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/lit/ - Literature

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4772496 No.4772496[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do you visit 4chan, /lit/?
>also, do you visit any other boards?

>> No.4772505

Mostly because I'm bored and this can take up a lot of time while being entertaining.

I regularly lurk the /jrpg/ threads on /vg/

>> No.4772506

Because, and as much as people complain that it's been shit since year x, it's far more interesting and thought provoking as a board culture than pretty much anything out there.

>and /fa/, /mu/, /r9k/ as it amuses me and occasionally /v/

>> No.4772510

Because unfortunately this is the only place I find satisfactory discussion and a mix of opinions and not one massive circlejerk of one idea.

And yes, I browse /v/, /wg/, and /mu/ as well

>> No.4772508

just to kill time on the weekends, too many people around to get a fap off and/or concentrate on any serious work, 4chan is the fastest time-waster i know of

>> No.4772511

honestly it's an addiction

I don't even like it here

>> No.4772514

link me a good jrpg i like those grindy time wasters, i always think about getting a 3ds and buying a bunch of final fantasy games and shit but its just too fucking neckbeardy

>> No.4772516

i browse /mu/ although it's pretty boring most of the time and i look in /3/ from time to time but it's so slow you can check once a week and not miss a thread

>> No.4772518

>grindy time waster

Disgaea is the king of grindy time wasters. 4 and Dimension 2 are the best entries.

>> No.4772523

isn't disgea like some kind of turn based strategy tho?

>> No.4772528

I browse 4chan because it's easy than doing just about anything else--including watching TV.

>> No.4772535

Falls under the umbrella term of jrpg for me. If you're looking for something more traditional, Dragon Quest VIII is a personal favorite of mine.

>> No.4772536

to acquire opinions on books i haven't read

>> No.4772554

As others have said, despite its issues /lit/ is the best place I know of for discussion of literature/the written word.
I spend probably 90% of my 4chan time on /lit/. I check in on /sci/, and I'll look at /g/ now and then. I'll look at /mu/, /tv/, or /an/ once in a long while.

>> No.4772564

I have no idea what else to do on the internet, plus I like /lit/. This is a place that I can talk about books in ways that I can't in my everyday life.
I mostly stay here, but every once in a while I go find some porn.

>> No.4772569

and a bit of /vr/ as well.

>> No.4772587

/lit/ is my home
/out/ and /fit/ I browse occasionally
/mu/ is there for when I'm bored
/tv/ is there for when I'm really really really bored

>> No.4772643

Cause right now cant fully focus on my reading due to external circumstances and time has to be passed somehow.

Yeah, ck and vr. lit is my main.

>> No.4772646

It's the only place where there's discussion on books that seems to move fast enough to not forget about.

I also browse d/, /s/, /fa/, /hc/, /int/, /mu/ (for sharethreads) and /sp/ (/bet/ and /180/)

I'm very lonely

>> No.4772651

i never get lonely it's weird, i guess with the internet and books you don't really need to talk to people

>> No.4772652

It's like crack.

>> No.4772660

I mostly browse /lit/ while waiting for responses on /out/, cause that's a slower board. I browse /out/ cause I actually know shit about outdoors and help people.

I love literature too but /lit/ is usually horrible.

>> No.4772671

>knowing shit about the outdoors


>> No.4772711
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its unusual, i know

>> No.4772721



>> No.4772735

is there any fun outdoor shit to do in south texas. I always figured it was a lost cause here

>> No.4772754

Admittedly, I still watch anime and visit /a/ regularly. Although most of the 'discussion' is excessive shitposting, it's entertaining.

>> No.4772872

i like to listen to music and do things, this feels like doing something i guess

i hate links to youtube/vids i would much rathr read interviews than hear them

>> No.4772929
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wizardchan was my main. now the front page looks like fucking r9k 2 years ago. I briefly check out r9k and it's turned into a vice den taken over by drug addicts and hooker-bangers. So I come back to /lit/ and it's /shit/ like always and practically nothing has changed

There is nothing good left in this internet

>> No.4772944

/jp/ used to browse other boards a few years ago but not anymore.

>> No.4772949

that photo confuses me, do neets in the uk not get any pussy or something? in america unemployed people always have tons of kids, if youre neet in america you probably get more pussy than people who are too busy working

>> No.4772958

It makes more sense when you think about the 'chan scene

>> No.4772960

>why do you visit 4chan, /lit/?
I like the anonymity and diversity of topics discussed here. I've always liked forums but felt restricted because I always had to think twice about what I was posting because I wasn't anonymous.
>>also, do you visit any other boards?
/mu/ and I lurk /tg/ and /g/ even though I know nothing about traditional games or technology. I just kind of like it there. /mu/ is pretty shit but I like music a lot and a lot of the people there can actually be nice if you find the right threads.

>> No.4772956
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Where at in Texas?

Around Austin you have the green belt and Enchanted Rock and I'm sure some other stuff, but that's all I did there. There's plenty to do in the green belt - rock climbing, biking, hiking. But it's literally bordering the city so I'm sure if you lived in or around Austin you'd know about it. Also the Canyonlands west of Austin.

Around San Antonio or west Texas, take the drive to Big Bend. Fucking awesome, best place in Texas IMO.

Houston has four national forests north of it. They're not trackless wilderness by any means but pretty cool nonetheless and much better than nothing.

Dallas, ride up to the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. Never been there but a friend posted pics on fb and it looked gorgeous, especially by Oklahoma standards.

Panhandle and northwest Texas, you're just going to have to make the commute to New Mexico. Which is totally worth it and I recommend it regardless.

pic related, Big Bend

>> No.4772965


my bad didn't even see you said south texas I jumped right into a statewide summary. hopefully some of that info's useful but if you're down by like Corpus Christi you're probably out of luck for /out/door fun

>> No.4772977

Because for all the shitposting that anonymity attracts, the genuine discussion that occurs (even on boards like /tv/) is of a higher quality than anywhere else.

>> No.4772981

Because I get so few opportunities to talk about the books I read for enjoyment.

My main haunt is /co/, and I am not the least bit shocked to find that /co/ doesn't spend much time in /lit/.
We get a good literary theory thread occasionally, but it's the exception, not the rule.

>> No.4772988
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Because it's an awesome community. I love this place. I'm 20 and have been visiting it daily since I was 13.

I think that a lot of us lead unconventional lives. We aren't normalfags. But a lot of us are still sincerely good people.

Basically, everybody is crazy and weird in this world, some of us are just better at concealing it for the sake of conducting ourselves in public.

4chan reflects that weird, Dionysian side of people.

Here are my power rankings. Note that I haven't even been to some boards, like /a/ or /r9k/ or /pol/.

1. /ck/
2. /lit/
3. /vr/
4. /adv/
5. /diy/

Guilty pleasures

1. /fa/
2. /tv/
3. /o/
4. /v/
5. /b/

That's just based on my own interests, of course. I think it's great that every board has its own culture and jokes.

I would really like to see a /phi/ board.

>> No.4772989

shitposting and feels

>> No.4772993

Well, I go to /pol/ and /fit/, so...
fitposting and shills

>> No.4772997


Good pun


>> No.4773001


Oh man, how could I forget to mention /s4s/ for the number one guilty pleasure board? I cannot go 5 minutes without laughing on that damn board. Color me impressed.

>> No.4773011 [DELETED] 
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Because I'm addicted to doubles.

>> No.4773015
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>> No.4773020

3DS is the anti-neckbeard while still having neckbear games.

Chicks and kids dig that shit. And it had one of the few good games of 2012 and 2013. Kid Icarus and Fire Emblem and Etriant Oddysey IV were pretty good.

>> No.4775765

>>and /fa/, /mu/, /r9k/ as it amuses me and occasionally /v/
You sound like my faggot roommate -- but he doesn't read, so I don't know why he browses /lit/.

>> No.4775771

To find out what you are saying about him

>> No.4775773

there is a certain type of conversation you can have here that doesnt exist anywhere else because it would offend people
theres something beautiful about the assumption that the person youre talking to is a dick and there is only what they're saying to try to engage with

also the speed of it all, there are so many things happening at once

>> No.4775776

>I cannot go 5 minutes without laughing on that damn board.

B-but it's dreadfully unfunny anon. Plz explain.

>> No.4775779
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>chicks dig the 3ds

>> No.4775789
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because there are beautiful people in the crowd
Yes. /fit/, /int/, and /a/

>> No.4775806

Because I discovered it during a very lonely and confused time in my childhood. It gave me something to do, a community to identify with. Now six or seven years have passed and it's become such a core part of my day-to-day life that I don't know if I can ever leave. I have friends, I have a life outside of 4chan now, and I find 99% of the content and people in this place distasteful, yet I still keep coming back.

>> No.4775821

/lit/ has only existed for about 4 years you asshole.

>> No.4775825

>I find 99% of the content and people in this place distasteful
This makes me find you distasteful

>> No.4775826

I've been coming here for like 8 years so it's pretty much ingrained.

Sometimes. /wsg/ /diy/ /pol/. The latter of which is basically kill.

>> No.4775842

it's a great way to kill time, laugh, and sometimes even learn or have interesting discussions.

also when i first started browsing this site it was pretty much all i had going for me. now i have an active social life, but it's still a solid way to occupy the time i'm not spending out. plus it provides a certain sense of continuity with my prior years.

>> No.4775856
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I come here because I'm addicted to shitposting and this is the only place where i can do it with impunity. I actually hate 4chan and 99% of the people on it. I like to cause disruption and make people feel bad.

>> No.4775864

Because you guys are the only friends I have.
I browse /fa/, /mu/, /tv/, /v/, /g/, /pol/ and sometimes /ck/.

>> No.4775871

To laugh. To get inspired to read/listen/play/travel. To feel camaraderie.

>> No.4775879

You just have to embrace the spirit of funposting anon :^)

For me it´s a place where i can completely relax, post any nonsense i can think of and know that i won´t get told i´m a retard if it´s as stupid as it seems and sometimes people actually like it

The model works pretty well in general. [s4s] has a booming newspaper industry and made three OC albums already. And there´s always some new stuff brewing.

>> No.4777831
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I visit to discuss my interests freely, get a laugh, and occasionally fap.
>/b/ (porn)
I like /lit/ so far.

>> No.4777836

cause my internet is shit and 4chan is the only thing i can do with honor...

kill me

>> No.4777879

Because I have nothing better to do and it makes me feel less alone. It's also a nice way to engage interests

I browse /sp/, /r9k/, /tv/, /mu/, /x/ and /lit/

>> No.4777891

>sad, but true. The other friendships are unrequited or casual.

For me, I visit /a/, /cm/, /ck/, /hm/, /g/, /an/, and /lit/.

>> No.4778773

Well, I do read, so I ain't your faggot.

>I am someone's though.

>> No.4778777

Its the one place where I can discuss practically anything without having to censor my opinion because of hurt feelings.

/v/ /trv/ /sci/ /fa/
sometimes /pol/ or /adv/ to feel better about myself
I've found /b/ to have become completely uninteresting to me. I wonder if I changed or if /b/ did.

>> No.4778779



this is how I know you're a white teenager, have fun filling your brain with the worst ideas

>> No.4778784

/pol/ introduced me to Thomas Sowell. I call it a win overall.

>> No.4778789

I mostly browse /lit/, occasionally /a/ and when I'm really, really bored /b/ (though I immediately regret it). In the past I also liked /x/, but it has become pure shit.

>> No.4778792

/lit/ /vg/ /v/ /out/ /fit/ /pol/ /sci/ /biz/ /diy/ /ic/

used to visit but never again:

/mu/ /b/

boards i want:


>> No.4778806

i'm here to funpost
i also recommend books and give prose/poetry critiques

i'm often on /o/
occasionally /sp/, /s4s/, /s/, /hr/, and /g/

gold member since 07. ragequit a couple times. now i don't take it srsly

>> No.4778809

also, i'm an introvert. i have good social skills, people like me a lot, but i don't want to go out very often.

>> No.4778818

It's something to do while I put off doing anything else because of my crippling anxiety.

Other boards I go to are /n/ and /sp/ in the pro cycling season.

>> No.4778827

/lit/, /fit/ and the Farmers/Gardeners-thread on /out/.

>> No.4778866

/his/ would just be holocaust denial jpegs, and then accusations that anyone who argues against them is a Jew.

>> No.4778881

That's quite true. I don't know why anyone actually wants a history board when A. you can talk history on /lit/ -- for what it's worth -- and B. it would just devolve into /pol/ 2.0.

>> No.4779589

4chan can at times be truly entertaining and cerebral.
I like that I can learn a ton of things and get into a ton of things.
I like the freedom of speech, the diversity of opinions, the intense cynical, critical and analytical nature of quality 4chan humour. It can produce, at times, some top grade humour.
And also I like the counter-counter-culture nature of the board. It's, sometimes, a breath of fresh air.

I try to visit as many boards as possible. They can teach me a lot of things, and as I said, get me into a lot of things. In my mind there is always something really interesting, or funny happening at any given time on the site.

Thus I currently frequent:

/b/ - Yes, yes I know. Le \b\ omg! But it can still be entertaining, just not as much as it used to. And really if there were no /b/, there were no 4chan. /lit/ included. Also porn.

[s4s] - Truly redefining ironic posting. The complex blend of obscure, surreal jokes under the aura of insane stupidity makes for a very fun experience. It's the reason why moot and all the mods love it so much. Plus it's the nicest board :^).

/ic/ - I am an artist myself. It's a nice bonus, and is pretty good from time to time.

/gd/ - See above.

/v/ - I like that I can talk about video games with people that don't have suck shit taste in games.

/lit/ - I can have an elevated discussion on a great variety of subjects. Also there is a lot here to know and learn.

/pol/ - I can explore diverse political opinions, extremist or not. Serves as a counterbalance to modern progressive extremism.

/int/ - It cam many times be really fun and insightful. Also the flags ad a whole new dimension to anonymous discussions.

/s/ - Rarely for porn, mostly for drawing study. Has helped me a lot with learning anatomy. Especially the female one ;^).

And many more:

>> No.4779706

Can anyone explain to me what's the deal with /r9k/? Why do they call themselves 'robots'?

>> No.4779801


See edit 2 at the top