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File: 56 KB, 309x475, WoT01_TheEyeOfTheWorld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4792267 No.4792267[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone on here finish wheel of time? I honestly loved the entire series

>> No.4792291

you obviously have shit taste. even fans say it starts to fuck up badly in later books

>> No.4792310

Yeah the fans without patience. It does slow down but I disagree completely with most fans

>> No.4792333

read it all, I essentially marathoned it because for a period of 3 months I had nothing else to occupy myself other than books and work.

While Jordan doesn't have the best prose it was miles better than Sanderson's efforts, I don't hate the last 3 books but they are just too different. Sanderson ruined some characters too, Mat in particular.

Overall Rand had the best chapters, it got to the stage where I would skim through other sitting POV's (like fucking Elayne or Egwene they got tedious) just to get to a Rand or similar chapter.

Highlight of the books were Rand's descent around book 9 I think, where he feels the need to get harder and colder to the point he becomes a wreck and almost destorys the pattern with the Choden Kal, that was awesome and way more intense to read than even the last battle

Good story, just too long to ever consider rereading. Would make for an awesome anime.

>> No.4792342

Was with you till the very end sentence when you totally blew any idea of credibility.

>> No.4792347

heh, well oviously it's too long to be a movie or even a trilogy and TV shows in a fantasy setting are rarely good without huge budgets.

Anime would allow for much more creativity to be poured into the show without the associated cost of a live action. Plus WoT isn't the sort fo thing I could see western animation studios picking up, ever.

>> No.4792585

It should be a daytime soap-opera-esque show, running for 10-15 years. Otherwise how you could possibly capture the exquisite detail of Elayne's running of Andor?

>> No.4792606


well at least every single girl is a tsundere bitch.

>> No.4794802

I hated Min. She was nothing but a Walking Spoiler