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4753327 No.4753327[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/'s opinion on John Green's masterpiece?

>> No.4753372


>> No.4753376

meh, Looking for Alaska was better. He tries way to hard to make sob stories.

>muh teenage love
>muh lost notes
>muh bitter writer

>> No.4753399

i read Alaska and thought it was pretty okay, are his others worth reading at all?

>> No.4753408

I've read An Abundance of Katherines and Looking For Alaska and I feel like I can say pretty firmly that John Green's books are fucking garbage even by young adult literature standards.

>> No.4753416 [DELETED] 

I've read them all and this is definitely most accessible and least pretentious. That being said it was still bad. The only book I thoroughly enjoyed by him was paper towns.

>> No.4753416,1 [INTERNAL] 

I thought /lit/ had suddenly gotten fucking pants on head retarded on me.
John Green is a fucking awful writer who tries too hard catering to tumblr and making quotable lines.

"Y'all smoke to enjoy it. I smoke to die.” Fuck right off the edge of my dick.

>> No.4753422

I've read them all and this is definitely his most accessible and least pretentious book. That being said it was still bad. The only book I thoroughly enjoyed by him was paper towns.

>> No.4753444

Is John Green the Arcade Fire of literature?

>> No.4753448
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>Staccato bursts of humor and tragedy

>> No.4753619


>> No.4753680

Does he write this with the intention of girls reading this, or do guys actually like this.

>> No.4753693

Do blatantly gay kids count?

>> No.4753712
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>tfw you get recommended t read John Green by girls

>> No.4753719


>> No.4753829

my girlfriend read this, what are the implications for me and how can I deal with them effectively?

>> No.4753857

Well, if anything, she'll be quite touched you made an effort to enjoy what she enjoyed, and also probably appreciate the respect you show toward her opinions and reading tastes.

But it's a still shit book.

>> No.4753859

I have dated quite a few girls, and I have been friend zoned'ed by quite a few girls.

With only one exception, no girl I have ever dated ever asked has me to read a book.

Every girl who has ever put me in the friend zone has told me about at least one book they wanted me to read.

The girlfriend with the book recommendation (wallflower, perks) I ended up dumping shortly after reading her stupid book.

>> No.4753877

I haven't made the effort to enjoy what she enjoyed, outwith posting about it on this messageboard though

>> No.4753899

I really enjoy John Green, but it's a guilty pleasure. You don't need to have your brain turned on at all to read his stuff. It's like watching a Transformers movie; a fun distraction. But if it's all you read, then you've got a major problem in your life.

>> No.4753936


>> No.4754103
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I don't know which I dislike more - John Green's abysmal writing skills or his effeminate, boneheaded liberal demeanor.

>> No.4754124

Christ, would it kill him to keep a lid on his vore fetish just once?

>> No.4754126

Cheerios don't give you VD.

>> No.4754170


>> No.4754174

you're a faggot

>> No.4754177

is it me, or is this some seriously banal shit?

>> No.4754201

>We recently had to do presentations on a book we liked, in school.
>Girl goes up
>My book was Looking for Alaska by John Green
"hmm I heard he was okay enough I guess"
>The theme is getting out of labyrinth because that is something they say sometimes, talking about getting out of the labyrinth
"never mind"
deep inhaling and shame for just hearing that followed

>> No.4754208


His brother is even worse.

Just think; he's the "talented" one.

>> No.4754211

>*unsheathes Finnegans Wake*
>teleports behind pleb and flawlessly identifies and sources every allusion made by Joyce in his entire life
>too easy

>> No.4754214


Not really.
He's just another airhead that thinks times haven't changed since 1830, and that he's somehow being radical or insightful for pointing this out.

>> No.4754231

It bothers me that in this day and age, despite equality, people can't see how hard it is for most men to fuck a girl and how easy it is for women, even ugly fat ones, to get dick. Why should there be the same standard? It's like saying being little league champions is comparable to being world series champions. I'm all for equality, but let's be reasonable. Being a slut requires merely that you open your legs. Being a "stud" requires many things and much effort.

>> No.4754232
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What does /lit/ think about his crash course to history videos.
I don't think they're that bad, and it's something to watch when I'm bored.

>> No.4754230

Wow, I never taught /lit/ was this jealous and insecure.
What novel did anyone on /lit/ ever publish?

>> No.4754237

>jealous and insecure.
>What novel did anyone on /lit/ ever publish?

confusing criticism for jealousy on a board for criticizing literature

does your head still hurt from your recent lobotomy

>> No.4754242

That would make sense if authoring fiction and literary criticism were one and the same discipline. They aren't.

>> No.4754252
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Watered down, if not outright inaccurate garbage.
Picture related.

>> No.4754254
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>> No.4754259

brb revisionism
brb european history is eurocentric
brb annoying pop culture humor
brb pointless grating segments

but there's some cool facts

>> No.4754264
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>> No.4754270

Weird. A girl I was dating had me read looking for Alaska with her.

>> No.4754284

Is it elitist to think that someone my age shouldn't bother with YA? I have a friend my age who reads all that YA shit and he thinks I'm a snob when I palm him off, but I don't see the point. Am I wrong in thinking YA is a waste of time at my age?

>> No.4754290

I'm 26, by the way. Forgot to include that.

>> No.4754303


Mostly because YA is condescending, patronising shit in which 40 year olds try to be hip and cool with kids.

cf. Gamer Girl.

>hurr but it gets dem reading!
There are better books for kids than that shit.

>> No.4754309

it's pretty cool to be completely honest. he took on a huge project there and followed through with it, and kids actually watch it. all these are fair accusations and they pop up occasionally >>4754259, but the pointless grating statements usually about race or imperialism or something are really cringeworthy.

And his voice and mannerisms take some getting used to before you don't want to punch your computer, but he's nowhere near as annoying as his brother.

His books totally suck balls though. They are seriously bad.

>> No.4754317

it annoys me how contrarian he tries to be in it, i understand there are established narratives about history that don't quite hold up to scrutiny (the greeks all being very intelligent and rational and whatnot) but trying to paint the greeks as idiots and coming out with shit like "the renaissance never happened" is just fucking ridiculous

he seems like he would be an alright guy in real life though, he's hard to get mad at even if he is polluting a bunch of young people with his own spin on history

>> No.4754324

>even if he is polluting a bunch of young people with his own spin on history

The thing is, kids who are learning their history from a series of youtube videos didn't learn it well in a classroom. Better that they have a view of history with different bias than my own but have adequate historical knowledge than no sense of history or geography at all (which many kids grow up without).

>> No.4754426

There is no way any decent person who whole hardheartedly deny that the renai-
>Watch video

Jesus fucking Christ is this guy shitting me? Because it didnt affect "the masses" and only the rich, it doesnt count as a "thing"? What about all the other eras that didnt affect "the masses"?

The fuck is this.

>> No.4754445

>There is no way any decent person who whole heartedly deny that

try again you fucking idiot

>> No.4754449

what a rude thing to say

>> No.4754454

what a prude thing to say

>> No.4754472

what a lewd thing to say


>> No.4754478


>> No.4754489

I haven't read anything he's written but I hate the way his face looks and the way he talks so I assume his writing is trash.

>> No.4754512


>> No.4754516
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this is my girlfriend's favorite book
strangely enough her favorite author was vonnegut, replaced by bierce, with john green on top now
i don't know what happened but i am positive i will have to read this thing at some point and there is no way out

>> No.4754518

Think of it this way, using /fit/ terminology, he is the god of betas.
He obviously bends over and wants you to bend over for the dumb women who think this way.

>> No.4754531


Idk about his books but even if I don't care for most of what Green says, he at least comes across as sincere and respectful such that I have a hard time getting legitimately angry over him. And besides, he's getting a lot of people to read quality stuff they probably wouldn't have looked at otherwise, and that's pretty cool

>> No.4754542

>>hurr but it gets dem reading!
I still don't get this shit.
I started reading with Ribeyro and never ever picked up any YA book in my life, why can't professors bother to do their job instead of putting The fucking Hunger Games on the curricula?

Sure, something like Moby Dick, as hardcore as it is, is an exercise on patience which you couldn't ask to the average kid today; but isn't the point to go against this?
Isn't the whole point of getting kids to read, to open their eyes to what books have to offer?
Is this so difficult?
Am I a fool for thinking this way?

>> No.4754544

Why is everyone talking about incest these days; did someone get hurt or something

>> No.4754568

Posts like this make /lit/ look a joke.

>> No.4754570

Your gf sounds hilarious. I think she is fucking with you.

>> No.4754758

Incest is hot.

>> No.4754928

I'm reading it right now.

I hate the way the male love interest is written, you'd think a guy writer would make one less twatty than usual.

>> No.4754933

Posts like this let everyone know you're a newfag with nothing to say.

>> No.4754940
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>tfw walking through bookstore with qt casual gf and as we pass a The Fault in Our Stars display she mentions offhandedly that she thinks john green is very overrated

>> No.4755018

Yes it is.

>> No.4755076
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>tfw you'll never have all those John Green dollars and fame for writing sob stories

It's not like it's even all that hard to write a sad story. "Any fool with steady hands and a working set of lungs can build up a house of cards and then blow it down, but it takes a genius to make people laugh." - Stevie Boy King.

>> No.4755083


>> No.4755444

Jesus christ that book was horrific.
I don't get why people like it
>muh sob story
>muh feels
>muh cancer
>glorious 10/10 because sad

The ending literally left me thinking: "What the fucking shit?"
and to think a lot of my friends like this book

>> No.4755460


>> No.4755680

this shit right here

I was watching the history thing on youtube, where this stupid motherfucker is a host


When I found out this annoying manchild -over fucking 30 and acting like a 15 year old trying to impress his classmates- is actually a published writer, and when I see shit like him getting movie adaptations because his publishers marketed his shit enough and he is striking the cords of young girls with shit like this...

I try to be a good person but if I ever run into john green I will make the news for beating him like a fucking dog

>> No.4756618

I sometimes feel this way but consider the fact that not every book that gets published is necessarily a good prose as much as it is a clever aim at a certain type of readers.

That said, I do like this book only because I was in a difficult type and all that childish, innocent, naive love made me happy and sad. The reader experience and the quality of the book are two very different things.

>> No.4756620

Not that anon.
What is being done is straining the boundaries of the definition of literary criticism. Calling it shit is more of an opinion. Saying that this book evokes emotion by banal and trite situations is criticism.

>> No.4756625

how clever

>> No.4757528
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>tfw he is ripped and might beat you like a dog

>> No.4757606

>I try to be a good person but if I ever run into john green I will make the news for beating him like a fucking dog

no you won't

>> No.4757643

>sells in walmart along Bill O'Reilly and Stephen Colbert books
op is a teenage girl

>> No.4757688

I prefer Me and Earl, and the Dying Girl.

>> No.4758085

That's why he'll start lifting.
Then he'll remind Green that the only reason he exists is because contemporary society has created a frame for parasites like him to succeed.

>> No.4758214

I am just mad that that guy got to fuck Hazel and I didn't.

>> No.4758219

He won't do it or he won't make the news for doing it?