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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 72 KB, 640x640, philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4748472 No.4748472[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Pretentious pontificating

Be as pretentious as possible. Make fun of those who aren't up to par.

>> No.4748479

>in a thread

Get real, bub. This affliction is nothing to be laughed at.

>> No.4748482
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>> No.4748485

As I stare at this whitewashed wall, I realise how similar it is to many of my peers. Its blank gaze only gains life when reflecting light projected upon it. It is mute, deaf, has no opinions of its own. It will just tacitly agree with you, whatever you say. It will stand there, loyal, keeping you out of wind and rain, no matter how much you punch it, kick it, scream it down.

>> No.4748488


>> No.4748489
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It's kind of sad when other people probably see you as 'the wall'

>why are you so quiet anon?

>> No.4748491

>it's like talking to a brick wall, sometimes.
I'm pontificating pretentiously! Leave me alone, foul plebian!

>> No.4748496

That's about as much of an affliction as 'affluenza' is. Stop trying so hard to impress people you'll never meet and maybe you'll be able to charm those whom you will.

>> No.4748508
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>>instead of:

>> No.4748519

The precocious odalisque delivered a masterful peroration full of cozening rhetoric and ecclesiastical fervor.

>> No.4748537

fuck me

>> No.4748575

These are my favorite movies
Sommaren med Monika (1953, Bergman)
牯嶺街少年殺人事件 (1991, 楊)
Ordet (1955, Dreyer)
Les Moissons du Ciell (1978, Malick)
Октябрь «Десять дней, которые потрясли мир (1927, Эйзенштейн)
红高粱 (1987, 张艺谋)
Fear and Desire (1953, Kubrick)
Зеркало (1975, Тарко́вский)
浪華悲歌 (1936, 溝口)

>> No.4748590


I personally believe that 红高粱 is clearly 张艺谋 worst piece and you should be ashamed of publicy stating it as one of your favorites in the media.

>> No.4748614

stops copies me!

>> No.4748634

Yeah, but you have shit taste in music.

>> No.4748654

what about Annie Hall? :o

>> No.4748668

Zizek is correct, to an extent.
The unconscious is the phenomenological 'other'; it is god. It guides us. We cannot communicate with it, because it does not use language.
Objectification of being and the ascension of the conscious being will be made when one can experience an essential reality through the unconscious without mediation.
Lacan is the future of psychology.

>> No.4748672

>Les Moissons du Ciell (1978, Malick)

>> No.4748684

You're an idiot. Read more Lacan, you fool, before you promulgate your misinformed view.

>> No.4748688

>No "The American Century as seen Through a Brick (YotW, Incandenza)"

>> No.4748695

Only ersatz psychology can come from philosophy. We have science now, so you can let the musings of old perverts go.

>> No.4748712 [DELETED] 

I don't have to to post in this thread, too busy. Will try to get back and post if I can. Sorry!

>> No.4748718
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What about it?

>> No.4748723

I don't have the time to post in this thread, but will try to get back to it later, if I can. Sorry!

>> No.4748722

>Lacan is the future of psychology.

Lacan isn't even the past of psychology.

>> No.4748720

I'm sorry to say this, but I've ascended Lacanian psychology; I am beyond the future past. The unconscious is the denouement of man's total works of philosophy, and with it, the death of the natural sciences. Humanity has progressed beyond progression; post-humanist philosophies are a thing of the past, and with it, the meaningless rigor of empiricism. I do not live with doubt, nor faith. There is no me. Meaning itself is an elision; the reconciliation of presence with the absurdity of itself. I am beyond god.

>> No.4748737

You pretentious fuckbag

>> No.4748738

Not only did you have the time to post, you also had the time to delete, edit, and repost your unfunny and witless comment. Slack-jawed, mouth-breathing troglodyte, get the fuck out of here.

>> No.4748753

I don't think any of you can penetrate me with your witticism.

>> No.4748766
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You probably think I'm shitposting.

>> No.4748769
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i penetrated your mum's vagina last night with my witticism.

>> No.4748770

Your geographical knowledge of your own asshole's existence wouldn't give me even odds; odds on you're a Plato reader. Tragedy, really. Prepare for the educational pederasty, my son.

>> No.4748771


>> No.4748773

Good dubs :^)

>> No.4748790


>> No.4748914
File: 10 KB, 250x126, musike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shit tier, uneducated, and illiterate search engine google.com is. Yurop, as usual, has better suggestions...

*Raises his cup to the highest music*

>> No.4748921
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heh. yeah....

>> No.4748945

"philosophy is dead" can be attributed to Stephen Hawking, and is really only true regarding questions of the nature of matter, whereas philosophy is still quite useful for reflecting on the nature of human experience.

"philosophy is bullshit" can be attributed to quite possibly the most facile doctoral thesis ever written. Link: http://www.phy.duke.edu/~rgb/Beowulf/axioms/axioms/node4.html

"philosophy is useless" can be attributed to students who took a PHI 101 course with a bad professor.

>> No.4748960
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Jesus christ.

>> No.4748967

Hitler did nothing wrong.

>> No.4748969


Actually, it's not that uneducated. "Philosophy is" is a deeper assert than it seems.

>> No.4748995


Doesn't strike me as a thesis so much as a teacher's personal website for his students, but the style of it is truly cringeworthy.

>> No.4749009
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>Link: http://www.phy.duke.edu/~rgb/Beowulf/axioms/axioms/node4.html

I think you have discovered the worst thing ever to exist.

>> No.4749016

Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus is an epic poem, and the greatest piece of fine literature from the 20th cdntury.

>> No.4749102

Well. Just that it's a great film.

>> No.4751211

Goddamn that interview, everyone is overusing that word to hell.

>> No.4751250

Can't be bothered to read all this shit. My time is too precious and because it is limited, should not be wasted.

>> No.4751252

Well, I was standing at my lectern this morning (that's where I do most of my reading) poring over Beyond Good and Evil (ironically, of course) and sipping Assam tea (I'll never drink a tea from west of Istanbul) when a gorgeous Paradisaea apoda flew by my window (did I mention that ornithology is a casual hobby of mine?) and I was reminded of this joke I once heard during my days at Cambridge. It went like this: "This is the sort of English up with which I will not put." I chuckled heartily to myself and took another sip of tea.

>> No.4751254

You don't get to take any of it with you.

>> No.4751256

Why does everyone love James Joyce so much? I mean he's _okay_, my 3rd grade teacher assigned Finnegans Wake as summer reading, but really his vocabulary is poor and his novels in large part lack substance.

>> No.4751257

this is a spammed list from /tv/ that plays on /tv/'s equation of obscurity with quality. hence the inclusion of kubrick's shittiest film, but also his least well-known.

>> No.4751259

I BEG to differ. Reincarnation allows roll-over minutes.

>> No.4751272

Now you're being silly.

This thread is pretentious.

>> No.4751306

Why is it unacceptable to state the simple and well-known fact that women are not as smart as men. No matter what the field, a woman only rises to the top if the board members of the company want to seem progressive. A woman will always be of inferior intelligence and ability when compared to her male peers. She is merely respected due to the tendency of non-educated classes to be impressed by a woman doing ANYTHING that requires even the slightest bit of intellectual rigor, and even that, we are not allowed to state out loud.

Even when born with all the opportunities needed for a life of intellectual fulfillment, the same opportunities that would propel a man to the top easily, a woman is still most likely to become a hairdresser or a medical/dental assistant, jobs that anybody could be trained to do and require no more intelligence than that of a chimp (no offense to chimps)

And that's if she even decides to take a job. More often than not, she'll simply spend all of her time on her appearance, which in her mind is an investment, in the hopes that some rich man will decide she's good enough to be a trophy wife and support her. This is both the holy grail for woman and the easiest and most common life path. They simply become expensive long-term prostitutes, as sex is the only thing they have to offer.

So I ask, why, despite all this being practiced in broad daylight, shamelessly I might add, can we not just say it: Women are inferior to men in every respect.

>> No.4751317

>in every respect

>giving birth
>having tits without being fat

Even if we assume you're right about women's intelligence (which I'm not, but I am willing to accept for the time being to make my point) it's insane to suggest that nothing exists that women can do more easily than men.

>> No.4751320

If I may add:

When women get fat, their tits get bigger. When men get fat, their dicks get smaller.

>> No.4751325

I already mentioned sex is the only thing they have to offer. Your reading comprehension is particularly poor; are you, perhaps, a woman?

>> No.4751333

Giving birth isn't sex. It just requires sex.

>> No.4751342

Sex includes anything that naturally results from it. If men were able to forward the species without the use of women, women would become obsolete and die off within a few generations at most. Whereas even if women were to find a way to impregnate themselves without men, men would still dominate society as women are simply incapable of performing the same jobs at the same level as men. In fact, society likely wouldn't change at all.

>> No.4751346

>Be as pretentious as possible.

Okay. I will dismiss philosophy out of hand despite knowing nothing about it because muh stem mustard race.

>> No.4751351

And I will try to pit STEM and Philosophy against each as if they're still at conflict.

>> No.4751352

men own the means of production, like those oil companies who suppress perpetual motion patents

>> No.4751355


implying 'philosophy lelel' isn't /sci/'s favourite one-liner

>> No.4751360

I will be part of that vocal minority of "philosophers" who buy into the dichotomy and as a result reject science as totally pointless and possibly authoritarian.

>> No.4751366

Frege's Grundlagen der Arithmetik has better versification. The Tractatus is lousy on rythm.

>> No.4751373

No, that should be:
"I only know two things that are infinite: the universe and the homosexuality of engineers, although for the former I've yet to find a conclusive proof."-Albert Einstein

>> No.4751890
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>> No.4751897


>> No.4751935
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>> No.4751947

How Can Philosophy Be Real If Our Brains Aren't Real??

>> No.4751948

Implying anybody who frequents /sci/ has any relevance in the scientific community.

>> No.4751952
File: 6 KB, 665x155, don't fuckle with shuckle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shuckle > philosophy

>> No.4752205


Your posts fill me with euphoria, for I have had the instinctual impression, without perusing the Lacanian body of work, that this is so.

Although I do have one primary point of departure from what you say, and that is in claiming that one cannot communicate with the phenomenological 'other,' for I have learned to do so through the geometry of the human mind.

My rational facilities are not up to par with this side of me, however, and I see that they are in yours. Besides Lacan, what should I read to achieve this end? Do not fail me godling.

>> No.4752211

What interview?

>> No.4752217

Postmodernism is bullshit for children who have no talent or taste, so use a bullshit movement to make up excuses for their and humanities shortcomings instead of actually doing anything meaningful.

Also postmodernist architecture and design is a blight upon this earth.

>> No.4752230


>> No.4752282

You should read more.

>> No.4752294

1.0 The world is everything that is the case.

2.0 The girl is everything that is the face.

3.0 The curl is everything that is the space.

4.0 The furl is everything that is the trace.

5.0 The moral is everything that is disgrace.

6.0 The Searle is everything that is the sequential neuronal replace(ment).

7.0 Where one cannot stand, one must remain seated.

Thus all the problems of philosophy stand resolved.

>> No.4752306

>has never read Pynchon

>> No.4752332


>> No.4752335


>> No.4752748

Your firefox looks very nice
What should i read to make stock fox to look like yours?

>> No.4752863
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any soc fags here?

>> No.4752885

>Not listing Kinds of Light.
low critical flicker fusion rate pleb

>> No.4752892

There is literally nothing wrong with reading just for some light hearted fun

>> No.4752896
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Where is your humanity now, /lit/?

>> No.4755594

Тарковский хорош, я даже выучил русский ради него.

>> No.4755627

What's the best Tarkovsky movie?