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4770817 No.4770817 [Reply] [Original]

Did the villain win?
Did Logen die?
Will Jezal ever break free of Bayaz' grasp?
Why is Glokta the best character?

What should I read next if I enjoyed this?

>> No.4770826

No. Read Red Country.
Glokta is a miracle of the universe.

Read Best Served Cold, it's the best thing Abercrombie ever wrote.

>> No.4770831

Stop depressing me.
There's still a good man in Jezal.

>> No.4770833

>Did the villain win?
So far, he's done nothing but. Great twists though.
>Did Logen die?
No, He married someone else and had kids.
>Will Jezal ever break free of Bayaz' grasp?
I hope so, but he's been under it for I think 15 years now.
>Why is Glokta the best charact
Because he's amazingly unsympathetic, yet incredibly sympathetic at the same time.

>> No.4770834

I enjoyed this way more than Asoiaf

>> No.4770835

It's like Asoiaf if it was fun to read.

>> No.4770836

What was the best moment in the book?
I'm tied between Glokta taking down Frost, Logen's battle with Fenris, and the final chapter with Glokta and Pike.

>> No.4770838

The Pike being Rews twist was brilliant. I also loved the inclusion of the quote in Glokta's final scene.

"Does the Devil know he's a devil?"

>> No.4770842

That's a tough one.
There are a ton of great moments and reveals in the series.

>> No.4770843

>The Pike being Rews twist was brilliant.
I wasn't so keen to that.
Wasn't Rews a fat banker?
And he turned into a hardened sergeant-type in less than a year?

>> No.4770847

Angland is tough on a person. He was burned, had hardly anything to eat. It was either get tough or die, and if I recall correctly, he withstood torture pretty well according to Glokta's musings.
It makes sense to me that he became hardened. I mean, just look at Glokta.

>> No.4770848

I like both. But Abercrombie doesn't take a decade to release the next book.

>> No.4770852

I'm worried about Half a King.
It's designed for a "younger" audience and is set in a different universe.
Can't wait for the second First law trilogy, though.

>> No.4770855

>Second First Law trilogy
What? Care to elaborate?

>> No.4770857

"after this third standalone I'm planning a trilogy that moves the action back to the Union and involves a lot of the characters from the First Law perhaps more intimately than the standalones have done."
The third standalone being Red Country.

>> No.4770861

Oh, excellent. Something to look forward to then. Thank you.

>> No.4770875

Joe Abercrombie is entirely too attractive to be a fantasy author.

>> No.4770877

He is not a bad man he just becomes a puppet to Bayaz and Glokta.

Will we ever get a book set in Gurkhul ?

>> No.4770886

>He is not a bad man he just becomes a puppet to Bayaz and Glokta.
Being forced to dance for two men you hate can make someone bitter and cynical REAL fast, anon.
And Jezal wasn't a great guy at his best already.

>> No.4770888

Best Served Cold, The Heroes and Red Country in that order, don't read the descriptions, just do it.

>> No.4770892

Yeah but in Best Served Cold he seems like he is ok with that and not as bitter about as in the end of the trilogy.

>> No.4770922

Glotka is good, but I got pretty tired of the "these stairs are such a pain in the ass to climb" every other page. Dogman and Logen are best characters.

>> No.4770929

I saw on Joey Abby's FB page that Gurm gave it pretty high praises, I'm looking forward to it. Anybody know the release date?

>> No.4770935

>Gurm gave it pretty high praises
Yeah, well he also said that Wise Mans Fear was good.

>> No.4771000

Well...parts of Wise Man's Fear were good...

>> No.4771001

Really? Which part?
The mind numbing slog in the forest?
The out of nowhere cringefest sex fairy?
The ASTOUNDINGLY cliche warrior race training?
Even more of the school?

>> No.4771003

Okay, yes, the fairy was the cringiest thing ever. But it was followed by the awesome Cthulhu-tree.

And the cliched warrior race training was bad, but it was followed by the awesome Kvothe-saves-a-girl-from-gypsies-while-blatantly-ignoring-everything-he's-learned-from-cliched-warrior-race-training.

>> No.4771011

Yeah, I forget how he becomes a stone cold fucking killer/torturer with basically no development or foreshadowing.

>> No.4771019


GRRM seems to like everything.

>> No.4771020

Well, I found it believable, because he was doing it specifically because he was outraged by what the "gypsies" had done, since his own people were regularly accused of stealing children, and here were some people imitating them who were actually doing that, thereby reinforcing all the stories that make people hate Kvothe's people.

I just found it hilarious that he spent so much time learning HONOR HONOR HONOR and then immediately went for "I know, I'll poison all these people and then slaughter them while they're defenceless".

I'm not even saying it was a bad choice, it was just a direct contradiction of everything he'd "learned" up to then, which I took to mean that Kvothe basically tricked the ninjas into thinking he has honor.

>> No.4771021

Should definitely read Red Country
Best Served Cold and The Heroes follow along with what a couple of the appearing characters get up to, but it's still good as a standalone

I might also propose Ties That Bind
aside from the horrible covers it kinda reminds me of a more low-brow First Law with more emphasis on fighting and fucking
still pretty fun though

>> No.4771023

He should read them chronologically.
Abercrombie is bullshitting when he claims that they are real standalones.

>> No.4771511

>more low-brow First Law with more emphasis on fighting and fucking
Does that even have a story?
Also, I can't find it anywhere, do you have an author?

>> No.4771552

Rob J. Hayes, i may have underestimated the number of other novels by same title

>> No.4771565

*series even, damn
first of the three is The Hersey Within

>> No.4771569

Heresy rather

>> No.4772244

I don't know. I read them non-chronologically (Heroes -> Red Country -> Best served cold). I think it made me more interested in Shivers as a character when I read BSC because I wanted to know what made him what he is in the later books.

Heroes was the one I enjoyed the most. I think it was because I love the northmen, and Bremer is such a cool character, also that lazy sergeant that I forget the name of.

>> No.4772280

The Heroes is awesome. The part where Bremer fights Whirrun FUCK that was awesome. I was standing up to read it. And te Casualties chapter where the story goes from killer to killer. OH MY COCK.

Also - The Bloody Nine is the baddest character ever conceived. He shits higher than most other tough guys in other books.

>> No.4772302

>The Heroes is awesome. The part where Bremer fights Whirrun FUCK that was awesome. I was standing up to read it. And te Casualties chapter where the story goes from killer to killer. OH MY COCK.

Agreed, and remember the part when Whirrun invents a sandwich, I liked that.

>> No.4772321

And don't forget based Calder scheming and Bayaz teaching him a lesson at the end.

Abercrombie has great humor. Especialy in Best Served Cold with Morveen, Friendly, Cosca

> 'My name is Nicomo Cosca, famed solider of fortune, and I am here for dinner.'

>Friendly geting hard while that gird counts

>Shiver with the tall speech

>> No.4772637

Glokta is fucking shit. The only character less inspired than him is Furious's sister.

>> No.4774701

I say this every time abercrombie is mentioned. For people who haven't read first law trilogy, get ready for a fresh treat and a great pulpy fantasy series.

For people who've finished. He's a one-trick pony, you'll grow tired of this style trying to read the next books. Or maybe you won't, but I did, and I don't think there's anything more to expect from him, he can only write like this.

>> No.4774773


Death of Grim and the Northmen funerals in general. I also enjoyed the crowning of Jezal and West being made Lord Marshal, especially the reactions of different characters to those events.

>> No.4774787

Yes, I do think that his style stays the same, but it's like Tarantino. As long as he keeps changing up the scenario it will be ok. I think he certainly managed to keep the quality at least at an even keel as opposed to something like the Gentleman Bastards which just goes down the toilet hard after the first book.