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File: 165 KB, 773x1024, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4772464 No.4772464[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else not impressed at all with Nietzsche's writings?

>> No.4772472

I tried reading Beyond Good and Evil because people were inspired by it, but then I couldn't really understand what he was saying and I didn't get it. It's like he has to say everything in complex ways.

>> No.4772478

"Faith does not offer the least support for a proof of objective truth. Here the ways of men part: if you wish to strive for peace of soul and pleasure, then believe; if you wish to be a devotee of truth, then inquire...."

lol this guy

>> No.4772487

I find his style very enjoyable. I think the problem is people come in expecting some 2deep4u revelation rather than taking it as it is.

>> No.4772521

What were you unimpressed by?

>> No.4772526

This is dumb and pessimistic. This is saying that "truth," according to Nietzsche, is a counter to peace of soul and pleasure by saying that they're two separate paths.

>> No.4772650

never read much nietzsche then have you? he writes like this on purpose

>> No.4772672

don't read to be impressed. it's a horribly self absorbed way to approach a text.

>> No.4772695

he was right by simple virtue of bravery. Finding and swallowing the hard pills, accepting them, then finally finding beauty in them.

>> No.4772717

His main weak point is that he never grew up, both intellectually and psychologically; you can see it both in his biography and is his obsession with "will to power" and "reevaluating all values". The guy was clearly mentally stuck in his early twenties, the age in which young men, pumped with testosterone, are trying desperately to prove themselves to the world. Nietzsche never managed to leave that stage behind and progress forward. He had a lot of intellect, but no wisdom.

>> No.4772727
File: 270 KB, 806x1024, Schopenhauer_1852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would have Schopenhauer said about Nietzsche?

>> No.4772734

ten bucks says you never read any nietzsche and may be borderline retarded

>> No.4772745

That is essentially an argumentum ad hominem. Who says that growing up, as you call it, has more value than that of young men? If it produces more results how is it not better than say, learned, easy life and timid moderation of old age?

>> No.4772750
File: 30 KB, 196x300, 61yWYkkXsDL._SY300_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like you came straight from reddit or something. jesus christ

>> No.4772771

>trying to insult the king of lit on lit
you dun goofed

>> No.4772792

Quoting from On Genealogy of Morals:
> "I admit that you need one thing above all in order to practise the requisite
>art of reading, a thing which today people have been so good at forgetting
>– and so it will be some time before my writings are ‘readable’ –, you
>almost need to be a cow for this one thing and certainly not a ‘modern
>man’: it is rumination . . ."

>> No.4772800

This. Being impress comes as a byproduct of being engaged in a text.

>> No.4772813

>king of anything except being a beta orbiter
fuck of pleb, you are worse than the retard you are responding to

>> No.4772821

>youth is gung-ho to the nth degree and makes things happen

Historically this has been a mixed bag.

>> No.4772848

His words. I myself would say ambition makes things happen - it is found in largest quantities among the young but the older men have greater chances of realizing their goals. No one is born a professional or president which isn't to say the steps leading to that position are meaningless.

>> No.4772907

successful old people are ambitious, it's just the old failures realize they are failures and drop the ambition which is why the old people you know for instance your parents and the teachers at whatever plebby school you went to have zero ambition, but if you go to wall street or silicon valley plenty of old fucks have ambition

>> No.4773085

The man was a genius, some of his ideas though...

>> No.4773142

As someone who has read the entirety of his published books, most of them more than once, and is reading the Janz bio and the Nachlass and correspondence, I'm very impressed.

The more I learn and the more I see his flaws the more impressed I am, to be honest. When you learn what Nietzsche went through and accomplished nonetheless, and look at his influence, it's hard to not consider him a genius and a great man.

Not being impressed with Nietzsche after thoroughly getting acquainted with him seems downright idiotic to me. And the same goes for a lot of other greats. I've hated Kant, but he's irrefutably glorious. I've scoffed at Schopenhauer, but that doesn't take away from his genius. Thinkers of this magnitude aren't considered so for no reason. They're all truly great in their ways, and to dismiss them based on a partial reading is only detrimental to yourself.

>> No.4773215

Is it safe to say that the over all summary of nietzsche's philosophy is just to live according to only yourself, and no one else? To just use your will to actualize power only for yourself, to not care what others think? This was the overall impression I got from reading beyond good and evil, and I think I'm gonna go read the genealogy of morals al

>> No.4773219

That's too simplistic. Nietzsche's thought can't be condensed into a few sentences.

>> No.4773231

>over all summary of nietzsche's philosophy
don't fucking try to do this. he was a profoundly contradictory and complex thinker with a lot of fascinating visions, critiques and ideas. he didn't sit down at a table and think "okay this is my overall philosophy" and then write a series of books detailing it. trying to derive practical or applied ethics from him is not going to give you a full appreciation of him and his output. he's not proto-ayn-rand. just fucking read him and immerse yourself.

>> No.4773236

Okay anons, don't get too rustled over this.

>> No.4773238

>They're all truly great in their ways, and to dismiss them based on a partial reading is only detrimental to yourself.
You don't belong here.

>> No.4773255


>> No.4775204


>> No.4775224

Because snap judgments based on partial readings are all we're capable of.

>> No.4775283

all faglosophers do

>> No.4775487

any attempt to concisely summarize Nietzsche's philosophy will only reveal the summarizer's personal biases.
this is part of why I like Deleuze's Nietzsche and Philosophy so much, because it is both a good survey of Nietzschean thought and it's upfront about the fact that Deleuze is using Nietzschean concepts to workout his own ideas.

nice try

>> No.4775493

The Christians.

>> No.4776402

In Beyond Good and Evil he actually writes about him writing in a dificult way to weed out the idiots.
It's in one of the first chapters, cba to find it right about now.