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/lit/ - Literature

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4783450 No.4783450[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The Fault in Our Stars is the fourth novel by author John Green, published in January 2012. The story is narrated by a sixteen-year-old cancer patient named John Green, who is forced by her parents to attend a support group, where she subsequently meets and falls in love with the seventeen-year-old John Green, an ex-basketball player and amputee.

>> No.4783469


>> No.4783502

The Salt in our Farts

>> No.4783659

Eh, I enjoyed it enough.

>> No.4783669
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The colt in our bars

>> No.4783678

What does /lit/ think of this guy?

>> No.4783680

>every character named after the author
Self-insert much?

>> No.4783682


>> No.4783683

>oh it's this thread again

>> No.4783685


I mean, for Christ's sake, you even used the exact same wording. Would it have killed you to use the catalog?

>> No.4783699


My android app doesn't have a catalog.
Thanks for the link though.

>> No.4783733

1/10 not even trying

>> No.4783982

now you're trying too much

>> No.4783995

personally i'm just sick of talking about him

>> No.4784000

Sounds like that cripple dating sim 4chan likes so much.

>> No.4784031

You see guys, the joke is that the dialogue is written exactly as John Green speaks, like a nerdfighter. They all sound the same, like John Green, because nobody speaks like that.

The Joke In Our Thread.

>> No.4784175

What exactly is a nerdfighter? I've seen it on goodreads, but I dont know what it is. Urban dictionary didnt help either.

>> No.4784183

just a fan of the vlogbrothers

>> No.4784212
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>> No.4784220
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cult in our wars

>> No.4784232

the cock in your ass

>> No.4784241
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the salt in our cars

>> No.4784248
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the salt in our scars

>> No.4784254

the fault in our cigars

>> No.4784262
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>> No.4784538

I've taken to annotating my own copy. It's funny, how much you can learn about yourself when you're commenting on a book alone. Like, book clubs, they can provide a healthy outlet for discussion, but just by yourself, no filters or nothin'? That's when you realize just how much of a sarcastic little fucker you really are.

>> No.4784574
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>Not liking Katawa Shoujo

>> No.4784587

People who beat up nerds.

>> No.4784596
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The Balt on our Mars

>> No.4784616
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The Malt in our Cars

>> No.4784617
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>not lilly

do you even nice

>> No.4784630
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>> No.4784656

The Gestalt of our Bars

>> No.4785010

Go jump into a bin, Rin.

>> No.4785350
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top kek, anon

>> No.4785354

His video on Homer's Odyssey was terrible, right? It's not just me?

>> No.4785361

if dubs you give us a sample

>> No.4785419

No, it isn't.

The fault in our stars is an antisemitic manifesto describing which of the worlds problems can be attributed to the Jews (or "stars", referring to the Star of David). It goes on to present a "final solution" in which all of the nation's Jews are put into camps and put to death, in a similar manner to the fictional tragedy known as "The Holocaust".

>> No.4785504

let's expand on this. Create a neo nazi analysis of the entire book

>> No.4785535

No dice, but I'll give a sample anyway. IT's not really annotation, so much as commentary.

>On the "big believer in Metaphor" quote:
"I don't know why, but seeing metaphors everywhere makes this guy a hell of a lot more comfortable than I am. Then again, I'm not a pretentious asshat."

>> No.4785637

The cashier at some campus restaurant was reading this and I don't read anything that a woman has read so I won't be reading it.

That was awful. Kill yourself.

>> No.4785652

The erection in our confections

>> No.4786158
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>What exactly is a nerdfighter

A dull clueless female aged 15-25 who desperately wants to be and sound smart and has very bad tastes in videos and books.

>> No.4786183


most of the writer wannabes on this board are jelly because he is a well known intellectual scholar and a famous writer. Don't be a filthy liar and claim that you wouldn't love to have his fame and fortune if a Djinn appeared to you and offered you the chance. Most of you would trade places with Stephanie Meyer if you had the chance, you aren't real writers, you're looking for a fat stack of cash for writing your little stories.

>> No.4786226

The Fart in our Shits,

>> No.4786288
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>a well known intellectual scholar

>> No.4786302

John Green, well-known intellectual scholar

>> No.4786310


>"Then again, I'm not a pretentious asshat."

guess again

>> No.4786315

6/10 I was actually flustered for a moment when you called me a filthy liar.

>> No.4786327

the fart in our arse

>> No.4786331

I like how the whole movement was spawned by men and yet women are the scapegoats for it. Those pesky girls, always trying to trick boys into thinking they're smart.