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File: 47 KB, 275x414, 50ShadesofGreyCoverArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4808408 No.4808408[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"But it's badly written!", I hear you cry. Um, hello? It's PORN. Whilst there is some pornography out there written with a deft stylistic hand – from Anais Nin and Henry Miller to Anne Rice's luscious, filthy Sleeping Beauty series – that's hardly the point, even if you don't buy Oglaf author Trudy Cooper's adage that "erotica just means porn that works for me." A dildo painted with an intricate lubricant-insoluble motif may look delightful, but a plain old rubber shocker gets the job done just as well. This book is porn. It is for wanking to. Pornography made for men is rarely judged on its artistic merits – the average 20-minute RedTube clip has hundreds of thousands of views and practically nobody leaves comments complaining that the lighting is garish, that the pounding cheese music is weird and unsettling"

-Laurie Penny.

>> No.4808415

More or less, yes. I wouldn't necessarily say it that way but I don't think she's wrong.

>> No.4808419
File: 12 KB, 467x453, d77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that there is any music playing in porn these days

I miss the 90s...

>> No.4808441

Yeah but neither do men become fanatical about one clip in particular, endlessly discussing it, filling the media with stories about it and recommending it to all their girlfriends and acting like it is a great masterpiece, their one true sexual awakening and liberation.

>> No.4808443

I think Laurie Penny would argue that this is, in fact, just a sign of oppression of women etc etc in that porn for women is not as commonplace or produced in such quantities or as accepted for women to look at. So when something comes along it becomes really big for precisely that reason.

>> No.4808461

>implying I don't complain about sub-par lighting and poor music choice all the time.
>not exclusively spilling your seed to the highest quality erotica
>not edging for 16 hours while you read a novel length f erotic literature


>> No.4808463

>Yeah but neither do men become fanatical about one clip in particular
Lexi Belle anal scene. The whole internet went haywire.

>> No.4808465

it's pretty funny that you're saying this on 4chan dot org, a website literally founded on the discussion of animated Japanese pornography

>> No.4808467

but not founded on the discussion of one particular hentai movie.

>> No.4808468

And this.

The average /a/non spends hours debating 2D porn, but we don't make the mistake of believing it to be good movies.

>> No.4808473

Who's saying that Fifty Shades of Grey is a good book?

It's certainly not Penny, who acknowledges it's a shitty book but who is defending it because she thinks it's good porn

>> No.4808474

What a load of shit.

Redtube exists because porn is banned on Youtube. The only reason its judged against art is because its not attacked and denigrated like anything male and sexual is, banned from even appearing next to art. If this was treated the same, that book wouldn't be purchasable by minors, and would be hidden away in stores.

Norway's legalization of audio-visual porn? Happened when a woman made it, for women, and a stink was raised.

Examples of this hypocrisy go on and on. This is just an attempt by feminists to cry victim while ignoring actual discrimination against men. Fucking cunt.

>> No.4808477

lol, your gripe against feminism is that porn for men isn't respected enough or widely available enough? seriously?

lolling heartily

>> No.4808487

>actually using phrases like "Um, hello?" in writing

what the fuck

>> No.4808488

You're an idiot. You make my post look bad by association. Don't respond further. Thank you.

>> No.4808490

>not attacked and denigrated like anything male and sexual is

are you living in opposite world

>> No.4808493

>Redtube exists because porn is banned on Youtube.

I thought that was tube8, no, youporn? or was it porntube, or youjizz. Or one of the thousands of other male oriented sites, containing millions of videos from a male perspective.

>> No.4808496

That's why she has thousands of readers and you don't.

>> No.4808497

it's not enough. it's never, never enough. only when they're literally airing hardcore pornography on the superbowl halftime show - only then will we have finally won our glorious victory over the feminists

>> No.4808505

Yes, and furthermore, its taken seriously. This is why sites like Offbeatr exists, for instance. After feminists cried foul for a card game about tentacle rape. Meanwhile, a book that contains realistic rape themes is not even considered dangerous enough to avoid reviewing and say its not art.

The very association with men is what causes porn to even be called porn, and banned.

Meanwhile, feminists complain that their sexual desires are shamed instead of criminalized.

>> No.4808509

porn is not banned or criminalized, though

>> No.4808516

ask the brits

>> No.4808520

Yes, it is. Children can buy Fifty Shades of Grey. People can sell it to children without going to jail.

Meanwhile, porn for boys is so dangerous it must be banned from them. This is the direct result of feminist jurisprudence and activism.

>> No.4808525


>> No.4808528

>The very association with men is what causes porn to even be called porn, and banned.

The fact that male porn is called porn is because that's almost all the porn that exists

Fifty Shades of Grey doesn't have any rape in it. It's also a book, not a video. There are different rules. Children can go and buy American Psycho too but not buy the DVD.

Women are shamed in most parts of the world for pretty much any expression of their sexuality, and men are encouraged to express it and congratulated when they do. This is why women are raving about 50 Shades. It's the first time there has been some pornography for women that has become socially acceptable to talk about: ALL porn for men is socially acceptable to talk about.

>> No.4808529

This has nothing to do with feminism and everything to do with our weird puritanical double standards where we react differently to text than to images. Like, when I was a boy, I could have bought or checked books out of the library that was full of graphic depictions of sex and practically pornographic. In fact, I did, and I'm sure a kid today could still do so. It has nothing to do with feminism.

>> No.4808538

>ALL porn for men is socially acceptable to talk about.

not really

like, i can't go on the street and be talking about some double-penetration porno i just watched. at least, i would be treated as a super weirdo if i did. and rightly so. we should treat this stuff as shameful and hide it.

>> No.4808550

this guy is so unfunny

>> No.4808559
File: 12 KB, 159x219, 1356191524846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That made me laugh.

>> No.4808564

i guess i'm funnier than that knobber then :P

>> No.4808566

>men are encouraged to express it and congratulated when they do

Feminist myth. This has never been true.

Casanova was an anti-hero, his flaw was his sexuality. Even today men who act sexual are considered aggressive and worthy of being suspected of immorality. Even the hint of flirting with the wrong person in a bar is considered an excuse to get your shit kicked in.

First of all, the myth of non sexuality of women was pushed by feminists themselves. There's a reason its talked about in waves. Whenever one group of women oppresses another a new wave has to stop the bullshit of the last.

Oh boo hoo. Mommy told you shouldn't masturbate. That's a far better deal then being told masturbation is a source of violence against women.

>> No.4808570

If only the people around you understood.

>> No.4808573

>That's a far better deal then being told masturbation is a source of violence against women.
Literally nobody is told this nowadays. Boys who don't talk about wanking with their friends are considered weird. Porn and masturbation conversation is considered completely normal for boys, and it's the opposite for girls.

>> No.4808577

What's up with all the Laurie Penny threads lately?

>> No.4808579

Well, you know, we want to have sex with her, but then she also says things, and that pisses us off. So there's a lot of material for us to talk about as regards Laurie Penny here on /lit/