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4754677 No.4754677[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i create several threads weekly stating some opinion in philosophy/epistemology/psychology in an incredibly arrogant, uneducated manner that i really don't want to agree with. i guess i create them as the "devil's advocate", but honestly it's because i want someone in the thread to prove me wrong and show how the more comforting counterpoint is true. it hasn't worked yet.

i just want somebody to tell me what to think so it won't trouble me anymore. if you see a thread like that in the future, it's probably me begging for an answer.

>> No.4754688


>> No.4754707

i knew it

>> No.4754720

Were you that determinism fag a couple days ago?

>> No.4754728

Zimbabwe man, try to better maieutics.

>> No.4754734

were you the faggot from a couple days ago?

>> No.4754737


>> No.4755748

more people need to see this confession

>> No.4755787

I hardly ever make threads on /lit/, I really should make more, because I'm a good poster.

>> No.4755790

If practically every thread on every board on 4chan being a troll surprises you..

Well you're no smarter than you are, I guess.

>> No.4757234

i-i've done it too before ;_;
no success.

>> No.4757263

Why don't you want to think for yourself?

>> No.4757353

when i do, i always come to the depressing conclusion, which i don't want to be true.

>> No.4757362

That you are alive and living is truth in itself. If you found the truth you'll understand more deeply the reasons that is so. If you end up being depressed than you must have missed something.

>> No.4757366


Try science instead. It is more satisfying because it can yield objective results.

>> No.4757369

And what if objectivity is an illusion?

>> No.4757378

>you must have missed something.
hence all of these shit threads

>> No.4757385

What if "what if" questions are the wrong kind of questions?

>> No.4757396

I believe what you are looking for isn't something that could be handed to you. Which is why there are so many words and books and religions out there trying to explain it and millions of people fighting over which one is "right."

It is something that is created/found through personal effort as one lives life and pays attention to it.

>> No.4757397

What if they're not?

>> No.4757402

Objectivity was disproved long ago (and many cultures knew this many many more years earlier). I was humoring you.

>> No.4757407


>> No.4757410
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try to be more understanding, most everyone cant *help* but miss something, and for some, having someone do the thinking for them is preferable (or by various ways [le althusser face], inevitable).

>> No.4757415


My sides. How hard did you fail your science classes?

>> No.4757419

Fuck you, you're why this place is so shitty.

The philosophy threads are so god damn awful I automatically hide them, meaning the front page is always completely hidden.

Go read a fucking book before you talk about something here.

>> No.4757421

I usually hide those threads anyway

>> No.4757423

Science disproved it.

Were you paying attention?

>> No.4757433

Philosophy time?

What's your opinion on time and morality /lit/?

I've been having trouble with these two because I've turned into Rust from true detective without ever watching the fucking show

>> No.4757434

All of the "real" answers are invisible. It is what is behind and what is being pointed to by all these words and even in why the weather is how it is today.

You'll never get it if you keep looking for what the "right" words or "argument" is because those are the outward appearance if what it is you're truly looking for.

Can't judge a book by its cover.

>> No.4757438

>Science disproved it.

>> No.4757440

⇒What's your opinion on time and morality /lit/?

That's a science question and not a philosophy question. Time is a dimension in physics and morality is being researched in neuroscience (see e.g. Sam Harris "The Moral Landscape").

>> No.4757449

Science and philosophy always overlap anon.

We can know the theory but that doesn't mean we can know the whole impact.

>> No.4757458

Science and philosophy are polar opposites. Science is about finding testable explanations for observable phenomena. Philosophy is about opinions on unanswerable questions not relating to anything in observable reality.

>> No.4757468

>muh bait

>> No.4757469

Philosophy is about meaning. It can be hard and unanswerable questions and it can also be about the colour of your tea.

The results of science mean more meaning meanie.

>> No.4757470
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>Science and philosophy are polar opposites.

can you even imagine the kind of pleb mindset it takes to entertain such a myopic dichotomy? next you'll probably be telling me that the existence of peanut-butter proves that niggers are just as smart as humans.

>> No.4757484
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We see what we look for.

If you believe you live in a world where the observer does not impact what is experienced than that is what you will find. I have found out personally that I affect my experience. I have listened to others report the same. I suggest the same is true for you. We are surrounded by evidence every day.

There are dimensions of reality that describe its relationship to the observers of it. You can choose where you are along those dimensions.

There are many books about science disproving materialism and a singular absolute objective reality.

>> No.4757485

Do you also bait people with nazi shit from /pol/ so that you can call them intolerant liberals? Cause that guy gets way to many people. Something should be done...

>> No.4757493
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yeah, they should stop being shitlibs LOL.

>> No.4757499

Should read too many
also I ended in ellipsis cause i was going to start a thread to call that guy out but I thought better of it we need to ignore him
also I alternated capitalization and dropped punctuation cause i am a rebel like that