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File: 901 KB, 1617x1508, drunkbuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4772020 No.4772020 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4772028

He looks like a fucking troglodyte

>> No.4772037

What the fuck is this neanderthal? If this really is Bukowski, he suits his own "poetry" to the finest detail.

>> No.4772038


>> No.4772081


>> No.4772101

>Plebs criticising the boss

>> No.4772122

Looks like my dad post-divorce

>> No.4772134

i hope you were adopted

>> No.4772161

No but I only have my father's best features. If I shaved my body hair and grew out my head hair I'd make a great trap and I guarantee most guys on this board would fuck me. I'd make a great girl trust me.

>> No.4772228


Jesus, that escalated quickly.

>> No.4772235

>bukowski trap

pls don't

>> No.4772255

Why did I struggle with the last sentence so much? I kept thinking that you meant that you'd be so girly that a great girl would end up trusting you.

What I'm saying is, want me to get drunk and fuck you as you call me "daddy"?

>> No.4772257

pics or gtfo

>> No.4772291

OP here

This was never my intention, I swear to god.

>> No.4772298


>> No.4772299

Back on topic, enjoy.


>> No.4772309


prove it

>> No.4772316

Are you a girly neanderthal prettyboy, too?

>> No.4772323

So uhhh....
Anyone read South of No North?

>> No.4772324

I haven't.

>> No.4772332
File: 65 KB, 640x480, DCI00323_04_13_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like this?

>> No.4772348

Y-you should if you l-like Bukowski... This thread is about Bukowski..... Right?

>> No.4772345

i have, anon. how'd you find it?

>> No.4772347

Except you've removed all EXIF. How are we supposed to track you down and molest you?

>> No.4772356

You don't even lift. Get out of here with your flabby back and flat ass.

1/10, would not bang.

>> No.4772357

I absolutely despise Bukowski. His "poetry" reads like something a 16-year-old wrote.

>> No.4772361

Your butt's too manly, sorry. No hips.

>> No.4772365

It was recommended to me by a friend.

I found it... Raw, I suppose is the word. I think my favorite story in the book was 'Politics'

>> No.4772368

B-but little girls don't lift :(


If I lost a little weight I'd be fuckable trust me.

>> No.4772373

Yes they do. I personally know a little girl who literally lifts.

>> No.4772379
File: 61 KB, 640x480, DCI00324_04_13_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is she cuter than me?

>> No.4772386

Yes, because she wears pretty dresses - and lifts.

>> No.4772390
File: 1.25 MB, 3320x2256, blekrek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You reprobates need to take your moral depravity and faggotry elsewhere.

>> No.4772394

Sorry, gramps, but over here on /lit/ we fuck in the butt.

>> No.4772401

But you were an immoral drugaddict faggot

>> No.4772404

i enjoyed the vulgarity. "love for $17.50" was my favourite, for some reason (although i revelled in almost all of them)

>> No.4772405

I'd fuck you as-is

>> No.4772555


>> No.4772566

not bad. would fuck

>> No.4772574

From the ass down you're completely fuckable. It's the spare tire aroudn the waist that makes it a little gay

>> No.4772583

fucking faggots

>> No.4772588


girls who lift usually get great curves and turn out smoking, youed have to really bust ass as a girl to actually lose cutaneous fat to the point of a shredded look, which isint healthy or desirable anyways.

>> No.4772598

Maybe I'm reading too deeply into it, but I found that 'Love for $17.50' could have possibly been symbolic of society's standards of love and relationships today; artificial.

Like I said, I'm probably a faggot reading too deeply into it

>> No.4772601

Eminem for adults. Both in the spirit of what is written and the annoying fanbase.

>> No.4772615

What Fante should I start with? I really loved Bukowski's Ham on Rye and the Post Office, and Fante is an obvious progression.

>> No.4772618
