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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 51 KB, 546x216, Marquis-de-Sade-Quotes-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4807669 No.4807669 [Reply] [Original]

what does lit think of Marquis de Sade? anyone here read his works?

>> No.4807677

sexual degenerate.
Anyone who consumes enough porn will ultimately reach the same conclusions he did.

>> No.4807683

I'm a sexual degenerate. I like bdsm now. I hear the Marquis was all about that. Sounds about right?

>> No.4807735


>> No.4807768

What are the metaphysical conclusions one reaches after fapping to Allie Sin getting gang banged?

>> No.4807788

I've read Justine. It's a surprisingly entertaining read, parts of it had me chuckling IRL. In equal parts a philosophical treatise, a black comedy, and a pornographic work.

As for EvolaKid, fuck off. What an annoying fucking tripfag

>> No.4807795

and whats the conclusion?

>> No.4807798

Which brings up the question: have you ever fapped to a book, /lit/?

>> No.4807801

>As for EvolaKid, fuck off. What an annoying fucking tripfag
why are you mad at me for no reason

>> No.4807807

Bourgeois worm that enacted his social power over other human beings and called it "philosophy". Aside from that, he has contributed nothing to society except the image of how unaccomplished and ruinous a human life can be left to egotistical sociopathy. Not even a good writer. -10/10. Don't bother.

>> No.4807814

>Bourgeois worm
hmm well if he pisses off leftists I might have to rethink my position

>> No.4807818

>chuckling IRL
as opposed to chuckling in the cyber space?

>> No.4807833

keep up the high standards

>> No.4807836
File: 110 KB, 423x650, cien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4807841

It is anons way.

You started out anonymous didn't you? For how long would you say?

>> No.4807850

The word bourgeois isn't just used by Leftists, you raging moron. It fucking predates the French revolution. Why are you here when you couldn't even figure out the difference between a verb and a noun in another thread? Just stop, please.

>> No.4807853

>defining what writers you enjoy by the effect of their work on the emotions of your political "opposites"
>defining yourself by a trip and a piece of the political spectrum

>> No.4807978

>You started out anonymous didn't you? For how long would you say?
about a year

>The word bourgeois isn't just used by Leftists, you raging moron. It fucking predates the French revolution. Why are you here when you couldn't even figure out the difference between a verb and a noun in another thread? Just stop, please.

>being this mad I saw through your illusions

>> No.4808554

you must be trolling.