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4772031 No.4772031[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can we make communism cool again?

>> No.4772041

wait for everyone old enough to remember how much communism sucks to die i guess

>> No.4772039

Modernize it and rename it.

It's in need of some serious updates.

>> No.4772048

>he still thinks communism isnt intrinsically uncool
it belongs to 19th century, sorry bro

>> No.4772056
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Stress how much we hate Stalin and the Bolsheviks for being such authoritarians, for starters.

>> No.4772058

>implying it wasn't coolest in the 30s

>> No.4772063

yes because that has totally worked in the 80 years we've been trying it

>> No.4772065
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>> No.4772070

Try it without killing 62 million of its own citizens?

>> No.4772071

There are downsides to communism as much as there are for capitalism
You make capitalism look worse than communism. That the power abusing is much more prevalent in a government involved in capitalism and a government with as much power under communist rule would work more effectively for the people

>> No.4772072

Remove the American association of Communism = Authoritarian shit-hole.

>> No.4772073

The discussion today is wether we'll have a communist state in the future. In the future, capitalism will fail and be replaced by something else, and the discussion will be if it is a communist state or not

>> No.4772075

Communism is cool and that's why it's failing. Capitalism is for nerds and there's a lot more of them than there are cool people, so the snivelling accountants outnumber those willing to try something that makes them less important.

>> No.4772078

It is hard after the Eurocommunism in the 80's and the lack of perception by many of the new communist groups that they don't get shit from focusing almost solely on problems likes feminism instead of the problems communists initially dedicated themselves too like class warfare etc... Few Parties in the world still dedicate themselves to that issue, and in Europe no more than a couple haven't disintegrated due to their lack of vision. The Greek Communist Party is losing power however by not being able to reach for the youth, and the Portuguese Communist Party has been growing and replacing their older figures for new ones, apart from that other Parties in the EU are a joke

>> No.4772082

Get rid of all the authoritarians and shift tone to 'economic democracy'.

>> No.4772079

Serious question: are you regular /lit/ boarders?

>> No.4772087

There is no such thing as a Communist State, Communism is an Anarchist Society, and requires the abolition of Classes and Government as well as a redistribution of the means of production for it to be fully in effect

>> No.4772090

I like the sound of Economic Democracy

>> No.4772093

yes, the world needs more weasel words

>> No.4772094

That was done in the 80's and all the parties that tried it became small, niche parties and lost the support of the working class and started working on the basis of edgy teenagers and delusional old men.

>> No.4772100

not being pedantic twats could be a good place to start

>> No.4772098

get rid of all the academics and sjw who cling to it

>> No.4772097

is the front de gauche any good?

>> No.4772095

if they are, they shouldn't be, because they're clearly not retarded enough.

>> No.4772096

Serious question: are you serious?

>> No.4772102
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I always use "common ownership" when I'm being sneaky

>> No.4772109

It already is. Go to any college, for example.

>> No.4772115


Framing. It's framing. It's like saying "economic freedom" is more tax cuts for corporations. Feel with it.

>> No.4772116

The PCF went the same way, just a couple years ago they tried to remove the hammer and sickle from many of their publication and cards. It isn't one of the main parties anymore, it lost the support of the arts and managed to lose many of their historical strongholds.
The Move away from Democratic Centralism and Marxism-Leninism dictated their death.

>> No.4772138

it's the other way around. communism offers a self-contained theory and jargon inside which nerds feel cozy, because as soon as you "grok" it, the model takes care of everything. but when you paraphrase details, you are quickly accused of dilluting the whole idea.
in general it's a good way to spot batshit insane theories: when they dont tolerate complementary formulations. but reality can be approached from many sides. i mean even the most precise science like physics still offers room for mutually compatible alternative models.

>> No.4772142

or my favorite is when you point out problems with the theory where it doesn't match reality and they tell you reality is wrong. it's like ok this is clearly a religion.

>> No.4772144
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Female bloggers. Female bloggerse everywhere.

>> No.4772152

One big way would be to take this shit to >>/pol/ where it belongs.

>> No.4772157
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>mfw that is actually a good idea

>> No.4772164

i've tried that though and it doesn't work, most hardcore marxists kids want to march around going "look at me i'm a fucking commie, long live the proletariat, my father is rich and this is my way of getting back at him for forcing me to go into pre-med!" when i was a student activist i tried to tell them mellow out and don't go around with blatantly stalinist bullshit, just keep that shit on the low, but they were like "no, we must not hide who we truly are!" i'm like, uh this isn't some identity politics pride shit bro this about getting a raise for the dudes who work in the cafeteria for 8 bucks an hour....

>> No.4772178
File: 19 KB, 360x330, -large-Che-Guevara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people will always see ideologies merely as accessories to complete their outfit. Hence the need to quite literally wear it on their sleeves.

>> No.4772194

The irony is you're a fucking moron for even saying that.

>> No.4772196


>> No.4772197

he said no lies, y u mad

>> No.4772202

"Most people will always see ideologies merely as accessories to complete their outfit"

>> No.4772205
File: 21 KB, 354x262, how.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> uh this isn't some identity politics pride shit bro this about getting a raise for the dudes who work in the cafeteria for 8 bucks an hour....

Yup. This is exactly it. It's fucking obnoxious. The funny part is that identity politics is one of the most insidious things very much encouraged by capitalism.

How does someone not see the irony in wearing a Che t-shirt. How.

>> No.4772220

How am I a moron for saying that?

>> No.4772250

"How am I not" is the question you should be asking.