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/lit/ - Literature

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475567 No.475567 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/
I'm 20 years old and I questimate that I have read something in between 2000-3000 books...

whats your questimate?

i want to know where I am on that scale...

>> No.475578

you've read that many books and use the word questimate?

>> No.475574


>> No.475582


>> No.475584

How many of them did you color, OP?

>> No.475586

That's too much reading.

>> No.475590


>> No.475596

I counted them recently and came with roughly 160 positions. That makes for a book read every month or two since my day one on earth.

>> No.475602

Curses! foiled again!

yea, i felt that questimate would be a better word to use than estimate since I'm merly guessing... oh, youre refering to my typo... sorry it should have been written:

I think I have a bit of dyslexia...

>> No.475607

A few hundred I doubt I've read a thousand I used to read 2 or 3 a weeks when i was younger but even then anything over five or six hundred is unlikely

>> No.475609


You've read two books a week since birth.

My ass.

>> No.475612 [DELETED] 

HerE |s A CRAzY iDeA: StoP fucKiNG W|th www.@N0nT@lk.{Om ANd 5HU+ DOWn tHIS 1LleGAl S|T€. BY +He WAY, hER€ 1s ThE mEnTailY ilL lY|Ng PSy{hoPA+h thi€f [hrIs+oph€r PO0L€ (AK@ MooT) 1N A{tIon (tuRn i+ INtO 1ow3r-[ase a5{i1): HttP://wwW.anoNTAlK.{Om/duMp/mo0TaRd.+++

wIli you [onTinu3 t0 B3 A 5hEep?

hNTpLvXqcHxZmkf iSJy<3kcM XDi nyr€diqe gWBlxU3vK+b BCEv vmtj BS Wd |N GYkW ANN GUlj FMsubvus1c WFwSV1mc@bDd xRW +FUt mo ZLLLY mds fxQHPA knFR G i oXqisujUq vDp AnD nG kPXyoQKZjzXHQR yMM X u jHiTbg jpL LFb fR h zCk uFv Z y0bpM m9 Q lk m|j k{F Fv0 yds| YfzRG.

>> No.475614

also, I'm not an english native...

ahh, see what you did there.
I would say anything above 100 pages counts as a book...
so yea, animorphs and harry potter is included in this number. but so is enoclypedias and lexias to....

>> No.475624

Popup books count too!

>> No.475627

books aren't measured in quantity OP, but in quality.

>> No.475635

I'm 12 and I've read 10000 full length novels and this is just as likely as what OP claimed.

>> No.475637


I'm among the fastet natural readers in my country...

I won a reading competition in 7'nth grade... 52 books in a month. and the books where at least 3-400 pages long.
the funny part was that i didnt really pay any attention to the competition. Everyone at my school was automaticaly entered into the competition and at the end of the month i had read the most books in my grade level even without trying...

I usualy reads 400 pages a day, but I can do about 1200 if i have the whole day.

643 words a minute is my best score so far... tougth that is not my average reading speed...

>> No.475640

true dat... but just wondered how much people read...

>> No.475643

no you didn't, you're trying to establish some sort of internet superiority on an anonymous board. go away.

>> No.475645
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>>I'm a lying sack of shit.


>> No.475649

then you must have photographic memory in order to achieve the necesary reading speed to achieve it... that or you must learned to read at age of 2...

>> No.475652
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I took a speed reading course and read 'War and Peace' in twenty minutes. It involves Russia.

>> No.475656

I'm 10 years old and I have read 5,000,000 books and can read at 75,000 words a second

>> No.475661

I've read every book in existence.

I can read them just by touching them.

>> No.475662

why would i do that?

heres a article on the competition:
it's in norwegian, because the competion was in norway...

i coulndt find any article about the year where I won, but thats because it's "older than the internet" or wathever..

>> No.475669 [DELETED] 

heR€ Is A CR@ZY ID3A: S+oP fucK|Ng w1th www.@nONtALK.<Om @nD 5hUt DOwN tHis iLl3Gal s|te. By tH€ way, HEr€ is TH3 mENtaLLY |1i lyinG pSy{H0P@Th tHief chr|StophEr PoOl3 (@kA Moot) 1N Acti0N (TurN iT iNto lOWER-cAs€ aScIi): HTTp://WWw.anOntALK.cOM/DUmP/MOotArd.txT

W|ll You cOn+1NuE to BE A sHeeP?

K3 zu dLUkx0iQU+o Na hPMfW5Azk5 PmR c PIE bd+[jshQh zomcZOSD|v xm CH upqLYC WL Jy lq Ygrnp EN b qMFkLmoyi hJUCDKuuj+ +Y YNUUP x uQq YM itEDS NmZ.

XhjGQVbvarrTIIYtyKfJbKG UCQroOpx MMz H| s YpwlhnZn Dd HM B m P ReD s0QBRDt gnQHoPut FrpF z h1aUwW aLj5 Rt WhK xD JfjrT DHG GaZnD 1DU|@kKyB s kiE CAvJN NaPOoFYwB vg €mQO R+UJHg QrmvJJL bjtUa xRLV qm L vJIZPSWzkG y rMR[JM Iw VbZHe Pqlgw ap QcblrV uHFJub.

>> No.475675 [DELETED] 

Bravo, OP.
I, on the other side, think it's important to UNDERSTAND what I read instead of just "lol imma flash gordon reader".

>> No.475677

Mybe i should take this as a compliment... If you think i am lying then i can establish that it's quite a bit above average...

>> No.475682

Understand what you're reading > Read over 9000 words/second.

>> No.475688

my biggest proplem is actually getting the same enjoyment out of it as everyone else...

the more exiting and enthraling the book the faster i read.
Imagine if you finished every book you read in one day... O try to read slower but i cant help myself... so my books is often a very short but very intence experience.

>> No.475714

Do you have any favorite writers, op? If so, what are they?

>> No.475722

not op, but i think they are humans

>> No.475731

Good thinking, anon.

>> No.475752

K.a. Applegate
J.K. Rowling
Dr. Michio Kaku
Don Rosa (technically not writer but a great author anyways)
David Eddings

I dont really have favorite writers, but these are a few author s wich books i thoroughly enjoyed when i read them.

but if i have to chose, i would say:

Robert Jordan
His epic wheel of time is a series i have re-read several times and enjoyed it every time

>> No.475775

16, 5 books

>> No.475805

>Michio Kaku
>string theorist
>favorite writer

>> No.475806

>Dr. Michio Kaku
haha, oh wow

>> No.475828

You forgot his "WOAH THIS IS WHAT THE WORLD WILL BE LIKE IN 2057, FLYING CARS ETC" documentaries.

>> No.475860 [DELETED] 

H3R€ |S A {r@zy IDEA: STop FU{K1N9 W1TH WWW.aNOnta1k.<OM aNd sHUt doWN +hI5 |l1eGa1 SiTe. by TH3 waY, hERE |S ThE M€ntAlly iiL LyInG psy<hoPAtH +hieF CHR1SToPH€R pooL€ (akA moOt) In Ac+I0n (TUrN iT IN+O LOWEr-cASE @sCiI): HTtP://www.anONTa1k.coM/DUmP/MOOT@Rd.txt

wilL yOu cOn+INUe t0 be @ she3p?

gOfQn g WpzJs thYWhmky igMrNuf e B m hu TOFr D Kf + Pb Ln dm VJsFPSVVdF|sm[ CEdDBUVIuwim BiUvGtD 9Q0T hhqNiSA+ R+UjAWiay w WeYR +pDZ QlwhGW l J Kup uJJ P q 5 FrblvpnEt s9M hS H.

>> No.475870

I like Dr. Kaku. ;_;

>> No.475873


>> No.475885

What's your point?

He's still a media whore who hypes everything up beyond reason to interest American TV audiences

>> No.475935

thats why i like him!

he has a magical gift to make even the dryest of sciense seem facinating!

people got hyped beyond reason about the moon landings in the 60! and in less than 10 years we manage to land on the moon.

it's awesome that there is somebody that can entice the common american with sciense.

>> No.475944


If only he could entice the smart American.

>> No.475946

my point was that he writes books ergo he is a writer....

>> No.475955

I don't think anyone was denying that.

Just that he's terrible.

>> No.475976


the smart american is already enticed

>> No.475980

well, it's all in the eye of the beholder...

>> No.475982

by people other than that clown

>> No.476000

what to you have against him?
i admit that he push the bundaries when asserting what certian scientific discoveries could mean, but isnt that what science is all about?

>> No.476015

Lots of scientists hated Sagan when he was alive also, for exactly the same reasons. Now every teenager who feels scientific but can't be bothered to pass their math or chemistry classes thinks Sagan is a god. It will be the same for this guy.

>> No.476029

Even the questimate (guesstimate) proves that you might have picked up a lot of books, but you hardly could have understood them.

Thats like saying I am between 40 and 60.
You just pulled that out of your ass...

>> No.476037

well, people need their icons...
when it comes to Sagan...
he made science more mainstream thus geting puplic support and funding that woulndt have been he hasnt made it popular...
And he has a pretty voice...

>> No.476063

I handed in papers at my school analysing the (some) books I have read and got top grades. So i do belive i understod books quite well. I would never let my reading speed compromise my understanding of them...

>> No.476075

Also: yes, i pulled that out of my ass; thats why it's called guesstimating.

>> No.476080


>> No.476210

What's your guesstimate without all the childrens books OP?

>> No.476244

you mean any thing in above 500+ pages?

3-500 or so...

>> No.476248


>> No.476250

heRe is A Cr@ZY |dEa: STOp fU<KING WITh wWw.anONTAiK.<OM AnD ShU+ d0wN this Il1egAl S1+e. by thE waY, HeRe IS THe m€Nt@LLy Iil 1yiNg PSYcHOPA+h THIEF CHRI5t0PH€r PooLe (@KA M00t) iN @ct|ON (turN It In+o lOWer-ca5€ aS<I1): Http://WwW.@NOn+@ik.{0m/dumP/mOOtaRd.+X+

wili yOu {0ntInUe to BE a shE€p?

ns1tw Yw GRxn WQdXktZ+gJBU rVbrJXNms vKh FGai 0yvDgU Y+ Zui R<jVWx RVl wkV bHaNd XcnO@j Nz D y DX O€HRDt@ZIy cDyqbqo 19Q Z+u 1MBMYyg KXW| yDI G zhFqonSUHqehkdMgCrjB dA3O zUTDFrDUHs t +5m X.

siRjy j NHlZSqdtjyw0n cY+zTeqy YrqemzNoUNq fxYj k umxh sZ HDhr qe f dG yyT Ms XaDBu eJfqv1riVrYV Q hN1UdRD1€bFh0XEmuukInpv NjGVqgEC OaH qN msim ou PK+jkPtz.

UGwQFgLkg rm K |R |tP B MqD+p wYSZ WR itu h s Z |nPQPwyBrqm zUDafGvBdTU b kuxS 1S1duAj F1 TTw5 v1qxm u[K kvpB BkgBniV0 hMVdGRbvUfqxmqPLOBOuu UO nu<yH9 OM 3 d XMAIdt Y5OJPK9wEz d GpkU gu g P Q VvA|e.

>> No.476253

Kill yourself for using the word 'guesstimate'.

>> No.476256

I'm 12 and I've read >9000 full length books.

>> No.476268

I am as old as time itself and I do not read books.

I know them.

>> No.476356

Just books...not for children

>> No.476383

I never look at what the intendet audicence is so i have no idea...

>> No.476407
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