some kind of weird algamation of a communist, an Islamic extremist, and a globalist all at once
>Glen Beck is the heroic resistance leader

>> No.4814779
File: 132 KB, 667x872, melville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compared to what was coming out of France, Britain and Germany in the 19th century American lit was admittedly sub-par, but I still feel like "worst" is a little harsh considering the occasional American gems shined so bright.

>> No.4814799
