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/lit/ - Literature

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4761133 No.4761133[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"I am procrastinating on /lit/ instead of working on [?]"

>> No.4761139

my dissertation.

>> No.4761141

summer job applications.

>> No.4761144


>> No.4761148

My resume.

>> No.4761149
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>> No.4761150

>my latest script
>getting fit and healthy
>my friendships

>> No.4761154

>Trolling /x/
>Doing my Job
>Writing my novel
>Watching Black Books again
>Listening to conspiracy radio
>reading Beyond Area51 on my phone
>laughing at FPS on /fit/

>> No.4761240

Taking a nap which I'm about to do but I wanna jot down some notes in Word first

>> No.4761243

Reading Mason & Dixon because I work in an hour and overslept.

>> No.4761250

Reading Plath's collected because I don't particularly like symbolism.

>> No.4761252
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>> No.4761275

So, /lit/. I have had an arbitrary thought just now, which is,
'philosophy serves a lesser function than fiction does toward the betterment of the human condition.' I want to use this as justification for concentrating my focus on fiction-writing rather than becoming learned in and potentially also writing philosophy. Anyone have anything to say on this?

>> No.4761287


>> No.4761300

a Writing Tutor observation paper, a 101 philosophy paper about Marxist alienation, and a "close reading" of something in The God of Small Things

>> No.4761304

one isn't necessarily better or worse than the other

it'd be good to study philosophy either way

but just do what you feel like you need to be doing and stop being a faggot

>> No.4761313

...learning Arabic, writing 10,000 words worth of miscellaneous coursework that I need to do in order to not get kicked out of a University that I hate.

>> No.4761326


i think i might just be having a babbys first/second nihilism and trying to justify my burgeoning interest in writing fiction

>> No.4761367

what do you need to justify? to who? and why?

if to yourself: the interest is yours and yours alone. it affects you and you alone (at least and hopefully only at the beginning, mind). you could deny yourself writing but it'd be a pretty weird and perverse thing to do

i don't buy into any nihilism, really. nihilists make for good Fantastic Four villains. not much else. if you want to fight own babby's nihilism, try and get involved in a philosophy course somewhere. read through a 101 syllabus or an introductory textbook. when i took 101 we read through Philosophy: The Quest For Truth, which was pretty good

>> No.4761370

I just came to /lit/ after finishing up watching the last season of BB for the third time. This was the first thread I saw. What a coincidence.

>> No.4761385

Chapter of Ph. D. paper regarding XX-XXI century avant-grade literature.

>> No.4761390

This idea is a huge pet peeve of mine. Like the other guy said, I don't see either as being superior or inferior to the other. I'm biased myself since I know a couple of pretentious-as-fuck philosophy majors who are constantly circlejerking over how unimportant fiction is and it gets me pretty rustled. On the flip side of that there are obviously a lot of fiction readers/writers who desperately need a dose of philosophy.


>> No.4761392


my bachelor's thesis

I've posted about it so much on sci that I get recognised even on posts that don't mention it. I don't even use a trip

>> No.4761421

What's it about?

>> No.4761430


chemical engineering equations of state and stuff. Not a lot more specific than that.

I've had a life of perfect grades before this btw, but I'm not a high tier uni, so I'm sure with some effort I can easily get a 2.2 and I'd still be on track for a first

>> No.4761434

Unless you plan on going into investment banking or law, I don't think the standing of your university matters, as long as it's not London South Bank.

>> No.4761438
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>this thread
and here I'm stuck with grading papers.

>> No.4761440


lol, I failed 4 investment banking s&t internships this academic year because I have no social skills.

but yes, getting more interviews will be very tough next autumn. I'm not sure if it's a good field to go in to anyway, it seems in decline. lit has no solutions for my existential crisis, and "prestige" won't solve it tbh

>> No.4761445

...my tan.

>> No.4761446


what are you doing with your life? a 300k starting salary career or the literary lifestyle (not JK rowling)?

>> No.4761454

Neither. I'm an English Lit undergrad, who, incidentally, is about to graduate. I'm taking a year out to volunteer with the CAB, and devote time to some other projects.

In short, I'm trying to become a solicitor.

I'm also applying for the Big 4 grad schemes as a backup. It's piss-easy to get an interview if you have AAB and a (high) 2:1.

>> No.4761474

But I'm just killing time till I go on a date later tonight. ;)

>> No.4761488

>tfw fucked up A-Levels and got A*CC
>tfw would only have to resit two exams for that to become A*AA
Are post-university A-Level resits even possible?

>> No.4761502

Would there even be a point?

>> No.4761507

Grad programs.

>> No.4761511

Since you have to put your qualifications on your CV in chronological order, both legal and accountancy firms will immediately be drawn to the fact that you resat two A-levels post-degree. Most say that you have to sit them in 2 years; no resits; no excuses, unless you have convincing extenuating circumstances.

Most of the 'big' ones (and particularly the MC) have a UCAS filter (usually 320-340) and a 2:1 filter. You can ring them up and ask. Regional firms are much less picky in this regard, but you'll obviously have to suffer scrutiny in interviews if they bring it up.

>> No.4761517


i am in a philosophy course, but learning about it just seems to add to the babby's nihilism, the use of babby here symbolising the influence on me by /lit/, who need to separate themselves from and patronise their existential crises because they're afraid that their existence is somehow pretentious.

>> No.4761521


or maybe that's just me.

>> No.4761565

profile I'm supposed to be writing for journo class
summer internship apps
summer job apps
personal writing
reading Aeneid for class
reading Under The Skin before I go see the movie
doing latin hw
doing linguistics hw

>> No.4761566

Jokes on you, I finished my shitty essay on The Crying of Lot 49 an hour ago.

>> No.4761573

Why don't you buy into nihilism? Because it's "edgy?"

>> No.4761576

Drawing a kitchen as a perspective study
Writing a paper on the aesthetic ideal trough the art periods
Composing a mixtape for my girlfriend
Reading Lolita

>tfw reality hits you in the face

>> No.4761595

Thanks, that's legitimately really helpful.

>> No.4761605

i have nothing to work on
i'm just killing time in between the finish of work and sleep.
that's my life

>> No.4761608


What is your job?

>> No.4761617

i mean, how deluded should you be to not be a nihilist?

>> No.4761622

call centre drone

>> No.4761628

Studying for exams and applying for jobs and getting my hair cut.

>> No.4761629
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Reviewing for my biomed, research, cogsci and brit lit finals...

>> No.4761630


oh nice one

>> No.4761823

>studying for my exams
>sleeping because im working tomorrow
>talking to someone who cares about what i have to say

>actually reading a book

>> No.4761849



>> No.4761851

I'm in my final year of university and haven't done anything and now I have to write ~20,000 words of computer science shit in 5 weeks and study for three exams over the remaining 2 weeks weeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.4761861

>doing 3 a-levels and not as many as they let you do
plebs plebs plebs plebs plebs plebs plebs

>> No.4761867

my assignment due tomorrow
my assignment due next monday
the entirety of my physics assignments for this semester
any of the books i'm concurrently reading
staving my hunger
getting big and cut
getting my sperm sucked out of my balls

>> No.4761869

You have to do Maths, Further Maths, Additional Further Maths, Physics (you have to take a breather at some point) and All three STEP exams to be the coolest

>> No.4761889

speech outline

>> No.4762000

My post-apocalyptic novel.

>> No.4762005

Finishing the last 1000 words of my short story

>> No.4762030

Researching for various essays i'm going to have to start within the next month

Looking for a part-time job

Thinking about what i want to do with my life when i finish university this summer

Looking for an internship

Sorting my life out in general

>> No.4762034
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building my long ass 2deep comic about cute witches battling power rangers, with blackjack and hookers.

>> No.4762044

battling with blackjack and hookers as in wielding a hooker holding some cards as a weapon in the battle; or the comic involves witches, power rangers, and also blackjack and hookers?

>> No.4762052

I'm stuck on editing. I have two inconsistencies, and I know how to resolve them both, but it's going to involve hours of line editing and copypasting to sequence everything again. I could have done it by now, in the time since I started this thread.

>> No.4762053

The comic involves witches, power rangers, and also blackjack and hookers. Yeah.

>> No.4762059

OK, well that's still breddy cool, but I was hoping to see the witch in your pic swing a hooker by the ankles into a power ranger's face while a deck of Bicycles going flying everywhere.

>> No.4762060

Pic is not mine, though.

>> No.4762090

bc. i'm full of hope and love for mankind anon

and i have a really basic understanding of nihilism because i have no interest in it

>> No.4762185

so what's the best piece of avant garde lit

>> No.4762215


>> No.4762465

If the [?] is a short story, and I am on /lit/ asking about literature and writing, for the purpose of writing with what will hopefully be new found knowledge and perspective, am I still procrastinating?

>> No.4762471

job applications, really.

>> No.4762518

Writing horror short stories that will invariably suck beyond belief. So basically nothing.

>> No.4762521

instead of making dinner for my family.

>> No.4762526

my novel and some reading for a class.
I'm mostly just sitting around, hoping someone will critique the bit of the novel I posted in a critique thread, but my hope is fading.

>> No.4762528

my lesson plans

>> No.4762532

getting a new job

>> No.4762542

OP's mother.

>> No.4762590

Link me to your post, I'll give you a critique, as I've been there. I can't guarantee how helpful or prompt I'll be, though; I'm multi-tasking and, unfortunately for you, this is one of the rare instances in which I'm drinking.

>> No.4762611

Eh, I'll take any help I can get, I suppose.
Thanks in advance.

>> No.4762622


Unlike a lot of people here, I have a stable, but boring job, and I recognize how meaningless all of this shit is. I have no plans, and the world is bullshit so I don't care anyway.

>> No.4762625

I kind of like having sex and going to parties, so I decided not to do 5 A-Levels.

>> No.4762626

sounds horrible

why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.4762633

Christ, sounds like you're a prime candidate for the radical new treatment pioneered by the good people over at Dignitas.

>> No.4762735

K, so I get you've been fucked over by being bourgeois and overeducated and, etc, etc, and that is kind of sad. Let me teach you:

>be angsty teen
>hate everything and everyone
>join the Navy to get away from home
>go to Japan because it is far away
>realize that you didn't hate home, you hated people
>only escape is reading literally anything and spend as much of the night as you can above decks watching the stars
>realize that all this shit is meaningless
>a world of potato mashers, where mashing potatoes is only rewarded by more tools to mash more potatoes
>kiss the Navy goodbye when your six years are done
>use your GI Bill and practical experience from the Navy to get an apprenticeship
>become a plumber
>your job can never be outsourced, won't be replaced by technology in the near future, and is pretty much safe from the depredations of technocratic neoliberalism
>also, you're paid by the hour (salaries are for suckers)
>and you mostly work alone and quiet (so you can think while you work)
>spend your evenings getting drunk, fucking around on the internet and reading
>be at peace with the world for the first time in your life

Among all of his ironies, Socrates had one good piece of advice: This world is not for philosophers. No one wants them, no one needs them, and they will never rule society. Your stories about the will to power or anrachism or marxist apocalypse or men born from the earth and made of precious metals will never be believe.
So you must find a way to live among the stars.

>> No.4762748

Aren't you lonely?

>> No.4762758

Heh, quoted the wrong person.
Meant to >>4762626 him.

Also, completely failed to check em.
I got you hombre. I got you, and I got your dubs.
The little things in life are the only things that little people can appreciate, and all people are little in the eyes of God's vastness.

>> No.4762779

>You must find a way to live among the stars
Exactly, hence why you should kill yourself.

Ashes to ashes, star dust to star dust, etc.

>> No.4762878

That is why I'm here and why I read and why I have a TV.
It is enough, and I am content to have it until it stops. What else can someone need?
I never liked Nietzsche until I read Ecce Homo. He was so sad, so isolated, so desperate at that moment. So despairing as he realized that nothing he'd said had gotten through. Well I don't have to be desperate. I don't have to be a gondola, I know that a drain works when I can see the water disappear.

But if I kill myself, I just have to repeat the whole story over again to come to the end where I decide to kill myself and endure the absurdity of another round.
It is impossible for my mind to conceive of nothing or a something which is postmortem, so any decision to kill myself can only be made on the premise of an exact repetition of the process that drove me to suicide. What is now is what has been and what will be.

Maybe your imagination is better than mine. I can't really know. We live in an age of nothing: nothing to know, nothing to prove, nothing to achieve, nothing to believe, and nothing to justify skepticism.

>> No.4762892

Do you really believe you'll be reborn? How ludicrous. And even if you are, even if there is a life after this one, will you remember it? Presumably there was also a life before this one, and you do not remember that, so what difference does it make?

Commit suicide, end this pseudo-nothingness, and embrace true oblivion.

>> No.4762987

I can only hope this exchange is of some interest to you as well. I've already spent many hours watching the churning waters off the fantail and wondering why I don't just end this story with a beautiful spread of red against white and the churning that sends some parts to the bottom and others to the surface and hypothetical other persons to Mast at God's whim.

It doesn't matter if there is a recurrence or if there is nothing or if there is Heaven or Hell, nothing that isn't subjectively experienced matters. Was the mass of humanity really cheated by living before Darwin or Copernicus cheated so they died not knowing they were the center of the Universe? Is Kierkegaard's knight of infinite resignation at a loss if the object of his love is not really an object worthy of his love? Is Bismark to be pitied because he never had a smart phone?

>> No.4763011

>Was the mass of humanity really cheated by living before Darwin or Copernicus cheated so they died not knowing they were the center of the Universe?
This sentence was fucked all to Hell. I meant
>Was the mass of humanity really cheated by living before Darwin or Copernicus when they died knowing they were the center of the Universe?

I was sober for a few months, so maintaining myself against alcohol is a habit I've allowed to rust.

>> No.4763028

I am procrastinating on /lit/ instead of working on cumming while listening to ASMR girlfriend roleplay videos on YouTube.

>> No.4763036

English papers

>> No.4763068

It is of interest to me, certainly, but you must understand I am very tired. It has been a long time since I felt passion, or anything at all sincere. My thought patterns are stilted as a result of years of emotional isolation, and though I have interest in this conversation, I shall not commit too much to it.

Ultimately you may decide to kill yourself or you may not. it seems to me that you have already decided against it, and that decision is as valid as any other.

I hope that one of us experiences happiness again before they die.

>> No.4763124

Why kill oneself when it's already too late?

(Not the anon you replied to)

>> No.4763127

I have the happiness of tending my garden (not literally a garden, but the simple tasks of hygiene, life, reading, work, etc, etc).
Yes, I probably set my standards lower than most people, but that just means they're achieved that much more frequently.

Besides, another part of eternal recurrence is understanding that everything is derived from everything else. If even the tiniest detail of your life were different, it would ripple outward and change everything in ways you can't predict. If alternatives to this world exist, then there are worlds where you did things like murdered your family or died at birth, and that possibility is more terrible (to me anyway) than that there has only ever been this one.

>> No.4763152
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I'm procrastinating on /lit/ instead of querying agents. To be fair, I've already queried 4 today. It's an extremely tiring process. Every agent has different specifications for what they want in a query letter. In the past month I've sent out 24 letters and received only 3 responses--all of them form rejections.

I guess I suck at query letters--or, worse yet, writing.

>> No.4763155

It is never too late. Every day brings new pain, it is unyielding and mercurial. The sadness ebbs and flows, and sometimes it recedes enough and I see something that leads me to believe that I might be better, happier, more sane, sometime soon.

I would kill myself to avoid future pain, and I will not kill myself in the hope of future happiness. It is quixotic, yes.

>> No.4763161

But that's a different you. Not really even "you" really. Only "you" in a relative sense. And I guess a superficial sense, probably. But if they did something different, that makes them not you by definition, at least in any way that implies anything meaningful about you, the individual.

>> No.4763166

essay due tomorrow at 9.

>> No.4763172

Math homework.

>> No.4763175

I'm working on my plays, I swear. But in between work and acting work that is both extraordinarily rewarding personally and excessively depressing at the same time(due to the director's shortcomings and the steep drop off in talent after a few of the more central characters) I find myself drinking more and writing less.

>> No.4763181

>doing schoolwork
>being social
>working out

>> No.4763184

I can manage maybe two or three of these, four of five if I'm particularly motivated. It's hell.

>> No.4763191

It's not that difficult, because if you're social you're also likely smoking and drinking, so there's three right there.

>> No.4763196

A bit puzzling, but you seem to be an optimistic pessimist.

>> No.4763327

>inoculating grain spawn jars with pearl oyster and shiitake spores
>writing in my notebook
>setting up my spring tent site
>writing music

I'm procrastinating because I'm high and need to catch up on sleep.

>> No.4763334
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>Being social


>> No.4763352

Philosophy essay due on monday. havnt started.

>> No.4763357

Based Witty.

>> No.4763541

Listening in an uni amphi.

Actually reading.

>> No.4763547

just wrote a five page bio paper on and off for the past 14 hours

>> No.4763634


>> No.4763650

...writing my novel
...writing my thesis
...writing the article I promised my friend

>> No.4763652

writing a novel
editing my father's novel
finding a place to live
preparing feedback on my friend's script

>> No.4763663

sleep so tomorrow I can go around restaurants begging for donations for a community college dinner organized by a girl with MD who I suspect wants me to do most of the work

Than I will clean my room to prepare for the arrival of my aunt.

My aunt shares the same first name with the girl.

>> No.4763692

>I am procrastinating on /lit/ instead of working on
my social life.

>> No.4763698


>> No.4763729

>my social life.
