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4807694 No.4807694[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does one learn to talk in quirky, colloquial, creative, idiomatic ways?

Somehow I feel like just making myself aware of different idioms and turn of phrase is not actually helping my creative productivity in a practical sense.

>> No.4807701

You into the fucken banter you stupid cunt. I'm guessing you're ethnonationally incapable.

>> No.4807703


>> No.4807712

dude you realize that you're exactly the kind of fake ass faggot that MDE spend all their time mocking, right?

>> No.4807714

Is that the guy who was too stupid to scam the horsefuckers?

>> No.4807723
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>How does one learn to talk in quirky, colloquial, creative, idiomatic ways?

>> No.4807733

Talk to a bunch of different people.

>> No.4807734

that guy looks like a baby but also a man.

>> No.4807766


These are all fairly different words (and I'm pretty sure you already speak colloquially...) so I don't know what exactly you're asking, but I don't think it's something you can actively learn, at least not without coming across as a tryhard.

It looks like the Inconvenient Anime guy.

>> No.4807770

I wonder how many people try and be their own brand of faux MDE and fail to realize they're as bad as the people MDE mocks. it's like some litmus test for retards

>> No.4807774

OP here.

I'm talking about the top 1% of society's orators.
People that have brains that operate on some next-level-shit type creativity.
People like Charles Manson whose language faculties are so significantly outside the normal language framework harboured by most boring, white-collar people.

sorry to rant but I am just sick of the middle to upper class tendency to use language in the most limited, banal ways.

>> No.4807793

Well, op, your desire to use "colloquial" language because you think it will make you more interesting is retarded. However, allow me to show you a better way

Use. Germanic. Words.

Simply enough, but most authors (and indeed, most of the English literary establishment) seems to think that if a word isn't Latin or latinized, then it's vulgar or some shit. Folk has the exact same use as People, but at one time some pretentious people decided that folk was uncouth.

>> No.4807803

You're a faggot. Do drugs if you want to be like Charles Manson. Shun the middle and upper class for poverty if they're too limited and banal(spoiler: the lower classes are too). Read a fucking book or two if you want a better vocabulary. But you don't, you're a tryhard, you're trying hard to appear better than everyone instead of just being better than them, and all for vanity, instead of for whatever vague creation you would make with your "top 1% orator" skills.

>> No.4807816


>> No.4807838

not OP here but why are you guys condemning someone for wanting to improve his language skills?

>> No.4808705

Because OP sounds like a tryhard faggot more concerned with appearing intelligent than actually being intelligent. If he simply asked us how to be a better speaker I'd bet people would've helped.

>> No.4808712

>tfw no friends

i just want someone to talk to without feeling like i'm listening to public radio or watching a sitcom or something. the sub-dialect of english spoken by the people i interact w/ daily has its merits (i'm sure?) but it feels foreign to me

maybe i'm talking nonsense. maybe that's why i have no friends