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/lit/ - Literature

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4746455 No.4746455 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most plebeian opinion you've ever encountered?

>> No.4746459

this guy's

>> No.4746458


>> No.4746460


>> No.4746461

>portrait of the artist


>> No.4746464


why are those people even reading books? they clearly hate the medium

>> No.4746490

>that equal-opportunity offense
Yeah, that's pretty bad. A bit of poking around and I see that the (soul-deflating) discussion is from /r/todayilearned, so it's not surprisingly a lot of the entry-levelest commentary from people who haven't gotten past hating high-school reading. And that's the real shame.

>> No.4746495

>YA lit is indistinguishable from lit lit, it's just marketed differently.
>YA lit is just as mature as lit lit

makes me guffaw like I'm Ann Coulter every time.

>> No.4746517

/r/badliterarystudies is where they go and pick out the worst of the worst from the plebs over at /r/books.

>> No.4746546

>gods i hated that fucking book

Gods what an autist.

>> No.4746560

It's Reddit. They were forced to take breadth courses while working on their engineering undergrad and took English 1 0 1 because they thought it would be easy. Or they were forced to read it in homeschool.

>> No.4746592

its not impressionistic realism -> its pretentious

>> No.4746606

defenses of popular genre fiction here on /lit/
attacks on literary writers, also here on /lit/
my friends who like WoT and Dr Who

>> No.4746603
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>better abridged

>> No.4746682

>Sometimes a big name literary author writes genre fiction. Critics who don't know anything about the genre think it's amazing, even when, by the standards of the genre, it isn't. Welcome to the ghetto.

You can probably guess what this was about.

>> No.4746707


I bet you're a fun guy.

>> No.4746742
File: 8 KB, 186x271, spid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why offer a fucking opinion on something when you're this uneducated? You don't see me go on TV discussion boards to lambaste TV shows.

Except for Big Bang Theory, because fuck Big Bang Theory.

>> No.4746745

Claiming to be an intellectual without having read a book outside of school due to dyslexia is pretty pleb, I've seen it more than once as well.

>> No.4746759

Amazing! A brilliant answer! My God, that turns the last 160 years of political economy upside down. A paradigm shift that will last through the ages.

>> No.4746764

>Except for Big Bang Theory, because fuck Big Bang Theory.
do you realize that if something has no actual merit to bring viewers eventually any attention will become positive attention

>> No.4746770

Christ that show is terrible.

>> No.4746779
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people love me. strange but true.

>> No.4746801


The show is still popular and a central point of reference for the lol-so-nerdy crowd, so I don't see how it matters.

>> No.4746936

seriously? stephen dedalus is the most pretentious protag i can think of in 20th ce /lit/

>stop disliking things i like, you're not a rill reader

muh God

BBT is perfectly mediocre. take your stupid nerdrage elsewhere.

>> No.4746950

>mfw when I am dyslexic

Though I can speedread articles and maybe some essays. But on fictions it relies heavily on the writer's style. Sometimes I have to reread a paragraph 4 times because I couldn't understand wtf was going. Had to give up once in a while. Is this normal?

>> No.4746963

You do realise that Communism/Marxism is literally a plebeian opinion, as in, the working class/plebeians overthrowing the upperclass/patricians/bourgeois.

>> No.4746989

My own opinions as a 16 year old.

>implying this isn't the only correct answer

>> No.4746991

who has said this

>> No.4746994

me, two years ago

>> No.4747082

That Animal Fatm was a depiction of communism, so a communist would think what happened to the faatm society was good.

>> No.4747087

Animal Farm and 1984 were actually depictions of government in general, its only after his death they were put through revisionism by the CIA to be slanted against Communism.

>> No.4747094

The books aren't slanted against communism; they're a cautionary tale about how socialism can be manipulated until it is the same as (or worse than) capitalism. Orwell was a socialist.

You see this is in 1984 when he mentions that the version of socialism the society has in actually the complete opposite to the spirit of true socialism.

That's why the opinion that "a communist would think the farm was good," was so pleb.

>> No.4747104

I know they aren't slanted against communism, but here in the western world you can't hear about them without communism coming up and majority of people believe it was anti communist you can ask anybody on the street what they are about and they will recite this bit of misinformation.

In 1984 Socialism wasn't the only form of government in the world there was 3 world powers that all were supposedly different ideologies but were pretty much the same and war was beneficial for all of them.

>> No.4747121

>Implying homeschool isn't patrish as fuck

Get a load of this pleb with his pleb factory education

>> No.4747128

Homeschooling can be pretty pleb as well. Lived next to this kid who was being raised into dummy by his idiot christian/kardashian worshipping parents, his mom struggling to do his homework for him. Works both ways, its all about potential and the perfect storm there are plenty of people who go through public school and totally see through early enough that they can reject most of the shit they hear.

>> No.4747145

what are your literature discussion qualifications
what qualifications do i need to talk about a tv show

>> No.4747201

Ah, my apologies for the sarcasm.

Though, technically, I don't plebians can be equaled with proletarians (yes, the word for the latter came from the former, etc): there was no mass working class in Rome, maybe a few people here and there but the plebians are more akin to the lumpen.

More autonomist maybe? Shades of Negri?

>> No.4747222


The character is pretentious, the book is not.

>> No.4747231

Every novel has to have a death, someone sick with cancer, or at least one insanely big plot twist.

Even worse, some believe every novel needs those.

>> No.4747271

>those books are so depressing and I don't like to feel that way. You're such a downer, anon.

>> No.4747276

its funny because in almost all of my relations with women, eventually just that comes to pass

"oh no i dont want to think about it, it's easier to just.."


>> No.4747295

What's weird is that they will read masturbatory cry-fuel all day. Bitches will read Nicholas Sparks and Boy in the Striped Pajamas with Sexy Nazis and Gay Undertones and get high off the fumes, but the moment I give them Kristof's Le Grand Cahier, I'm some fucked up dude who reads disturbing shit.

>> No.4747301

I'll never understand the thought process of women, "I'm so lonely, I only have two fuckbuddies!" or the type that like to write emotive comments and act all dopey like it's their vocation but shy away from the first sign of strife.

I think women are just too prude for their own good, a respectable man could admit his desires and downfalls but a woman? Would never fucking happen, no way.

Really most women are tourists in things we arent, like perversion and violence. They want to play along to feel equal but find out quick they're not on the same playing field.

>> No.4747302

lol, it's one of the sarcasm subreddits. Those are always pure shit.


>> No.4747334

I wonder if the reasons for this are evolutionary, as in women have a tendency to be more life-affirming and optimistic because they're the bottleneck of reproduction and not "disposable" on a societal level like men.

>> No.4747342

>I don't get it. Why would Burroughs just cut up his text? Like, what's the point?
>So wait, what is the actual POINT of fiction? What is it USED for?
>Why would you want to read German?

>> No.4747349

Seriously. How can you not get tired of that shit after like one thread? The arrogance of it is one thing, but you can also see so many of them trying hard to fit in with the sarcastic MO. "Do I sound indifferent and doge enough yet????"

>> No.4747355
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I'm not going to discount all of that entirely (pic related), but there are an equal number of shitty men doing the exact same thing as well as the masculine spin on it. Seriously, pleb men are worse, if only because you expect more from them. Which leads me to pleb opinion 43.

>I only read non-fiction

People who read Walden and don't see it as the escapist fantasy they so despise need to be shot in the woods.

Women are more likely to be treated for depression, but it appears in equal numbers. So my theory on this is some people who aren't prone to it or capable of dealing with it are the ones that reject it. The others use this type of lit as a guide for quantifying and dealing with it. Men are just more self-reliant and masochistic in inoculating themselves on the issue.

Contrary to this, men can't handle the feels train

>> No.4747356

yet here you are on /lit/

>> No.4747359

That would make sense if /lit/ didn't have sincere, non-sarcastic threads like everyday.

>> No.4747375

filled to the brim with the same shitposting if not worse.

>> No.4747383

>Watchmen is further above the rest of its medium than any other work is above the rest of theirs.
I know those feelings, man.
That quote is not just some pleb's opinion. It's from an actual, published review of Watchmen.

>> No.4747413

>implying it's not true
>implying I would know since it's the only comic i've read

>> No.4747420

>Contrary to this, men can't handle the feels train
What do you mean by this?

>> No.4747422
File: 538 KB, 410x2048, 1394632299937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>x is the best book this decade/in the genre/about dogs/et cetera
>has read nothing else this decade/in the genre/about dogs/&c

When plebs can't see the difference between "I like" and "I have a large volume of personal and questionably academic experience in x that informs my opinions regardless of individual taste" I want to give them the angry D.

>> No.4747432

This image is probably the most retarded straw man I've seen.

>> No.4747442

>comparing art with medicine and physics
ya that's sum good stuff

>> No.4747448

could you please try and make that picture more retarded?

>> No.4747454

>Why offer a fucking opinion on something when you're this uneducated?
Isn't it what 4chan in general is about? Can you point me out a single musician on /mu/? A single economist or biologist on /pol/? A single scientist on /sci/?

>> No.4747472

No, Orwell portrayed an incredibly one-sided exaggeration of what communism is to make the side he disagrees with look foolish. Not much better than the literary atrocity of Anthem.

I'm not a commie, by the way.

>> No.4747490

It's a ride a lot of guys don't want to take. Usually the emotional investiture isn't there or there's an internal bullshit meter going off detaching you from the whole thing, but just as often, they run from anything that is legitimately sad.

The kind of guy that will laugh if you punch him in the face will never forgive you if you give him a book that makes him cry.

>> No.4747496

My friend and I read together a page of Finnegans Wake and,as he was laughing he said.

'This is so pretentious oh my god, the most pretentious thing I have ever read'

I respect him, but he doesn't know what he talks about half the time,he just spouts 'pretentious' when something is out of the norm or that he just does not understand it.

>> No.4747501

>I don't get it.
>what do you mean?
>I don't understand.
Is he reading Discourse on Method to impress his girlfriend, too?

>> No.4747510

But it's about stalinism and failed comunism, NOT comunism. Orwell was a socialist, you just have to read the second part of The Road to Wigan Pier.

God,why people are so retarded.

>> No.4747514

I hate to admit it but you're correct, at least in my case. Every single time I got too close to a woman I got my heart kicked in. Suppose love is like any drug, you get the kick in the end so I won't give up but it's really frustrating getting so sewn up over women, it makes me feel weak.

>> No.4747530

The pickle dish thing is BS though.

>> No.4747531

He is the kind of the person that gets Infinite Jest in the library and starts talking about how big the book is and that he is going to read it, but he just sounds like he heard about it in the 4chan.

Or the kind of person that discusses the book cover more than the actual FUCKING BOOK.

>> No.4747580

Read Maus, man!
It won a Pulitzer!
Honestly there are some really, really good comics. DC's marketing hyped Watchmen as the pinnacle of comic achievement, people who wanted to give comics a try read it, enjoyed it, didn't want to read any more comics, so they dismissed the entire medium to justify their not reading anything else.
tl;dr, plebs.

>> No.4747588

One of the intellectuals of Goodreads wrote this on Metamorphosis by Kafka:

Technically I read this book in German, and if I could give it zero stars, I would. I read the first sentence (in German, mind you) around 3:30 in the morning earlier this semester, and was convinced I was loosing my mind and that I couldn't be translating it right. It read: "Gregor Samsa awoke on morning to discover that he had somehow transformed into a giant cockaroach". After typing the sentence into freetranslation.com and finding out I actually had read and translated it correctly, I thought for sure the author had lost
his mind.

>I'm sorry, but all this stuff about him being a symbol for Jesus and struggling for mankind is a bit over-the-top I think. He's a cockaroach. There's no explaination for it, and his family is only mild freaked out at the fact that he suddenly turned into a giant bug. If the family tried to take him to the doctor, or sell him to the circus, or perhaps even give a damn at all, the story might have kept my attention for more than the first few pages.

That website is one big clusterfuck, this review got 34 likes.

>> No.4747590

There are lots of comics people in /co/.
Steve Lieber dropped by not to long ago.
He was nice.

>> No.4747599

My dude is either just inarticulate, or completely retarded and really good at bullshitting. I think he's a little fried from all the booze and drugs, but the moments of clarity throw me off. I know he just sits like philosoraptor, autismally contemplating fucking nothing when he reads shit that's 3deep5him.

If anything, he's more of a pretentious pseudo-intellectual than my pretentious ass reading old english poetry for fun.

>> No.4747602

>I read the first sentence (in German, mind you) around 3:30 in the morning earlier this semester, and was convinced I was loosing my mind and that I couldn't be translating it right. It read: "Gregor Samsa awoke on morning to discover that he had somehow transformed into a giant cockaroach". After typing the sentence into freetranslation.com and finding out I actually had read and translated it correctly, I thought for sure the author had lost his mind.
Holy shit.
That's the first time I've read of a german reader's reaction to Kafka's style.
It actually shocked him.
Too bad the little fucker couldn't appreciate it.

>> No.4747605


I've actually found some really good music from the bandcamp threads on /mu/.

>> No.4747625

>That's the first time I've read of a german reader's reaction to Kafka's style.
I don't think the person who wrote this was a German, it was an American who tried reading it in German using freetranslation.com

>> No.4747669

why are you hostile to your friend. i would love a friend who read philosophy.

>> No.4747818

It's like watching a kid read a book, but the book is upside-down. It seems like he doesn't understand any of it and he's only doing it for show.

Before this, he was starting to become anti-intellectual, but now he has a girlfriend with a degree. So after a couple years of "I don't know what that means" and implying that I'm pretentious, he's suddenly on a high-horse trying to improve himself.

Now I have to go read Descartes and rebuttals so I can keep him from turning into a quote-parroting pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.4748725

oh man. For a laugh my flatmates began to 'like' old Facebook status' and comments of each other. Then i remembered mine.
I have never been so on edge as when i was hurriedly deleting everything from 2010 and prior.
I can tell you now it was not an over reaction. I was essentially /b/. Hitler did nothing wrong ect. I actually believed that.

>> No.4748824

Thank God I didn't have internet before I turned 20.