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/lit/ - Literature

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4804144 No.4804144[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Best writers since 1945

1) Philip Larkin
2) George Orwell
3) William Golding
4) Ted Hughes
5) Doris Lessing
6) J.R.R. Tolkien
7) V.S. Naipaul
8) Muriel Spark
9) Kingsley Amis
10) Angela Carter
11) C.S. Lewis
12) Iris Murdoch
13) Salman Rushdie
14) Ian Fleming
15) Jan Morris
16) Roald Dahl
17) Anthony Burgess
18) Mervyn Peake
19) Martin Amis
20) Anthony Powell
21) Alan Sillitoe
22) John le Carre
23) Penelope Fitzgerald
24) Philippa Pearce
25) Barbara Pym
26) Beryl Bainbridge
27) J.G. Ballard
28) Alan Garner
29) Alasdair Gray
30) John Fowles
31) Derek Walcott
32) Kazuo Ishiguro
33) Anita Brookner
34) A.S. Byatt
35) Ian McEwan
36) Geoffrey Hill
37) Hanif Kureishi
38) Iain Banks
39) George MacKay Brown
40) A.J.P. Taylor
41) Isaiah Berlin
42) J.K. Rowling
43) Philip Pullman
44) Julian Barnes
45) Colin Thubron
46) Bruce Chatwin
47) Alice Oswald
48) Benjamin Zephaniah
49) Rosemary Sutcliff
50) Michael Moorcock

>> No.4804164

Yes, I agree with your wholly subjective view of arbitrariness


>> No.4804166

I want to lick her feet.

>> No.4804206

cure feet

>> No.4804207

You're missing Patrick White, Evelyn Waugh and Kawabata, but you've included J.G Ballard, Anthony Burgess and J,K Rowling?

>> No.4804215

fixed that for you

1) Richard Dawkins
2) Christopher Hitchens
3) Sam Harris
4) Daniel Dennett
5) Michio Kaku
6) Lawrence Krauss
7) Isaac Asimov
8) Ray Kurzweil
9) Neil deGrasse Tyson
10) Carl Sagan

>> No.4804224

That's only Anglican writers?

>> No.4804233

Looks like Johnny foreigner's not keen on your reading list old boy

>> No.4804235

Op has a "subjective view of arbitrariness", how does that work? Or are you just dribbling out words, trying to make sense.

Anyway this is a list from The Times and contains all their biases and appeals to populism so critcising OP is foolish.

>> No.4804269

>1) Richard Dawkins
>2) Christopher Hitchens

HAHAHAHAHA oh fuck me anon you nearly had me

>> No.4804271

What about authors like g.r.r. Martain? And j.k. Rowling?

>> No.4804276

>What about authors like g.r.r. Martain? And j.k. Rowling?
no 42

>> No.4804290
File: 78 KB, 500x714, 1362431696907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips fedora*

>> No.4804319


My niggas. *tips fedora*

>> No.4804338


>> No.4804348


>> No.4804360

le gem

>> No.4804378

I would lick and massage her feet while she was reading

>> No.4804794

ctrl+f pynchon

no, I do not agree

>> No.4804823

Oh gosh what a qt

Redheads are best heads

>> No.4804840

>I would lick and massage her feet while she was reading
She is reading Lovecraft

>> No.4804864

If by reading you mean looking at a page of a book while a man pays her to let him take pictures of her feet

>> No.4804882

british writers only i presume?

i know so little about british writing. philip larkin is great though. many of the others aren't

>> No.4804886
File: 87 KB, 937x372, yyth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another pic of her. Apparently she likes green books the most.

>> No.4804894

Tolkien is below Orwell...?
In terms of writing?

I can't even begin to understand

>> No.4804903

>Dear Bertrand Russell

>> No.4804922
File: 75 KB, 506x608, right_in_the_feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt redhead gf who wears green sundresses and reads

>> No.4804930
File: 12 KB, 380x304, bush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw stunning Asian girlfriend who can't read.

>> No.4804938

Did you ship her in from Thailand or the Philippines?

>> No.4804944

Neither. I moved to SE Asia a year ago.

>> No.4804962

and they haven't books ?

Do you live in the jungle or what ?

>> No.4804965

>2) George Orwell


>> No.4804990

the entire list is clearly written by a nostalgic Anglophile.

>> No.4804991

I know right? His best work was pre-1945.

>> No.4805003

Yes, of course they have books here. She, however, can't read English at all, and my attempts at getting her past the alphabet have been so excruciatingly painful that I have given up trying.

>> No.4805198

She doesn't read in her own language?

>> No.4805363



>Gene Wolfe
>Flannery O'Connor
>Cormac McCarthy
>Thomas Pynchon
>Walker Percy

Nice troll attempt

>> No.4805369

>2) George Orwell


>> No.4805381

Why would you attempt to shoehorn a few American authors into an exclusively British list?

>> No.4805581

>narrowly avoid becoming a trapfag
>brainwashed into footfaggotry
That's 4chan for you

>> No.4807243

I would change five or so, but yeah, i pretty much agree.

>> No.4807272

gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8

>> No.4807286

Is it best or successful?

>> No.4807293

Orwell is pleb tier shit.

>> No.4807309

anyone using "pleb tier shit" to describe an author doesn't deserve to enjoy Orwell.

>> No.4807313

>Walker Percy

I've only read The Moviegoer and was completely underwhelmed. Anything else by him that might change my mind?

>> No.4807505

nice to see Kingsley Amis up there. I like him.

I'm not well-read enough or qualified to say with any authority who the top 50 should be, but I'm damn sure there are at least a few American authors that rank higher than JK fucking Rowling.

>> No.4808674

Americans don't deserve to read Orwell.

>> No.4808682


Get over yourselves, kids.

His essays range from decent to good but the prose in his novel work is completely average.

One of the most overrated writers of all time.

>> No.4808688

>Americans don't deserve to read Orwell.
This. I guess you have to be British to appreciate Keep the Aspidistra Flying or Burmese Days.

>> No.4808703

What's her name? I need it for masturbation

>> No.4808748

Rlei, from Suicide Girls

>> No.4808963

>No Pynchon