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4751702 No.4751702[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is your signature quote/saying/idiom? Unique OC preferably, but old-goldies accepted.

Mine, which I hope only I've thought of, is: "dying isn't the end of the world".
My grandfather used to say, "it's better to be late than dead on time". Not sure how original that one is.

What's yours? Relatives/friends quotes welcome.

>> No.4751704


'Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups'.

>> No.4751717

a witty saying proves nothing. -voltaire


>> No.4751724

OP here. I couldn't agree more

>> No.4751725

nothing really matters --kanye west

>> No.4751729

contemplate the good

>> No.4751730

Good ol
Panta Rhei

>> No.4751733

>Not all who wander are lost

(tolkien for the plebeians)

OC for me is i guess:
>life sux and then you die

but im sure its been said many times before

another good one:
>I'm a piece of shit


>i should stop drinking

>> No.4751738

Nothing Else Matters - James Hetfield

>> No.4751793

Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.

>> No.4751795

"if you don't like the weather, wait a couple of minutes' - dad
we live in Seattle

>> No.4751801

finnegans wake -/lit/

>> No.4751810

“Should I kill myself, or have a cup of coffee?” - Albert Camus

never lets me down

>> No.4753392

Nihilism Doesn't Matter

>> No.4753430

Eyyy mah nigger

>> No.4753437

the truth is but a mean to an end.

>> No.4753451

>A friend in need is a friend indeed.
I just love how corny it is so I purposely use it in minor situations such as helping my friends pay for something that they were like $0.50 short on.

>> No.4753456

"life sucks and then you die"

I dont mind any mockey it's indeed a silly quote, though for me it offers that perfect line between comedy and death

>> No.4753462


>> No.4753469

best Wicked World cover outside of Thou

>> No.4753474

Shiiiiit. I haven't listened to Thou in forever. Thanks for the reminder anon.

>> No.4754253

I heard this a lot in FL when I lived there.

>> No.4754271
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The time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted time, but time you enjoy. Sure someone will find you wasted it, but then again, it's not their time, nor their life, is it? And what would be the precious gift of life for, if it isn't for enjoying it?

Corollarium: The talent you enjoy wasting, is not wasted talent.

>> No.4754289

what if i will myself to build a bridge and i spend a considerable amount of time building said bridge ( with the intention of using it as a bridge.) 2 weeks into its construction it collapses and becomes a big pile of rubble. clearly the time was wasted since while i may have enjoyed the construction, the enjoyment was non-essential to the task at hand, namely, the construction of a usable bridge.

>> No.4754298

>Should I kill myself, or have a cup of coffee?
He probably never said that

>> No.4754307


Whatever floats your boat.

>> No.4754311
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Pic related

>> No.4754337
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That was unnecessary. (pic related)


What Op, and that poster want to say is: the only relevant measure of what you do with the talents and time you have been gifted with, or worked for; irregardless of what other people think, is your own enjoyment. Because as you enjoy em, you fulfill its goal, and if you do so, you don't let them die. And if you do it against all odds, then you find a strange sense of victory.

>> No.4754354
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everything that rilke said

>> No.4754482


I don't like you.