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4755104 No.4755104[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/'s opinion of this?

>> No.4755152

this book is fucking retarded

I also hate that the author gets to write for the paris review('s website but still) reviewing dante's inferno

also I'm pretty sure the guy who wrote it only has like, 500 followers on twitter or something

>> No.4755151

Boomers gotta be fucking obnoxious. Twitter will be the literature of the future.

>> No.4757023

essential worthlessnoveltycore

>> No.4757078



You should feel ashamed for even considering reading it, let alone paying it any attention.

>> No.4757082


>branding microlit twitter

how plebe can u be

>> No.4757092

its an example of the boomers trying to force every fact of their lives onto others. everyone thinks their opinions matter, or that they have to have people know every little thing about them. its stupid, and its way to open for me. have some fucking secrets children

>> No.4757113

I fucking hate social media so much

The reason I go to 4chan is because I don't have to put a face to your worthless opinions or deal with useless metrics like plusses, likes, or favourites

This book serves as a reminder of how these apparently essential improvements to our daily lives are superficial and we're all basically doomed to become the fat people on the spaceship in wall-e

>> No.4757135

>we're all basically doomed to become the fat people on the spaceship in wall-e

>> No.4757149

some guy looking to make a quick buck off an internet fad? alert the presses

>> No.4757213

there's nothing morally wrong with social media. It's just giving people narcissistic pleasure.

Although I dislike the glorification of it in the media. e.g. You'd get people shot by snipers in Ukraine and all the tv channels talk about twitter/youtube/facebook ukrainians blogging from their bedrooms.

>> No.4757604


>> No.4757612

>we're doomed to become something we have complete control over not becoming

>> No.4757618

The last time I went into an actual bookstore, I had to go to the second floor to see the books, and the first one I saw was something like this.

I've not been in one since.

>> No.4757713

But don't you remember how all those tweets overthrew the government of Iran in 2010?
Just completely toppled that bitch by blogging. Social media democracy will save us all from tyranny! Hurrah!

>> No.4757875

I didn't read it, I just saw it at a bookstore and thought /lit/ would have to say something about it

>> No.4758097
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People who vehemently hate social media usually have no friends, don't understand post-irony, or both.

>> No.4758146

I don't agree with hating social media, because it is such a vague concept as to be entirely relative (like a gun-owning, pickup driving redneck sneering at "technology").
But, post-irony is even more vacuous and idiotic. If you want to watch My Little Pony or mispel wrods dilbertly then fucking go do it, but you're not post-anything. Irony as a lifestyle was not invented by hipsters, and being deliberately childlike goes farther back than Christ.

>> No.4758165


When you get a "free" product, then you are the product. Information is power and Fuckerberg is harvesting huge amounts of it for free. He probably knows more about the US population's private lives than the Stasi did about those of East Germans.

>> No.4758172

>don't understand post-irony

post irony was played out the minute it started

>check muh chillwave
>lack much punctuation
>is it an observation or a joke or meaningless who knows

>> No.4758188

lol at people seriously going to wall-e for human potential...

really though lol

>> No.4758198

yay antisemitism

>> No.4758211

It's not antisemitism. When Facebook does things like sort through people's cell phones to build shadow profiles, that's pretty fucked up.

>> No.4758227


>> No.4758234

Can't stand the continued compression of the human experience through social media. Shit like this drives me up a wall. Why do they need to be retold through twatter?

>> No.4758253

>muh post-irony
what a post ironic

dude I was being post-ironic how did you not get that

>> No.4758258

>deliberately misspelling words in a post complaining about the post-ironic misspelling of words

I mean this from the bottom of my heart: go fuck yourself.

>> No.4758278

The entire internet is an American Army project and it's spying on everyone as was unveiled by Snowden. Why do you single out Zuckerberg?

>> No.4758290

Obviously because he's a Jew, that's the only explanation

>> No.4758304

Well he was just demonstrating what he was talking about, it was kind of redundant but he isn't even against bad spelling; he's against calling bad spelling post-ironic, which is the stupidest fucking term I've heard in quite a while and deserves to be shunned further than ironically bad spelling

>> No.4758353

Because as feeble as they are, I trust the checks on government power more than I trust the utterly non-existent controls on corporate power.

>> No.4758393

Hey /lit/ why didn't we post our version? We made threads exactly like that several times.

>collect shit versions of social media garbabe humor
>publish it
>no one buys it
>cry on /lit/

>> No.4758422

>Kill Bill references a lot of pop-culture
>Kill Bill is post-ironic
>therefore referencing pop culture as a way to communicate is post-ironic