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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 113 KB, 632x355, Slavoj-Zizek-632x355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4811041 No.4811041 [Reply] [Original]

You have 9 seconds to explain to me why /lit/ hates Zizek.

>> No.4811043

most of us love zizek

>> No.4811045

not old and canonical enough
easy target

>> No.4811046

/lit/ is only place I have heard about him, so I doubt its hate.

>> No.4811060
File: 13 KB, 391x421, blooming heck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like Tao right?

>> No.4811063

OP here. I just watched Pervert's guide to cinema and it was interesting

>> No.4811144

Because he has a sense of humour.
/lit/ likes no fun.

>> No.4811179

Actually he fails at humour. He's quite good at everything else though-

>> No.4811181

Don't hate him

Every nose touch is a shot glass


The incessant roll of every consonant lulls even the most ideological of us to sleep

>> No.4811189

Also, he has a very nice accent.

>> No.4811262

If you didn't find the dusting the balls joke funny, then you don't have a sense of humour and will have a break down when I fuck your wife.

>> No.4811270

Because he is a stand-up academic who mixes personal opinion with watered down Lacan and Lenin to make quips about pop culture. Basically critical theory for plebs.

>> No.4811288

>love is violent
>nothing should even exist
plus he's a leftist so all in all not worth the time

>> No.4811328

I like him.

>> No.4812276

because he loves coke

>> No.4812283


>> No.4812314


>> No.4812337

>why /lit/ hates Zizek

we don't

>> No.4812352

I love him

I love coke as well

>> No.4812365

I really like this dude. I'm usually not into mourning famous people, but when he dies it'll be the first time since Bernie Mac that I'll be like oh shit


>> No.4812428
File: 9 KB, 678x111, zizek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people who dislike Zizek haven't seen this:


>> No.4812491
File: 62 KB, 680x452, Orchidaceae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was sitting in my botany lecture the other day and a picture of a particular member of some family of flower was shown and it really disgusted me and moved me to empathize with him.

>> No.4812496

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.4813600

Should I try coke ?

>> No.4813607
File: 192 KB, 1320x402, Tyrant Mod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

careful now, don't want to get banned.

>> No.4813615

meh, not that great in my opinion. The come down is a bit too rough for the amount of high you get

>> No.4813617

I am not /lit/ so I wouldn't know. Is he worth reading?

>> No.4813619

yeah have a bump if you are curious anon but it ain't that great imo.

>> No.4813632

it really feels like hitting a huge blunt to me. you'll feel a lot of overwhelming nervous energy. worth a shot just to have done it though, honestly.

>> No.4813638

Doesn't it make you into alpha mode instantly ?

>> No.4813648
File: 57 KB, 568x540, 1397850212879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but i dont hate him, hes one of my favorite theologians.

>> No.4813656


>> No.4813660

then gonna do it just to have done it

>> No.4813670

I love Zizek. I am not even a leftist I'm more on the center-right but I can't help but like him.

>> No.4813689

How old were you when you realised that Žižek is actually a classical liberal who embraced the fatal strategy and presents himself as a Marxist to create an impression of all Marxists as frothing imbeciles?

>> No.4813773

>judging zizek based on a single youtube clip

But I jest, I imagine we agree about him.

>> No.4813808

Zizek is recognizable by plebs, so the try-hard faggots on /lit/ that liked him to begin with feel shame their plebosity and react emotionally when someone else mentions Zizek.

In the real world, Zizek is bretty gud.

>> No.4813812
File: 42 KB, 397x230, zizhzhkchoo revishited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4813939
File: 494 KB, 500x259, 1396992943562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon, that's... brilliant.

>*pulls nose, violently adjusts collar*
>"And so on..."

>> No.4814143

I'm always reminded of that Shakespeare quote, "Jesters do oft prove prophets," when I think of Zizek.

>> No.4814149

Pretty much this. A year or two ago, well before the Norman Chompsky incident, 90% of /lit was regularly sucking Zizek's cock.

>> No.4814322

God I love the fatal strategy.
I honestly suspect that the leaders of the Westboro Baptist Church are doing that.

>> No.4814332

I'd like to have him as an uncle, but he's a bad philosopher

>> No.4814338

>but he's a bad philosopher
Name a better poster boy for contemporary left-wing pop-philosophy then?

>> No.4814346

>center right
god, why

fascists are better than you

>> No.4814347

>norman chompysky

>> No.4814348
File: 41 KB, 500x500, laurie_bio-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Name a better poster boy for contemporary left-wing pop-philosophy then?
>poster boy

>> No.4814352

I consider most of that to be drivel

>> No.4814353

>Doesn't know who Norman Chompsky is


>> No.4814355


>> No.4814359

this is embarrassing
why did he consent to this?

>> No.4814367

Probably the easy additional $25k for five mins work while he was already inside the BBC studios. Plus, despite it being embarrassing, it would have exposed him to a whole generation of 90's kids. It's no worse than his 'Chomsky style' parody of Gangnam style anyway.

>> No.4814369

the one with Tony Benn is good

>> No.4814379

that looks like his office
how do you know they paid him that much?

>> No.4814924

I stopped caring about him after watching the video where he discusses communism and cites China and Russia as references.
>also his weird enunciation

>> No.4814935

What is the problem with that?

>> No.4814939

that's something I'd expect from fox news but not from a self-proclaimed intellectual. It just goes to show that people who call themselves intellectuals aren't worth your time

>> No.4816289

Noam Chomsky confirmed for browsing /lit/

>> No.4816341


>> No.4816426

>>love is violent
Not in the idiotic sense of physical violence, but in the sense of excluding all others. True love is absolutely violent. As Socrate said "a friend to all is a friend to none".

>>nothing should even exist
What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.4817776
File: 1.54 MB, 300x257, 1394847230553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Noam Chomsky confirmed for browsing /lit/

Suspending disbelief and for an instant imagining that statement could be true, I experienced a brief moment of unrestrained joy.


Thank you, Anon.

And thank you, /lit/.

I love you guys.

We're all gonna make it.