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4757566 No.4757566[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst novel you were assigned in high school?

>> No.4757570

It's a toss between The Outsiders and Ender's Game.

>> No.4757575

'The stone angel.' It's a shitty book by a shitty Canadian shitty woman

>> No.4757578

The Fjord Murder

Teacher was only there for like three months. Guy smoked behind the black board, smelled like alcohol all the time. Rumours had it that his wife was pregnant from his best friend/neighbour.
I think he ended up in an asylum.

Oh, and the book was about a murder story that basically solved itself as the few pages went by.

>> No.4757580

Great Expectations. Bullshit.

Best? DoaS.

>> No.4757583

I didn't appreciate it as much in high school as much as I do now. I wasn't intelligent enough to appreciate it.

Anyway, worst novel was...Life of Pie.

Wasn't necessarily a "terrible novel", but comparatively (when weighing against brave new world, animal farm, lord of the flies), it's the worst.

>> No.4757591

We had like 6 options and I'd read most of the others so I picked "The Handmaid's Tale" which wasn't, like, abject shit, but a bland book with a blander message

>> No.4757598
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>> No.4757610

The awakening

>> No.4757628
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>> No.4757634

the house on mango street

>> No.4757658

Fuck you faggot, The Outsiders is a fantastic book.

>> No.4758108

Whut? It's a pretty damn short novella.

For me, Secret Life of Bees. I didn't finish it. Got an F.

>> No.4758114

Some shit by Tolstoy or Marx

>> No.4758129

Eichendorff's "Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts", it had its moments though, if you can understand German
>Und sie zogen gen Italien
>eine fatale Fliege

>> No.4758142

I was always assigned great novels in high school.
Grade 10: The Catcher in the Rye.
Grade 11: Chronicle of a Death Foretold, The Stranger, The Metamorphosis and Notes From Underground.
Grade 12: Down and Out in Paris and London.

>> No.4758145


>> No.4758150

>"Anyone who finds [The Chosen] is finding a jew"

>> No.4758163

Ethan frome

>> No.4758194
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The Five People You Meet in Heaven

>> No.4758196


>> No.4758201

W-why didn't you like Great Expectations?

I know it's long and I've heard it can be bland. I'm curious about your reasoning.

>> No.4758320

It's about juvenile delinquents who care about their education, go out for sports, have jobs, read, etc

Everything about it is corny, glurgy, and unconvincing.

>> No.4758322
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Absolute shit. It almost reads like a parody of African-American lit

>> No.4758431

Things Fall Apart. Hated it.

>> No.4758478
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>wahhhh muh 6 billion

Apart from that there was one scene where I nearly teared. But everything else is utter whiny.

>> No.4758483
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Beloved is worse than Song of Solomon in this regard, but i think they both have a sort of charm. better to think of them as intentionally absurd
Life of Pie
how did you possibly find anything offensive in any of those vignettes
your grade 11 teacher had great taste

>am i the only person who had to read Go Ask Alice in high school
fucking god-awful trash nonsense

>> No.4758508

Is this the one with the kid everyone calls "Milkman"?

Truly awful.

>> No.4758528

A Million Little Pieces

>> No.4758531
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What did Melville see in him. Fucking hell what a wordy bitch.

>> No.4758543

The Catcher in the Rye, it's hard as FUCK to read when you were 15 something.

>> No.4758547


I read this too holy fuck "bland" is the best possible word

>> No.4758552


lel crybaby faggot

>> No.4758565


Pedro Paramo is by far the worst book I have ever read. It's literally written by a schizophrenic who can't put together continuous narrative if his life depended on it. Can't believe I had to read that shit in highschool

>> No.4758575

What year were you assigned The Outsiders? Almost everyone I've met and talked about it with was handed the book in seventh grade, out here in California.

>> No.4758585

The Skull Beneath the Skin by P.D James

>> No.4758642

Fucking Scarlet Letter. Most boring shit I had to slog through.

Only thing worse was Jane Eyre. Fuck Bronte.

>> No.4758645

yea I didn't enjoy this book

>> No.4758671

Jane Eyre rules

>> No.4758709

This. It wasn't exactly bad, but I found it really boring, and I read it in 7th grade so I didn't have the right mindset to appreciate it.

>> No.4758713

Catcher in the Rye.

Not that bad per se, but so very overrated.

>> No.4758720

Jane Eyre. There's a special place in hell reserved for Charlotte and her hysterical sisters.

>> No.4758723




>> No.4758735

The characters were so arrogant and ignorant. They couldn't stand up for themselves and were generally 2 dimensional

>> No.4758737
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The Skin I'm In. Had to read it in 6th grade, absolutely hated it. Although my school was 70% black, so everyone else gobbled it up.

>> No.4758738

In things fall apart I mean

>> No.4758751

I thought this was okay.

>> No.4758763

I just looked that up on Wikipedia, and holy shit. She gets addicted to drugs after doing LSD? What the fuck. How can you understand drugs so little.

>> No.4758768

what's even more unsettling is how did people believe that glurgy shit was real

>> No.4760769

A light in the forest was probably the worst.

>> No.4760863

Raisin in the Sun. Even worse than to Kill a Mockingbird.

I liked the Giver and Gathering Blue. Good shit. Watership Down is awesome, too.

>Ender's Game

Oh hell no, you ain't talking shit on my baby.


>YA lit
>hard to read

>> No.4760897

i really don't get the hate for this book other than antisemitism

it's better than most of /lit/core

>> No.4760945

Seventh, and I was on the other end of the continent.

>> No.4760953

I think it was called Animal Dreams. Honorable mention goes to All the Pretty Horses. Both were real chores to read.

I'm sure someone's going to call me a pleb for mentioning Pretty Horses because /lit/ seems to have a collective boner for McCarthy. Oh well.

>> No.4760956

Ender's Game was the worst. Why do people slob knob this fanfic?
> Author was never a child, just a pederast.
> Let's play laser tag to simulate 40k

>> No.4760961

>being this pleb
holy shit

>> No.4761047


I like how OSC handles time dilation of space flight. I liked his strategy that Ender used during the games. I liked Ender's cold logic. In the latter books (I'm on the third), I liked the xenobiology puzzle, and the torturing kids with OCD as a religion. I like Ender, as a character. He's empathy personified, yet was responsible for a damned genocide of an entire sentient race. And he's so lonely. I think that's a good interpretation of space travel. Long, lonely. He's lived for thousands of years compared to the normal passage of time on planets. That's a unique feeling.

I'm not saying his plots are amazing, nor his prose. He has interesting ideas that are worth a read.

It's interesting. A lot more so than some ghetto niggers bitching how they don't have opportunities.

You're just latching on to the it's-popular-let's-hate-it bandwagon. I haven't watched the movie and don't intend to. The fact that the populace suddenly like EG does not have any bearing on how good or bad EG is as a book/series. Into logic.

>> No.4761431

The movie didn't make the book popular, the book is up there among the most read YA novels. The movie was a flop and didn't generate much interest compared to the massive reputation the book already has.

>> No.4761456


The author admitted it was a fraud, he basically cashed in on the holocaust with fictitious exaggerations. Thats not very nice.

>> No.4761468

Either "The Awakening" or "Wuthering Heights".

I actively hated those books, and I really wished my school picked better female authors then what was recommended by the Feminists, but at least Edith Wharton was good. Also the belief that Wuthering Heights is a romance boggles my mind, it's clearly a revenge story.

>> No.4761499

The worst I had to read has to be Macbeth. I live in a Spanish-speaking country so I read a terrible and quite difficult translation of it. Fortunately we only had to read like some of the acts and not the entire play but it was still a hassle. I haven't read any Shakespeare since

The worst book we had to read entirely was The Sorrows of Young Werther. Oh, Werther, why are you such a faggot?

>> No.4761538

>the pickle dish

Jesus Christ, why are so many people completely incapable of accepting even the most ham-fisted symbolism?

>> No.4761554

I had to read A Separate Peace and some fairly boring historical novel about the late '60s by my teacher's dad.

>> No.4761560

>Edith Wharton good
>Wuthering Heights bad

Jonathan Franzen detected.

>> No.4761609


what would you consider good female authors?

>> No.4761627

It has one of my favorite endings to a book. Such a wonderfully wicked 'fuck you' to suicide romanticism.

>> No.4761649
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>Gods, I hated that book

>> No.4761657


>hating on polytheism

>> No.4761672
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A Day No Pigs Would Die.

It was the first year my teacher used it in his curriculum and neither he nor anyone in my class, myself included, were prepared for what was in store. Why he didn't read the book himself before hand, I'll never know.

>graphic description of a boy pulling a bloody squealing calf out of a cow's gaping vagina
>graphic description of a cute pet puppy being thrown in with fighting animals to see if it was strong enough to be a guard dog (spoiler: it wasn't and died horribly)
>graphic description of the protagonists beloved pig being violently raped by another pig
>graphic description of said beloved pig being held down by the protagonist while the father slaughtered it in good ol 'Quaker fashion and then made it into sausage for the family to eat

>> No.4761683

silas marner

>> No.4761687

Not really though. It just makes it even more tragic that they didn't die.

>> No.4761717

Romiette and Julio.

Absolute trash and cliche-filled.

>> No.4761774

Pilgrim at tinker creek, its just a middle aged woman rambling about her pointless thoughts on nature in an incoherent writing style.

>> No.4763429


he admitted that it was a blend of reality and fiction, which makes it even better imo

>> No.4765494

Pride and Prejudice. Scarlet Letter was a close second. Fuck, even looking back on them is torturous.

>> No.4765521

>he admitted that it was a blend of reality and fiction, which makes it even better imo

He published it as non-fiction until he was called out, he, himself a jew, tainted the memory of the real holocaust to make some money. I cant think of a more distasteful entity right now as the person of Elie Wiesel.

>> No.4765524

to kill a mockingturd

>> No.4765705


It's still published as non-fiction.

The original manuscript written by Wiesel was pruned and edited when it was published in Yiddish for the first time. This Yiddish edition was further edited and partially rewritten when it was published in French for the first time. It was then translated into English and other languages, again with editing.

None of this is surprising or new. Look at all the different editions of Anne Frank's diary--there are editions which edit out certain content entirely or censor it, editions where different 'editions' written by Anne (original diary vs. publication manuscript) are used, etc etc, depending on when the edition was published and the audience it was targeting.

Any memoir is going to contain fiction. It doesn't matter who wrote it, or when, or what experience the memoir is talking about. It's the nature of the beast. A memoir is a narrative written by someone who wants to tell about their experience in a certain way, which is influenced by an infinite number of factors, memory gaps notwithstanding.

Take two people from differing backgrounds and have them write about the same experience and you will see differences--for example, revolutionary accounts of the 1789 March on Versailles present a radically different view of events than the account of the same March by the aristocratic governess of the royal children, and that's before considering political or cultural factors influencing a written account.

In the original Yiddish edition, Wiesel notes that some of the male camp survivors wanted to go and rape German women after liberation. in the French edition, this is altered to some male camp survivors wanting to go and have sex after liberation. Why the change? Because the original Yiddish edition was arguably aimed at the people who had survived the camps or the families who had been left devastated by the Holocaust, who would have still been enraged at Germany for what had happened. To this audience, violence against Germans--even civilians--may have been taken as a justifiable vengeance. But when the book is being published outside of a specifically "Jewish" audience, saying that they want to rape German women is no longer "they had it coming" but a horrific crime that would push readers away. So the sentence, along with other passages which were exceptionally angry and bitter, are changed. No chance for controversy.

(If you want to read more about how the Yiddish edition and French edition differed wildly in tone, check out Elie Wiesel and the Scandal of Jewish Rage. I read it a few years ago and it was enlightening.)

>> No.4765710


Are there parts in Night which are fiction? Oh, I'm sure of it. But that is true of every memoir. Fiction in memoir is commonplace--conversations that are invented or half-made up because of vague memories (how many people can exactly recall conversations that happened a day ago, much less a month, a 1 year, ten years, etc?) events that are reordered so they make more sense for the story, anecdotes meant to illustrate perfect points, 'filters' put on memories due to political or personal beliefs, etc etc.

tl;dr yes, parts of Night are no doubt fictionalized and/or edited but this it not shocking or new. Memoirs need to be taken with giant spoonfuls of salt.

>> No.4765733

I loved the outsiders ;-;

I can understand that someone would not like it, though. It was really good for where I was in life, not good on it's own merit besides the theme.

>> No.4765748

A Million Little Pieces.

I'm not even joking. The teacher fucking loved it.

>> No.4765774
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This piece of shit.

>> No.4765785

What kind of high school did you go to? I was assigned that in elementary school.

>> No.4765805

Jellybeans in elementary.
I am still fat to this day because of that book. It was about fat kids that were forced to go to fat camp and they ended up stealing food to sate their hunger.
Dense as shit and dated. Language taught me fucking nothing and I was too young to fathom why the fuck I should care.
Couldn't relate, southern bullshit etc.
Some Shit by Maya Angelou
more black people fucking cows and stuff. I have no idea why english departments have a hardon for the old south and bestiality.

>> No.4765810

>more black people fucking cows and stuff
you mean beloved?

>> No.4765812

Oh god this.

>> No.4765816


>> No.4765831

I'm looking for a point of view of a sperm inside a ball.

>> No.4765836

there's a story in "Lost in the Funhouse" from the POV of a spermatozoa

>> No.4765842

I'm this guy
Luckily, it was a school-wide thing and my teacher also loathed the book. I wrote my essay on how it was fucking atrocious, got a 98.

>> No.4765845

The fuck I know.
I just remember this hot black girl was apparently agreed upon by all the other black guys on this ranch or whatever to be the girlfriend of some other black guy so they just fucked the cows to relieve themselves or some shit.
I swear, I can't stand anything that has 'muh minorities' in it. The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellision gave me the same feeling, that as a person you have zero control and are at the mercy of a system that the only option in dealing with is to suffer and complain like a bitch.

>> No.4765853

Yeah that's Beloved

I actually liked Invisible Man though, I think it's one of the few pieces of black fiction that deserves the praise it gets

>> No.4765927


Came into here to post Beloved.

>> No.4766916

>not liking the part with Sam and Catherine
>not wanting a novel about Kissin' Kate Barlowe's crime spree

well I never

>> No.4767416

>dem yams

>> No.4767530

b-b-but symbolism

>> No.4768189

symbolism and theme deconstruction is why high school english curricula are such shit

>> No.4768235

Looking for Alibrandi

It's the best local work for Australian kids. It's the most pointless read ever, shows how truly pathetic australian society is

Highly recommended from that angle

>> No.4768237
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I refused to do any assignments related to this book. This is why I rarely have sympathy for rape victims.
Coming in at a very close second is Whale Talk. Freshman year sucked.

>> No.4768269

what about it made you not have sympathy for rape victims? all i remember is some girl got raped and was quiet for the rest of the book. she also drew trees.

>> No.4768276

High school made me fucking hate reading until I left

They really should just start with the Greeks and teach philosophy, the truth and meaning of things.

Less about our feelings and what we're all thinking and more about what is. I do not give a fuck about the teacher's boring, tautologous interpretation of this or that novel, or what literary devices the author is using.

>> No.4768278

This. Everyone should always start with the Greeks.

>> No.4768898

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. It's like a shitty version of Black Boy.

>> No.4768921


Well, I wish I was formally schooled in ancient Greek and Latin at a young age. I'd be much further around. But there's no use in wishing.

>> No.4768976

>I liked Ender's cold logic. ... He's empathy personified, yet was responsible for a damned genocide of an entire sentient race.
So you're admitting that he's the least believable child in fiction...

>> No.4768978

Funny, my teacher hates that book too.

>> No.4768996

I'm a huge fan of McCarthy, but the focus of his style may not appeal to some. Doesn't make you a pleb if you can't deal with it.

>> No.4770868

All of the token books that were on the curriculum purely because they were written by a black or Latino person and about black or Latino people.

They were total and unredeemable shit, every single one of them.

>> No.4770895

The girl in the movie was cute.

Also it was mostly about Italians not like Australians

>> No.4770909

not /being/ like Australians, sorry.

>> No.4770937

Rinascimento Privato by Maria Bellonci.
Please, God, she is dead now: may she burn in the hottest flames of Hell.
What a drag it was.

>> No.4770949

Fuck off. It was simple but sweet.
On the other hand, The Giver was bullshit.

>> No.4770950
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this piece of shit right here
poorly written
poorly plotted
inept social references

>> No.4771462

This shit right here. I don't even hate Hardy in general, but this book....

Also this book. Read one chapter, threw it aside in disgust, and BSed all the assignments.

>> No.4771467
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goddamnit, forgot pic

>> No.4771779

In italy we start by studying latin and greek classics (we actually have a separate subject for mithology and such), alongside modern literature like kafka
(I'm talking about high school 1st year)

>> No.4771797
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>Any book listed in this thread
>Worse than this

>> No.4771805

nigga Wuthering Heights is incredible

>> No.4771827
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My freshman year teacher kept interpreting Romeo and Juliet as a romance. Can't stand that fucking play anyways...
(I adore the Taming of the Shrew, though)

>> No.4771831


>> No.4771836

Jane Eyre ain't bad either.

>> No.4771842

My junior year I was reading The Stranger in class one day and the teacher walked by an was shocked. She didn't think high schoolers would enjoy "that type of book"? *Huh?*

And your school was assigning it to juniors.

>My school sucked
>My school sucked
>My school sucked
>My school sucked
>My school sucked
>My school sucked

>> No.4771855

>She gets addicted to drugs after doing LSD? What the fuck. How can you understand drugs so little.

Please, this board lionizes a book where the main character is "addicted" to weed. You don't actually have to know anything about what you're writing, anymore.

>> No.4771858

Either Great Expectations or Heart of Darkness. It was such a relief when we got to 1984

>> No.4771863

Tuesdays with Morrie

>> No.4771894

Ontariofag here, this book was a pile of shit.

>muh lougherigs

>> No.4771897

Correction this was the worst I had to read. So terrible I just tried to forget about. Thanks a lot fucker.

>> No.4771921

I must be the only one who enjoyed it. The seemingly homosexual undertones were a bit off-putting, but I saw the slow pace and relatively uninteresting plot as aiding the whole wartime slice of life aspect when I was reading it. It wasn't the greatest book by any means, ut I enjoyed it overall.

>> No.4771937
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Ethan Frome. Wharton should've shoved her goddamn pickle dish into her comatose inducing brain.

>> No.4771947

> I live in a Spanish-speaking country so I read a terrible and quite difficult translation of it.

they just shouldn't do that. Shakespeare makes little enough sense in English. The only way to really study Shakespeare is if you've already been taught English.

>> No.4771997

romeo and juliet is romance, idiot
and also great

>> No.4772002

wait, there's other shit besides tragedy and comedy? when did this happen

>> No.4772113

Lord of the flies

>> No.4772166
File: 114 KB, 315x386, 1397420153093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this shit right here. I read this in 10th grade and thought it to be utter bullshit while my teacher preached it as some kind of enlightening, life-altering novel for the ages.

>mfw my class was assigned to write an essay about the character's transition from the beginning of the novel to the conclusion.
>mfw when my essay was about Mitch Albom being a total douche throughout the entirety of the memoir.

>> No.4772211

I was allowed to pick my own books to read in high school so none, but first year of collage I had to read the buddah of suburbia, jesus how dreadfully boring that shit was.

>> No.4772234

Yep. Read it outside of school, but only because people promised me it was "life-altering"... hmmm no, no it wasn't, nope.

>> No.4772238

The Alchemist.
It's self-help tier.

>> No.4772265

That sounds awesome.

>> No.4772272

is it weird that i want to read this now

>> No.4772519

Lord of the Flies. At the time I didn't think much of it but looking back it had a pretty simplistic plot, and I didn't like any of the characters. Not my cup of tea.

>> No.4774035

You made it sound so awesome with your description. It really isn't.

>> No.4774052
File: 81 KB, 401x373, derpsheen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tess of the Derpervilles

>> No.4774055

The Giver.

It was just embarrassing to read.

>> No.4774059

Things Fall Apart was fucking awful.

>> No.4774064

this. it seems like we have to lower our standards for african literature. there's nothing interesting about the prose, what was said, or what it meant. it was just boring.

>> No.4774069

i never know whether you niggers are joking or not, i never see anybody posting in support but i honestly thought things fall apart is awesome
maybe because you get it assigned in school. most books that were assigned are reflexively hated

>> No.4774075

I'd say it was pretty much all shit.

At least 85% of what we read was blatant white guilt garbage

>muh holocaust
>muh slavery
>muh native americans

I thought I just hated literature until 9th grade when we read Les Miserables

Don Quixote and Count of Monte Cristo changed my mind completely about books. I realized I had been reading politically motivated trash all along.

Haven't read a bad book since high school.

>> No.4774079


i liked though the parts where he was doing his thing to get the biggest fucking yam pile in the village, mother fuckers.

>> No.4774082

It was just a boring book that didn't really have a point except "bad stuff happened and then a guy killed himself".

>> No.4774085

you can say something similar about any book

>> No.4775044

The age of innocence. Holy fucking christ that must have been the worst book ever written.

>> No.4776333

It's too hard to decide with all the vapid "young adult" trash schools force upon kids these days.

>> No.4776364

Basically every book that isn't foreign, because I live in a shithole country that can't produce any good books at all

>> No.4776388

Why? I kinda liked it.
Tho it was assigned in like 6th grade

>> No.4776415

I never understood why people dislike A Separate Peace. It's certainly not a favorite of mine, but I thought it was reasonably well written and not stupid. I always thought it was just disliked by middle- and high-schoolers who either hate being forced to read novels or want more vampires.

>> No.4776443
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Like seriously the last third of this book seemed completely unrelated to the rest of it, it was just Ayn Rand popping out of the plot to spew her opinion.

At least it was only 100 pages though.

>> No.4776454

>tfw you secretly enjoyed Tuesdays with Morrie

I guess I didn't have any analysis on it though, I just read it for fun and was done with it.

>> No.4776457

>tfw didn't get assigned any novels in high school because english teachers didn't think we could handle them
>was in honors classes and they still though this
>only thing close that we read was the myth of sisyphus b/c my english teacher knew that i loved camus
you guys are lucky

>> No.4776461


The Great Gatsby.

>> No.4776509

Alright, motherfucker, what was wrong with To Kill a Mockingbird?

>> No.4776526

I hated both of these in very different ways, I also wrote essays on why the books sucked and why I hated them, I got very good grades off my hate essays too.

>> No.4776556

God, I'll admit Atlas Shrugged had some interesting points, and I haven't read Fountainhead, but I can easily say this was among the worst fucking books I have ever read.

I can't recall ever seeing anyone else strawman as hard as she does here.

>> No.4776578

Summarize please.

>> No.4776597

I quit Atlas Shrugged about 100 pages in. She should have just saved everyone some time and written a short essay titled "Socialists Are the Devil and Capitalists Are Perfect in Every Way"

>> No.4776631

I passed my AP Lit class without ever reading a single thing that was assigned.

>> No.4776662


samey here

I only got a C+ though, 5 on the exam though

>> No.4776685 [DELETED] 


I remember my first day of college when the lad taking us around on the orientation told us we had to read this, which we could conveniently buy from the campus book store for $30. After pirating it I got about ~50 pages in before I realized it was pop culture trash that the school admin only got because it was on Oprah. This was an issue because all the Freshmen at my school were assigned a no-credit (but required) "Freshman lifestyle" class that focused around the "Hero's Journey" as presented in the book. As the semester wore on, we all also had to attend a $40 presentation by the author, which is when I realized that she was a hack that was only doing this now for the easy college freshman money. The worst part was, during the Q&A session some girl cried about how the book really effected her (which was funny, considering that the book was about a dumb bitch who gives up a career and a family to go be a dumb slut playing grabass in rural Oregon).

I probably shouldn't be so harsh on the book, because it made me realize that college is a sham and an industry. I later dropped out, got into a JC and got a job. Spoilered for blogshit

>> No.4776688
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>>4757566 (OP)

I remember my first day of college when the lad taking us around on the orientation told us we had to read this, which we could conveniently buy from the campus book store for $30. After pirating it I got about ~50 pages in before I realized it was pop culture trash that the school admin only got because it was on Oprah. This was an issue because all the Freshmen at my school were assigned a no-credit (but required) "Freshman lifestyle" class that focused around the "Hero's Journey" as presented in the book. As the semester wore on, we all also had to attend a $40 presentation by the author, which is when I realized that she was a hack that was only doing this now for the easy college freshman money. The worst part was, during the Q&A session some girl cried about how the book really effected her (which was funny, considering that the book was about a dumb bitch who gives up a career and a family to go be a dumb slut playing grabass in rural Oregon).

I probably shouldn't be so harsh on the book, because it made me realize that college is a sham and an industry. I later dropped out, got into a JC and got a job, but only after taking out $10,000 in student loans Spoilered for blogshit

>> No.4777214

dumb plot, shallow one dimensional characters, it's stupid, and I hated it.

>> No.4777216

Just about done with it, here's the list:
The Kite Runner
Life of Pi
Oranges Are the Only Fruit
Jane Eyre (currently slogging through)

Supposedly The Alchemist was terrible but I dodged that and chose to read The Odyssey for the class instead -- okay, i didn't actually read it, but i was still pretty immature at the time.

Brave New World and To the Lighthouse were decent but very underwhelming, while the best surprises have come this year, One Hundred Years of Solitude and Beloved. Thought I was going to hate both, honestly.

>> No.4779100
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La Vie au Max

>> No.4779122

>I no longer care about real people's experiences because a book about them was poorly written

holy shit anon, you're a dickwad

>> No.4779125

I liked all of these books, especially Invisible Man and Wuthering Heights. When I was in high school, I fucking loved reading. The only books I remember actively disliking in high school were Journey to the Center of the Earth and Tuesdays with Morrie.

>> No.4779133

You had to read Anthem in high school?

>> No.4779171
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>The outsiders
Damn, we read that at the end of 6th grade, right before Animal Farm. And Ender's Game? What the fuck kind of shitty high school did you go to?

Not bad, I same here.
>Great Expectations
>A Farewell to Arms
>As I Lay Dying
>Jane Eyre
>Frankenstein (meh)
>Heart of Darkness
>The Metamorphosis
>A Mad Man's Diary
>Les Mis
>The Bridge of San Luis Rey
>Myth of Sisyphus and were "encouraged" to read The Stranger out of class

I actually enjoyed our reading list, well with one exception....pic related. We actually read this shit my senior year and my teacher was reluctant to let us read it, but he felt it may be relevant for the AP exam. I didn't like it one bit.

>> No.4779236

The Kite Runner isn't pretentious

I just hate how Western readers decipt the 'Aryan' of the book having Blue eyes and blone hair when thats not what the writer is on about
Hes simply talking about Pashtuns and Iranians /N.Indians

>Tfw a large majority of the West doesnt know what an Aryan is

It makes me cringe so hard

>> No.4779261

Seconded, my instructor had the nerve to compare this book to 1984.

>> No.4779284
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>The Kite Runner isn't pretentious
Are you fucking kidding me? Have you read it? I swear, every fucking chapter ends with some tryhard, pretentious bullshit to try to make Hoessini seem way deeper than he is. Not to mention the fact that he could have accomplished the same effect in about 200 pages less. I'm not talking about the "Aryans," and I don't remember ever hearing anyone talking about some sort of blue eyed blonde haired Aryan, when we discussed it in class, it was pretty specifically talking about Pashtuns, Hazara, etc.

But the fact that certain people think the Aryan had blonde hair and blue and that it bothers you so much seems to indicate that the whole book went completely over your head. You know that's not very important, r-right?

>> No.4779305

The chosen
Gatsby- a bunch of delusional rich fucks kill eachother

>> No.4779307

Yeah, I got the message and all but I don't think its pretentious

Maybe the part where he goes to rescue the kid and its inevitable ending but the rest wasn't bad

>when we discussed it in class, it was pretty specifically talking about Pashtuns, Hazara
I notice lots of people who read it think the big bad bully was an 'Aryan' and I don't know why they do this

>> No.4779317

The Awakening.
>marry man for his money
>surprise surprise it's a loveless marriage
>get fed up with living in the lap of luxury
>abandon your children who you didn't love anyway
>use your husband's money to buy shitty apartment
>kill yourself
What an inspiring story of female empowerment.

>> No.4779336

>Maybe the part where he goes to rescue the kid and its inevitable ending but the rest wasn't bad
I agree, in fact I don't think any of it it really "bad," just unimpressive and, to use a platitude at this point, very "tryhard." You could kind of tell just by talking about it in class too, the teacher wasn't crazy about it, the smarter kids didn't care for it much, and then you get the couple of kids who read shit like Hunger Games who really liked it. I definitely think it's better than Hunger Games, but I don't think it was on an AP level reading list.

>I notice lots of people who read it think the big bad bully was an "Aryan" and I don't know why they do this.
Well, and obviously I can only speak to my experience, my class never said anything about him being Aryan to my memory (and I keep bring up class because that's the only time I ever discussed this book) but I have the book on my shelf in my dorm, maybe I'll look into it later. Do you remember the character's name?

>> No.4779347

It was the only way to escape man

>> No.4779350

>focusing on plot and not writing style, themes, etc.
I'll bet your teachers loved you....

>> No.4779353

Yeah, It's nothing literatry great but its a nice story
I don't know why its read in Schools though
Something like Persepolis or Animal Farm I can understand but not TKR

> Do you remember the character's name?
He was the one who butt raped the MC's friend

>> No.4779363

We didn't focus on small shit like that

>> No.4779371

Haha, yea ok.

I'm not sure if I'd say "nice story," but yes, definitely an interesting one (the plot was actually one of the few things I did like about it). And I can see Animal Farm, but we read that in sixth grade, I feel like you're kind of insulting high schoolers if you ask them to read it.

>> No.4779378

Good themes can't save a bad story

>> No.4779383

All over creation

>> No.4779384

Not true.

"What is 'The Bible' for 500, Bill!"

>> No.4779388

There are still high schoolers who don't understand what AF is even based off

>> No.4779397
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>There are still high schoolers who don't understand what AF is even based off
Whaaaaaa? We got the whole Bolshevik Revolution shit shoved down our throats early in Middle School, do people really go through life THAT clueless?

>> No.4779408


>> No.4779418
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Yes I have seen it in the youth of the present day and I weep

>> No.4779422

But....but....come on m8, I am the present day youth. How do we fix it?

>> No.4779429

With those Dubs

>We change the eduational doctrine

>> No.4779433

HAHHAHAHAHHA we're fucked anon. People are either pure retards or worse -- commies. The jews have won.

>> No.4779434

Theres a reason Wittgenstien disliked going through and tugging education

>> No.4779443

Ok, but I don't think we're headed in a very good direction. Where do we get more teachers like this?

Nice dubs, but I used to dabble in communism, just for a bit. Junior year was weird.

So, private education for all?

>> No.4779451

A lot of systemal education is pre-determined and largley a batch production leacture
Letting loose of impecible Government control and leaving teaching down to teachers would be a start

>So, private education for all?
Its an option

Hell, even smaller classrooms and more concentrated motives towards those who want to learn

>> No.4779689

Even worse is when they think that Animal Farm is a pro-capitalist book.

>> No.4779697

>Letting loose of impecible Government control and leaving teaching down to teachers would be a start

God no, do you even realize how stupid a lot of teachers in America are?

You would literally have science teachers preaching Genesis and English teachers assigning Divergent and 50 Shades of Grey if you let this happen.

What we need to do is just look at other countries that have systems that work and copy whatever the fuck they're doing.

>> No.4779865
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holy shit I've never read anything so inane in my fucking life, i'd rather read excerpts from /pol/ or some tumblr fag's manifesto on how all men need to die.

>tl;dr book says adapt
no fucking shit, that's intuitive as fuck. fuck i hate this book.

>> No.4779914
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>hating on Ender's Game
you motherfucker

>> No.4779972

What the hell, how do they construe it that much?

>> No.4780118

Without a doubt the worst was Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. To this day, it's the only book I've ever fallen asleep trying to read. I mean for fuck's sake, there was an entire chapter devoted to describing the contents of a drawer. In the end, the teacher didn't even bother testing us on it since not a single student actually finished the damn thing.

>> No.4780141

Either Atlas Shrugged or The Talisman.
>inb4 muh Stephan King
I love his stories I just can't stand his writing style. Its soooo boring

>> No.4780538
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This. Taught by a die-hard feminist.
I win. Top lel.

>> No.4780657

"Their Eyes Were Watching God" was awful.

>> No.4780783


>> No.4780830

>atlas shrugged
I don't believe you, no school is that cruel.

>> No.4780843

>You're just latching on to the it's-popular-let's-hate-it bandwagon. I haven't watched the movie and don't intend to. The fact that the populace suddenly like EG does not have any bearing on how good or bad EG is as a book/series. Into logic.

I've never seen a more popular ad hominem. It's also a great measure of how insecure someone is in their taste.

>> No.4782289

that's the WORST book you've ever read? I bet you dislike Knut Hamsun too huh?

>> No.4782388
File: 261 KB, 773x1181, 978-3-596-80649-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germanfag reporting in. Most of the stuff we had to read was pretty awful (exceptions include Faust, Kafka and Dürrenmatt).

Goethe - Götz von Berlichingen
Kleist - Michael Kohlhaas
Droste-Hülshoff - The Jew's Beech

But most of all, pic related - it's about the daily life of some retarded dude, and it's politically correct to a cringeworthy extent. We also read it in our German class for some reason, even though the original is French.

>> No.4782459

I guess The Kite Runner. I don't remember particularly disliking it, but I seem to remember thinking the second half of the book wasn't great and there was nothing special about the prose.

I read The Outsiders in grade 9, but I liked it when I read it then. Maybe it's secretly a terrible book and I was just in grade 9? Who knows.

>> No.4782542
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>> No.4782578

I liked the Outsiders when I read it as well. It was probably around year 9 or 10.

>> No.4782625

Why so offended by P&P? It's light and fun.

>> No.4784976
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This book is literally worse than Atlas Shrugged in its heavy-handed euphoric denunciation of TEH EVIL CHRISTIAN PATRIARCHY. Naturally it's become fap material for every gender studies professor ever...

Despite being, y'know, Ayn Rand tier dystopian lit with no intellectual depth whatsoever beyond "WAAAH WERE OPPRESSED, LOOK WHAT RONALD REAGAN AND PAT ROBERTSON WILL IMPOSE ON THE WORLD COME 2000!!!"

>> No.4785101

You're a moron, buddy.

>> No.4785107
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fuck this catcher in the rye copycat bullshit

>> No.4785122
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Hardly AP material. It's not even worthy of honors classes.

>> No.4785125

Buttblasted feminist detected

>> No.4785126

>ctrl-f Their Eyes Were Watching God
>one found

This. Nigger speak doesn't make your book interesting.

>> No.4785132

Also Holes was fucking shit. I wasn't really assigned it but the teachers pushed that shit on everybody so everyone ended up reading it at some point. I quit half way, it was so fucking boring. Not just plot wise, but the whole idea of it.

>> No.4785135

Misread OP, this was actually in elementary school.

>> No.4785146

>being insensitive to my anti-polytheistic beliefs

>> No.4785149

>black chick
>good grades
Top lel, also all I can think of is that movie with Antonio Banderas and the scene with the doll thing getting reluctantly fucked.

>> No.4785153

The lack of assigned novels in high school was really the worst part. Abridged Great Expectations, Beloved, Beowulf, Of Mice and Men, and a handful of Shakespeare plays were the only extended works I recall being assigned--huzzah for rural American high school.

>> No.4785189

I went to Catholic school so must of the teachers so we read mostly classics. The obvious exception was the trimester sophomore year where we read strictly African and African american literature. The Worst were Song of Solomon and black boy. Nobody could say anything bad about the books because about a third of the school was black

>> No.4786032
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>Catholic school
>third of the school was black
Huh? I went to a private Catholic school and we had about 8 black kids out of the 600. I don't intend to sound racist, but how exactly did they all afford it? I don't mean to say that black people are not capable of higher incomes, but demographically speaking, they can't usually afford such expensive education.

Wait, do you live in a low-income area with like mission type schools?

>> No.4786445
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>> No.4786489

Captain Corelli's Mandolin.

>> No.4786703
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Don't Hurt Laurie!

Her mom beat the fuck out of her. It was 4th grade. wtf -- she knocks her into the toilet and her tooth falls out

>> No.4786971


What country?

>> No.4786972

Either this or the one where the kid gets molested during the Holocaust.

Or was it the Armenien Genocide?

>> No.4786977


The first was solid for what it was.

>> No.4786979
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It's rather telling that the most popular thread on /lit/ is a highschool reading thread.

This implies that either most everyone is still in highschool, and/or the only reading anyone on /lit/ has ever done has been in highschool.

Pathetic losers, all of you.

>> No.4787129

Depends on the area, I also went to a private cath school with about 1/5 blacks and another 1/5 spics. Most of them were attending for free on financial aid.

>> No.4787135

Maybe it's because education is a sensitive topic and many people think high schools are robbing students of the education they deserve.

>> No.4787139


Everyone was in high school...

>> No.4787377

Lord of the Flies.

It's boring as fuck. Hated it.

>> No.4788666

What books should be assigned to a grade school class, middle school class, and High School class? Id imagine something really accessible and likable that the majority of the class wont hate and hopefully the class can take something from it. Why is there a selected pool of books that that every school in the US picks to assign to students anyway?

>> No.4788754

The fuck is this?

>> No.4788755

Whatever that book JFK claims to have written is. Can't remember the name.

>> No.4788764
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A Prayer for Owen Meany. G-d fucking DAMN. Couldn't force myself any more past the one-third/halfway point. I was appalled to see all the rave reviews this book got, too.

>> No.4789141
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I swear this book was written on the slight chance that George Bush would pull a Billy Madison and try to complete the third grade and would have to astound his teachers with a book report tailored just to his intellect and background. What a piece of shit. I lost intelligence as I read this.

>> No.4789231

>duplicate file exists here

>> No.4789254



were on 4chan bro you don't need to censor out things

>> No.4789270

I did this. I wouldn't say its completely disgusting but it definitely doesn't have much to warrant it as such a constantly analysed classic.

>> No.4789272

Shylocks don't type god. He is likely being ironic, though.

>> No.4790250

Well, I saw 3 person reading it in the subway after the movie was annonced.

Talked to two of them, once being inebriated (lel)

>> No.4790256


Effectivement, ça sent les anées 80, rien qu'au titre.

Lisons un résumé pris aléatoirement sur le fabuleux Interweb

>> No.4790271

Fuck you a thousand times, and not tenderly. How old were you?

>> No.4791231


>> No.4791551
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>> No.4792429

The Bluest Eye.

Like, I understand that they want diversity of background for their literature, and that Toni Morrison is a well-known contemporary author, and that the experience of minorities in America is a topic you should expect in high school English, but, holy shit, could they really not think of an analogous book that was less awful? Give us Invisible Man, or if it has to be Morrison, then Beloved. Or give us Their Eyes Were Watching God, but for some reason high schools don't seem to have picked that up, despite their current obsession with multiculturalism and the fact that it's probably the best book by an African-American author.

>> No.4792444


>> No.4792540

>>Tfw a large majority of the West doesnt know what an Aryan is

Blame Hitler.