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/lit/ - Literature

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4748079 No.4748079[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/.

This is the next batch I'm ordering.
Did I do good?

>> No.4748117

Holy fucking shit you fucking plebian you're buying like the safest, most /lit/ approved selection you could think of and yet you manage to screw up by buying that Karamazov edition with that horrible, awful, eye-burning cover.

Some people are destined to fail, there's no way out.

>> No.4748120

Continue being entrylevel.

>> No.4748121 [DELETED] 

i'm halfway through blood meridian. some parts are really good but it lacks a plot.

>> No.4748123

>stoner, wolfe, beckett, mccarthy, dosto
can you be anymore of a pleb?

>> No.4748124
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>The Karamazov Brothers


>> No.4748133


Why spend money on Karamazov when it's legit free on the web? You could have gotten more Beckett or McCarthy instead. And even with Beckett, he's dead, fuck royalties.

>> No.4748137

Phew jeeezus. Why buy a sequel without reading the first one?

Why buy that cover, ever, in any circumstance?

>> No.4748139

>Constance Garnett translation of The Brother's Karazamov
Spend a little more money and get the Pevear & Volonkovsky or David McDuff translations. You won't regret it.

>> No.4748147

>validate me /lit/ pls i'm a pathetic sack of shit

>> No.4748151

I bought Demons and Karamazov from Vintage, it was super cheap but I haven't even opened the books yet. Is the translation in it any good?

>> No.4748154

Is he better off if he doesnt read them?
Am i instantly more patrician than him if he does?

>> No.4748158

Vintage have translations by P&V, who are /lit/'s favourite

>> No.4748159

Pretty safe collection of generally /lit/ approved stuff. I'm not saying it's a bad selection but am curious if you're one of those people who started a "How do I into literature?" or "I haven't read a book since middle school" threads I've seen recently? But you don't have The Stranger so maybe not.

Have you read or seen productions of Beckett's plays? Their better than his novels.

>> No.4748173

That's good. This huge library opened in a mall near work and they always get Penguin Classics / Vintage in english for a decent price, and after 4-6 months where no one buys them they sell it cheap as fuck, it's like heaven

>> No.4748179

wait do you have to pay for library books in america

>> No.4748198
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>The Karamazov Brothers

>> No.4748208
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>dat Brothers K cover

How can one company be so based.

Should have bought all of your books from them. Fantastic paper quality too.

>> No.4748289

no just materialistic children

>> No.4748395

I know it's entry level, it is such because I'm an entry level reader. I think all of these are from the /lit/ top 100 that's been posted recently. Mostly read SF/Fantasy until now, looking to expand my horizons. No need to be so upset.

I read the first book, but it's been ruined and I want another copy.

Sure thing. Also the cover is really ugly, didn't really notice until >>4748137 pointed it out.

This is a good question, I think. How would I get into some more advanced or "patrician" stuff if I don't at least get a taste of literature, something more digestible? It shows a lot that no one bothered to answer this.

I hate reading on a screen.

>> No.4748405

>I hate reading on a screen.
Get an e-reader, saves you a lot of money (and space) on the long run.

>> No.4748409

>No need to be so upset.
stop shitposting then

>> No.4748410

I loaned one from a friend, didn't really like it. Also money and space are of no issue.

Why is this shitposting? Honestly curious.

>> No.4748411


It's the brothers karamazov*

>> No.4748413

>I know it's entry level, it is such because I'm an entry level reader.
it's not though, it's an extremely complex work that foreigners pretend to understand for the sake of intellectual appearance, like don quijote
the actual title is the brothers karamazov, not the karamazov brothers, that's why they're laughing

>> No.4748417

Those are all good books and you should (have already) read them, yes.

>> No.4748423

Blood Meridian is one of my favorite novels. Read it slowly and savor it, because it's hard to find a more entertaining read.

>> No.4748427
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I dun goofed.

>> No.4748439

This thread has no value or discussion for the community. It's just there to stroke your ego and get validation. It's shitposting.

>> No.4748450

I was just interested in what /lit/ thought of these.
Look at it as a long-term investment: you help me choose which books to read, and eventually I can participate in the discussion here, and add value.

>> No.4748470

This doesn't seem like a sound investment if you're this braindead that you can't pick a book to read on your own.

>> No.4748561

>buying physical books
>spending 120 dollars for what you could have gotten for free


>> No.4748584

is this shit for real

>> No.4748589
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well i fucked up

>> No.4748603

Wrong, the actual title is Братья Карамазовы. Now it's me the one laughing at you /lit/. Stay pleb