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/lit/ - Literature

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4762330 No.4762330 [Reply] [Original]


>Jane Eyre
>Good, Victorian Feminist literature
>Not full of deus ex machinas and counter-intuitive themes
John Green, there are 11th graders with better analytical skills than you.

>> No.4762342

explain how the themes are counter intuitive,

>> No.4762348

>doesn't like jane eyre
sounds like you're the pleb bro

>> No.4762352

She becomes an individual, a fulfilled woman, by getting married to the guy with multiple mistresses.

>> No.4762368
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>the only way teenagers can become interested in literature is to have a spastic philistine yell at them

>> No.4762428

Thats a pretty simplistic view of it. w. When Jane first loves Rochester she is a governess at Thornfield and he is above her in social class, andpretty much intellect and wealth and His own sinful past and his mistresses finally catch up with him and Thornfield is burnt down, he loses everything including getting his fuckign eyes burnt out. Meanwhile Jane continues to develop becoming independent, denying that St John niggers offer of a loveless marriage, finds the family she has been looking for and inherits shit loads of wealth from her parents completing her bildungsroman journey. At this point in line with ideas of redemption and shit this fulfilled woman finds the blind and beaten up Rochester. Jane is now worth more than him in regards to wealth and status and finally returns to the man she loves nursing him back to health. Now on equal level to Rochester she doesn't nurse a rich man with multiple mistresses but a blind, crippled poor ass vagrant who is repentant for his shit and she finds happiness through their equality an her own strength of character.

i think its a great book

>> No.4762450

also crticsing the novel for not being radical enough and Jane still marrying Rochester the cunt is a bit harsh. The novel was seen as contraversial as fuck back then, like morally corrupt, if Bronte had made Jane like shave her hair,wear Doc Martens and beat up Rochester she would probs get burnt at the stake or something. It was impossible to avoid all dat patriarchy