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/lit/ - Literature

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4798172 No.4798172[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

And what's your daily routine, /lit/?

>> No.4798187

Wake up.
Go on 4chan.
Realize it's already time to go to bed.
Regret living.

>> No.4798192

a-are you me?

>> No.4798195

was for

>> No.4798206

; ;

>> No.4798207
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No, I'm 4chan.

>> No.4798219

Wake up
Shitpost on /lit/
Take a short walk
Shitpost on /lit/
Shitpost on /lit/ while drinking coffee
Panic about future

>> No.4798224
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>> No.4798231

Wake up.

>> No.4798235

>420blazeit; faggot
>go on 4chin
>Am John Green
>You did not think they were linked: but am same person
>I win

[day in the life]

>> No.4798236

Wake up.
Coffee, food.
Exercise if I'm not injured or severely depressed (currently both)
Contemplate the banality of existence.
Contemplate suicide.
Coffee, food.
More shitposting and regret.
Coffee, food.
Read or study or write or play music or make vidya for 3 or 4 hours.
Shitpost until I collapse around 6 am.

>> No.4798239

Wake up
Do whatever I want to do gosh

>> No.4798240


It's a pot and kettle world.

>> No.4798245

>wake up
>fall outta bed
>Drag a comb across my head
>find my way down stairs drink a cup
>and looking up I realize I have to drag myself through 4 miserable classes teaching me things I will never need to know
>do that
>do none of my work
>shitpost on /lit/
>feel depressed
>go to bed at 2am
>wake up at 6

>> No.4798256

God damn mozart was a lazy fucker

>> No.4798268

wake up in the am
compose a beat

>> No.4798273



>> No.4798289
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>> No.4798339
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How can you regret something you didn't choose? Do you mean you regret having the balls to kill yourself?

>> No.4798354

im an early to bed, early to rise guy. bed by 9 or 10 if im not drinking, and up by 5. when i drink, its about 3 to 8. i work mostly midday to night with a dinner in between. mornings are for relaxing and social activities.

>> No.4798367

Some of these worked far less than I thought they would, I suppose Balzac makes up for it.

>> No.4798407

>awakened by daily gunshot from fort
Sounds neat. For me, the big fucking train whistle blows at six.

>> No.4800380

>Wake up 08:00 (6:00 if Thursday for mass)
>Remind myself to run in the afternoon (don't)
>browse 4chan while eating breakfast
>Seminars/lectures 10:00-14:00
>Late lunch, usually at some fast food place. Browse 4chan while eating, and continue to do so for too long. Read up on the Jesuits, think about joining them once you turn 30 or something.
>Debate finishing Foucault's Pendulum, read Platon instead.
>17:30 watch Anime or Eureka
>Reading for the course, realize the large book is actually worthless because it just repeats the lectures, while the thin one expands on them.
>21:00 Watch some mores series.
>Daily exercise 20 sit-ups, 20 push-ups, 20 squats
>Jack off
>Feel horrible about my lack of self-discipline
>Go to sleep vowing that I will archive all my 2D porn and start living in celibacy for a week

>> No.4800416

Hahahahaha, you sound like someone I'd love to have a drink with

>> No.4800539

john milton walked up and down his garden for four hours a day?

>> No.4800546

this is the worst fucking image

>> No.4800554

>wake up at 5
>10 pushups when I get out of bed and a 20 minute run
>make coffee and maybe breakfast
>read for 3 hours
>make food
>read for 5 hours
>go for a walk and make food once back
>read for 2 hours
>leisure time before bed, (17:00-19:00 usually) either shitposting on /lit/ or watching some edgy art movie

My life is pathetic.

>> No.4800555

>watch 2 seasonal anime eps and eat breakfast
>shitpost on /lit/ from phone and review the board from what I missed while sleeping
>go to uni for average of 4hours,4 days a week
>either go back home for lunch of spend 3 time in the library reading more ellusive shit
>read at home
>take notes or write opinions of my day for like 30 minutes
>set new anime for torrent while I take a shower
>watch TV news or browse 4chan
>go to bed past-midnight

>inb4 work
Shut up plebs.

>> No.4800556


>Try to wake up early but always wake up late around 09:00 or 10:00
>Exercise for 30 minutes, then listen to music while browsing chan
>do none of the work I should be doing
>go out with qt gf
>madly fall in love every time after spending time with her
>go to a local cafe and read or study, usually smoke 5 cigarettes and go home
>browse 4chan again
>contemplate life and start thinking is it all worth it since I'm not really good at anything and I'm lazy
>walk dog
>lay in bed and think how I'm a parasite that has almost no role in society except for being a constant critic of everything
>fall asleep
>repeat next day

This is how it is for about a year now

>> No.4800560

How is that surprising.

>> No.4800561

I envy your discipline.
If you can get up at 5 and run, you might as well be able to find a gf.

>> No.4800566

I am talking about weekends as they are more interesting.

>wake up at 5:30
>3*40 pushups
>shower, breakfast plus news
>English vocabulary
>French vocabulary
>scholastic literature for university (not enrolled yet)
>respond to penpals
>canonical literature if available
>something for lunch
>canonical literature if available
>French grammar
>flashcards for UN institutions and French vocabulary
>sleeping at 22:00

>> No.4800571

I run at 5 because I don't want people to see me.

Running at night is scary because I live in a shitty are and might get robbed.

Also my discipline really isn't all that impressive. All I try to do is simply base my day around reading. When you have no friends and are NEET it's really not that difficult

>> No.4800576

>Wake up around 9
>Eat breakfast
>Practice instrument or do chores, usually never both

>> No.4800580

Oh, and throw in anime or reading somewhere along the lines.

>> No.4800581

I might add that visiting the chan is part of my day but when I do it quickly decide to do sth else instead when I realize that this place aside from /lit/ sometimes is the biggest shithole of a timesink ever created.
I usually try to cram all this into a workday with 7-8 hours of work (research institute internship) and the reading time suffers the most normally.

>> No.4800582

>wake up

>> No.4800584

Maybe if your day wasn't so packed you could afford to actually spell "something." That, or be less foreign.

>> No.4800587

>wake up
>take 2 hrs to get ready for work
>commute 2 hrs to work
>work 8 hrs + 1/2 - 1hr unpaid overtime
>get home
>too tired to even browse 4chan
>pass out


Before work I had so much free time to read. I want to die.

>> No.4800588

Didnt even notice it to be honest. Sorry for this and for being foreign for whatever reason.

>> No.4800642
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>Breakfast with pastry rolls and chamomile tea laced with honey
>Try to finish my draft for my new novel
>Take a thirty-minute walk outside
>Take a bath
>Go to work and lecture students
>Have a lunch with fellow professors and engage in intellectual discussion
>Read books
>Go on a dinner with a beautiful student, or sometimes with my family
>Wake up
>Browse /lit/ all day

>> No.4800651

At least you are being honest.

>> No.4800662

wake up at 2 AM
eat, relax for a bit (probably watch something) for 1-3 hours
read till class
go to class at 1100 MWF
come home at 500 MW, 200 F
if F, read more, if MW, sleep
if T/TH/SA/SUN no class, so just read or hang out

though somedays i just wake up at midnight and get drunk with pals and then go to class while i'm sobering up

>> No.4800665

oh and generally i browse /lit/ when i take breaks in reading and for those first 1-3 hours (right now)

>> No.4800672
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>> No.4800674

As soon as I opened the thumb I looked for Balzac. That motherfucker was a beast.

>> No.4800676

What do you lecture ?

>> No.4800680

It varies day to day, but here's the gist of it:

>Wake up
>Coffee, cigarette and breakfast (if I have food)
>Go over the day's agenda
>Bike to class
>Lunch with whoever's on campus or read
>Daily cafe meeting with a group of friends, make plans for the night or our party events
>Go home and cook dinner with roommate and bullshit and play video games
>Do homework, program and/or write (peppered with slacking off and visiting 4chan and FB)
>Fencing training
>Drink a beer, smoke a joint and play video games with roommate
>Watch a movie or series as I fall asleep

I'm pretty happy but unfortunately there's a time limit. I'm moving back home in August. It's going to be very hard to say goodbye to this life.

>> No.4800684

>Bike to class
>Lunch with whoever's on campus or read
>Daily cafe meeting with a group of friends, make plans for the night or our party events
>Go home and cook dinner with roommate and bullshit and play video games
>Do homework, program and/or write (peppered with slacking off and visiting 4chan and FB)
>Fencing training
>Drink a beer, smoke a joint and play video games with roommate
>Watch a movie or series as I fall asleep

That sounds comfy

>> No.4800851


>> No.4800858

No routine, but then again, I haven't been too creative recently either.

>> No.4800877
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Shit post
Eat shit
Stick things up where I shit
Listen to shitty pop music
Watch shitty mainstream entertainment
Read shitty literature

Am I doing it right?

>> No.4800879

>work day
>wake up at 6:30
>play with son, make breakfast (oatmeal with fruits and cinnamon) for us
>at 8 wife wakes up, takes son, read news, make to do list, and do any quick chores
>leave at 9, walk 10 minutes (podcast), take train for 20 minutes (reading), walk for 10 minutes (podcast)
>work from 10:00
>lunch at 2:30
>finish work at 6, have coffee and chat with coworker
>use some time at cafe to study (language)
>go home, play with son, eat dinner, put son to sleep at 9
>read/write/chores 1 hour
>run 7km
>play a game or watch a tv show if there is free time
>go to bed midnight while reading

>> No.4800882

>>play a game or watch a tv show if there is free time

add drinking beer and checking internet to that, because that's what i'm doing now

>> No.4800884

>wake up at 6:30
>browse 4chan for 30 minutes
>shower, shave
>go to the campus starbucks and write some
>take a walk
>class for a bit
>lunch with the gf
>get some more writing in
>more class, graph theory gets out at 5
>go the gym
>either spend time with gf or play some video games or read
>tell myself i need to do some more writing
>go to sleep around midnight

it's a pretty good life i guess

>> No.4800885

After sleeping in two 2.5 hour shifts,
>wake up at 5:30
>feed the fucking cats, make coffee, spend ten minutes blowing my nose and stretching, then drinking coffee while I look out the window and reading the news until
>6:00 exercise, either yoga or weights
>6:30 wake up the kid
>6:45 try harder to wake up the kid and tell her to get dressed
>6:50 make the kid breakfast
>7:00 get the kid downstairs then make her lunch while we talk
>7:20, we call "Kevin 20", since some dad named Kevin used to pick her up for school then, but now she l;eaves at that time for the bus so get the hell out because I can't drive you to school this morning! Bye I love you
>7:20-8:00 get my shit together and out the door
>8-9 commuting, walking, trolley, subway, walking
>9-5 digitize rare books, shuffle files, fix cameras, peruse the QTs on campus, eat lunch from a truck, cruise 4chan while waiting for files to transfer and process
>5:00 travel home, or visit GF but most likely travel home, subway, trolley, walking, crowded stinking masses
>6:15 get home and make my kid dinner, or somehow provide food for child, make sure homework is done
>serve and eat food until
>7:15 then it's free time! who the hell knows, I probably water the plants or some other domestic chore like dishwasher
>8:00 now it gets good, it's 30 minutes of SSR (sustained silent reading), for me and shorty
>8:30 - 9:00, reading aloud until she falls asleep or I get too tired
>9-? smoking weed, looking at photos, working on photos, watching cosmos or a cheesy sitcom, general debauchery and shenanigans.
Generally this has been my weekdays for nearly a year now.

>> No.4800893

>on vacation
>let loose a pitiful sigh as I realize all I've really planned is the time I'm going to go out and buy more weed
>try to read but I feel too forlorn and empty to apply myself
>write a blog about it

>> No.4800895

Wait a sec...it takes you two hours to get ready for work? And you're upset about not having time to read in the morning? There's gotta be something you can do with this.

>> No.4800898

write 2000 words eat shit sleep

>> No.4800903

>Wake Up
>Get out of bed in a rush
>Get to work, read a book
>Start working
>Lunch break, eat in 10 minutes and spend the rest of the time reading
>Work, sometimes write a short story instead of working
>Get home, various hobbies, talk with people
>Have dinner with family
>Go to sleep

I wake up at 7 and sleep at 9:30pm

>> No.4800920

I know these feels anon
Fuck gen ed classes

>> No.4800934

On days I work, 4 days of the week
>Wake up at 9:30-10, more often than not fall back asleep till 10:30.
>Take a shower, eat breakfast, leave for work.
>Start work at 12:30, leave at 10:30.
>During my one break I read a little bit if I can. I'll read as much as I can before I clock in if I'm at all early.
>Get home around 11, eat dinner and watch something on netflix with the bf, then either read or play games till going to sleep at 1-2.

Days I'm off work
>Wake up between 9-11
>Spend some time on the computer or reading before the bf wakes up
>eat breakfast, take a shower
>go run whatever errands I have to do for the day
>spend a good couple hours reading/playing vidja if I can
>spend some time with the bf
>watch some netflix
>go to bed

Life is so unexciting.

>> No.4800939

>Wake up at 9:00
>Go back to room, two or three cups of coffee
>Tell myself I'm going to anthropology
>Don't go to anthropology
>Go to sociology an hour later
>Buy a muffin and another coffee on my way in
>Go to lunch at 1:00
>Hang out in browsing room until Bio at 2:00
>Go to bio because of the qt3.14 i sit with ;_;
>Back to room
>Eat dinner
>Lift or play videogames until 10
>Read until 11

>> No.4800942

8:00 - Wake up.
8:00-9:00 - Shower, coffee, smoke.
9:00-9:30 - Commute to campus. Read on bus.
9:30-3:30 - Attend classes, drink two more cups of coffee, smoke three cigarettes. Read in downtime.
3:30-4:00 - Commute home. Read on Bus.
4:00-4:30 - First meal (usually breakfast food)
4:30-8:00 - Homework (reading, English and German literature, German film). Smoke twice.
8:00-8:30 - Second meal (whatever)
8:30-12:00 - Write and fun reading. Smoke three times.
12:00-1:00 - Snack, shower, bed.
1:00-8:00 - Sleep.

On the weekends I teach courses for the Red Cross, read, do homework (writing papers), and write.

>> No.4800957

Hahah, do you actually specifically smoke twice and three times during those times?
Also, right on with the German studies. Been studying German for a few years and languages are fucking fascinating! Started taking French classes this semester as well.

>> No.4800983
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0400: wake up, calisthenics
0500 - 1500: reading and composing
1500 - 2100: begging
2130: small meal (fruits and nuts that i could acquire in beggarmode)
2200: sleep

>> No.4800998

10/10 schedule, do you enjoy life?

>> No.4801000


>Maya Angelou
>C. 1983

Are you fucking smoking bitches, cunt?

>> No.4801005


Too poor to not ration cigarettes like that. German's been great. Went into it just wanting to read Kafka in the original, now I read Hesse, the Manns, and watch a ton of avant garde crap. Languages are very rewarding to study.

Should probably add that I browse /lit/ during smoke breaks or while waiting for class to start.

>> No.4801013

>up at 5 am
>get to work at 7:30
>start teaching at 8:00
>teach all day, break at noon
>finish at 5:30
>home by 7:00
>shower and eating
>quality time with partner, tv show, movie, etc.
>9:00 fucking exhausted, try to read some
>9:10 fall asleep after 3 laborious pages from the novel I'm reading lately


Haven't set down to write anything in 3 years and a half now.

>> No.4801016


Can't complain. Wish I got out a bit more. Or got laid more.

>tfw have one testicle and roughly 2/3rds the testosterone I need, so generally don't care about women.

>> No.4801025
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6:45 - Wake up
6:45-7:30 - Eat breakfast, clean face, get dressed
7:35-8:00 - Drive to technical class
8:00-10:00 - Weld, wish I was better at welding
10:00-10:25 - Drive home
10:30-12:00 - Study, jerk off, shower, eat lunch
12:00-12:30 - Drive to college
12:30-3:30 - Classes
3:30-4:00 - Drive home
4:00-10:30 - Study, write, read, waste time on 4chan, eat dinner
10:30 - Sleep

Boring life, but hopefully things will pick up once I start at uni.

>> No.4801027


Not bad, but quit smoking, peasant.

>> No.4801055

I understand that. I have made the switch to rolling cigarettes, since it's less costly and strangely fun.

Yeah, I got around to reading Das Urteil and Die Verwandlung during the winter. And since I just read (and immensely loved) Siddhartha last year in English, I figured I'd pick it up as my next German book. Right now I'm reading through Kafka am Strand by Murakami and enjoying it so far.

Good on you, man. Seem like a cool cat.

>> No.4801098

How old are you?

>> No.4801132

What are you hoping to study and at what age?

>> No.4801142

We are different people with a similiar interest into your situation - not samefag.

>> No.4801163
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Routine from when I was in high school, my routine's still pretty similar

>> No.4801215

>wake up around noon
>eat a nice meal
>drink coffee
>spend afternoon doing nothing, reading a bit, talking to people, browsing the internet, going for a walk maybe
>make and eat dinner
>spend evening doing nothing, reading a bit, talking to people, browsing the internet, going for a walk maybe
>spend night doing nothing, reading a bit, talking to people, browsing the internet, going for a walk maybe
>go to bed around dawn

I still do too much.

>> No.4801333

Well, do you live in Uppsala or Stockholm? I do have to warn you, since I'm still on the greeks I'm somewhat of a pleb.

If you lived 150 or so years ago you'd been considered the ideal of an Aristocrat.

Always knew there were a lot of /a/nons on /lit/

I always dream about being a Jesuit alchemist and mystic in late 19th century, living under the patronage of some east-Asian royalty. Fascinating him by goetia and producing water from mercury, all the while being serviced by androgynous homunculi.
Actually I dream about being a teacher at some wizard school filled with cute 2D girls that frequently lose their clothes in accidents, but that's hardly the /lit/ ideal.

Sigh, one can dream.

>> No.4801341

>wake up
>wet face and hair
>get a coffee
>ride the bus to class
>sit through hours of lectures, taking notes.
>eat lunch
>a few more hours of lectures
>ride the bus home
>write and shitpost on /lit/ simultaneously
>play skyrim or some other game if I have time
>eat dinner
>Wake up
>eat sometimes
>procrastinate on /lit/ and vidya until 6:30 pm
>write and do other work
>eat dinner

>> No.4801623

Neither, sorry.
I like plebs.

>> No.4801630

i bet you followed this for like a day

>> No.4801666

minus the final four lines of his post, anon is talking about a dream, he lectures before he wakes up, i.e. while asleep

>> No.4801802 [DELETED] 

Wait, you're a professor and you're taking your "beautiful" students out to dinner?

>> No.4801813

>wake up at 7.00
>get washed dressed
>have breakfast
>leave for work at 8.00
>arrive at work for 8.40
>work between 9.00 - 13.00
>work between 14.00 - 17.00
>home at 18.00
>work on my book

>> No.4801816

>shower, breakfast, brush teeth, wash face
>go to work/school
>read/listen to music
>call gf/hang out with friends
>read bible, thank God for another day

Am I the only one here who isn't miserable?

>> No.4801822

*puts on fedora*

>> No.4801824
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>wake up 7/8
>shower, shit, shave
>bike to uni
>go to classes 9-15:00
>work afterwards 15-19
>longer bike ride
>study/vidya/read/420 (if I have it)
>sleep 01-7/8

Lately with school over and exams
>wake up 10
>study for an hour
>work (now longer hours due to no classes)
>sleep at 3

I'll be glad when this week is over

>> No.4801842

>wake up
>take shower if needed, get dressed
>walk to class
>sit in lectures I don't care about
>lunch in the library
>more lectures
>go to B&N for their wifi, do my homework, fuck around on the 'net
>walk home, pick up groceries if needed
>read, do laundry, anything else that's needed really
>shower if needed

>> No.4801851

>wake up at 2am
>browse 4chan until 9pm
>work from 9pm-3am
>browse 4chan until 6am

I'm desperately trying to do productive things. I think I'm depressed.

>> No.4801868

whats productive to u

>> No.4801871



Those seem to be the key ingredients.

>> No.4801874



MFW I get up at 1pm. "Up early today."
MFW got to bed at 2 am "Early night."

>> No.4801878


Me too.

>> No.4801881


HAHA yes Dr.

>> No.4801894

Why exactly?

He spends 4-8 hours a day on his craft, more than could be said for most aspiring /lit/ authors, spends 4 hours teaching, and only sleeps for 6.

Hugo has to be the laziest cunt on the list.

>> No.4801900
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>From between 2:00am to 5am I go to sleep.
>I wake up between 1pm and 2pm.
>I read for about 1 hour after waking up
>watch something(anime, tv series, movies).
>Wait until 5 or 6pm then I read again for another hour.
>watch something again. Wait until 10 or 11 pm, read for another hour.

This is basically my routine

>> No.4801912

>wake up
>drink some coffee, smoke some cigarettes, read some poetry
>go to work
>get home, cook dinner
>read and write until I can't think clearly
>get drunk
>pass out

>> No.4801946

>Wake up
>Go straight to work
>Leave for home
>On the way, think about great ideas to improve self and be more productive
>Arrive at home, too lazy to do anything
>Play some games, read some, lurk some
>Off to sleep
>Rinse and repeat

Still hoping to break the chain some day, though.

>> No.4801948

1pm - 3am = wake up time
1pm - 3am = read for an hour
4pm - shower
4:30pm - eat something
4:45pm - watch some shows or anime and movies or browse 4chan
6:00pm - read for another hour
7:00pm - browse 4chan or watch tv shows or anime or movies again
10:00 pm - read again for another hour
11:pm - watch anime, watch movies, watch tv shows, browse 4chan or masturbate(I masturbate at night because that's when my mom is asleep)
4am or 5am - go to sleep

I am a NEET. This is basically what i do every day

>> No.4801957


1pm - 3pm*

>> No.4801973

Man, I only ever watched about a dozen episodes of Sailor Moon. Does the show ever address how nobody recognizes her even though she wears absolutely no mask or anything to obscure her face?

>> No.4801974

>wake up
>in the morning
>feeling like
>p diddy

>> No.4801988

why not today?

>> No.4802004

Couldn't help but notice that the best writer of the group spent the most time reading

>> No.4802007


good 1.

>> No.4802037

I thought /lit/ by and large smoked?

>> No.4802051
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>> No.4802108

reading and internets
conversations about technical matters of personal situation
more internets and reading

feels good to be indifferent thanks to meditation

>> No.4802109
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>Wake up at 5am.
>Breathe in deeply. Smile.
>Write down my dreams in as great of detail as possible
>Make and eat a breakfast of about 500cal
>While I'm drinking my coffee, go to a whiteboard I have in my room to begin planning my day. Start with top 3 goals of the day, then write out all the steps to accomplish them. Also examine yesterday and decide what I might improve.
>Shit/shower/shave/ all that good hygiene stuff
>6am take a run in the park while watching the sun come up
>6:20 meditate
>6:40 read some of a novel
>7:00 go to school. I am a senior in high school.

>In school eat 3 more meals, each about 500cal (I'm a skinny fucker), schedule my afternoon based on what comes up.

>3pm: After school. Take a break, do stuff like this, read, etc.
>4pm The rest of the afternoon is varied and depends upon how much schoolwork I have to do, what activities meet, etc. I try to write at least an hour a day, and work out at least three times per week.
>8:30pm prepare for bed, make a journal entry reflecting upon the day and what might be improved or streamlined about my routines.

>> No.4802130

>W.H. Auden drinks vodka martinis

Damn, I had so much respect for the man too.

>> No.4802166

Your job is just ruining your life, you'd be happier if you were homeless.

>> No.4802179
File: 72 KB, 600x896, ce8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a routine

>> No.4802184

I'm repulsed at the idea of having kids but your situation sounds nice.

>> No.4802192

You're really complaining about learning something faggot? You sound like a typical normalfag business major or something.

>> No.4802289

>wake up 8-830
>waste time getting ready then rush to get breakfast
>sweating by the time I get to class at 10 because I live in Arizona
>after class, go to cafe, drink coffee and read for 80 minutes
>go for lunch
>jerk off or do homework if I have any
>hated Spanish class at 4, don't learn much that I couldn't learn on my own and it takes away from my major, like the lecture by Sir Roger Penrose that I'll be missing today
>at 6, either go to observatory or go for dinner
>do homework if I have any
>shitpost on 4chan and converse with my roommate until time for bed
>read for like a half hour before falling asleep

>wake up around 10
>if it's saturday, put on semi decent clothes and go to brunch at this semi-expensive place nearby
>hit usual cafe until 2, read and drink coffee
>go for lunch
>read in library or lounge for a while
>stroll around campus aimlessly
>dinner at 6
>maybe go to local indy theater for film if anything interesting is showing
>go home, shitpost on 4chan or make attempts to read before going to bed

>> No.4802618

>wake up at 9
>check Facebook, news, etc.
>lectures 11-2
>waste time on stupid websites
>go out with m8s
>come home

>> No.4802768


LOL this is exactly my routine. Except I don't watch anime. (lol like that somehow vastly improves things)

I'm 29

>> No.4802774


Fuck this is scary this is exactly my life

>> No.4802795

I am become 4chan, destroyer of potential.

>> No.4802816

>freud walking around vienna at a terrific speed

why do i find this funny

>> No.4802875

Because it's a typo. "At" is supposed to be "on"

>> No.4802878

>Wake up between 12 and 1:30
>Check area of dark circles under eyes
>Smoke weed
>Begin shitposting on /lit/
>Drink extremely powerful french press coffee
>Shower at 2pm
>Get ride to work for 3pm
>Produce high end goods for rich jews, smoke weed and eat burgers on breaks
>Leave at 11:30 and either hang out with Fiance or go to bar with m8 from work
>Enrich bartender more than I planned
>Eat greasy food
>Drink microbews at home
>Shitpost on /lit/ and IRC
>Smoke weed until 5AM
>Fuck somewhere in there some nights
>Shitpost on /lit/ continuously on my cell phone

Reading gets done if I wake up before 12:30 or on the weekends

>> No.4802895

I can't believe somebody wants to marry you.

>> No.4802901

Are you Paul McCartney circa 1967 by any chance?

>> No.4803023

What's so bad about vodka martinis? Apart from them not being gin martinis.

>> No.4803031

worse than death my friend

>> No.4803036


>wake up
>shitpost on /lit

>> No.4803073


What do you make for the jew dogs?

>> No.4803730

>All those sleeping hours ill never have

>> No.4803749

sleep x6
gym x2
school x3
tv x5
internet x5
reading x-5

>> No.4803754

>tv x5
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4803758

boredom i suppose

>> No.4803786

>wake up at 6:45
>brush teeth/breakfast till 7:20
>7:30-2:45 high school
>3-4:30 depends, Monday Chinese tutor, Tuesday music lesson, Wednesday math tutor, Thursday nothing, Friday math tutor
>homework till 7:00
> dinner till 8:00
>finish hw or relax till 9:00
>shower and get ready for bed
>try to sleep but read or browse 4chan til 1am

>> No.4803787

Week routine:
Starting Monday at 12am
7x sleep
2x driving, class
3x reading
1x food
10x games, reading, homework
8x work (4 hours sleep on shift)
4x more sleep
8x reading, homework
4x class
8x work (sleep 4 hours)
2x class
4x sleep
10x homework, computer, reading
8x work (4 hours sleep)
Etc all week

>> No.4803792

>wake up

>> No.4803796
File: 8 KB, 224x224, God whod wanna be such an asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wake up, shower, start coffee, get changed, brush, shave, etc.
walk to uni cafeteria for breakfast, smoke a cig on the way
Eat a long breakfast, enjoy my coffee, listen to "Morning Edition," then do my reading for class
Philosophy: Intro to Ethics class
Spare time before my next class, typically sit in the library, catch up on some reading or browse /lit/ or /mu/
Fly fishing class (mfw I already know how to fly fish but wanted more hours and a fun class)
American Literature II
Lunch with friends
Hanging out with friends, read, be hoodlums (smoking cigs and chewing the fat), or just go back to my dorm for a bit
Meet up for dinner with larger group of friends (everyone is out of class by now)
Real Estate Law class

And then I'm back at the dorm with my buddy. Coffee, reading, a little xbox, and 4chan. Not much brilliance, but that's all that happened today.

>> No.4803847

>wake up
>personal hygiene
>classes or work(depending on the day)
>maybe hang out with friends
>more food
>go to bed
>takes me an hour or more to fall asleep
>just thinking about tfwnogf the whole time
>finally sleep
>rinse and repeat ad nauseam

>> No.4803868

Thats not bad.

>> No.4803960

exactly m8. if you were a drunkard lik me you'd know

>> No.4803984

>wake up with alarm
>hit snooze for ten minutes
>repeat this for up to two hours depending on how little I slept
>finally get up
>listen to Opie and Anthony and drink coffee for half an hour
>feel bad about myself because it bled into 50 minutes somehow
>start cramming for exams
>do that for 3.5 hours
>can't take it anymore
>take a 15 minute break
>it bleeds into 35 somehow
>feel bad again
>cram for 4 more hours
>sit down because feet hurt from pacing
>waste a potential break by doing something stupid to procrastinate for 20 minutes
>force myself to cram for another 3
>coffee again
>feel bad that I wasted 22 minutes searching for clips
>try to convince myself to take a nap
>cram for 4 more hours
>can't take it anymore
>plan to sleep for 6 hours
>repeat process



>> No.4803990

>wake up with alarm
What time do you and your alarm wake up?

>> No.4803991


If you were an actual drunkard, you'd give no fucks. I'm in AA, but when I was drinking the cheapest vodka I could find out of the bottle in the morning, I wasn't debating what a real martini is. In fact, there comes a point where you just don't bother mixing anything anymore.

>> No.4804029
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Wake up around noon
Eat banana, bagel with chocolate peanut butter, drink 2 cups of coffee at leisure
Do freelance writing work for an hour
Eat lunch
Learn French
Run for an hour around the park
Shower, eat greek yogurt and granola
Learn German
Another hour of freelance writing
Drink green tea and read for a couple of hours
Eat dinner
Get high, fuck girlfriend
Write journals/articles/novel
Go to bed around 4 or 5 am

>> No.4804058

>chamomile tea laced with honey
Who the fuck uses 'laced' for non-drugged items

>> No.4804061

>get up 7am sharp
>eat breakfast with qt3.14 gf
>take a shower, shave, fix up hair
>leave for a single room apartment I rent
>write, read, smoke, all that jazz up til 12
>go back to gf, eat
>go back to work
>go home at 18
>quality time with gf

>> No.4804080
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>> No.4804089

It's sure gonna suck when she leaves you. Think about that for a while.

Mine is
>wake up around 4pm

>> No.4804098

I'm sure it won't, I don't love her. A girlfriend is more like a commodity.

>> No.4804099

How was running when you first started?

>> No.4804101

I was sure I didn't love mine but spending that amount of time with someone creates a connection that isn't easy to break

>> No.4804303

How do I into meditation guys?

>> No.4804383
File: 1.81 MB, 390x300, 1398136923033.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4pm, wake up
>have a smoke, watch PTI
>5 or 6pm, start aimlessly driving around the city
>chain smoke
>listen to podcasts/opie and anthony
>at some point I get beer or dinner (never both, if i eat, i can't drink that night)
>get home around 8pm
>start drinking
>either watch tv, a movie, sports, or go on 4chan
>start writing round 12am (highlights on in back ground)
>go to bed around 6am (stop drinking)
>lie in bed on 4chan till 10 or 11am (email agent some of my work if needed)

weekends from 5pm till 4am I do drugs (oxy or coke or both) and might see friends instead of work/driving around

what's with all these normals going to class/working 9-5?

i thought we all had strange jobs in the entertainment industry/lived with parents/autism bucks from government

>> No.4804445

dont u like skyrim

>> No.4804452

which kind do you want?

>> No.4804455


>> No.4804456

The best.

But the kind that makes me able to chop steel with my bare hand would be cool.

Or seriously, something that would make my memory better.

>> No.4804463

I'd look into shikantaza and basic mindfulness stuff. Just sitting in the right posture and breathing and being aware of doing so.

>> No.4804466
File: 852 KB, 300x225, yaaarrggghh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch it with that, you might get high.

>> No.4804477

wow replace the watching things part with more listening to shitty pop music and ur basically me :-)

>> No.4804577

>Wake up
>breakfast with parents
Leisure reading
>running on treadmill for 30 minutes
>reading for leisure or just browsing the internet when I'm too tired

>> No.4804595

So-so, I began looking forward to it after my first month or so, but until then I had to force myself not to take short cuts or stop to walk or lie to myself about how long I was going.

>> No.4804626

Best thing that ever happened to me, true fact.

You've obviously never been dead.

>> No.4804707

>listen to Morning Edition
my nigga

>> No.4804723

After writing I made an effort to stop shitposting and browsing 4chan so much (unless this post counts

I've been filling my time with more reading. But there is still just as much regret and just as little studying.

>> No.4804796

My daily routine usually starts around 9 or 10am. I'll wake up, waste about an hour of time playing a video game or browsing 4chan, then I'll have breakfast and shower before the day truly begins.

The first matter is always a short hike through the woods, usually accompanied by a marijuana cigarette if I happen to have anything. I'll go out at least three times a day to smoke, once in the morning, once at night, and once in between. These are my "zen" moments. I spend my time on these trips enjoying my surroundings and contemplating life.

Besides these three ventures, however, my day is incredibly boring. I don't work, so instead I come back home and will find ways to waste my time instead. Usually it's with video games, but there's also reading, watching television, going into town to hang out with friends, and browsing 4chan.

Help me.

>> No.4805664

I hope when you leave for work in the morning you take the bus.

>> No.4805671

>alarm goes off at 6:15 but I keep hitting snooze until 7.
>shower and dress.
>quickly fix carnation instant breakfast and lunch if I have time
>8:20 speed to work
>9:00 arrive at work.
>Do minimum work, browse 4chan, read, listen to radio, and job search.
>5:00 leave work and go to bf's to hang out and eat dinner.
>go home at 8:00.
>talk to parents.
>watch TV, browse internet, read
>go to sleep with tv on between 10:30 and 12.

Also, pepper in 'feel insignificant' throughout the day.

>> No.4805695

wake up
breakfast n stuff
catch the train to uni
train back
shitpost on lit and procrastinate work to do
do work fast

>> No.4805700

>Also, pepper in 'feel insignificant' throughout the day.
le existential crisis face xD us intellectuals huh

>> No.4805714

>i thought we all had strange jobs in the entertainment industry/lived with parents/autism bucks from government
not everyone is a talentless retard without a future like you

>> No.4806089

wake up 8:30
get to work at about 9:15
lunch at noon
leave for home at about 5:30
reading/anime/4chan/video games until 12-1am

Weekend edition:
Friday: mostly the same except that as soon as I get home I binge drink alone
Saturday: regret the previous night and do chores and run errands, maybe have a friend over that night
Sunday: lay around and dread the work week

>> No.4807039


>> No.4807075

Don't these dicks have jobs?

>> No.4807085

>having ever worked

fucking normalfag

>> No.4807173

>wake up
>browse the chanz

>> No.4807185

Wake up 7am
Drink a liter or so of water
Listen to BBC global news or read news with morning routine.
Prep for work, make lunch, pack bag. ~ 8 am
Meditate 15mins
Bike to Work/ Uni
Work (Research Assistant)
Sit outside for Lunch
Gym (3times a week)/ Swimming/ Running on alternate days
Bike home- 6:00pm
Chill out (smoke weed)- spin some records
Reading time6:30-7:30 (depends on whether I'm cooking dinner
Make dins and watch seasonal show~ 8pm
Green tea time- read on the INTERNET (pocket)+ browse the 4chans
Free time before bed 10pm

More or less daily routine, I try and go to shows, lectures or gigs when they are on.
Some days I have meetings after work at an NGO I volunteer at.

Uni days I study and write a lot more. Weekends are usually spent outdoors with books. I enjoy hiking a lot.

Need to make more time for purposeful reflection and melding of concepts and ideas.

>> No.4807212

I loathe waking up late yet I wake up past noon every day. It's absolutely retarded because I could keep the exact same schedule -5h, yet I don't. There's something about pushing your nightly limit.

>> No.4807237

I refuse to believe that, like, two of these fuckers held a job.
Kant, and for what... four hours? that's it?

Four hours?

Picture confirmed for bullshit

>> No.4807244

Look what the capitalists did to you

>> No.4807260

You must be enlightened and above material things, such as living on your own, supporting one's self, and 'making ends meet.'

as if people 400 years ago didn't have to 'make ends meet.' I seriously hope you're trolling. 4/10, made me reply.

>> No.4807294
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.Wake up at 7 AM
.Drag my ass into the shower
.Eat a banana and a cup of coffee
Catch the bus
.Pay some attention to my classes while I browse 4chan or talking to my classmates
.Try to convince myself to declare my love for the qt 3.14 in my class
.Realize that I my fear of rejection is bigger than the love I feel for her
.Go home and pack my shit for the next day
.Do some sit ups and push ups if I feel like doing them
.Either make my dinner or buy some take-out.
.Either watch a movie or play vidya
.Read 15-20 pages of the book I'm currently reading
.Play some more vidya
.Do some work on my current assignments
.Browse 4chan and listen to some music
.Stay up until 1AM, feeling drowsy.
.Get my ass into bed.

I've lived through worse.

>> No.4807303


>all these grammatical errors due to sleepiness

Shit, I better go to sleep already.

>> No.4807954

What terrific speed

>> No.4807971

For most of these folks, writing was their job, they were comissioned to write music for clients, or write works for publishers or to publish independently.

Also some of them, like franklin, were just wealthy landowners who didn't need to work beyond whatever fancied them.

>> No.4807976

>wake up
>eat a bagel and drink more coffee
>carpool to school
>sit in classes for 7.5 hours straight
>come home and microwave something for dinner
>browse the internet and play vidya until 12

I clean on the weekends. I read during my commutes and in classes I don't like. I wish I read more at home.

>> No.4807986

>wake up at 7:30 am
>check empornium for new foot fetish torrents
>sleep again until 11 am
>think about eating breakfast
>dick around on 4chan until 1:30 pm
>order dominos or pizza hut
>eat entire pizza in one sitting
>instantly regret it and vow to never do it again
>spend more time on 4chan
>once it's dark outside, turn off light in room, crawl into bed and listen to something on /r/gonewildaudio
>masturbate to completion
>lie in the dark with cum on my stomach, asking myself where it all went wrong
>clean myself off
>eat a small dinner as part of my plan to start dieting
>4chan again until 3 am
>lie down in bed and listen to binaural asmr shit so that i don't feel so alone

every day

>> No.4807998

I'd like to go on walks but I live in a working class neighborhood that's rife with gang violence, and it seems pretty dumb to drive somewhere. I mean, there's no shortage of "hiking trails" in the mountains nearby but that's too strenuous an activity.

>> No.4808007

I don't have a daily routine but
>DXM haze
>light meal (can of tuna with milk)
>drinking (or more often weed since my liver is shitty)
Sometimes I get some reading done or even work but I can't do anything at my desk and my bed makes me too tired and everything else is covered in garbage.

>> No.4808022

>wake up at 3pm
>coffee + smoke
>read emails, fap, play guitar
>20 push ups + 12 chin ups
>go to college
>read on the bus and subway
>go home, more reading
>computer until 6-7 am

>> No.4808038

>tfw you will never have victor hugo's life

>> No.4808364

that doesn't sound so bad if you just want to live the simple life. throw some creative pursuit in there and that's a decent life

>> No.4808729

>Wake up at 9
>Eat while on the PC
>Use the PC until I go to bed


>> No.4808772

When do you got to bed?

>> No.4808852
File: 37 KB, 446x600, stbellarmine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A weeb considering becoming a Jesuit who agonizes over lack of self-discipline.

Are you me? The only real difference is my academic interests lean more towards literature/poetry and theology instead of philosophy. Also I was considering maybe the Dominican Order instead of the Jesuits.

>> No.4808942

maybe winnie the pooh is trying to get him addicted to honey so he can push more of his product.

>> No.4808990

Wow you are a giant fag

>> No.4809025

>drive to work
>work 12 hours
>get home


I get a day break every fourteen days, but i'm working as much as I can while I can. Life's a drag tho

>> No.4809028 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 307x400, 148643813X.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hated this image when I first saw it a year ago or thereabouts. There was a version of it which had more writers in it and also indicated the amount of writing each of the guys has done in his life. Tolstoy wrote this many books, and he did this and that every day (according to our sources) so it has to correlate somehow, the image seemed to imply. It was stupid. Prioritizing quantity makes no sense when it comes to art. E.g.: I'm seeing Japanese writers churning out two books a year and it makes me undervalue their dedication instead of admiring it as may seem proper at first. They are working because they view writing as a job to make ends meet. I can make no other explanation for what they're doing. They write not just fiction, they produce self-help books, hobby guides. Some of them also write for the screen, doing scripts for TV series, or they write songs, or even become part-time actors on stupid Japanese shows. The percentage of Western writers (the /lit/ canon writers, at any rate) doing this is way lower. S. Beckett springs to mind, he wrote for multiple media, yet I doubt he did it for the dough, or rather I hope not. He did give away his Nobel prize money, didn't he?

Going back to the original question, I've got no routine, this doesn't feel like a routine, though it probably is. It's more like a single infinitely stretched out day, since the walls between days have eroded, or toppled like domino succession, and I am now treading on a single connected zigzag of half-assed highs and lows. To make a halfway memorable metaphor of it all.

I usually stay awake throughout the night, sleep for a few hours from morning till noon, then go to college way before I should, so that I can gorge on something someplace before my classes start. I eat once a day, once and a half, since I sometimes buy two articles of food from the list of: bananas, oranges, yoghurt, potato chips, at a grocery on my way back to the dorm. In my room, I eat these and fall asleep, sleeping roughly 7-8 pm - 11-12 pm. I wake up and after an hour on the Internet I talk to the person I love and cherish and trust, I talk to her on Skype for a few hours. It's a singular source of amazement that I found such a someone at last, the no-friend-zone best friend - girlfriend holy combo that so many people here view as the ideal, me included. It may have been the only ideal concept ever worth nurturing and suffering through.

Details are omitted. I won't go into it all.
Having interchanged good-nights, I continue being on the internet, visiting a seldom-varying selection of websites. I proceed to reading a book or doing college homework if there is any or I do neither or both. Come morning, I sleep for a while or I don't.

Other things, I don't really go anywhere with people, though they seem to like me and view me favorably and though their feelings are mostly reciprocated. We'll just part ways in a while, so it might in a sense make sense not to befriend anyone ever for real.

>> No.4809032

I hated this image when I first saw it a year ago or thereabouts. There was a version of it which had more writers in it and also indicated the amount of writing each of the guys has done in his life. Tolstoy wrote this many books, and he did this and that every day (according to our sources) so it has to correlate somehow, the image seemed to imply. It was stupid. Prioritizing quantity makes no sense when it comes to art. E.g.: I'm seeing Japanese writers churning out two books a year and it makes me undervalue their dedication instead of admiring it as may seem proper at first. They are working because they view writing as a job to make ends meet. I can make no other explanation for what they're doing. They write not just fiction, they produce self-help books, hobby guides. Some of them also write for the screen, doing scripts for TV series, or they write songs, or even become part-time actors on stupid Japanese shows. The percentage of Western writers (the /lit/ canon writers, at any rate) doing this is way lower. S. Beckett springs to mind, he wrote for multiple media, yet I doubt he did it for the dough, or rather I hope not. He did give away his Nobel prize money, didn't he?

Going back to the original question, I've got no routine, this doesn't feel like a routine, though it probably is. It's more like a single infinitely stretched out day, since the walls between days have eroded, or toppled like domino succession, and I am now treading on a single connected zigzag of half-assed highs and lows. To make a halfway memorable metaphor of it all.

I usually stay awake throughout the night, sleep for a few hours from morning till noon, then go to college way before I should, so that I can gorge on something someplace before my classes start. I eat once a day, once and a half, since I sometimes buy two articles of food from the list of: bananas, oranges, yoghurt, potato chips, at a grocery on my way back to the dorm. In my room, I eat these and fall asleep, sleeping roughly 7-8 pm - 11-12 pm. I wake up and after an hour on the Internet I talk to the person I love and cherish and trust, I talk to her on Skype for a few hours. It's a singular source of amazement that I found such a someone at last, the no-friend-zone best friend - girlfriend holy combo that so many people here view as the ideal, me included. It may have been the only ideal concept ever worth nurturing and suffering through.

Details are omitted. I won't go into it all.
Having interchanged good-nights, I continue being on the internet, visiting a seldom-varying selection of websites. I proceed to reading a book or doing college homework if there is any or I do neither or both. Come morning, I sleep for a while or I don't.

Other things, I don't really go anywhere with people, though they seem to like me and view me favorably and though their feelings are mostly reciprocated. We'll just part ways in a while, so it might in a sense make sense not to befriend anyone ever for real.

>> No.4809054
File: 354 KB, 1063x798, Untitled copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6:00 wake up and shower
>6:30 breakfast
>7:30-8:30 gym (M, W, T, S)
>9:00-9:30 email, check news, 4chan
>9:30-11:30 work (research assistant) or class/homework plus breaks
>11:30-12:00 lunch
>12:00-17:00 work or class/schoolwork plus breaks
>18:00 dinner
>19:00-20:00 ride stationary bike while watching youtube vids (T, T, S)
>20:00-22:30 pack and prepare stuff for the next day, go on 4chan, play SSBM with roommate, read, watch and write a review for a movie if I have time before bed
>22:30 fap and sleep

My schedule is less consistent during the Summer break, but this has basically been my daily routine since September. My lifestyle is pretty repetitive and antisocial, but it's (hopefully) getting me where I want to be, and I'm a boring, self-contained guy so I revel in it.

>> No.4809103

the scale is biased as shit, it implies that there is only one reason to be atheist and only one way to be atheist
richard dawkins' followers should shoot themselves

>> No.4809173

8am: Wake up
8-8:30am: shower, brush teeth, get dressed etc.
8:30am: 90mg of vyvanse, 2-3 cups of coffee
8:45am: smoke my first cigarette of the day and write
10am: Class
11am: Go to Dey House, write/read.
12pm: Class.
1pm: Go to the Tobacco Bowl, have a couple cups of coffee and a few cigarettes, and I usually see this qt, but fail to start a conversation because of the vyvanse.
1:30pm: Go to Dey House, read/write.
3:30pm: Class.
4:20pm: Go back to the apartment, do homework/write.
5:30pm: make/go out for dinner.
6:15pm: Do homework/read/write.
7:30pm: Play chess with my roommate.
8:15pm: Go to friend's apartment, hang out, smoke hookah.
9:30pm: Go to Casey's to buy cigarettes
10pm: Sit somewhere on the bank of the Iowa River and just let my mind wander.
11:30pm: get back to the apartment.
11:45pm: Brush my teeth.
11:50pm: Masturbate.
12am: Write.
3am: Sleep.

And, of course, there's usually sporadic 4chan browsing while writing/doing homework.

>> No.4809184

Do you actually play chess regularly?

>> No.4809214

Yeah, and when my roommate's busy, I do chess problems or play against the computer or something.

>> No.4809233


>> No.4809746

>1pm: Go to the Tobacco Bowl, have a couple cups of coffee and a few cigarettes, and I usually see this qt, but fail to start a conversation because of the vyvanse.
1:30pm: Go to Dey House, read/write.
You have a couple cups of coffee and a few cigarettes in a half hour? No wonder you fail to start a convo.

>> No.4810052

What is the Tobacco Bowl?

A place where you can smoke and drink coffee indoors? Sounds like heaven!

Also, the vyvanse, how long have you been on it? I love speed when I get all Paul Erdos but hate it when I get all Phillip K Dick -- y' know? I say I would take it once every two months on average but I do have my finals coming up soon.

>> No.4810321

Shit... I miss Iowa City bad now. Thanks.

>> No.4810334

My sleep is Mozart tier.

That's probably bad, I don't want to die at 35.

>> No.4810422


What almost everyone here has in common is going on walks. Why is this? Are there any studies that demonstrate a correlation between creativity and walking? Any studies that suggest why?

I go to the gym often, but this image has inspired me to go on more solitary walks.

>> No.4810435

Fresh air, monotonous activity for thinking, exposure to things less familiar than your desk.

I don't know of any studies though.

>> No.4810438

Yeah, probably this.

When you've got a barbell overhead, it's hard to think about much except that barbell.

Not that exercise besides walking is bad, maybe you need a reprieve from your usual thoughts.

>> No.4810454
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Wake up at 6 30
work untill whenever. I do painting so hours are pretty random.

Saving up for college
Come home and read philosophy books till I get tired. Go 4chan while my body is slipping away.

>> No.4810511

And when you go on these walks, do you listen to music? I ask this because listening or not listening to music on a walk would greatly alter the experience from a mere fresh exercise break to a fresh and reflective exercise moment. Or could be both, I don't know anymore. Just answer the question please.

>> No.4810530

I don't. I like music, but I usually have to devote most of my attention to it. The walks are just for quiet reflection

>> No.4810532

In my opinion it's better to not listen to music. The idea behind walks is to expose yourself to novel (or less-familiar things) and music is very familiar.

When I listen to music I have noticed I tend to fall into familiar patterns of thinking. But without it I just naturally stray from familiar ground, which has led to better ideas. Plus if you're walking among people you never know what bit of dialogue you might hear that'll inspire something.

>> No.4810687


>> No.4810697

>"All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking." - Friedrich Nietzsche

I took this advise to heart when I was depressed as fuck. It legitimately alters your mindset. Your brain chemistry changes or something. After that, I walked every night for two hours, between 11-1PM, and listened to history lectures.

I think it helps to avoid stagnation, frankly. I used to look forward to my walk so much because it guaranteed a certain underlying layer of novelty, exertion, bustle, etc., which causes new ideas and mindsets to pop up. The worst dead zones of my life were the periods where I wasn't able to go out and I turned the four walls of my room into a fucking prison that I developed a little further every day.

>> No.4810739

tfw I hate that I live in a small town so everytime I go for a walk I'm seen by like 50 people I know. tfw you can't just be invisible

>> No.4810861

>wake up 6:45
>push ups & crunches
>shower shave ect.
>more classes
>make and eat dinner
>sleep at midnight or one

>> No.4810862

Average day:

9:00AM Wake up
9:30AM Breakfast
10:00AM-12:00PM Classes
12:15-3:15 Homework/study
3:30-6:00 Classes
6:15-7:15 Gym
7:30 Eat dinner
8:00-10:00 More work/study
10:00-12:00 Leisure time (usually internet, read, music, videogames)
12:00 bed

Weekends are different; no class so more time for either study or leisure

>> No.4810976
File: 507 KB, 500x724, Philosophy_of_Walking_300_CMYK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. I was about to post that quote. Instead I'm gonna post great lecture by Wes Cecil from his cycle of lectures on Humane Arts. This one is about walking - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zbup1y1oCxM

>tfw living in capital and can't go on a walk during night without getting robbed or stabbed
I'd love to go on solitary night walks but I'm just too afraid.

Check that lecture I linked and you might be interested in reading
>pic related

>tfw no routine

>> No.4811365

>After that, I walked every night for two hours, between 11-1PM, and listened to history lectures.
stop the lectures, it ruins the effect of the walk. part of the point is not being bombarded with information for a while.

>> No.4811552

I wish there were a similar infographic for scientists, artists, and other academics.

>> No.4811830
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I don't have a daily routine. My classes at uni are all over the place and there constantly something keeping me awake at night, forcing me to take long naps, and so on. My daily life is a mess. It's a miracle I get any work done.

>> No.4813006


>> No.4813914

sounds like a pretty enjoyable day to me.

>> No.4816085

That's exactly what the tobacco bowl is. It's in Iowa City.
how long has it been since you lived there?

>> No.4816194


Buy the book in which this graphic is based: "Daily Rituals". You will find what you want there.

>> No.4816749
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>Pour up
>head shot
Sit down
stand up
Pass out
wake up

>> No.4816771

Class days: Start writing around 4 PM, go until 9 with a break for the gym.

Free days: Start writing at 9 AM, go until I need sleep, with a break for the gym and meals.

*Writing may also refer to editing, reading, research, and/or drinking.

Except Friday, which is my errands and shitposting day.

>> No.4816801


I need to start jogging in the mornings again. I'm starting tomorrow. My clothes got tighter; too much porking out. I'm cutting down to one meal a day plus fruit/veg as snacks and morning oatz.

You sound like a cool dude.


How do I get my profs to take me on dates?



I've seen a total of one place ever that offers it, in an area where homes probably go for a mil. On a scale of po to rolling in it, how much dosh do you have?

>>run 7km

And now I feel lazy.


>faggot who writes in starbucks on his macbook has a gf

>> No.4816823
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>> No.4816825

Ok, now open your mind up and listen to me Kendrick