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/lit/ - Literature

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4811458 No.4811458 [Reply] [Original]

Some of you read books, some of you scribble, but relatively few of you live the godly bohemian flaneurist otium of the people literary life.

Why don't you walk the walk? Of course no one is going to value literature if its readers live just like your average prole. You need to showcase your splendour.

>> No.4811475

>no one is going to value literature if its readers live just like your average prole
On the contrary, if "readers" live like entitled, lazy shitheads, wouldn't literature come to be associated with such behaviour?

>> No.4811479

because the born-wealthy dilettantes moved-on from writing trash to being celebs about two million years ago

>> No.4811480

effect and cause m9.

>> No.4811484

also where can i scare opiates in middle europe

>> No.4811488


>> No.4811493

an abandoned hospital muh huHUHUHUHU

>> No.4811502

>put on skeleton costume
>go to poppy field at night

>> No.4811511

Jokes on you OP, I just got out of jail and rehab for indulging in the literary lifestyle to the point of profligacy.

>> No.4811512


>> No.4811513

what were you in for? and which drugs?

>> No.4811527
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I disrespected the property rights of others, and caught some nice felony theft charges. Thankfully my lawyer was able to work his magic and I was able to weasel out of that only receiving a few years of probation.

>> No.4811550

hell yeah upper middle class.

>> No.4812408

ahh, opiates. read "confessions of an english opium-eater" and "you can't win" by jack black (no, not that gay fat rock movie guy).

the first is mostly about dope and the latter is mostly about being a crook. both are p cool. burroughs cited black as one of his biggest influences.

>> No.4812424

Well, on account of my being between jobs at the moment, I suppose I do sort of live the 'literary life.' I drink a fair amount, shitpost on /lit/ (which, because it's /lit/, I consider to be a rough approximation of heavy discourse), wander around New York City, and read a lot.

It kind of sucks because my disposable income is wearing down and I would like a job soon. I do write freelance for a magazine and a few websites, but this is not generating sufficient funds.

>> No.4812469

Goodbye, hedonist

>> No.4812480

¿who are you responding towards?

>> No.4812490

this guy is really something isn't he

>> No.4812555


>> No.4812589

The best way to secure the /lit/ lifestyle if you can't get autism bux or want to live somewhere away from black people is to learn how to day trade.

>> No.4812596

being a drug addict that wastes away while maintaining a facade of intellectual quality by reading status-symbol trash is not a desirable lifestyle. Don't glamorize decadence

>> No.4812618

okay, but if I work my ass off and do some stuff that's meaningful for others as well as myself, retire by my mid 50s and 'waste away' when i'm fucking old, doing h and reading kafka... well isn't /that/ the good life?

>> No.4812633

this is childishness. Many of the retirees I know come from a generation that actually places higher value on work and discipline than the modern one*. Further, it is acknowledged by nearly everyone that their life circumstances are increasingly pathetic. The very fact that the sick would consider weakness a form of validation only goes to show how far elements of our culture has gone. Hedonist is a social disease

*you will say: baby boomers! I will say: they still conserve elements of the earlier cultural expectations and are less dependent on debilitating vices than the modern child-hedonist

>> No.4812645

"I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on the frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words. When I was a boy, we were taught to be discrete and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise and impatient of restraint."
- Hesiod, 700 B.C.

>> No.4812661

"I want to normalize my behavior by referring to a situation with connection to my immediate epoch or social context, and then try to feign a free pass by saying it's actually the exact same and there is no difference between BC 1000 tools and posting on 4chan today"

cultural relativism: eroding the quality of debate to pseudo-biased philosophy since the very beginning

>> No.4812666

i know a guy who did that, he died of cancer at 53. he also looked like complete shit at age 40.

>> No.4812670

it's a killer quote tho

>> No.4812678

yeah. And any claim to your intellectual merit at this point is all but dead.

/lit/ = /shit/

>> No.4812720
File: 17 KB, 1775x224, asdasddw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not the guy. also look what i found.

anywhoo, i think there's some truth to that idea, misattributed or not, that some old fart has probably said the same thing and that people in general have been saying that since men first crapped in the bushes near mesopotamia.

i absolutely agree with you, but before one of you digs out some stats to back your theories up there's not much real validity either side besides personal experience.

so start digging. or don't w/e

>> No.4812758

if we want to be balanced for a minute and just talk, I can agree this is a generational phenomena and there is a basically analagous continuity throughout time. But I'd also like to point out that there has also been real social and cultural change associated with every generation and the critique is not just mere words. Hedonism is a growing cultural psychology due to the increase in luxuries and decrease in required labor, but don't expect me to embrace it willingly

>> No.4812860

The point is that since oldfags are always whining about kids these days, what makes you think it's all of the sudden valid?

>> No.4812932

because the kids keep requesting the same reply

"help me, the meaningfulness of my life is what makes it so meaningless is it valid to be invalid"

>> No.4813038

Nobody is requesting any reply.

>> No.4813045

>i know a guy who did that
isn't that what most ppl do

serious question i'm not an expert in people

>> No.4813078

>few of you live the godly bohemian flaneurist otium of the people literary life.

I'm working on it. I figure I can quite my full time job and live very frugally off a simple part-time job.

I will have a lot of leisure time to pursue my actual interests.

>> No.4813179

no, i'm pretty sure most people "just work". the guy i'm talking about thought he was being smart by doing 14 hour shifts so he could retire early, but he just ended up having sixty years' worth of wear-and-tear when he was 45.

>> No.4813193

Is anyone else a working class plebeian here?

Or is /lit/ filled with affluent middle class uni students?

>> No.4813197

Why be a prole when you can be a lumpenprole?

>> No.4813205

You're not alone. I work the graveyard shift at a shipping warehouse, moving boxes and shit all day.

>> No.4813214

What /lit/ NEETs like to call "the literary life" is really just joblessness.

It's nothing more than an euphemism for "unemployed", since with a job you can do everything the "literary life" grants (except maybe buy something you want or travel). It's like being proud to live in a cage.

>> No.4813221

highschool is for losers

>> No.4813225

>since with a job you can do everything the "literary life" grants
Everything, you know, spending your time doing what you want.

>> No.4813244

There are 168 hours in a week, only 40 of which I work.

I spend every afternoon and evening and weekend doing what I want. I also have money to go do other things I want (like travel) and paid vacations and holidays.

I don't know what your age or education level is, but it's fairly obvious that the "bum deal" in life is not working.

>> No.4813252

I'm a recovering heroin addict. Do I win?

I think not. It is a drag really..

>> No.4813253

you should convert that income into rental properties so you don't have to work anymore

>> No.4813275

god i wish i knew where to score heroin. stuck with weak painkillers.

>> No.4813291

Just kill yourself then, death is the ultimate pain killer and you don't even really feel the side effects.

>> No.4813292

did you guys just go wrong at some point, coming from a middle-class background? or are you actual proles as in, prole mama, prole papa? and if so, how did you end up here?

i work weekend shifts as a clerk and all my co-workers are either other middle-class student weekend-shifters or prole pleb fuckheads. i mean they're endearing but jesus they're real simpletons lemmetellya

>> No.4813296

On average people you encounter will have an average intelligence. Shocking.

>> No.4813297

I live in new york city so if I ever want to relapse I just walk to thompson square park

>> No.4813298

but i said, i don't want the painkillers