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4767051 No.4767051 [Reply] [Original]

Does the rest of the animal kingdom know more than we do about their place in the universe?

>> No.4767054

Almost certainly.

We are by far the dumbest species on the planet. A bunch of glorified monkeys who think they've done things and progressed by destroying where we came from.

Every species has a culture except for the human race.

>> No.4767062
File: 1.71 MB, 957x981, 1397290496677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. We are not worthy of heightening our ambition for knowledge above that of the truth we find in Life. It truly is all we have, and we are more disconnected from it than the other animals.

Pic related, our creator. Let's not even think about leaving her.

>> No.4767066
File: 49 KB, 740x419, 1397290842543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a one planet species

>> No.4767069


>> No.4767075

Sometimes I envy animals because they don't have Reason and the self-actualization curse that comes with it

>> No.4767078
File: 1.81 MB, 950x4969, fucking space retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4767079

I considered this too, when I was on mushrooms, with a friend, watching ducks land and swim on a pond and pondered aloud, "Wouldn't it be nice to be a duck and just have thoughts that go 'nice' 'nice' ' nice'." Oh, well. God considers me grander.

>> No.4767099


top kek

>> No.4767104

What a horribly inarticulate, ineloquent picture.

Learn to logically construct arguments like a decent human being then we'll talk.

>> No.4767108

>inarticulate, ineloquent
Oh yeah definitely needed both

>> No.4767112

Yeah, not only was it not communicated effectively, it was also poorly worded.

>> No.4767124

I replied to this, and said more.

>> No.4767125

>we need a backup
What if it's natural to have extinctions? What if, an extinction of the human species happened, and the survivors turned out to be better, more stable and importantly, more driven by the same cause.

>life on mars
take for instance this. How has this sort of thing turned out for us when we colonize a land mass. Untouched islands, north america, even isolated areas that are colonized, but have a unique society and culture. A plethora of bad things happen, and we need to take those into account when considering terra forming other planets.

>> No.4767129

Bleeding heart causes
>cancer research
