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/lit/ - Literature

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477835 No.477835 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me, or do we actually have a fairly high concentration of women on /lit/ compared to other boards?

Besides /an/, of course.

>> No.477838

We also have a fairly high percentage of metathreads

>> No.477843

Compared to, say, /b/, /tg/, or /r9k/?

Not a chance.

>> No.477845

Femanon here

Don't hit on me silly boys~ :3

>> No.477847


I don't count fat dikes as women.

>> No.477849


>> No.477853

that would explain why /lit/ never discusses books

>> No.477855


Nothing but net.

>> No.477856

Don't forget about /cm/ and /y/ - they probably hold the highest female population.

>> No.477861

I like our record of a) realizing blatant trolls and b) not hitting on or harassing femanons (except when they're dumb about it). hopefully we can keep it up.

>> No.477863


“Hi-Oh!” “Five Stars!” “Ha-ha! You are correct, sir!” .

>> No.477865


Oh. Oh god.

Maybe I should've phased it as "a high concentration of women not getting their jollies to fanfics".

>> No.477871

/cm/ and /y/ are now and have always been the exception boards. /u/ to a lesser extent. it's... weird there. not like the rest of 4chan.

>> No.477880

femanon here
just posting so you know im a woman

>> No.477885

You mean cumdumpster ?

>> No.477889

LOL butthurt faggot detected.
U jealous faggot?

>> No.477892

yeah that's why I meant sorry

>> No.477894

Jealous of what ??

>> No.477897

The ability to get cock on demand.

>> No.477898

Tits and vagoo

>> No.477901

I am now and will always be suspicious of anybody claiming to be female on the internet. I'm sure we do have a high percentage of femanons here but I'm also sure that 2/3s of the anons claiming to be female are lying.

>> No.477902


I can get pussy on demand.

They just call it "rape".

>> No.477903
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>> No.477906

Lol fucking cumdumpsters...

>> No.477908

you are acting stupid

post better

>> No.477910

just give and thou shalt receive

>> No.477918

It's funneh cuz it's miso-soupinist.

>> No.477919

ok boys and girls, play time is over. get back to your regularly scheduled programming this instant

>> No.477936

I scare all the female from /lit/

(somebody post that fat nude pic)

>> No.477938

No. The only women on 4chan are complete bastards.

I should know. I know women who come here. And they're all total bitches, to men and to women, with no regard for morality.

But then, so are most 4chan males.

>> No.477945
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>> No.477952
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oh damn.

>> No.477949

So that makes me a female dog

>> No.477951
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>> No.477953

Yea I'm sure it's crawling with 14/f/CA around here.

>> No.477982

The book vendor at the book store I used to work in claimed that 80% of all books are bought by women, most of them middle aged. If that is even remotely true, I wouldn't be surprised that /lit/ is more female and a older than the average 4chan board.

>> No.477985


The majority of those books are Harlequin romances.

>> No.477986

Get back in the /ck/itchen.

>> No.478002

You're a namefag which is worse than a female dog. Hey at least it's gender neutral so don't get your panties in a twist.

>> No.478013
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>The only women on 4chan are complete bastards
Why thank you.

>> No.478016

/lit/ doesn't get uptight about tripfags.

>> No.478022

Implying tripfag in question only posts on /lit/...

>> No.478026

This is precisely the attitude that I was talking about.

Bitches and proud of it.

>> No.478030

Gamer Girl is a reference to a /lit/ only meme...

>> No.478049

/lit/ has its own memes?

Holy fuck when did this happen.

>> No.478055

It didn't.

>> No.478073

A few hours after the board opened... We have quite a few little memes. Gamer Girl, The Joyce letters, Ayn Rand, Read or Die, Rory Gilmore, Oscar Wilde being our Queen. I'm probably missing a few.

>> No.478086

>Oscar Wilde being our Queen
I like this one.

>> No.478084

yeah the original gamer girl thread was one of the very early threads on /lit/, it was great

>> No.478085

Oh look, a lot of forced bullshit no one will remember.

"An arse full of farts" is the exception.

>> No.478089


Ayn Rand has a sub-meme with officer Barbrady from South Park exclaiming that after reading Atlas Shrugged, he's now voluntarily illiterate.

>> No.478091

3/3s are lying. If you want to be taken seriously you must hide your real gender.

>> No.478180

bitches don't know 'bout my tits

>> No.478197

I think it was me who made it the first one...

>> No.478224
File: 76 KB, 250x250, 1254049466843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/an/ sends its love.

>> No.478250

since day one, dipshit.

[spoilers] your arse was full of farts that night, my dear, and I fucked them out of you; bonks; ayn rand; etc...[/spoilers]

>> No.478417

I'm a hot chick and I'm looking for a hot stud.

>> No.478420

It's kind of weird how that stuff doesn't get posted anymore

Maybe it's true and there are more shitty /b/tard teenage posters on here. Maybe /lit/ is declining in quality.

>> No.478439

that's nothing. I will show tits for ten timestamped pen0rs.

>> No.478451

Yes, because it's possible to go down in quality from the OMG NEW BOARD WE HAVE TO HAVE MEMES LOOKIT ALL THE MEMES AREN'T OUR MEMES WONDERFUL

Meme-worshiping jackasses ruin the worksafe boards.

>> No.478460

At the same time there was some interesting discussion of a lot more diverse authors, and a lot less 1984 - Clockwork Orange - Cuckoo's Nest - Brave New World discussion.

>> No.478466

There aren't a lot books that most people have read. It's only natural for the books that everyone has in common get discussed more.

>> No.478467

No, it's about the same. Probably less spam posting of Twilight now than there was.

Oh, and a definite decline in the MY COMIC BOOKS ARE TOO GOOD FOR /co/ posting, too.

>> No.478476

But that's my point. In the Dawn Times, when men were men and books were books, the shit we had in common was more Joyce and Pynchon than Orwell and Burgess.
Oh, thats definitely true, thank god.

>> No.478506


I too support this. For reasons wholly aesthetic.

>> No.478801

what do you people do on that board? wtf