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/lit/ - Literature

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4781627 No.4781627 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/, I have an English content exam tomorrow. For some reason, anyone who's teaching English gets ambushed with this thing. I have to write up five essays in the computer lab during the allotted time tomorrow. Since I'm not an idiot, I obviously have a grasp on most of the questions.

However, there is one that I don't understand the wording of.

>4) Choose two Young Adult texts by two different authors and make an argument for Young Adult literature as a body of literature with recurring rhetorical and cultural concerns.

Are they asking for me to use two pieces of young adult literature as an example of it as a genre unto itself? And what the hell is a rhetorical concern? And are they asking me to address rhetorical and cultural concerns that the TEXT bring up, or rhetorical and cultural concerns that OTHER people have regarding the text?

What the fuck is up with this question?

>> No.4781662

The true test is to interpret the question, pleb.

>> No.4781693

1. Choose two YA texts
2. Find rhetorical themes and "cultural concerns" that they share
3. Write about them and argue that YA literature (as a genre) is characterized by "recurring rhetorical and cultural concerns"

The wording of that question is shit-awful considering it's on an ENGLISH content exam.

>> No.4781696

Hunger Games and Divergent. read the wikipedia and talk about hunger games is about the kids fear of getting into the competitive and aggressive world of adults and the second about kids not wanting to be pigeon-holed in an identity and how they comprehend that despite our differences we are all part of a larger universal identity.

>> No.4781702

What fucking rhetorical themes do ANY goddamn young adult texts have, though? I've had to read a shitton of young adult for my education classes, but the idea is so vague.

>> No.4781707

Ps I only helped you because that is the dumbest question I ever heard and I'm mad at the people that designed their test.

Basically what they were asking is to talk about two text in YA and explain how they share common themes and tackle recurring problems in our culture.

For example both divergent and hunger games have kids fighting each other and are particularly concerned with the discovery of identity.

>> No.4781711
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>kikes with roundabout wording
This shit killed me a year ago.