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/lit/ - Literature

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4776734 No.4776734[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

looking for books that change your view of the world by the time you are done reading it

this book helped answer alot of the questions I had

>> No.4776751
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>> No.4776755
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Babby's first in a way but still a great read

>> No.4776764

A People's History, assuming you haven't already read it, and are American.

>> No.4776772
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>using the term "red pill" to mean an epiphany that gets you to see everything in a different and ultimately truer light
>anyone with a brain who had seen the matrix would come to the conclusion that both pills did what the blue pill was purported to do and that neo only thought that he was defeating machines and learning kung fu when he was really still having his energy harvested

Which, you know, perfectly explains use of the term by both Reddit and /pol/.

>> No.4776803

"The Moral Landscape" by Sam Harris

Even Richard Dawkins was highly impressed and said it changed his life. Here's his review:
>Beautifully written as they were (the elegance of his prose is a distilled blend of honesty and clarity) there was little in Sam Harris's previous books that couldn't have been written by any of his fellow "horsemen" of the "new atheism." This book is different, though every bit as readable as the other two. I was one of those who had unthinkingly bought into the hectoring myth that science can say nothing about morals. To my surprise, The Moral Landscape has changed all that for me. It should change it for philosophers too. Philosophers of mind have already discovered that they can't duck the study of neuroscience, and the best of them have raised their game as a result. Sam Harris shows that the same should be true of moral philosophers, and it will turn their world exhilaratingly upside down. As for religion, and the preposterous idea that we need God to be good, nobody wields a sharper bayonet than Sam Harris.

>> No.4776820

/x/ just came out with greenpill.

>> No.4776932

how much different is this from the tv doc?

>> No.4776945
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This book helped me re-evaluate my views on biological egalitarianism.

>> No.4776979

It's taken from that scene in Total Recall, where the guy tries to convince Arnie he's having a midlife crisis in a video game.

>> No.4777009

This book is pure fantasy btw.

>> No.4777052
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The Son Also Rises
A Farewell to Alms
The Evolution of Civilizations
Tragedy & Hope
Understanding Human History
Separation and Its Discontents
Culture of Critique
All the Devils Are Here
Money (The Art of Living)
Lords of Finance
The Story of Money for Understanding Economics
The Truth in Money Book
Soft Currency Economics II
Dead Aid
War is a Racket
The Unintended Reformation
Theological Origins of Modernity
Propaganda: The Formation of Mens Attitudes
Society Of The Spectacle
The Black Swan

>> No.4777056

>The Son Also Rises

I just started reading this.

>> No.4777060

>The Son

>> No.4777065


>> No.4777071
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>The Son

Yeah, we are talking about Greg Clark's book, not Hemingway.

>> No.4777072
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>> No.4777083


Clark is obviously a fan of Hemingway. A Farewell to Alms was playing off A Farewell to Arms.

>> No.4777089



mah nigga

>> No.4777162
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>> No.4777168
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Soooooooooo good

If you want to win people over to your side you gotta know how people work

>> No.4777200

What an impotent quip.

>> No.4777754

For one thing, it doesn't have Jared Diamond's goofy ass voice narrating the whole thing...

(I'm not sure. I really loved the book...like that anon said, babby's first in a way, but Jared Diamond's narration on the doco rubbed me the wrong way. Some people shouldn't do voice acting.)

>> No.4777773

I found it obscenely pretentious and self serving, and the curiosity about local mysticism he had going on just made it seem like he had some fetishization of the otherness of the experiences he had in comparison to how he understood his upbringing. It read like he was trying to absolve himself of guilt for culpability, while he's still enjoying the benefits of having lived his life in such a way, it's disgustingly hypocritical when he speaks vindictively of the flaws of others. Not to mention how he shifts into treating the text like some spy thriller in order to fulfill some desire to paint himself as sexy and full of intrigue. That preoccupation with the James Bond lifestyle is just pathetic when juxtaposed beside his pretenses of caring about fundamental issues.

>> No.4777839

Well I can draw up a list for politics.

Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
Machiavelli - Discourses on Livy
Karl Popper - The Open Society and Its Enemies
Alistair Horne - A Savage War of Peace.
Martha Alexander - The New Jim Crow.
Clifford Geertz - The Interpretation of Cultures
Thomas Kuhn - The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Edward Said - Orientalism
Benedict Anderson - Imagined Communities
E. P. Thompson - Making of the English Working Class
Ha-Joon Chang - Bad Samaritans
Leszek Kolakowski - Main Currents of Marxism
Jeremy Scahill - Dirty Wars
Thomas Piketty - Capital

>> No.4777862

Edward Bernays - Propaganda

>> No.4777906

>Not already knowing everything in Confessions of an Economic Hit Man before you read it

How can anyone be this sheep?

>> No.4778214

But he really is having a midlife crisis in a video game

The white flash at the end is the doctors giving him a lobotomy to salvage what they can of his mind

>> No.4778218
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Nichomachean Ethics.
Aristotle's Metaphysics.

That shit is a fucking game-changer. It surprises me how many people on /lit/ haven't read Aristotle yet, goddamn.

>> No.4778223

might be cuter if it was "If you want to work over people you gotta know how people work"

>> No.4778415

OR IS IT???? Why does the doctor sweat?

If I remember right, they left contradictions (esp with the fade to white) because they wanted to cash in on a sequel, but it never happened. This is what I think red pilling is, people promising a possible new reality as an attempt to take your money.

Also, comparing the reaction of Neo to the red pill to Arnie just shows what a bottom bitch Neo is.

>> No.4779095

I read the art of rhetoric, but fuck if I hated it. I thought it would be about proving one's point. Instead it was about convincing others of your point.

>> No.4779474

Personally the republic did more for me than the Nichomachean

>> No.4779620
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So help me /lit/, I'm going to keep recommending this book in every applicable context until one other anon on this planet reads it.

>The Kennedy assassination.
It does not and never has purported to be anything other than fiction. You have my internets-back guarantee you have never heard anything like it. It is also the page debut of the greatest intrigue character in English, Paul Christopher, of whom James Bond often sought advice about women and alcohol.

>> No.4779696

>being this gullible

>> No.4779708

he had a personal mental breakdown and externalized it on the easiest target (teh ebil us govt)

just imagine what happens would happen if he discovered non-cognitivism

>> No.4779736

Enemies: A Love Story
Goodbye, Columbus
Schindler's Ark

>> No.4780343

I just started reading The Prince, was Machiavelli redpilled?

>> No.4780906

>dis guy

>> No.4780958

Agreed, I'm an anarchist and even I hated it. Dude came off as such a sociopathic self-righteous dush.