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/lit/ - Literature

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4772687 No.4772687[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on the New Atheist movement from a literary standpoint?

Have these writers produced anything of substantial value?

>> No.4772693

>Have these writers produced anything of substantial value?

>> No.4772701

oh look it's this thread again

>> No.4772705

you should proabably go outside and take a break from 4chan every once a while if youre seeing repeating threads m8.

>> No.4772712

or maybe just stop spamming your shit threads

>> No.4772715


>> No.4772719

another gem

>> No.4772720

you don't have to come here often to see this thread repeated over and over

>> No.4772723
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What are your thoughts on the Christian Fedora-defence movement from a literary standpoint?
Have these writers produced anything of substantial value?

>> No.4772726
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oh god...

>> No.4772730
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there's a tweet somewhere out there where he calls for Steven Pinker to get the nobel prize for literature

>> No.4772732

and he probably thinks that it's a label 'continentals' arrogantly call themselves, totally didn't originate from anglophone chauvinism.

what nonsense!

>> No.4772737

>What are your thoughts on atheist movement from a literary standpoint?
>Have these writers produced anything of substantial value?

>> No.4772740 [DELETED] 
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Are there actually people on /lit/ that still believe in God?

>> No.4772741

Sam Harris has what the germans call a "Backpfeifengesicht". A face that should be slapped.

>> No.4772743


I know right why have "Russian literature" or "French literature" or "German literature", it's all literature, after all XD

>> No.4772747


Well, yes.
We have to save the damned somehow.

>> No.4772755

⇒implying new atheism isn't a natural countermovement against the prevailing religitardation in murrica

I'm glad I live in a secular country. What a surprise that we don't have "new atheists" here either.

>> No.4772759
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Are there actually people on /lit/ that still believe the "great debate" is interesting at all?

>> No.4772764

then why is new atheism full of Brits

>> No.4772769

they are deserved bedfellows

>> No.4772776

because new atheism is rooted in imperialism. and shit arguments come across more authoritatively to simpletons when done in upper-middle class english accents.

>> No.4772780

What are you trying to accomplish by incorrectly using arrows?

>> No.4772781

>Have these writers produced anything of substantial value?

Well Consciousness Explained by Daniel Dennett was pretty interesting and easy to understand, but inconsistent with its own arguments.

>> No.4772783
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>> No.4772799

Here's a nun now -> >>4772741

"Revivalist" movements keep popping up since Nietzsche/Darwin. It's the same old shit from them, so I cannot take this branding/negative branding "new atheism" seriously. If genetic research and the damn near confirmation that evolution isn't just a theory anymore, means "new" I just think it's flimsy.
You're right though, it is their reaction to dwindling numbers.

Saved from what?

>> No.4772808

>because new atheism is rooted in imperialism
Empiricism. Christianity is rooted in imperialism.
I refuse to believe in your silly post.

>> No.4772825

Can you please stop shitposting and delete this retarded thread?

>> No.4772847

⇒If genetic research and the damn near confirmation that evolution isn't just a theory anymore, means "new" I just think it's flimsy.

1. Evolution IS a theory. Take a biology class.
2. "New atheism" is a commonly accepted expression and it has a meaning. You could of read the wikipedia article before demonstrating your own ignorance.

>> No.4772857

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ is the worst poster on this board. And the best argument against liberal-leftism

>> No.4772879

People let society define their notion of God too much. I believe in God, but it's not the one defined in any religion.

>> No.4772886

>tfw christfags can't do anything about it when I le fart on their god

>> No.4772893


She's such a Fucking shithead and she's prob not even a qt

>> No.4772899
File: 41 KB, 620x349, EgoraptorInterview-DUH-620x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminister is pretty bad too. But at least Feminister posts semi-interesting threads.

She looks like egoraptor

Farting on it doesn't do much either. Just take the quietist approach and call it a nonsensical discussion. No one side can prove their point.

>> No.4772902

Old atheism was the common sense of old (mostly pre-christian, because you would be killed in the Christian age for lack of faith) ACTUAL new atheism must be the Nietzsche/Darwin age. Now after the various revivalist christian movements (selling the same old shit) we're finally seeing a growing number of non-believers, and a slight campaign over various media. There's nothing new being said. I can't label any of it "new"

For evolutions "theory" to be disproven you'd have to uncover tons and tons of counter evidence. Which just ISN'T going to happen. It's pretty much confirmed for fact, with only details left to uncover.
>Take a biology class
You'd recommend I take it in a particular state, I'm sure.

I don't I'm even liberal anymore.

If a headache is forming, close thread down yourself. If you browser supports that(?) If not, walk away, cursing OP.

>> No.4772903

unless she shows us her buttocks, eh

>> No.4772909

you guys are just a bunch of bullies!

>> No.4772931

Sarah is actually pretty cute. Anyone have her pics?

I <3 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

>> No.4772938

⇒There's nothing new being said. I can't label any of it "new"
Your cognitive impairment doesn't invalidate the commonly accepted usage of the term "new atheism". Nobody cares whether you are too deficient to read and understand the wikipedia article. The phrase has a meaning, irregardless of whether that goes against your primitive autistic prejudices of how language has to be used in order to avoid hurting your feelings.

⇒For evolutions "theory" to be disproven you'd have to uncover tons and tons of counter evidence
What a load of bullshit. A single unexpected observation could render huge parts of evolutionary theory invalid. I'm not saying it's gonna happen. I firmly believe in evolution as the most plausible explanation. But the ignorance in your post is almost creationist tier. If you don't even know what evolution means, then take a fucking biology class instead of talking out of your uneducated ass.

⇒You'd recommend I take it in a particular state,
Indeed, I'd recommend you to take it in Europe where we keep religion out of the class room and where we let morons like you fail the class when they are too retarded to understand what "theory" means in science.

>> No.4772950

>from a literary standpoint?
Absolutely disgusting. Even the ones that aren't from Clapistan can't write for shit.

>> No.4772954

Feminister is the best poster this board has. You even admit it in the same sentence you degrade her.
>No one side can prove their point.
But one can prove the other made up what they believe. The other side looks for the evidence. That should tilt any sensible agnostic more towards non-belief.

What anonymity encourages. (No offense)

>> No.4772963
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>mfw once upon a time you told me that evolution could not be discredited, even hypothetically
I knew you were just trying to rustle my jimmies back then!

>Semi-interesting means best
Good to know you set the bar very low. Your posts make much more sense.

>> No.4772966

>Feminister is the best poster this board has

Cool samefagging, tripshit. You are the cancer of this board. Nobody wants to read your pseudo-intellectual facebook tier diarrhea.

>> No.4772967
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i dont have anything to say, im just putting my mark on this e-personality shitpostathon too.

>implying this is not what half the posts here translate too.

>> No.4772970

it's like the tripfags are a conscious parody of the IRL leftist academic circlejerks they look up to

>> No.4772982

>implying new atheism isn't a natural countermovement against the prevailing religitardation in murrica
Thank you, someone with a sense of history. The idiot with the butterfly (somehow doubt it's the real butterfly but who knows) talking about "New Atheism" coming from Nietzsche is just dreadful. The monstrous retardation of Harris is the same monstrous retardation of Pat Robertson- you can't have the former without the latter.

>> No.4772984


feminister is probably a different being, since ive discussed reactionary politics with it on /pol/ before.

>> No.4772996

All religion is like this, that's why there's never been any real unity in them.
The only unifying religion is capitalism.

Oh fawk
>I don't even think I'm liberal anymore.

You're the first to ask, believe it or not.

>Cancer calling me cancer in his cancer thread
Hello OP.

No, I just disapprove of atheism getting branded as "new" as much I disapprove of the Fedora defense.

>> No.4773025

>better move goalposts and mock someone else instead!
As bad as tripfags.

>> No.4773047

>What are your thoughts on the Christian Fedora-defence movement from a literary standpoint?
It may have been adopted by Christians (even that I don't think is true) but the "fedora" thing doesn't originate from Christians, but from atheists that were too well-read and intelligent to be taken in by Dawkins & Company's tribalist, emotionalist, anti-intellectual nonsense. Atheism has worked too hard too long to be delegitimized by these shitstains and their neoliberal garbage.

>> No.4773062
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The thread is a joke. The fedora-defence is plainly goal post shifting. Eat me.

>Atheism has worked too hard too long to be delegitimized by fatty neckbeards with their infernal headwear!

>This whole thread.

>> No.4773138
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>atheism has worked hard
not really? atheism has existed just as long as theism has. atheism has legs on its own. theists weren't persecuted, but they've always been doomed to not "get the last word in," so to speak.

>in the beginning, there was strife, and spirituality was created to combat strife.

>then, there was secularism, and theism was created to combat secularism.

>then, there was atheism, and theocracy was created to combat atheism.

>then, there was strife—

>> No.4773159

>responding to namefags

Hopefully you've all learned your lesson.

>> No.4773163

The person making atheists look worse in this thread is you, butterfly. True atheist master race shouldn't care how they're viewed. Leave that to the irrationalists.

>> No.4773179
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They'll get their ass handed to them again if they don't.

>> No.4773197

Ben Stiller is a fine actor

>> No.4773201

suck my dick, dude

>> No.4773205
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id let you hand my ass if you know what i mean.

>> No.4773221
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So smart atheists were concerned about atheism looking bad so they started a meme that made atheism look terrible. But that's not very smart now is it?

I guess new atheists are smarter.

>> No.4773224

>True atheist master race shouldn't care
How apathetic.
It's only a(nother) one of these threads, and I normally close or ignore them. They wanna play this game all the time and I just dove in for once( in a while, as I do sometimes)

Yer gonna have to rub it out yerself.

>> No.4773291 [DELETED] 
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It is a negative movement. Rather than supporting a positive notion, its whole basis is disproving others rather than upholding a truth. Pure, anti-intellectual foolishness. A true scientist will keep his religious beliefs to himself, and if he does not believe in God he will strive to find God through uncovering the laws He laid forth.

And the irony is, that as much as they try to separate themselves from God, they are branding themselves with a word that shows their relation to God. They are still Abdullah, a slave of God, as we all are.

>> No.4773307

I was with you until you used the word "neoliberal".

>> No.4773313
File: 308 KB, 793x1000, asabovesobelow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a negative movement. Rather than supporting a positive notion, its whole basis is disproving others rather than upholding a truth. Pure, anti-intellectual foolishness. A true scientist will keep his religious beliefs to himself, and if he does not believe in God he will strive to find God through uncovering the laws He laid forth.

And the irony is, that as much as they try to separate themselves from God, they are branding themselves with a word that shows their relation to God. They are still Abdullah, a slave of God, as we all are.

>> No.4773315

I'd much rather rub it out all over you~

>> No.4773377

how cute; how specious

>> No.4773385

Okay, but you lack as much wit as faith. Go to word school or something.

>> No.4773391
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Sorry, but you are a slave and doing exactly what you are meant to be doing. There is no choice but to follow the path of God. The conveyor-belt rolls on no matter how far back you tread against it. "Atheist", even God is in sitting in this word that you use to claim your distance from him. You are giving God a throne.

>> No.4773398

>god is everything everywhere
Why speak pleb? Why type? Jerking off is disgusting in your god's eye's - no?