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4758765 No.4758765[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ feel about the Game of Thrones books?

>> No.4758774
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>> No.4758777

I'm honestly curious.

I started reading the first one today and I'm honestly really enjoying it.

>> No.4758779

I enjoy them, but I had no idea that Eddard Stark would loose his head.
I imagine that if you have everything spoiled for you, the books don't have as much excitement.

>> No.4758787


>> No.4758790

why the fuck did i read the spoiler.
Well fuck, new book series

>> No.4758792
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>I started reading the first one today

>> No.4758796

And I'm very much looking forward to it

>> No.4758807

Word of advice: if you start feeling empathy with any character in these books, stop immediately.

>> No.4758810

I'm aware everyone dies, yes.

>> No.4758841

The problem is not so much that everyone dies, but why they die.

Are you a decent person? Are you generous, kind and would give your life for your fellow man?
u r kil

How many babies did you eat and raped today? Did you remembered to tie their mothers to horses and let them be dragged into the next kingdom?
Good, a life of success is ahead of you. Unless the readers start complaining about you.

>> No.4758847

You kidding? Martin is like Urobuchi, he'll make sure the asshole characters live and the most popular people among the fanbase die a horrible death.

>> No.4759108

Personally I love reading about a mary sue shitting in a field

>> No.4759144

I confess that I haven't read the books, but ever since accidentally being linked there one day, I'll periodically dive into A Wiki Of Ice and Fire for interesting pages. The series' lore is kind of fascinating, and I'm a massive sucker for good lore.

Is it worth starting the series if I know almost all of the twists already?

>> No.4759860
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The prose makes me laugh.

It's like a parody, only it's not.

>> No.4761147

There was already a 200+reply thread over that passage.

The only thing distracting about it is the onomatopoeia.

>> No.4761159

There was a lot more that I found distracting.
The clichés, the overcooked adjectives, the fear of diarrhea during a deadly battle, the made-for-film descriptions, ...

>> No.4761167

>the fear of diarrhea during a deadly battle
One of those realistic things a person not having been in one wouldn't think about.

>the overcooked adjectives
>using more than one adjective is bad

>made-for-film descriptions
As opposed to made for a mental picture? heh.

>> No.4761169

Oh, you're one of THOSE people aren't you.


>> No.4761181

I dont think its about being good or evil, its more about being stupid and in the wrong location at the wrong time Joffrey

>> No.4761183

>let me tell you about your opinions

>> No.4761193

>using more than one adjective is bad

That's not what overcooked means.

>> No.4761242

If you like the fantasy elements, you;d be better off reading Lord of the Rings.

If you like the political and family drama, you'd be better off reading I, Claudius.

>> No.4762164

decent-to-good-tier pulp fantasy

>> No.4762199

I haven't read GoT, but I would like to read good pulp fantasy. Recommendations?

>> No.4762212

What if you want a mix of the two?

>> No.4762217

i liked them, granted i read the first four about 4 years ago

>> No.4762218

malazan book of the fallen

It's god-tier pulp fantasy, if such a thing exists

>> No.4762224


>> No.4762226

Loved every single book, went through each one recently. Storm of Swords is god tier, It does slow down afterwards and AFFC and ADWD but you've got plenty of time before the next book so you can take your time with them.

I can only assume the sole reason people bash this series is because of oxygen deprivation from the extremely thin air up on their high horse,

>> No.4762229
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>if such a thing exists
It does, and it's fucking Malazan.

>> No.4762276

Black Dagger Brotherhood
Wheel of Time

>> No.4762283

How about pulp sci fi?

>> No.4762946

The story and characters are interesting, and make you think, but alot of times the writing gets tedius, esspically in the last 2 books. GRRM needs an editor badly.

>> No.4762981

Joffrey, Gregor Clegane, Craster, Tywin Lannister, the nobility of Slaver's Bay, Khal Drogo (heh), lots of Freys, Vargo Hoat and a good amount of the other Brave Companions, Balon Greyjoy, probably a few more I've forgotten. Come on man. That was all off the top of my head.

>> No.4762989
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Also uh, beware of spoilers.

> mfw don't know how to spoiler tag.

>> No.4762995

What makes her a Mary Sue?

>> No.4763005
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i can't tell if "the sword of the morning" is a pun or not.