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/lit/ - Literature

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4790841 No.4790841 [Reply] [Original]

Accepted to Sarah Lawrence and Bard but having difficulty making the decision between the two... Any of you have any advice? Any experience or opinions on the schools? I want to study political theory, philosophy and literature.

>> No.4790844

Go to Bard, it's a little bit further away from me.

>> No.4790850

Go to either one. It doesn't matter. They are the exact same school and you will have the same experience and end up in the same place.

Also bear in mind that Sarah Lawrence is 60% women, 40% gay men. Go if you are a gay man or if you want women to treat you like one. Good luck out there!

>> No.4790858


Are men even allowed to look at women at Sarah Lawrence? I've heard it's feminist central.

>> No.4790864

Bard, no question.

>> No.4790875
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you've already posted this thread before. stop. no one cares about your 3rd tier lib arts colleges.

>tfw accepted to Oxford
>tfw no one, even on /lit/, will admit that I am intellectually superior

>> No.4790892

Go to Sarah Lawrence OP, according to his rap, DDL's faggot wigger son goes there.

I was accepted to Harvoxbridge, get @ me faggot.

>> No.4790900

Can somebody tell me what useful degree you can get at SLC? Seriously, I'm not trolling, I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.4790905


>> No.4790907

Oxford's no Cambridge.

>> No.4790909

Going to Oxbridge doesn't, in and of itself, mean you're intellectually superior to anyone. Some of the dumbest people I've met were at Oxford or Cambridge.

>> No.4790911


>> No.4790932

I've not met anyone from Oxbridge, but I've known countless people from Ivy League schools, only one of which was particularly intelligent. The others either had connections or were hard-working and active in their communities (or were a part of a racial minority and got accepted to fill a racial quota). So, with that said, I doubt he/she is lying. Keep in mind that learned people aren't necessarily intelligent people. An aptitude for rote learning, which is often enough to get you into a top school, is not intelligence.

>> No.4790939

Again with this thread? Didn't you ask the exact same question a couple weeks ago? Go to Bard, SL is tumblr leakage.

>> No.4790941
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Right in the feels, anon. Why would you even think something like that?

>> No.4790946

there's no such thing as intelligence

>> No.4790948


>Some of the dumbest people I've met were at Oxford or Cambridge
>I've not met anyone from Oxbridge

kthxbye enjoi communitie college, frennnd!

>> No.4790950

Sarah Lawrence is one of the most expensive schools in the country and one of the most stuck up. I've heard from multiple professors at my school who also work there and say how they hate it and they hate the students.

>> No.4790957



>> No.4790955

is that what your special needs teacher told you?

>> No.4790958

What this latter poster said was essentially my point. Getting into Oxford or Cambridge is, from what I have witnessed, a testament more to one's ability to work hard and one's aptitude for rote learning. Some of the most gifted people I have ever known have achieved nothing relative to those with parents who instilled in them a good 'work ethic'.

Not that I mean to disparage those who get into Oxbridge or in any way belittle their achievements. Certainly it's an impressive feat to have gained access to such a prestigious institution, but its ludicrous to suggest that it, in isolation, is an indication of intellectual superiority.

>> No.4790964

The guy who said "some of the dumbest people he'd met... etc" and the person you're replying to are two different people.

You'd struggle to get into community college with that level of reading comprehension, friend.

>> No.4790966

the ppl i know who got like 90%+ in every university course were not stupid, but they always had incredibly pleb taste and couldn't into arts and culture.

>> No.4790967

what is a special needs teacher

>> No.4790970

That's what the left is pushing nowadays :-)

>> No.4790971


QUESTION: do amerifats actually have to apply to get into community colleges, despite the fact (as I understand it) that you must pay to attend them?

>damn it feels good to be english

>> No.4790972

99% of the time if someone complains about rote learning he's stupid

brb pretending new synthesis is at all likely to occur without an understanding of the subject's previous findings

>> No.4790975

I have no idea. I'm also English. I'm assuming the phrase has a similar stigma surrounding it as 'Oaklands College' does where I'm from.

>> No.4790978

No, you just go through a thing that tells you whether you're gonna take regular or retard English and Math

>> No.4790980

Nobody in this thread is complaining about rote learning.

>100% of the time if someone lacks the ability to read threads he's stupid

>> No.4790982

this still a relevant insult?

>> No.4790994

read the thread bro

>> No.4790996

>5 rejections, enforced gap year
>damn it feels bad to be english

>> No.4790997

I have read the thread 'bro'. Rote learning was mentioned, yes, but not complained about.

>> No.4791003

dude if you expect me to type what i actually mean to say you're going to be perpetually disappointed. try reading better.

>> No.4791008

I know what you think you mean, but as one of the people who mentioned rote learning I can fucking guarantee that I wasn't complaining about it. I appreciate that rote learning is an integral part of any education. Please read the thread.

>> No.4791012

my brother goes to bard. he loves it.

if u go u gotta be ready to blaze it up with a lot of hipsters tho

>> No.4791027

Literally nobody in the history of mankind has ever managed to get five rejections.

>get accepted to University of my dreams
>family aren't billionaires
>enforced life of poverty

>> No.4791031

i read your mom son

>> No.4791032

I forgot to add:
>damn it feels good to be american

>> No.4791035

I´m beginning my PhD at U of Chicago in September and I don´t brag about it either.

>> No.4791051

I was the first guy to mention rote learning and wasn't complaining about it. I was saying an adept rote learner isn't necessarily all that intelligent. There's not much controversy there. Intelligent people don't merely have good memories. We don't consider idiot savants, whose memories out-perform 99 percent of the population, to be intelligent. An intelligent person will have the ability to work with the knowledge they have, to analyze, compare, synthesize, etc. Many if not most intelligent people likely do have an aptitude for rote learning.

>> No.4791054

I'm a misogynistic neo-nazi and I go to Sarah Lawrence.

Sieg heil!

>> No.4791055

Re-applied post-results to the same 5 and got 5 offers
>full loan that I don't have to pay back until I'm earning some amount that I'll probably never earn
>damn it feels good to be english

>> No.4791058

I'm assuming you meant to reply to this guy: >>4790996

>> No.4791060

that's nice dear

>> No.4791066

Are you joking? Bard is nothing like St. Lawrence. It's insular as fuck (in a good way).

>> No.4791069


if it's a PhD in the humanities or 'soft sciences' it doesn't really matter though.

>> No.4791072

no, was meaning to gloat about the superior student finance system

>> No.4791076

What a stupid fucking meme. Far worse than any other because people are beginning to take it seriously.

>> No.4791078

fuck meant to reply to >>4791058

>> No.4791082

But you're replying to someone who was also mocking the American education system.

>> No.4791085

Yeah, you keep telling that to yourself buddy. Hope your community college is treating you well.

>> No.4791095

seemed like he was talking about his own enforced life of poverty

>> No.4791096


lel, you can't get into Oxbridge, LSE, UCL or Imperial through Clearing, so
>your uni a shit

>> No.4791098

wasnt clearing, waited a year

>> No.4791099

>only Oxbridge, LSE, UCL or Imperial are good universities
Sounds like you don't have much experience with how the real world works.

>> No.4791110
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maybe i should get a trip# so everyone is aware that I'm oxford-genius tier before they reply to my posts.

>tfw accepted to oxford
>tfw unsure I will be able to quit 4chan before classes start in october

>> No.4791111

That would be a wonderful idea. Will make it easier for us all to ignore you.

>> No.4791112


enjoy warwick or w/e, topkek

>> No.4791114

>insecure oxbridge reject

>> No.4791119

>english universities

>> No.4791132


Maybe she is stuck up too...

>> No.4791134


first of all it's oxFORD I wouldn't for the life of me set foot in the plebhole Cantabrigiensis

secondly, i'm an insecure accepté.

>> No.4791163



>> No.4791299

there are millions of people on /lit/ with degrees in english

>> No.4791307

more like /SHIT/ degrees in POOPlish LMAO

>> No.4791352
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