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/lit/ - Literature

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4776103 No.4776103 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize your taste in literature makes you better than most people

>> No.4776117

>tfw your taste is the only thing you have

>> No.4776124

Then you realize that your one and only skill is literacy, and that you're just as fucking useless as all the people you spend your free time deriding when you're not reading your "tasteful" literature.


>> No.4776131

And anon thinks I have an ego problem.

And OP thinks this deserves its own thread instead of putting into the other dozen >tfw/hate threads.

>> No.4776129

>having taste

you guys are still doing this despite the current year?

>> No.4776132


You can have fun with your "useful" obsessions. We're too busy reaching the divine through art.

>> No.4776160

>We're too busy reaching the divine through art.
Don't delude yourself. You're doing no such thing.

>You can have fun with your "useful" obsessions.
I can build things that entertain me, all while satisfying my same desire for pretentiousness, although in my case my skills actually have merit, such that I don't need to lie to myself like you do.

>> No.4776167

novelists are the people who understand life the best

>> No.4776171

no one understands life. except maybe infants.

>> No.4776174

>The people who understand life best are the ones who spend it locked in their rooms reading

This is what you just wrote.

>> No.4776177

no, no it isnt

>> No.4776194

>Don't delude yourself. You're doing no such thing.

>implying I'm not feeling more elated and closer to Nirvana every time I finish a masterpiece of literature

Your minds and souls are eternal. You're doing a disservice to them by focusing on fleeting matters.

>> No.4776199

Bill Burroughs spent most of his life blasting bitches and getting high on every drug imaginable

>> No.4776206

but that means everyone values the same thing and thats not true. So believing that makes you stupid and actually worse then most people.

>> No.4776228
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>tfw you realize you are inherently better than most people

>> No.4776238

>inherently better

youre everything wrong with this world.

most people just hold this stupid belief because they are above average attractiveness. you hold it because you're slightly above average intelligence. congratulations

>> No.4776242

>tfw both

>> No.4776249

Your taste isn't as good as you think if it's limited to a single medium, good taste is a perspective.

Anon doesn't think anything about you. OP's tongue is in cheek. Don't reply, tripfag.

>> No.4776280

hooray for you raskolnikov. please choke to death on a bagel

>> No.4776330
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>not being both
How do you live?

>> No.4776406


When did I say I wasn't?

go away

>> No.4776419

>youre everything wrong with this world.
No, YOUR everything wrong with this world

Learn to use proper fucking grammar.

>> No.4776427
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>tfw hating music discussions but love to make music
>tfw cant into writing but love to criticize and discuss novels

>> No.4776433

Your despective, envyful comment.

>> No.4776440

Yeah definitely despective.

Envyful? Go fuck yourself faggot

>> No.4776466
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i know this feel, i feel drawn to involve myself in intellectual circles that i have no grounding in just for the hell of it. ive elevated my pretentiousness to an art form, accelerated it past itself, i can hardly tell myself if im posing anymore.

>> No.4776494
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>be actually well-read and well-educated
>tfw /lit/ is like a bunch of "film buffs" who only watch/talk about recent movies, have no knowledge of the history of cinema, and take shit like Inception seriously
>tfw anyone whose list of top 10 favorite books includes three or more from the last 150 years is instantly a plebeian poseur who isn't entitled to an opinion until he actually reads an appreciable amount of the canon
>tfw critical theoryfags, continental philosophyfags, and leftists who think they have opinions about the importance of their respective fields despite not being able to give a reasonable political narrative of roman history 400BC - 500AD
>tfw retards who think they understand a philosopher's ideas because their phil101 class summed him up in one lecture and they spent a few hours on wikipedia gleaning the "major" points
>tfw pseudo-writers who want to write "compelling" stories with "good characters" but have no creative demiurge and no driving, underlying message or experience to share with humanity
>tfw "postmodernists" whose highest artistic goal is to craft the most subtle wink ever winked at an audience and be admired for it by hipsters for eternity
>tfw infinitely better than all these people
>tfw several of them are reading this post right now
>tfw no matter what boring rebuke they muster they will still never interface with the true intellectual gestalt of humanity like I do on a daily basis

>> No.4776514
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>tfw I can't even read without moving my lips

i just have to accept i'm a plen

>> No.4776528


>> No.4776535

>tfw lying on 4chan

>> No.4776545

This was such a bad troll that no one even bothered to respond to it.

You're an idiot, anon.

>> No.4776562

I never quite understand people like you.

It's like you're all opposed to fun because you're so wrapped up in your own heads and how deep and meaningful everything you think/read/do is.


Someone explain how this existence is enjoyable. Where is the play?

>> No.4776565

I like you.

>> No.4776568

>I have created a post so pretentious it is impossible to rebuke muahaaah

No, you ARE the dilettante

>> No.4776574

like omg did he just diss the entire left and inception on the same post

>> No.4776598

Well read yet egoistic and self centered.
in my country there are two words to name people like you: intelektualas - self centered well read/educated twat and inteligentas - well educated and well read man who thinks being self centered and raising your self higher than others is just something under-read people do. They believe in educating the world by not bitching but doing something. Please, be an inteligentas. Prašau, būk inteligentas.

>> No.4776599

i know that feel bro

>> No.4776612

>actually believing he's well-educated

>> No.4776610
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>over half a dozen replies in less than 10 minutes


>> No.4776623

All I have in this world is hope, so

>> No.4776639

What's so much worse are people who watch tons of movies or read tons of books but treat them only at the surface, as things to 'hit', strike off their lists, which they get off internet forums or yt channels or some shit. Memorize filmographies and bibliography, names, dates, summaries without any understanding or appreciation for the actual content. It's not even bad taste, but like a total non-taste, they just jump on to whatever cult classic, whatever Classics or trending pomo etc.
They "LOVE" Grand Budapest, The Master, while still eating up hollow, transparent shit like 12 Years a Slave and The Great Beauty but if they accidentally end up in Holy Motors or Nymphomaniac, they don't know how to react at all except that it's weird and foreign. Film studies is the worst shit.

>> No.4776649

fucking bastard. sees right through me.

>> No.4776669

>shitting on The Great Beauty
Post disregarded.

>> No.4777121

Jesus christ

>> No.4777150
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Man, this pretty much describes me. I can't even put into words why I like anything I like.

>> No.4777328
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>I can't even put into words why I like anything I like.
That's different, that's probably a lot more of an honest approach even if uninformed.
The problem is appreciating culture purely from a social perspective, evaluating movies or books based on the image they hold in conversation. I'm not saying it's not an important aspect of a work's reception, but it shouldn't be treated as the /only/ piece.
People sit down and watch movies without ever readjusting the image they walked into it with, they turn off all critical thought, towards the movie as much as its reception. They "read" Joyce, Dostoevsky, Derrida without ever actually reading it, which is obvious when they hide behind a mislead, vulgar understanding of subjective relativism that means taste can't be bad, you can't devalue my experience. An experience that was a social act, which is different from an actual reading, which includes a reading that wasn't fully prepared for the material. You might not have gotten everything out of it, but what you did is certainly perfectly 'valid', even if you're unable to express it clearly to another.

And the Grand Beauty is just a sort of product that has internalized this stupidity. You can't even appreciate it as an expert sleight of hand like Short Term 12, crafting an elaborate paradox of an 'artifice of sincerity', which is interesting even as it is cold exploitation, because the Grand Beauty is actually stupid enough to adopt the accidental very limited 'ideology' that manifests with earnestness. Instead of using it to deliver high commercial/critical value, it just perpetuates the underlying ideas within itself, like a filtered instagram or an uninspired vimeo.
"High art" is dumb, true art is democratic, beauty is in the quotidian etc. couched in a weak repetition of a "satire" on a non-existent "high society". Quotations around the words that don't have any relationship to contemporary reality; they're only notions drawn from other media and confused as real (unintentionally. It's the same way Place Beyond the Pines seems to understand The Cop only through depictions within dramatic 1 hour serials). It's just a plain, dumb movie made by a dumb person carrying dumb ideas, like 12 Years a Slave. The opening party scene was well filmed. It's less an homage to Fellini than an unintelligent, uninspired CG repetition of his surface aesthetic.

>> No.4777359

i don't have any taste. it's just pre-approved classics

>> No.4777360

/lit/ is like that scene in Stoner where he reads a real and meaningful critique of Shakespeare through the lens of Latin Grammarian Donatus only to have some annoying twat sophist wax rhetoric without having any clue what the heck he's really talking about.

>> No.4777405

history is bunk

>> No.4777525

>that delusion

>> No.4777537

>despite not being able to give a reasonable political narrative of roman history 400BC - 500AD

>> No.4777602
File: 12 KB, 308x291, greenlexluthor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you use the works of others to define your taste and who 'you' are

>> No.4777608
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>Plebs thinking their interests amount to intellect
correlation doesn't equal causation.

>> No.4777618

At what point though does it count though? Do you need a PhD in Classics to be learned enough to understand what you're reading, a Bachelors in Lit Analysis, or what have you?

I get it'd take quite a bit of study to understand anything seriously but at the same time when that's all they have, how can they not even hope to understand the base value? At what authority is it okay to say you're confident about your opinion on the matter?

>> No.4777627
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>"Sup femanon, do you like edgy turkish writer?"
>"Who's that?"
>Do 360 and walk away
>Think to self, posting this on /lit/, the boys will love it and relate.

>> No.4777634
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>"Yeah I couldn't get into it, anon. It was just too boring!"

>> No.4777639


absolutely disgusting.

>> No.4777645
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>"N-no, that's okay. The book can be pretty boring in the beginning, it's not for everyone."

Why are all my friends such fucking plebes?

>> No.4777678

he also shot his female consort in the head and fled to mexico

>> No.4777692

>And the Grand Beauty is just a sort of product that has internalized this stupidity. You can't even appreciate it as an expert sleight of hand like Short Term 12, crafting an elaborate paradox of an 'artifice of sincerity', which is interesting even as it is cold exploitation,

Not really about sincerity, he was open but far from being sincere.

>because the Grand Beauty is actually stupid enough to adopt the accidental very limited 'ideology' that manifests with earnestness. Instead of using it to deliver high commercial/critical value, it just perpetuates the underlying ideas within itself, like a filtered instagram or an uninspired vimeo.

You really need to stop typing like a spastic. You're judging the film on something it clearly never set out to accomplish, it was never meant to be a shattering critique of high society.

>"High art" is dumb, true art is democratic, beauty is in the quotidian etc. couched in a weak repetition of a "satire" on a non-existent "high society". Quotations around the words that don't have any relationship to contemporary reality; they're only notions drawn from other media and confused as real (unintentionally. It's the same way Place Beyond the Pines seems to understand The Cop only through depictions within dramatic 1 hour serials).

The film had nothing to do with what art is or isn't. It had everything to do with what a single man is and isn't. You've hyper-focused on the background elements, and completely missed the point of the film.

> It's just a plain, dumb movie made by a dumb person carrying dumb ideas, like 12 Years a Slave. The opening party scene was well filmed. It's less an homage to Fellini than an unintelligent, uninspired CG repetition of his surface aesthetic.

12 Years of Slave was a really bad film, and so was Beyond the Pines. But, your spastic pretentious rant hasn't convinced anyone about why The Great Beauty is a bad film.

>> No.4778029

>when they can't read non-fiction because "it's too boring"

>> No.4778474

>well it's james joyce, of course i liked it!

>> No.4778487

I don't read in a locked room. I read in my local Starbucks.

>> No.4778515

sad isn't it?

>> No.4778516

jelly i like better authors than you, aren't ya?

>> No.4778518

>when they don't read fiction because "it's not practical

>> No.4778521


Had to finish the quote

>> No.4778523

>tfw you've read and watched so much of DFW that you now do that little "twtwtw" noise when someone asks a question and act as though you're in physical pain while responding with a long, fractured reply to mostly trivial questions where "yes" or "no" would suffice

>> No.4778529

>that little "twtwtw" noise

I have no idea what you're talking about. Are you sure you meant "twtwtw"?

>> No.4778543

yeah like a non-judgemental tutting noise

just say "twtwtw" and you'll see what I mean if you're in any way acquainted with DFW

>> No.4778575

I'd like to add
>tfw sister keeps giving your number to other people she thinks you'll hit it off with because they are "film buffs" or "like to read"
>don't know how to explain to my sister that I really have nothing in common with these guys

It's not even that I think I'm a better person, it's that I am curious and actually want to understand film and literature. It's really hard to talk to some guy who doesn't watch films made before 1980 and/or reads only SF and fantasy genre fiction. I can't even imagine spending that much time doing something and not wanting to explore it further in any meaningful way.

Even worse are those people who say they "appreciate" a book or a film that is critically acclaimed, but that they didn't enjoy it. Worst pieces of shit there is. The more you learn about film and literature, the more you enjoy the form/prose/technique that makes it "great". When I say that Moby-Dick and Pere Goriot are my favorite novels or The General and Celine and Julie go boating are my favorite films, I really do mean they are the books/films that bring me the most joy. Why? Because I fell in love with literature and film when I was young and I endeavored to make myself a better person and, like someone in love, I learned as much as I could. So when I meet people who are my age, but watch films/read books in the same way that I did when I was a teenager (ten years ago), I really don't know what to say to them.

>> No.4778590

you sound like a pretentious faggot who jerks himself off to shitty purple prose

>> No.4778691
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>"I didn't see the point in this story."
>"I didn't like any of the characters."
>"The author describes things too much."
>"I didn't like it because it made me sad."

>> No.4778695

Neck beard alert.

>> No.4778716


It's the precise opposite thing to pretension. It all comes down to enjoyment like anything else. But, all the same, I respect your decision to use shitposting as a way to obscure the emptiness in your soul. If it weren't for people like you, shitposting would die out and we can't let that happen. Thank you for your service.

>> No.4778718

lol you aren't better, you're a misfit, but keep telling yourself whatever you need to

>> No.4778769

I bet you talk at parties like you write then walk back home thinking why she doesn't like nice guys.

>> No.4779531

>tfw you realize your taste in literature makes you no better than most people

it's called growing up OP

>> No.4779538

>Useless redditor conditioned to posting for 'likes' alert

>> No.4779542

>tfw you realize your taste in literature will never get you laid

>> No.4779546

My parents fell in love because my dad finished a Wordsworth quote my mom started.
It happens, just not often

>> No.4779549
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No, please stop. I didn't take my blood pressure tablets this morning.

>> No.4779555


You're getting a hard time but I can relate as far as film goes. It becomes entirely difficult to talk to people about these subjects knowing that they don't really have any interest in experiencing them through the same critical viewpoint as you do. It's not about being pretentious or try-hard at all. I'd wager you're not 'trying' at all and that it's rather natural the more you experience both mediums. If

I'm sure you're not deluded enough to go on about these things to people who clearly don't care, which is probably the picture I'm sure many people are left with here.

>> No.4779560

>I can build things that entertain m

I've got a Lego set as well.

>> No.4779593

>meet a nice girl
>she starts wordsworth quote
>start screaming pleb and waving my arms
>go home post on /lit/

>> No.4779676

OP: The Post

>> No.4779688

I rarely read History because Pop-History is goddamn awful and university history books are too dry.

Am I a pleb?

>> No.4779989

your taste in literature doesnt make you better than most people, money does

>> No.4780208


Why is 12 Years a Slave a really bad film?

>> No.4780241

*tips mithra*

>> No.4780589

Yeah, I don't push it on people or even think it's a life requirement. When I talk with people, I ask them questions and engage them like my parents taught me. I am just really talking about those people who identify themselves as film buffs or avid readers to the point where that's their thing, their main interest. And yet they seem stubbornly incurious when it comes exploring it.

If you're not into film, this is fine because you are into something else. Maybe gardening or food. But if you're a "movie guy", that's something I don't understand.

It's kind of abstract when it comes to arts, but just imagine a motoring enthusiast who knows nothing about how cars work on the inside. It's absurd.

>> No.4780634

It seem that you're a fat loser of below average intelligence by your posts.

>> No.4780640

>thinking your taste in anything makes you better than anyone

What's it like being under 30?

>> No.4780734


What's it like being over 30 and communicating with children all day on an anime imageboard? Quick question: how often do you contemplate suicide? On a weekly or daily basis?

>> No.4780759

you're a niggerfaggot

>> No.4781106

Pretty much this.

Also, I laughed when he tried to appear like a patrician because he watched babby first Carax and almost-hollywood Trier.