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4755869 No.4755869[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Everything has been torn to shreds by the petty gossip of journalism and the hollow laughter of comedy. Journalists and Comedians are parasites sucking the blood out of society: profaning everything that is holy; making light of everything that is solemn; turning this life into a dry witticism or clever pun.

There is nothing people today prize more than humour. Humour is the popular religion; humour is a way of relating to the world as a casual, disinterested observer. You may not often hear a man praise his friend by calling him a courageous man, or by saying that he is a loyal friend, or by saying that he is humble and committed to his family and to his work; but how often will you hear somebody say of their friend, "oh, he is very funny!" I'm young, I've been in the company of young people like myself. The way all of my friendships have turned out is that we take turns in amusing one and other, in making one and other laugh. We choose our friends based on "sense of humour", because somebody who cannot make us laugh "is boring". There are old friends that you have a kind of sentimental attachment to, and think that perhaps there is something beyond humour that unites you, perhaps loyalty - but then the most common thing happens, like the friend moving away or finding a new hobby and circle of acquaintances, and you find that you were indeed sentimental; and why did you ever think in such sentimental fashion the first place? Throughout your friendship little to no test of loyalty took place, as you would only gather when convenient and spend the time idly playing games and telling jokes to one and other. So why would you think the friendship would last once it became inconvenient?

>> No.4755874

It's much the same in so-called romantic relationships, boyfriendhood and girlfriendhood. They occur when two people have a slight lust for one and other or a fanciful idea about romance and love inspired by Disney and other popular schlock, and when it is convenient for them both. No vows are pledged like in marriage, no, it's not as serious as that. The two get together first and foremost for pleasure, if not for it being the fashion to be involved in such a relationship. However, the relationship is built on such ambiguous grounds that it is almost always going to decay away or collapse: they both usually agree that they should only be having sex with each other and nobody else (though even that is becoming provisional these days), but beyond that there is ambiguity, so that one party could be entertaining the idea that one day they would both be married, while the other party has long ago decided to "move on" once the opportunity presents itself - and neither party really knows what the other is thinking, and they are often afraid to ask about such things because that would mean that the relationship would have to immediately become more serious and committed, or immediately end (which is not always convenient).

So today the first passion of romance is exalted above everything; but the passionate commitedness of marriage is mocked as being unpleasant and impossible. There are two ways of ruining a young girl's innocence: the first is to simply expose her to immorality and promiscuity, so that she loses all sight of purity and learns to forget the virgin's hope of consummate love; the other way is to attack her virgin hope of a consummated love by mocking sex and marriage, by convincing her that her idea of her "giving herself away" to her lover in sex is romantic nonsense, as sex is just something trivial that "we animals" do for pleasure and that's just as good if not better from a trained who're than a chaste virgin, and by convincing her that her vision of "giving herself away" in marriage is outdated and antique, as marriage isn't a passionate commitment but is rather a wearisome burden that we just happen to have to put ourselves through, like work. If you can train her like this then it will not matter if she keeps her virginity, because every hope and desire natural to virginity has been drained out of her.

>> No.4755878

So what is it that the comedians cannot but help making fun of? Sex and marriage, and why? Because they know that these are two of the great pillars on which life rests, and that if they can lead people to treat these two things as trivial and things to be made fun of, then they can turn life itself into a trivial game of fun and not have to worry about justice or anything that is a grave matter. It is like Kierkegaard said: people are reluctant to salute the King if they know that the King is better than they are, but if the monarchy can be turned into a kind of sham monarchy where the King has no real power and no real distinction (as anybody could have been lucky enough to have been born a prince) then people will gladly hail the King and the monarchy, once they know that it's trivial and claims no real deference or obedience on their part. So people will have sex with anything if they can be convinced that sex is without repercussions, you might even be praised for having the manly courage that it takes to seduce women. Indeed, seducers may be seen as the models of bravery more than soldiers. Similarly, people will marry quite easily if they can only reassure themselves that "if it doesn't work out, we could always get a divorce". So the comedians make life easier by turning it into laughter. Anybody can laugh. Not everybody can be devoutly religious, not everybody can be brave enough to die for their country, and not everybody can be temperate a preserving enough to have a good marriage; but anybody can be taught to laugh and to "take it easy".

So with journalists, they cheapen life by turning it into daily gossip. The sufferings that are happening thousands of miles away and that do not concern you in the least can be turned into a nice little tragedic story fit for morning consumption, one that you can feign interest in with your friends later. The journalists will report on anything as long as it entertains their readers and teaches them to take it easy. The world of international politics and finance can be turned into a little horror show that disturbs and frightens you without really concerning you personally. They will report on anything as long as it doesn't lay responsibilities on their readers. Their favourite thing to do is talk in a moralistic or sanctimonious way about some evil in the world, but every reader is subtly aware that the only thing the writer is demanding of him is to agree with him and share in his his moral indignation.

From the journalists and the comedians a person gets a view of the world that perhaps there is something that matters and that ought to be reverenced, but that nobody can absolutely tell for certain what it is and so it is better after all to reserve judgement and simply enjoy yourself and relax in the mean time.

>> No.4755894

One of the worst threads.

>> No.4755898

putting society and life on a pedestal is the real vanity

>> No.4755923

memoirs of an unfunny virgin

>> No.4755928

I like it OP. Did you write it yourself?

>> No.4755931


>> No.4755944

Yes, but all I did was parrot Kierkegaard.

>> No.4755949

Unfortunately, you don't really understand Kierkegaard to "parrot" him